All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular. How can they get elected?

education and the knowledge gained made people elitists.
Education is not education anymore - it's indoctrination Brainwashing tactics in the so called "Higher Education" system are well documented
You want to see educational failure? In case you didn't know this dipshit franco is a fucking teacher.
27 years ago... It's not surprising you brainwashed with alternative facts bozos think University is the problem... Breaking for the dupes-the rich don't pay enough in taxes and get 99% of the new wealth, and there is no evidence that Hillary or Bill or Obama ever did anything corrupt they made all their money with books and speeches... Your lying propaganda machine is a disgrace.

and there is no evidence that Hillary or Bill or Obama ever did anything corrupt


Funniest thing I've heard all month.
education and the knowledge gained made people elitists.
Education is not education anymore - it's indoctrination Brainwashing tactics in the so called "Higher Education" system are well documented
Only in brainwashed GOP voter world. Sorry about real facts as opposed to the alternative facts your brain is full of, dupe.
Real Facts .:nono:.. you want some real facts ... this article was pointed out to me just recently by another libtard on this forum .... see Liberal Bias in Academia sorry but most of it is way over YOUR head

College Orientation Programming

College orientation programs are frequently the initiating phase of Leftist indoctrination into the brave new worldview of progressive liberalism. Colleges and Universities under Big Brothers thumb require students to drop mental contraband like a hot potato.

Mental contraband being surreptitiously defined as any thoughts or beliefs which contradict the official ideology. Religious views [Unless of course you are a member of a protected religion such as Islam].

Racial views, not part of the official ideology [Unless of course you are a minority racist such as Nation of Aztlan, or an opponent of the "blue eyed devils"].

Homophobic views, you are forbidden to speak out against the Gay Agenda under the penalty of Academic Death.

Class warfare ideology is drilled into the minds of unsuspecting victims and the evils of capitalism and virtues of socialism are espoused.

The tunnel of oppression ,is a freshman orientation program that has been adopted at most major colleges and universities and required of new students as part of their freshman experience. Students are taught about the evils of white privilege, and rape culture and are forced to discuss their sexuality with total strangers before they attend their first class.

It is basically a sanitizing session, to delouse the incoming inmates lest the poor professors have to deal with unindoctrinated people from the REAL WORLD.

Paid Resident advisers are on staff, at public expense of course, to facilitate the students on their path to indoctrination and reinforce predetermined conclusions, in support of Liberal-Progressive ideology. Resident advisers are somewhat reminiscent of the Party commissar of that last great "failed social experiment" Russian Communism. To qualify as a Resident Adviser, you must be thoroughly indoctrinated in the racist, feminist, sexist, socialist, class-warfare ideology of Liberal Progressivism.

Prospective RAs are instructed not to view or think of themselves as merely people, but were to regard themselves, according to their classifications: black-******, white- oppressor, Asian - gook, gay - Queer or Dyke ,straight - oppressor. Speaking and thinking in bigoted stereotypical language of themselves is encouraged. It is basically a psychological tactic employed to evoke inner hostility regarding their oppressors - the oppressors defined by Big Brother.

At the University of Delaware, a freshman orientation program was brazenly entitled a treatment program, openly admissive that it was a form of brainwashing. This freshman treatment program included a glossary that defined racism as a term that applies to all people of European descent living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality. Attendance at lectures was mandatory as was one-on-one meetings with pre-programmed residence assistants. The students were taught the politically correct stances on all major social issues. See - University of Delaware: Students Required to Undergo Ideological Reeducation

Residence assistants provided individual written reports to school administrators on individual students. Thus who did not respond well were doomed to further "treatment", lower grades and more careful scrutiny. One female student who responded to the question When did you discover your sexual identity? That is none of your damn business. was reprimanded by administrators , how her college career went from there on in is unknown.

Hamilton College in New York required all male freshman students to attend a presentation to make them aware of the rape culture of which they were allegedly a part of and The need to change their rape supportive beliefs and attitudes. See: Hamilton College: Thought Reform of Male Freshmen

Rape Culture
Rape culture is a term coined by Lesbian-Feminist Fascists and used frequently within women's studies to describe a culture in which sexual violence, up to and including rape against women is not only common but prevalent. In that context who could possibly argue that Rape is bad, Violence against Women is bad - hell yeah !! it certainly is, it's detestable and disgusting.

However, in the way it is used by Liberal progressive feminists and academia nuts it is even more detestable, it's part of a tactic known as framing.

Any normal activity such as girl watching, or any comment that could possibly be construed under the furthest stretch of the imagination is classified as violence against women.

Framing short-circuits counter arguments . No one can speak up against an effective frame and say, Why, yes, I do think women should be raped and I do think women should be sex objects. This allows the feminists and Liberal Nazis to control the debate. See: Brainwashing Tactics of the Liberal Elite

A French Class Described by the Penn State University college catalog as a course in French language and culture, turned out to be little more than an opportunity for further leftist indoctrination of unsuspecting students.

The course included a viewing of the Michael Moore film, Sicko, an English language liberal documentary about the U.S. healthcare system in comparison to socialist state-run medical care in foreign countries. The school policy forbade professors from introducing "controversial materials that are irrelevant to the class subject and outside their area of expertise. However when student complained, the department chairman scoffed and quickly dismissed her appeal and backed the professors decision to make the viewing of a film attacking the American healthcare system a component of a French language class.

Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in textbooks. Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record -- Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963.

Give me a child ... and I will give you the man. - The Jesuits.

Give me the youth, and Germany will rule the World - Adolph Hitler

It starts in Kindergarten. We were given pictures to color in and to stay within the lines. What if that changed and you were allowed to draw your own pictures and color them how you pleased ? That would be too much freedom of thought and you might not learn to "follow" directions later in life. Edward Bernay's called it programming and he learned it from his Uncle, Sigmund Freud . See: Propaganda - By Edward Bernays
We're going to turn your kid into an idiot. And it will only cost you about 50 grand to do it. Brainwashing isn't free.
You can thank Reagan for ending free University in California and reaganism for Wrecking it across the country since, dupe. Not to mention doing away with the fairness Doctrine has made Fox b*******Rush Limbaugh cetera etcetera possible. We're going to hell with you brainwashed functional morons...

Yeah, that's our problem, too much freedom. DERP!
education and the knowledge gained made people elitists.
Education is not education anymore - it's indoctrination Brainwashing tactics in the so called "Higher Education" system are well documented
You want to see educational failure? In case you didn't know this dipshit franco is a fucking teacher.
27 years ago... It's not surprising you brainwashed with alternative facts bozos think University is the problem... Breaking for the dupes-the rich don't pay enough in taxes and get 99% of the new wealth, and there is no evidence that Hillary or Bill or Obama ever did anything corrupt they made all their money with books and speeches... Your lying propaganda machine is a disgrace.

So Hillary DIDN'T use insider information to make a killing in the futures market, Franco?

Oh, BELIEVED her when she said she learned how to futures trade from an article she read in the New York Times? really ARE a breathtaking combination of naive and stupid!
I believe she got lucky and got out... It was pretty typical at that time...
education and the knowledge gained made people elitists.
Education is not education anymore - it's indoctrination Brainwashing tactics in the so called "Higher Education" system are well documented
You want to see educational failure? In case you didn't know this dipshit franco is a fucking teacher.
27 years ago... It's not surprising you brainwashed with alternative facts bozos think University is the problem... Breaking for the dupes-the rich don't pay enough in taxes and get 99% of the new wealth, and there is no evidence that Hillary or Bill or Obama ever did anything corrupt they made all their money with books and speeches... Your lying propaganda machine is a disgrace.

and there is no evidence that Hillary or Bill or Obama ever did anything corrupt


Funniest thing I've heard all month.
So it's a giant conspiracy in the US justice system? Zzzzzzzzzzzz
education and the knowledge gained made people elitists.
Education is not education anymore - it's indoctrination Brainwashing tactics in the so called "Higher Education" system are well documented
You want to see educational failure? In case you didn't know this dipshit franco is a fucking teacher.
27 years ago... It's not surprising you brainwashed with alternative facts bozos think University is the problem... Breaking for the dupes-the rich don't pay enough in taxes and get 99% of the new wealth, and there is no evidence that Hillary or Bill or Obama ever did anything corrupt they made all their money with books and speeches... Your lying propaganda machine is a disgrace.

So Hillary DIDN'T use insider information to make a killing in the futures market, Franco?

Oh, BELIEVED her when she said she learned how to futures trade from an article she read in the New York Times? really ARE a breathtaking combination of naive and stupid!

Did she have to pay back 23 million like Trump did for his Trump University con game?
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc

The Republican Party spent decades cultivating the willful ignorance in conservatives. The GOP convinced conservatives education and the knowledge gained made people elitists.

So, the conservatives took their ignorance, wrapped themselves in the flag, and with their Bibles made it their duty to create a nation of poor people ruled by billionaires and corporations. And, here we are.


View attachment 149987 View attachment 149988

Yeah... that's right, slick... keep callin' 'em stupid...

While you're doing that...

Remember who now controls the White House...

And the US Senate...

And the US House of Representatives...

And the Supreme Court of the United States...

And all the Federal Departments...

And a majority of Governorships...

And a majority of State Legislatures...

All because you called them 'deplorable'...

On reflection, perhaps they are not the "stupid" ones, after all, eh?

Silly little LibTard snowflakes...

And what has it gained Conservatives? Winning an election is one thing. Winning on a policy issue is another.

Control of the Supreme Court? Duh?

Is that the court that ruled Obamacare constitutional?
Too much Democrat Fake News for the OP. The reality is, the Democratic Party is down to just 15 Governorships among the 50 States. Its policies are actually incredibly unpopular. The OP just doesn't know that, because he or she is only being exposed to Democrat Fake News.
That's what happens when you limit your Intake to the Rachel Maddow Channel (MSNBC) or the Clinton News Network and HuffPo...
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc

The Republican Party spent decades cultivating the willful ignorance in conservatives. The GOP convinced conservatives education and the knowledge gained made people elitists.

So, the conservatives took their ignorance, wrapped themselves in the flag, and with their Bibles made it their duty to create a nation of poor people ruled by billionaires and corporations. And, here we are.


View attachment 149987 View attachment 149988

Yeah... that's right, slick... keep callin' 'em stupid...

While you're doing that...

Remember who now controls the White House...

And the US Senate...

And the US House of Representatives...

And the Supreme Court of the United States...

And all the Federal Departments...

And a majority of Governorships...

And a majority of State Legislatures...

All because you called them 'deplorable'...

On reflection, perhaps they are not the "stupid" ones, after all, eh?

Silly little LibTard snowflakes...

And what has it gained Conservatives? Winning an election is one thing. Winning on a policy issue is another.

Control of the Supreme Court? Duh?

Is that the court that ruled Obamacare constitutional?
Little glimmers of Light to grab onto, in the face of (to you) the coming Darkness (5-4 court, with a 6-3 to come after Ginsberg pulls the plug), eh?
they made all their money with books and speeches...

Their speeches are a shell game - they collect millions of dollars for simple half baked speeches and in turn grant billions in favors to their generous benefactors - it's a con, a brilliant one but a con none the less.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc

They aren't unpopular at all. There is your answer.
Too much Democrat Fake News for the OP. The reality is, the Democratic Party is down to just 15 Governorships among the 50 States. Its policies are actually incredibly unpopular. The OP just doesn't know that, because he or she is only being exposed to Democrat Fake News.
That's what happens when you limit your Intake to the Rachel Maddow Channel (MSNBC) or the Clinton News Network and HuffPo...
And CBS ABC NBC PBS BBC Hindustan times. In fact every media outside of fox Rush Limbaugh and that crap... All financed by greedy idiot GOP billionaires. And only in the United States doesn't travel well.
Stop turning people off with your ridiculous PC / Identity Politics / America is Bad bullshit and the party will come back.

Leave it in the hands of the illiberal leftist authoritarians and you'll just have to hope for the worst for the country to win.

Which would be appropriate, I guess, considering how they feel about the country.
The Republican Party spent decades cultivating the willful ignorance in conservatives. The GOP convinced conservatives education and the knowledge gained made people elitists.

So, the conservatives took their ignorance, wrapped themselves in the flag, and with their Bibles made it their duty to create a nation of poor people ruled by billionaires and corporations. And, here we are.


View attachment 149987 View attachment 149988

Yeah... that's right, slick... keep callin' 'em stupid...

While you're doing that...

Remember who now controls the White House...

And the US Senate...

And the US House of Representatives...

And the Supreme Court of the United States...

And all the Federal Departments...

And a majority of Governorships...

And a majority of State Legislatures...

All because you called them 'deplorable'...

On reflection, perhaps they are not the "stupid" ones, after all, eh?

Silly little LibTard snowflakes...

And what has it gained Conservatives? Winning an election is one thing. Winning on a policy issue is another.

Control of the Supreme Court? Duh?

Is that the court that ruled Obamacare constitutional?
Little glimmers of Light to grab onto, in the face of (to you) the coming Darkness (5-4 court, with a 6-3 to come after Ginsberg pulls the plug), eh?

Gorsuch replaced Scalia. That was a small loss for the Right.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc

But people know they will not carry out the policies that they run on, like repealing Obamacare.

It beats electing Dims who will carry out policies everyone hates like Obamacare.
Everything you know about Obamacare is wrong. Fix it. Saved many many lives...
are you talking about the Republicans or the Democrats?...........
It's not even close. GOP voters believe Hillary was the most corrupt politician in history, even though no charges were ever brought against her nothing. Bill was a pedophile it just never ends pure hate and without any evidence.
franco....your buddies use hate,fear and blame just like the other guys do....they just do it their way....

are you talking about the Republicans or the Democrats?...........
It's not even close. GOP voters believe Hillary was the most corrupt politician in history, even though no charges were ever brought against her nothing. Bill was a pedophile it just never ends pure hate and without any evidence.
franco....your buddies use hate,fear and blame just like the other guys do....they just do it their way....
Yep,just without the total bs hate and fear mongering propaganda machine and without the hate and fear LOL
sorry franco,but in they use the hate and fear thing with the illegals.....
The Democrats use hate and fear in Southern California against the immigrants? Miniscule disgrace compared to the Nationwide GOP insanity... Link I really don't know what you're talking about...
they used hate and fear about the republicans to get them to side with them franco.....and if ANYONE including you,brought up your ID card you always mention, the pro illegal immigrant activists would have you branded a racist who hates the brown folk....
education and the knowledge gained made people elitists.
Education is not education anymore - it's indoctrination Brainwashing tactics in the so called "Higher Education" system are well documented
You want to see educational failure? In case you didn't know this dipshit franco is a fucking teacher.
27 years ago... It's not surprising you brainwashed with alternative facts bozos think University is the problem... Breaking for the dupes-the rich don't pay enough in taxes and get 99% of the new wealth, and there is no evidence that Hillary or Bill or Obama ever did anything corrupt they made all their money with books and speeches... Your lying propaganda machine is a disgrace.

and there is no evidence that Hillary or Bill or Obama ever did anything corrupt


Funniest thing I've heard all month.
So it's a giant conspiracy in the US justice system? Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Comey and Lynch corruptly deciding not to charge Hillary for her criminal acts isn't a giant conspiracy.......
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
The obvious answer to the question posed in your OP is that the Regressive Left has put so much effort into making the Democrats so repulsive and annoying to so many Americans with your constant PC, Identity Politics, anti-freedom of expression antics and personal insults of anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Your habitual use of the word "dupe", for example.

Turns out many people won't vote for people they just dislike on a personal level. Who knew.

And amazingly, after all this pushback, you folks still refuse to see it. Must be because you're just smarter than everyone else, too.

You may be overestimating the value and meaning of the last election. Even if you disagree with the popular vote significance, the fact is that the country is still pretty much divided 50/50 when it comes to national elections. There are reasons that the power shifts from party to party every few cycles and swings back and forth like a pendulum.

Since the overall popular vote doesn't choose the President, it has no significance. When it comes to elections at the national, state, or local level where popular vote does pick the winner, seems Democrats lost over 1000 seats between 2009 and 2017 when Obama was in office.
All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular. How can they get elected?
1. the Democrats stand alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their own fellow countrymen

2. the Democrats are whores for the Gay Mafia, shoving that agenda down America's throat

3. the Democrats are corrupt and elitist

4. the Democrats consciously worked to harm Bernie during the Primaries...

5. the Democrats fielded $hitty candidates

6. the Democrats made the mistake of calling White Straight Christian America "deplorable"

Was there anything else?
Your list is nothing more than demonization propaganda and misinformation.

Since Democrats do those very things, they should be demonized. It's not unearned and definitely accurate information.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
The obvious answer to the question posed in your OP is that the Regressive Left has put so much effort into making the Democrats so repulsive and annoying to so many Americans with your constant PC, Identity Politics, anti-freedom of expression antics and personal insults of anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Your habitual use of the word "dupe", for example.

Turns out many people won't vote for people they just dislike on a personal level. Who knew.

And amazingly, after all this pushback, you folks still refuse to see it. Must be because you're just smarter than everyone else, too.

You may be overestimating the value and meaning of the last election. Even if you disagree with the popular vote significance, the fact is that the country is still pretty much divided 50/50 when it comes to national elections. There are reasons that the power shifts from party to party every few cycles and swings back and forth like a pendulum.

Since the overall popular vote doesn't choose the President, it has no significance. When it comes to elections at the national, state, or local level where popular vote does pick the winner, seems Democrats lost over 1000 seats between 2009 and 2017 when Obama was in office.

The Democrats aren't losing seats anymore. The pendulum has swung.

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