All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular. How can they get elected?

anti-communism? What decade are you trapped in?
Trapped in? only a liberal would feel trapped along side anti-communists
Where are these communists?
Well you feel at home with anticommunists, apparently. But why are there anticommunists if there are no communists. It seems sort of like being against something that doesn't exist. I mean "anti-unicorns"
Pretending communism doesn't exist is quite a stretch for even the most highly liberal educated mind [but not out of the question], it most certainly does exist, and comparing it to something benign like a unicorn to make your point completely misses the mark, the black plague no longer exists but I am still against it where as a unicorn is neither here nor there with me...the left has absolutely no means of debate beyond what it hears in the media
So WHERE are the FUCKIGN commies, lad?
But people know they will not carry out the policies that they run on, like repealing Obamacare.

It beats electing Dims who will carry out policies everyone hates like Obamacare.
Everything you know about Obamacare is wrong. Fix it. Saved many many lives...
sorry franco,but in they use the hate and fear thing with the illegals.....
The Democrats use hate and fear in Southern California against the immigrants? Miniscule disgrace compared to the Nationwide GOP insanity... Link I really don't know what you're talking about...
they used hate and fear about the republicans to get them to side with them franco.....and if ANYONE including you,brought up your ID card you always mention, the pro illegal immigrant activists would have you branded a racist who hates the brown folk....
It has to be part of a comprehensive immigration bill... Like the 2010 Democratic bill.

I get a strange feeling that what you call comprehensive immigration reform means overlooking that people came here illegally so you want them to stay because they don't like the rules.

- 'Comprehensive immigration reform'

- Amnesty for Criminals, no effort to stop illegal immgration, and looking forward to doing this again in 10 -20 years.
No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants and of course a comprehensive bill that includes a good Social Security card would end illegal immigration, unlike a stupid wall and unconstitutional harassment laws. The GOP loves illegals- easily bullied labor, dupe.
Everything you know about Obamacare is wrong. Fix it. Saved many many lives...
The Democrats use hate and fear in Southern California against the immigrants? Miniscule disgrace compared to the Nationwide GOP insanity... Link I really don't know what you're talking about...
they used hate and fear about the republicans to get them to side with them franco.....and if ANYONE including you,brought up your ID card you always mention, the pro illegal immigrant activists would have you branded a racist who hates the brown folk....
It has to be part of a comprehensive immigration bill... Like the 2010 Democratic bill.

I get a strange feeling that what you call comprehensive immigration reform means overlooking that people came here illegally so you want them to stay because they don't like the rules.

- 'Comprehensive immigration reform'

- Amnesty for Criminals, no effort to stop illegal immgration, and looking forward to doing this again in 10 -20 years.
No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants and of course a comprehensive bill that includes a good Social Security card would end illegal immigration, unlike a stupid wall and unconstitutional harassment laws. The GOP loves illegals- easily bullied labor, dupe.

No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants

I agree, that's why we're gonna just deport the illegal aliens.
You may be overestimating the value and meaning of the last election. Even if you disagree with the popular vote significance, the fact is that the country is still pretty much divided 50/50 when it comes to national elections. There are reasons that the power shifts from party to party every few cycles and swings back and forth like a pendulum.

Since the overall popular vote doesn't choose the President, it has no significance. When it comes to elections at the national, state, or local level where popular vote does pick the winner, seems Democrats lost over 1000 seats between 2009 and 2017 when Obama was in office.

The Democrats aren't losing seats anymore. The pendulum has swung.

They lost the highest seat and until they regain the thousand + they lost, it's still a net negative on the books.

You mean like John Kasich being governor of Ohio, and more hated by conservatives than he is by liberals?

No like Hillary Clinton and lots of names at the state and local level you've probably never heard of that contributed significantly to that 1000+ total.
Yep great job with that gerrymandering and making America hyper-partisan, GOP idiots.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Look, man. You are approaching this all wrong. Pseudocons don't vote for policies. They wouldn't know a conservative or liberal policy from a hole in their heads.

They vote on what letter a politician puts after their name. That's it! I kid you not.

Here's how a hucskter who puts an (R) after their name gets elected:


You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
Everything you know about Obamacare is wrong. Fix it. Saved many many lives...
The Democrats use hate and fear in Southern California against the immigrants? Miniscule disgrace compared to the Nationwide GOP insanity... Link I really don't know what you're talking about...
they used hate and fear about the republicans to get them to side with them franco.....and if ANYONE including you,brought up your ID card you always mention, the pro illegal immigrant activists would have you branded a racist who hates the brown folk....
It has to be part of a comprehensive immigration bill... Like the 2010 Democratic bill.

I get a strange feeling that what you call comprehensive immigration reform means overlooking that people came here illegally so you want them to stay because they don't like the rules.

- 'Comprehensive immigration reform'

- Amnesty for Criminals, no effort to stop illegal immgration, and looking forward to doing this again in 10 -20 years.
No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants and of course a comprehensive bill that includes a good Social Security card would end illegal immigration, unlike a stupid wall and unconstitutional harassment laws. The GOP loves illegals- easily bullied labor, dupe.

If they came illegally, they've proven they're not worthy.

No it would encourage millions more to come because they know traitors like your old ass will cater to the criminals.

Why do you hate the U.S, NL?
they used hate and fear about the republicans to get them to side with them franco.....and if ANYONE including you,brought up your ID card you always mention, the pro illegal immigrant activists would have you branded a racist who hates the brown folk....
It has to be part of a comprehensive immigration bill... Like the 2010 Democratic bill.

I get a strange feeling that what you call comprehensive immigration reform means overlooking that people came here illegally so you want them to stay because they don't like the rules.

- 'Comprehensive immigration reform'

- Amnesty for Criminals, no effort to stop illegal immgration, and looking forward to doing this again in 10 -20 years.
No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants and of course a comprehensive bill that includes a good Social Security card would end illegal immigration, unlike a stupid wall and unconstitutional harassment laws. The GOP loves illegals- easily bullied labor, dupe.

No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants

I agree, that's why we're gonna just deport the illegal aliens.
... Who were basically invited in by GOP policy. 94% of male illegal adults work 65% pay taxes 35% own homes it's a stupid idea only racists would go for...



anti-communism? What decade are you trapped in?
Trapped in? only a liberal would feel trapped along side anti-communists
Where are these communists?
Defending America from can spot them quite easily, they are the ones that insist being pro American is evil and fascist...and they use what the feel are cute little questions that seem to deny the existence of communism but never actually say it doesn't exist.
So Americans are the communists? I'm just trying to follow your thinking here. I mean a lot of us are pro-American. Even Obama and Hillary, though I'd never vote for them. I think basically every American is pro-American, with a few exceptions. But what makes this anti-communism a "thing." I mean I think Putin is a criminal and the Soviets need military and econ restraints. I think Trump's biggest failure, aside from sucking off Vlad, is he punking out to Jina.

But neither Russia nor China are communist states . .. economically in China's case and politically and economically in Russia's.
Well you're just dancing now, running from pillar to post, sayng something and then running to something else as though it proves your point while you're really just hiding from the ridiculousness of the previous post you cannot explain...claiming "China is not a communist state"?, really? is north korea? and if you can't see China is communist or that n.korea is communist then it is no wonder you needed to ask..."Where are these communists?" [cut and pasted]...and pretending the left does not call pro-Americans fascist isn't going to fool anyone except those who wish to be fooled
My GOP congressman could stand in the middle of Baseline Road and shoot somebody and he wouldn't lose voters.
Since the overall popular vote doesn't choose the President, it has no significance. When it comes to elections at the national, state, or local level where popular vote does pick the winner, seems Democrats lost over 1000 seats between 2009 and 2017 when Obama was in office.

The Democrats aren't losing seats anymore. The pendulum has swung.

They lost the highest seat and until they regain the thousand + they lost, it's still a net negative on the books.

You mean like John Kasich being governor of Ohio, and more hated by conservatives than he is by liberals?

No like Hillary Clinton and lots of names at the state and local level you've probably never heard of that contributed significantly to that 1000+ total.
Yep great job with that gerrymandering and making America hyper-partisan, GOP idiots.

Yeah great job with that gerrymandering creating all those majority minority districts where more than 20% use food stamps.
It has to be part of a comprehensive immigration bill... Like the 2010 Democratic bill.

I get a strange feeling that what you call comprehensive immigration reform means overlooking that people came here illegally so you want them to stay because they don't like the rules.

- 'Comprehensive immigration reform'

- Amnesty for Criminals, no effort to stop illegal immgration, and looking forward to doing this again in 10 -20 years.
No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants and of course a comprehensive bill that includes a good Social Security card would end illegal immigration, unlike a stupid wall and unconstitutional harassment laws. The GOP loves illegals- easily bullied labor, dupe.

No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants

I agree, that's why we're gonna just deport the illegal aliens.
... Who were basically invited in by GOP policy. 94% of male illegal adults work 65% pay taxes 35% own homes it's a stupid idea only racists would go for...

100% of them are criminals by being illegal. Nothing justifies that.
they used hate and fear about the republicans to get them to side with them franco.....and if ANYONE including you,brought up your ID card you always mention, the pro illegal immigrant activists would have you branded a racist who hates the brown folk....
It has to be part of a comprehensive immigration bill... Like the 2010 Democratic bill.

I get a strange feeling that what you call comprehensive immigration reform means overlooking that people came here illegally so you want them to stay because they don't like the rules.

- 'Comprehensive immigration reform'

- Amnesty for Criminals, no effort to stop illegal immgration, and looking forward to doing this again in 10 -20 years.
No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants and of course a comprehensive bill that includes a good Social Security card would end illegal immigration, unlike a stupid wall and unconstitutional harassment laws. The GOP loves illegals- easily bullied labor, dupe.

If they came illegally, they've proven they're not worthy.

No it would encourage millions more to come because they know traitors like your old ass will cater to the criminals.

Why do you hate the U.S, NL?
Your argument is the recipe for making this go on and on forever. Perfect GOP dupe.
It has to be part of a comprehensive immigration bill... Like the 2010 Democratic bill.

I get a strange feeling that what you call comprehensive immigration reform means overlooking that people came here illegally so you want them to stay because they don't like the rules.

- 'Comprehensive immigration reform'

- Amnesty for Criminals, no effort to stop illegal immgration, and looking forward to doing this again in 10 -20 years.
No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants and of course a comprehensive bill that includes a good Social Security card would end illegal immigration, unlike a stupid wall and unconstitutional harassment laws. The GOP loves illegals- easily bullied labor, dupe.

If they came illegally, they've proven they're not worthy.

No it would encourage millions more to come because they know traitors like your old ass will cater to the criminals.

Why do you hate the U.S, NL?
Your argument is the recipe for making this go on and on forever. Perfect GOP dupe.

Your argument would guarantee it would go on forever. Typical Liberal traitor that deserves the fate of a traitor.



anti-communism? What decade are you trapped in?
Trapped in? only a liberal would feel trapped along side anti-communists
Where are these communists?
Well you feel at home with anticommunists, apparently. But why are there anticommunists if there are no communists. It seems sort of like being against something that doesn't exist. I mean "anti-unicorns"
Sorta like Antifa, self-proclaimed anti-American Anarchist / Fascists who CALL themselves 'Antifa', or 'Anti-Fascists'.

Don't try to enter into the mind of a snowflake extremist - it ain't pretty in there. :p
Trapped in? only a liberal would feel trapped along side anti-communists
Where are these communists?
Well you feel at home with anticommunists, apparently. But why are there anticommunists if there are no communists. It seems sort of like being against something that doesn't exist. I mean "anti-unicorns"
Pretending communism doesn't exist is quite a stretch for even the most highly liberal educated mind [but not out of the question], it most certainly does exist, and comparing it to something benign like a unicorn to make your point completely misses the mark, the black plague no longer exists but I am still against it where as a unicorn is neither here nor there with me...the left has absolutely no means of debate beyond what it hears in the media
So WHERE are the FUCKIGN commies, lad?
Gee, you don't sound unhinged or come across as flying off the handle and pounding your really, you don't.
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anti-communism? What decade are you trapped in?
Trapped in? only a liberal would feel trapped along side anti-communists
Where are these communists?
Defending America from can spot them quite easily, they are the ones that insist being pro American is evil and fascist...and they use what the feel are cute little questions that seem to deny the existence of communism but never actually say it doesn't exist.
So Americans are the communists? I'm just trying to follow your thinking here. I mean a lot of us are pro-American. Even Obama and Hillary, though I'd never vote for them. I think basically every American is pro-American, with a few exceptions. But what makes this anti-communism a "thing." I mean I think Putin is a criminal and the Soviets need military and econ restraints. I think Trump's biggest failure, aside from sucking off Vlad, is he punking out to Jina.

But neither Russia nor China are communist states . .. economically in China's case and politically and economically in Russia's.
Well you're just dancing now, running from pillar to post, sayng something and then running to something else as though it proves your point while you're really just hiding from the ridiculousness of the previous post you cannot explain...claiming "China is not a communist state"?, really? is north korea? and if you can't see China is communist or that n.korea is communist then it is no wonder you needed to ask..."Where are these communists?" [cut and pasted]...and pretending the left does not call pro-Americans fascist isn't going to fool anyone except those who wish to be fooled
I'm dancing? Name these "anti-American commies," Lad. Who are these "pro-American facists." Don't be SHY now. You called a name, name the people

And no china is not a communist state, economically. W

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