All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular. How can they get elected?

Everything you know about Obamacare is wrong. Fix it. Saved many many lives...
The Democrats use hate and fear in Southern California against the immigrants? Miniscule disgrace compared to the Nationwide GOP insanity... Link I really don't know what you're talking about...
they used hate and fear about the republicans to get them to side with them franco.....and if ANYONE including you,brought up your ID card you always mention, the pro illegal immigrant activists would have you branded a racist who hates the brown folk....
It has to be part of a comprehensive immigration bill... Like the 2010 Democratic bill.
doesnt matter franco.....unless they are given total amnesty and dont have any kind of penalties, as long as the illegals are the ones being targeted by ANY bill it will be perceived as being racist in Cal.........
It would be amnesty for 95% Plus. And California could deal with that anyway they want to lol. The Social Security ID card would be for all Americans. I would think it should be also a medical card...
you think those activist would not bring their bullshit to the other states?......
Seriously I don't give a damn. It would end the illegals problem forever. This is just stupid...
- 'Comprehensive immigration reform'

- Amnesty for Criminals, no effort to stop illegal immgration, and looking forward to doing this again in 10 -20 years.
No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants and of course a comprehensive bill that includes a good Social Security card would end illegal immigration, unlike a stupid wall and unconstitutional harassment laws. The GOP loves illegals- easily bullied labor, dupe.

No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants

I agree, that's why we're gonna just deport the illegal aliens.
... Who were basically invited in by GOP policy. 94% of male illegal adults work 65% pay taxes 35% own homes it's a stupid idea only racists would go for...
frankie they were invited by democrat policy too....geezus....
Baloney. Democrats have been trying to get a good ID card forever. Damn communists...
oh bullshit frankie.....i have done something you havent in incredibly democrat/liberal state for the past 40 years....the democrats out here are scared shitless for the reason i told you.....afraid to be labeled a RACIST if they tried a so called good ID i dont think your ID card is as great as you think it is with your party....
they used hate and fear about the republicans to get them to side with them franco.....and if ANYONE including you,brought up your ID card you always mention, the pro illegal immigrant activists would have you branded a racist who hates the brown folk....
It has to be part of a comprehensive immigration bill... Like the 2010 Democratic bill.
doesnt matter franco.....unless they are given total amnesty and dont have any kind of penalties, as long as the illegals are the ones being targeted by ANY bill it will be perceived as being racist in Cal.........
It would be amnesty for 95% Plus. And California could deal with that anyway they want to lol. The Social Security ID card would be for all Americans. I would think it should be also a medical card...
you think those activist would not bring their bullshit to the other states?......
Seriously I don't give a damn. It would end the illegals problem forever. This is just stupid...
well GO BILLS!.....
No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants and of course a comprehensive bill that includes a good Social Security card would end illegal immigration, unlike a stupid wall and unconstitutional harassment laws. The GOP loves illegals- easily bullied labor, dupe.

No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants

I agree, that's why we're gonna just deport the illegal aliens.
... Who were basically invited in by GOP policy. 94% of male illegal adults work 65% pay taxes 35% own homes it's a stupid idea only racists would go for...
frankie they were invited by democrat policy too....geezus....
Baloney. Democrats have been trying to get a good ID card forever. Damn communists...
oh bullshit frankie.....i have done something you havent in incredibly democrat/liberal state for the past 40 years....the democrats out here are scared shitless for the reason i told you.....afraid to be labeled a RACIST if they tried a so called good ID i dont think your ID card is as great as you think it is with your party....
As if New York State isn't liberal. Heck Buffalo come on... How can it be racist if the ID card is for every single person in the country?
It has to be part of a comprehensive immigration bill... Like the 2010 Democratic bill.
doesnt matter franco.....unless they are given total amnesty and dont have any kind of penalties, as long as the illegals are the ones being targeted by ANY bill it will be perceived as being racist in Cal.........
It would be amnesty for 95% Plus. And California could deal with that anyway they want to lol. The Social Security ID card would be for all Americans. I would think it should be also a medical card...
you think those activist would not bring their bullshit to the other states?......
Seriously I don't give a damn. It would end the illegals problem forever. This is just stupid...
well GO BILLS!.....
If they would only get rid of that black quarterback LOL...
The only reason anyone gets elected in this country is that they are perceived as the lesser of two evils by 50% plus one at the time of the election
Obama and Reagan where both loved by very sizable majorities
Except Reagan LOL. 30 years of brainwashing have made him popular among the dupes...
he was popular with me since 84...all my brainwashing came prior to his election when I said "could you imagine this idiot being president"?...that was when I discovered who was doing all the brain washing, as for 30 years onward creating dupes, are they the dupes who believe wining 49 states make a sizable majority?...there is definitely some brainwashing occurring here somewhere.
No way you can Deport 11 million Worthy immigrants

I agree, that's why we're gonna just deport the illegal aliens.
... Who were basically invited in by GOP policy. 94% of male illegal adults work 65% pay taxes 35% own homes it's a stupid idea only racists would go for...
frankie they were invited by democrat policy too....geezus....
Baloney. Democrats have been trying to get a good ID card forever. Damn communists...
oh bullshit frankie.....i have done something you havent in incredibly democrat/liberal state for the past 40 years....the democrats out here are scared shitless for the reason i told you.....afraid to be labeled a RACIST if they tried a so called good ID i dont think your ID card is as great as you think it is with your party....
As if New York State isn't liberal. Heck Buffalo come on... How can it be racist if the ID card is for every single person in the country?
i bet it aint as liberal as cal.....and if that card is so good where is it?.....
doesnt matter franco.....unless they are given total amnesty and dont have any kind of penalties, as long as the illegals are the ones being targeted by ANY bill it will be perceived as being racist in Cal.........
It would be amnesty for 95% Plus. And California could deal with that anyway they want to lol. The Social Security ID card would be for all Americans. I would think it should be also a medical card...
you think those activist would not bring their bullshit to the other states?......
Seriously I don't give a damn. It would end the illegals problem forever. This is just stupid...
well GO BILLS!.....
If they would only get rid of that black quarterback LOL...
Franco the
hey Franco me and the wife were sitting in the Doctors office yesterday and the couple sitting next to us were visiting .....from Niagara Falls.....small world lol....
The Democrats aren't losing seats anymore. The pendulum has swung.

They lost the highest seat and until they regain the thousand + they lost, it's still a net negative on the books.

You mean like John Kasich being governor of Ohio, and more hated by conservatives than he is by liberals?

No like Hillary Clinton and lots of names at the state and local level you've probably never heard of that contributed significantly to that 1000+ total.
Yep great job with that gerrymandering and making America hyper-partisan, GOP idiots.

Yep great job with that gerrymandering and making America hyper-partisan,

After Obama did such a great job of reaching across the aisle, eh?

Is gerrymandering why Republicans hold 35 governorships and 52 Senate seats?

franco would say that but he might have forgotten that those positions are elected on a statewide basis where the only lines that matter are state lines. Or perhaps he's too stupid to understand how it works.
... Who were basically invited in by GOP policy. 94% of male illegal adults work 65% pay taxes 35% own homes it's a stupid idea only racists would go for...
frankie they were invited by democrat policy too....geezus....
Baloney. Democrats have been trying to get a good ID card forever. Damn communists...
oh bullshit frankie.....i have done something you havent in incredibly democrat/liberal state for the past 40 years....the democrats out here are scared shitless for the reason i told you.....afraid to be labeled a RACIST if they tried a so called good ID i dont think your ID card is as great as you think it is with your party....
As if New York State isn't liberal. Heck Buffalo come on... How can it be racist if the ID card is for every single person in the country?
i bet it aint as liberal as cal.....and if that card is so good where is it?.....
Blocked by the GOP forever. They love cheap easily bullied labor...
They lost the highest seat and until they regain the thousand + they lost, it's still a net negative on the books.

You mean like John Kasich being governor of Ohio, and more hated by conservatives than he is by liberals?

No like Hillary Clinton and lots of names at the state and local level you've probably never heard of that contributed significantly to that 1000+ total.
Yep great job with that gerrymandering and making America hyper-partisan, GOP idiots.

Yep great job with that gerrymandering and making America hyper-partisan,

After Obama did such a great job of reaching across the aisle, eh?

Is gerrymandering why Republicans hold 35 governorships and 52 Senate seats?

franco would say that but he might have forgotten that those positions are elected on a statewide basis where the only lines that matter are state lines. Or perhaps he's too stupid to understand how it works.
As I said the gerrymandering is in the House of Representatives and in similar State assemblies...
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Perhaps you should consider leaving your bubble

The air is really nice outside baw
My area is the entire world outside of fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in the United States only only. The rest of the world doesn't understand how you people can get so stupid but it must be said I don't think you're stupid just totally misinformed.

Know how we got this stupid DUPE? Because people like us, BUILT THIS DAMN COUNTRY! People like you want something, for nothing. You are demanding other peoples money, plain and simple; for no reason except you think you have a way to do things better.......that hasn't worked yet.

If you think you and your friends are soooooo smart, then use YOUR money (bet you can't scrape 2 nickels together) to show us how it works. How much extra tax did you pay VOLUNTARILY? If you didn't, why didn't you if it is such a good idea to send money to the government!

You are the BIGGEST phony-baloney on here Franco, along with having the most obvious tendencies towards Marxism, seen by reading your almost incomprehensible posts! If I someone gave me odds, I would bet that you are also STFY, and waiting for 2020 or whatever their name is. Why? Because I find it difficult to believe 1 person can be this dumb, let alone 2, or 3. Therefore, when something seems this crazy, no matter how unbelievable the alternative is, it is probably true! So Franco, is STFYE you, or your twin brother, and which one of you is married to waiting for 2020-)

You would think people like Franco would want to "invest" more of his money is things he supports. They say they believe in "free" education at the college level yet when it comes to funding it, they're the first one to demand someone else fund it. When they want to expand social welfare, they're so supportive of it they're willing to demand someone else fund it.
frankie they were invited by democrat policy too....geezus....
Baloney. Democrats have been trying to get a good ID card forever. Damn communists...
oh bullshit frankie.....i have done something you havent in incredibly democrat/liberal state for the past 40 years....the democrats out here are scared shitless for the reason i told you.....afraid to be labeled a RACIST if they tried a so called good ID i dont think your ID card is as great as you think it is with your party....
As if New York State isn't liberal. Heck Buffalo come on... How can it be racist if the ID card is for every single person in the country?
i bet it aint as liberal as cal.....and if that card is so good where is it?.....
Blocked by the GOP forever. They love cheap easily bullied labor...
franco democrats love their cheap labor least they do out here....
hey Franco me and the wife were sitting in the Doctors office yesterday and the couple sitting next to us were visiting .....from Niagara Falls.....small world lol....
They keep saying around here that people from Western New York are everywhere... Laugh out loud. Same population as 50-60 years ago, so I see that Warsaw for the first time has lost population in the last 10 years about 10%I blame it on my a hole brother.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Primarily, Republicans get elected because gerrymandering is not illegal in the USA. Then again, they make the laws.
hey Franco me and the wife were sitting in the Doctors office yesterday and the couple sitting next to us were visiting .....from Niagara Falls.....small world lol....
They keep saying around here that people from Western New York are everywhere... Laugh out loud. Same population as 50-60 years ago, so I see that Warsaw for the first time has lost population in the last 10 years about 10%I blame it on my a hole brother.
Warsaw county?.....what did it used to be called?....
They lost the highest seat and until they regain the thousand + they lost, it's still a net negative on the books.

You mean like John Kasich being governor of Ohio, and more hated by conservatives than he is by liberals?

No like Hillary Clinton and lots of names at the state and local level you've probably never heard of that contributed significantly to that 1000+ total.
Yep great job with that gerrymandering and making America hyper-partisan, GOP idiots.

Yep great job with that gerrymandering and making America hyper-partisan,

After Obama did such a great job of reaching across the aisle, eh?

Is gerrymandering why Republicans hold 35 governorships and 52 Senate seats?
I would say that's 35 mainly rural States probably less populous than the 15 the Democrats hold... My area voted 73% for Trump and I would say they're pretty ignorant and brainwashed and racist God bless them LOL. Gerrymandering is in the House of Representatives amazing how the GOP lost three million votes and added Representatives.

You would say? Why don't you prove it.

When all you can argue is racism, NL, you have nothing. I'd say those that continue to argue that Hillary got 3 million more of a type of vote that doesn't elect the President are idiots.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Primarily, Republicans get elected because gerrymandering is not illegal in the USA. Then again, they make the laws.
so do the democrats.....

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