All the hate Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans has finally paid off

What I've learned from this thread is that Democrats are not sorry this shooting happened. On the contrary, they think it was justified and want to see more shootings.

Time to start arresting people.
It's called civil war. Time to start fighting back.
It's tragically going to come to that. The left is rioting in the streets around the clock. Look how many cases of assault and riots they've had just on the Cal campus alone. These fascists can't accept the fact that they lost an election.

I truly marvel at the restraint conservatives have shown across the nation. Even when they are getting punched in the face, none of them have pulled out a firearm and killed someone in self-defense. I'm so proud of the right and they way they conduct themselves. The left is just a bunch of disgusting fascist thugs.
Liberals do not believe in voting or the constitution or freedom of speech. They think they can bully their way back in power, but they are wrong! This is a black eye on liberals in America. The democrat party is stained forever. Time to grow up dems and back off your pit bulls and throw a bucket of water on them. From people like Maxine Waters down to late night so called comics.
And stop this stupid witch hunt and this damn media attack on our president. ENOUGH!!!!!!!
I don't care how foaming at the mouth you are, one thread is enough.

So, when are you going to consolidate all of the anti trump threads?

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Because they are wildly different.

Some are about the uncertified and illegal Trump Foundation, currently under criminal investigation, he used as a slush fund.

Some are about his admitting to sexual assault.

Some are about his extreme and dangerous friendship with Russia.

Some are about how he screwed over his workers when he refused to pay them after they did the work.

Some are about his racist comments like, "Some Mexicans don't rape" and a Mexican can't be a good judge.

Some are about the increasing evidence he mistreats his wife.

Some are about his admiration for the Philippines and North Korea and other authoritarian regimes.

Some are about his stealing from children with cancer.

Some are about paying off lawsuits with charity money.

Some are about his businesses.

Some are get the picture.
Republicans just aren't getting it. Democrats are joyful that republicans were shot. They want more. The shooter is a patriot to them, a hero.
I didn't hear forgiving or enabling the shooter. Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless.
Another sick bitch blaming the victim. Since you love "karma" so much - let's hope that if one day you are brutally raped, everyone tells you to your ugly face that you are "not blameless". I hope law enforcement tells you that. The courts. Your neighbors. Everyone.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? You bold "Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless" and you go off half cocked.
Yeah...I bolded it for everyone to see that YOU made that repulsive statement. The right - in this particular instance - is 100% blameless. They did nothing to deserve that shooting. Their great "crime" was winning an election in a nation made up of 28% Dumbocrat snowflakes who can't handle not having their way (like typical fascists).
I disagree.
I remember the bi-partisan attitudes when Gabby Giffords was shot.
The dems blamed it on Palin
OMG! I didn't know.
Sarah Palin shot Gabby Giffords?
Do you have any links? Cuz I don't.
All I have is a picture:
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

What a crock of shit! Like the Right has displayed their hate. Their actions and words aren't exactly generating "love-ins".
Yes, there are Dems who hate, hate, hate. There are also those
on the Right, who hate, hate, hate.
Implying just one side oozes with hate is very, very ignorant, one-sided and immature.
I am so sick of it's always "just the other side bullshit".. It ain't reality at all.
OMG! I didn't know.
Sarah Palin shot Gabby Giffords?
Do you have any links? Cuz I don't.
All I have is a picture:
And it was because of that silly but innocent picture that dems took the crises and used it as a political hammer. Democrats are not good people. They are bad people.
I didn't hear forgiving or enabling the shooter. Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless.
Another sick bitch blaming the victim. Since you love "karma" so much - let's hope that if one day you are brutally raped, everyone tells you to your ugly face that you are "not blameless". I hope law enforcement tells you that. The courts. Your neighbors. Everyone.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? You bold "Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless" and you go off half cocked.
Yeah...I bolded it for everyone to see that YOU made that repulsive statement. The right - in this particular instance - is 100% blameless. They did nothing to deserve that shooting. Their great "crime" was winning an election in a nation made up of 28% Dumbocrat snowflakes who can't handle not having their way (like typical fascists).
I disagree.
Of course you do. You're all jacked up that conservatives were shot at in an attempted mass-murder and you want to make sure that everyone thinks the conservatives were at fault for it.
The Bernie Sanders supporter shooter asked: "Are those republicans or democrats?" Had the reply been, "democrats" is there anyone here ready to believe the carnage would have gone on?

I don't. Democrats with their hateful rhetoric created this monster.
There is a reason Trump never talks about American values, rights and freedoms when Trump talks to foreign countries.
That is literally all he talks about, you dimwit. :lmao:
Dimwit means, Trump doesn't apologize for them.
That is literally all he talks about....

No it isn't. You are mistaking campaign slogans like "Make America Great" for some kind of policy. Trump doesn't talk about voter's rights. He says too many voted. Millions that had no right. That's an attempt to suppress the vote. Think about how that works.

Republicans want to take away healthcare for millions. We already know that.

Republicans are against the equal pay for equal work bill.

You can't talk about equal rights overseas when you are a party that's 90% white and called the former president boy and tar baby IN CONGRESS. Republicans even called him and his wife "uppity" and even today, many Republicans believe that American citizen was secretly born in Kenya.

I could go on all night. Start today with Trump and go all the way back to Bush and you are building on the disaster that was the Bush administration.
The Bernie Sanders supporter shooter asked: "Are those republicans or democrats?" Had the reply been, "democrats" is there anyone here ready to believe the carnage would have gone on?

I don't. Democrats with their hateful rhetoric created this monster.
That has been debunked.
I didn't hear forgiving or enabling the shooter. Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless.
Another sick bitch blaming the victim. Since you love "karma" so much - let's hope that if one day you are brutally raped, everyone tells you to your ugly face that you are "not blameless". I hope law enforcement tells you that. The courts. Your neighbors. Everyone.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? You bold "Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless" and you go off half cocked.
Yeah...I bolded it for everyone to see that YOU made that repulsive statement. The right - in this particular instance - is 100% blameless. They did nothing to deserve that shooting. Their great "crime" was winning an election in a nation made up of 28% Dumbocrat snowflakes who can't handle not having their way (like typical fascists).
I disagree.
Of course you do. You're all jacked up that conservatives were shot at in an attempted mass-murder and you want to make sure that everyone thinks the conservatives were at fault for it.
There's no sense talking to someone with their fingers in their ears singing LALALALALALA. You're just being purposely divisive as usual.
Democrats are not good people. They are bad people.
All you have to do is look at history. The ideology of the left (fascism, communism, marxism, socialism, etc.) can only be achieved and maintained through violence. Show me a left-wing regime, and I will show you a violent regime every time. Adolf Hitler. Joseph Stalin. Fidel Castro. Mao Zedong.
Another sick bitch blaming the victim. Since you love "karma" so much - let's hope that if one day you are brutally raped, everyone tells you to your ugly face that you are "not blameless". I hope law enforcement tells you that. The courts. Your neighbors. Everyone.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? You bold "Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless" and you go off half cocked.
Yeah...I bolded it for everyone to see that YOU made that repulsive statement. The right - in this particular instance - is 100% blameless. They did nothing to deserve that shooting. Their great "crime" was winning an election in a nation made up of 28% Dumbocrat snowflakes who can't handle not having their way (like typical fascists).
I disagree.
Of course you do. You're all jacked up that conservatives were shot at in an attempted mass-murder and you want to make sure that everyone thinks the conservatives were at fault for it.
There's no sense talking to someone with their fingers in their ears singing LALALALALALA. You're just being purposely divisive as usual.
You're the one blaming the victim...sweetie. You'd think a woman of ALL people who know better than to do that.

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