All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular. How can they get elected?

Democrats have been trying to justify illegals staying for ever. Damn traitors.

Democrats have decided that since the citizens are backsassing them then they will just replace the citizens with another group. They *almost* had it but they grabbed just a little too soon last election. They think we have no right to set our own laws, as an independent nation and , more than that, she thinks American Citizenship is a birthright for the world.

Actually Obama spent 7 trillion bailing out and helping victims of the 2008 GOP depression. Great job again...
How the hell does that make it better?
Otherwise they would have been another full-blown GOP world depression. The dupes think it was just a tiny recession the Democrats caused.Total right wing idiocy...
So one would think surely after spending 7 trillion dollars saving the country we would be doing better by now. You had eight years. What happened?
Just the best economy in the world, that's all,dupe.
Umm, ok. It still should have been much better if Obie's policies were so great right? 7 trillion dollars for fuck sakes and we're still talking about needing infrastructure, the unemployment was still high, the deficit kept growing. WTF did we get for that 7 trillion?
he wasn't able to pass any policies for crying out loud... The bailouts where in the first few months two nice GOP ladies helped then the rest was just unemployment and Welfare kicking in as designed before Obama was even elected...
How the hell does that make it better?
Otherwise they would have been another full-blown GOP world depression. The dupes think it was just a tiny recession the Democrats caused.Total right wing idiocy...
So one would think surely after spending 7 trillion dollars saving the country we would be doing better by now. You had eight years. What happened?
Just the best economy in the world, that's all,dupe.
Umm, ok. It still should have been much better if Obie's policies were so great right? 7 trillion dollars for fuck sakes and we're still talking about needing infrastructure, the unemployment was still high, the deficit kept growing. WTF did we get for that 7 trillion?
he wasn't able to pass any policies for crying out loud... The bailouts where in the first few months two nice GOP ladies helped then the rest was just unemployment and Welfare kicking in as designed before Obama was even elected...
He passed obiecare, he passed a lot of regulations, he lost a won war. He actually was there running things for eight years. Are you going to tell me he spent 7 trillion dollars on fucking nothing?
Otherwise they would have been another full-blown GOP world depression. The dupes think it was just a tiny recession the Democrats caused.Total right wing idiocy...
So one would think surely after spending 7 trillion dollars saving the country we would be doing better by now. You had eight years. What happened?
Just the best economy in the world, that's all,dupe.
Umm, ok. It still should have been much better if Obie's policies were so great right? 7 trillion dollars for fuck sakes and we're still talking about needing infrastructure, the unemployment was still high, the deficit kept growing. WTF did we get for that 7 trillion?
he wasn't able to pass any policies for crying out loud... The bailouts where in the first few months two nice GOP ladies helped then the rest was just unemployment and Welfare kicking in as designed before Obama was even elected...
He passed obiecare, he passed a lot of regulations, he lost a won war. He actually was there running things for eight years. Are you going to tell me he spent 7 trillion dollars on fucking nothing?
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
So one would think surely after spending 7 trillion dollars saving the country we would be doing better by now. You had eight years. What happened?
Just the best economy in the world, that's all,dupe.
Umm, ok. It still should have been much better if Obie's policies were so great right? 7 trillion dollars for fuck sakes and we're still talking about needing infrastructure, the unemployment was still high, the deficit kept growing. WTF did we get for that 7 trillion?
he wasn't able to pass any policies for crying out loud... The bailouts where in the first few months two nice GOP ladies helped then the rest was just unemployment and Welfare kicking in as designed before Obama was even elected...
He passed obiecare, he passed a lot of regulations, he lost a won war. He actually was there running things for eight years. Are you going to tell me he spent 7 trillion dollars on fucking nothing?
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
Well that was money well spent. At least you're honest. It was pretty much wasted.
Liberal policies are even less popular.

I'm sure it seems like a mystery to you. Tell you what...turn off CNN, cancel your People Magazine and ignore any woman with a pussy strapped to her head.
In a few weeks reality may clear your mind enough for you to not be so mystified.

I do have to admit Trumps policies are indeed highly unpopular with the media elites, Silicon Valley, University teachers lounges and in corporate boardrooms. Their stranglehold on the media and information may be influencing you here. Try the above and listen to citizens.

I'm sure it seems like a mystery to you.

Liberals are idiots with bad policies. No mystery.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Perhaps you should consider leaving your bubble

The air is really nice outside baw
My area is the entire world outside of fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in the United States only only. The rest of the world doesn't understand how you people can get so stupid but it must be said I don't think you're stupid just totally misinformed.

Know how we got this stupid DUPE? Because people like us, BUILT THIS DAMN COUNTRY! People like you want something, for nothing. You are demanding other peoples money, plain and simple; for no reason except you think you have a way to do things better.......that hasn't worked yet.

If you think you and your friends are soooooo smart, then use YOUR money (bet you can't scrape 2 nickels together) to show us how it works. How much extra tax did you pay VOLUNTARILY? If you didn't, why didn't you if it is such a good idea to send money to the government!

You are the BIGGEST phony-baloney on here Franco, along with having the most obvious tendencies towards Marxism, seen by reading your almost incomprehensible posts! If I someone gave me odds, I would bet that you are also STFY, and waiting for 2020 or whatever their name is. Why? Because I find it difficult to believe 1 person can be this dumb, let alone 2, or 3. Therefore, when something seems this crazy, no matter how unbelievable the alternative is, it is probably true! So Franco, is STFYE you, or your twin brother, and which one of you is married to waiting for 2020-)
Donald Trump is the best president we've ever had in my lifetime

and I was born in 1968, so that includes Reagan

He is actually doing what republicans have been promoting to do for decades
Just the best economy in the world, that's all,dupe.
Umm, ok. It still should have been much better if Obie's policies were so great right? 7 trillion dollars for fuck sakes and we're still talking about needing infrastructure, the unemployment was still high, the deficit kept growing. WTF did we get for that 7 trillion?
he wasn't able to pass any policies for crying out loud... The bailouts where in the first few months two nice GOP ladies helped then the rest was just unemployment and Welfare kicking in as designed before Obama was even elected...
He passed obiecare, he passed a lot of regulations, he lost a won war. He actually was there running things for eight years. Are you going to tell me he spent 7 trillion dollars on fucking nothing?
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
Well that was money well spent. At least you're honest. It was pretty much wasted.
We got us the best economy in the world and averted a true depression full-blown what do you want?
Umm, ok. It still should have been much better if Obie's policies were so great right? 7 trillion dollars for fuck sakes and we're still talking about needing infrastructure, the unemployment was still high, the deficit kept growing. WTF did we get for that 7 trillion?
he wasn't able to pass any policies for crying out loud... The bailouts where in the first few months two nice GOP ladies helped then the rest was just unemployment and Welfare kicking in as designed before Obama was even elected...
He passed obiecare, he passed a lot of regulations, he lost a won war. He actually was there running things for eight years. Are you going to tell me he spent 7 trillion dollars on fucking nothing?
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
Well that was money well spent. At least you're honest. It was pretty much wasted.
We got us the best economy in the world and averted a true depression full-blown what do you want?
Results. We were never in danger of not being the top economy.
he wasn't able to pass any policies for crying out loud... The bailouts where in the first few months two nice GOP ladies helped then the rest was just unemployment and Welfare kicking in as designed before Obama was even elected...
He passed obiecare, he passed a lot of regulations, he lost a won war. He actually was there running things for eight years. Are you going to tell me he spent 7 trillion dollars on fucking nothing?
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
Well that was money well spent. At least you're honest. It was pretty much wasted.
We got us the best economy in the world and averted a true depression full-blown what do you want?
Results. We were never in danger of not being the top economy.
He was so we were in danger of having the worst economy in the world and dragging the whole world down with us thanks to the GOP and new corruption and stupidity. There is no way of getting out of Iraq without losing her act stupidest War ever thanks again. Obama saved our economy without another corrupt GOP bubble-like 2008 1989 1929. Only Duped morons and racists save the GOP from the scrap pile... OB care didn't even begin for 4 or 5 years so had no effect-it was the only thing that Democrats could do in another GOP economic meltdown...
Umm, ok. It still should have been much better if Obie's policies were so great right? 7 trillion dollars for fuck sakes and we're still talking about needing infrastructure, the unemployment was still high, the deficit kept growing. WTF did we get for that 7 trillion?
he wasn't able to pass any policies for crying out loud... The bailouts where in the first few months two nice GOP ladies helped then the rest was just unemployment and Welfare kicking in as designed before Obama was even elected...
He passed obiecare, he passed a lot of regulations, he lost a won war. He actually was there running things for eight years. Are you going to tell me he spent 7 trillion dollars on fucking nothing?
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
Well that was money well spent. At least you're honest. It was pretty much wasted.
We got us the best economy in the world and averted a true depression full-blown what do you want?

The recession ended in June 2009, what did Obama do to stop the depression and end the recession so quickly?
He passed obiecare, he passed a lot of regulations, he lost a won war. He actually was there running things for eight years. Are you going to tell me he spent 7 trillion dollars on fucking nothing?
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
Well that was money well spent. At least you're honest. It was pretty much wasted.
We got us the best economy in the world and averted a true depression full-blown what do you want?
Results. We were never in danger of not being the top economy.
He was so we were in danger of having the worst economy in the world and dragging the whole world down with us thanks to the GOP and new corruption and stupidity. There is no way of getting out of Iraq without losing her act stupidest War ever thanks again. Obama saved our economy without another corrupt GOP bubble-like 2008 1989 1929. Only Duped morons and racists save the GOP from the scrap pile... OB care didn't even begin for 4 or 5 years so had no effect-it was the only thing that Democrats could do in another GOP economic meltdown...

Obama saved our economy

In less than 5 months? He really was magic!
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc

he wasn't able to pass any policies for crying out loud... The bailouts where in the first few months two nice GOP ladies helped then the rest was just unemployment and Welfare kicking in as designed before Obama was even elected...
He passed obiecare, he passed a lot of regulations, he lost a won war. He actually was there running things for eight years. Are you going to tell me he spent 7 trillion dollars on fucking nothing?
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
Well that was money well spent. At least you're honest. It was pretty much wasted.
We got us the best economy in the world and averted a true depression full-blown what do you want?

The recession ended in June 2009, what did Obama do to stop the depression and end the recession so quickly?
Stimulus etcetera...
He passed obiecare, he passed a lot of regulations, he lost a won war. He actually was there running things for eight years. Are you going to tell me he spent 7 trillion dollars on fucking nothing?
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
Well that was money well spent. At least you're honest. It was pretty much wasted.
We got us the best economy in the world and averted a true depression full-blown what do you want?

The recession ended in June 2009, what did Obama do to stop the depression and end the recession so quickly?
Stimulus etcetera...

Magic stimulus that turns us from depression into recovery in less than 6 months? DERP!
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
Well that was money well spent. At least you're honest. It was pretty much wasted.
We got us the best economy in the world and averted a true depression full-blown what do you want?
Results. We were never in danger of not being the top economy.
He was so we were in danger of having the worst economy in the world and dragging the whole world down with us thanks to the GOP and new corruption and stupidity. There is no way of getting out of Iraq without losing her act stupidest War ever thanks again. Obama saved our economy without another corrupt GOP bubble-like 2008 1989 1929. Only Duped morons and racists save the GOP from the scrap pile... OB care didn't even begin for 4 or 5 years so had no effect-it was the only thing that Democrats could do in another GOP economic meltdown...

Obama saved our economy

In less than 5 months? He really was magic!
Obie did that. Trump didn't. It's a lefty thing.
Bailouts unemployment and Welfare
Well that was money well spent. At least you're honest. It was pretty much wasted.
We got us the best economy in the world and averted a true depression full-blown what do you want?

The recession ended in June 2009, what did Obama do to stop the depression and end the recession so quickly?
Stimulus etcetera...

Magic stimulus that turns us from depression into recovery in less than 6 months? DERP!
One would hope 7 trillion would do something better than just getting back to zero.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Primarily, Republicans get elected because gerrymandering is not illegal in the USA. Then again, they make the laws.
so do the democrats.....
Nothing like the gerrymandering the GOP has done recently... No shame at all, because they know they can get away with anything with the dupes and all the brainwashing they do...
has nothing to do what i said.....
frankie they were invited by democrat policy too....geezus....
Baloney. Democrats have been trying to get a good ID card forever. Damn communists...

Democrats have been trying to justify illegals staying for ever. Damn traitors.
Absolute right-wing idiocy we've been trying to end it forever with a good ID card get it through your thick skull, brainwashed functional moron.

Get it through your thick skull you Obama NL, giving someone something like you support only encourages more to do the same so you can pander to the 2nd rate pieces of shit.
If you stop that illegals from getting work with a good ID card it's the end of the problem, stupid.
you will be called a racist your own party people....

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