All the hate Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans has finally paid off

And after you people were so nice to Obama for the last 8 years.
Obama and the democrats spent 8 years putting targets on the police's backs. That paid off too apparently. Libs love ginning up violence.
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them.

What rhetoric? Be specific. When did Trump and his supporters call for assassinations?

What have they done that is so cruel? Closing the border and remaking health coverage is now callous disregard for others?


Take that straw and give it to a goat. Trump has never - to my knowledge - called for assassinations. Try to be honest, I know it's difficult for Trump supporters when lying comes so naturally. But try.

I ask again. What have they done that is so cruel?

Be specific.


Do you live in a cave? Did you not listen to Trump's stump speech, his EO's which impacted long term residents busting up their families? His withdrawal form the Paris Accords, and many of these:

List of Trump's executive orders
Really Frank? You can't imagine that words have consquences? Have you considered how Trump's budget and Ryan's healthcare (Trumpkills) will harm millions?
Have you considered how Obama's healthcare and his $10 trillion in debt caused catastrophic harm to 330 million Americans? Have you considered that nobody opened fire on a group of Dumbocrats despite the fact that they did everything in their power to collapse the U.S. and shred the U.S. Constitution?

Most of all - have you considered what an asshole you sound like when you claim that policies which are rescuing the entire United States are "words" that deserve violence? Have you, :ahole-1:?
Thankfully, it sounds like everyone who was shot at is going to be ok. Lets hope that President Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress use this to swing the hammer down on the left. These sick fucks should be deemed terrorists and dealt with accordingly.

They have assaulted innocent people exercising their 1st Amendment rights, they have spilled blood, maced people, burned automobiles, smashed windows out of buildings, intimated, and done everything in their power to prevent basic Freedom of Speech. The left are terrorists and they should be dealt with accordingly.
I didn't hear forgiving or enabling the shooter. Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless.
Another sick bitch blaming the victim. Since you love "karma" so much - let's hope that if one day you are brutally raped, everyone tells you to your ugly face that you are "not blameless". I hope law enforcement tells you that. The courts. Your neighbors. Everyone.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? You bold "Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless" and you go off half cocked. Wry was talking about the divisiveness, not the shooting! Since there are about 15 threads on this, you may have missed me condemning this asshole for shooting anyone. No one deserves to be demonized. Not Trump, not me, no one, for our political beliefs.

Both sides are working each other up! It's not a one sided problem. No one is forgivi ng or enabling the shooter. Apparently making any attempt to get the Right to take any responsibility for the divisiveness and hatred on BOTH ends is cause for you guys to start foaming at the mouth, though.
Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them.
You are justifying murder for political reasons. No remorse. Our indictment of liberal democrats being the root cause is proven. Rush warned of this very thing happening just yesterday.

Democrats must drop all these baseless allegations of Russian collusion and the Special Prosecutor must end his investigations. I hated that Obama was elected twice but I learned to live with my disappointment. Time for you radical libs do the same.
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

That's what you've learned, eh? that you learned that, what are you going to do about it?
Wow...listen to the dyke talking tough. That's twice now that she's posted "what are you going to do about it"? She's reveling in the fact that conservatives were shot at in an attempted mass-murder and she's daring someone to do something about.

Let me tell ya bodecea, you are one tough dyke from behind your keyboard. I can't imagine anyone would want to tangle with you, internet warrior. I guess when you're a woman who is built like a nose tackle and you can't get your shit together in your own head, it manifests itself this way.
Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.
Hate to break it to you, but Democrats are on the GOP hate list.

This is the GOP top 10:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Republicans don't want those people. Their is a reason the GOP doesn't want most of those. Try to figure out why.
You're ass-backwards. Those are all segregated groups that the democrats, the party of segregation and bigotry, pander to.
Not segregating people is not hate. You're brainwashed.
The Democratic Party is a coalition party. Disparate and identifiable groups of people who share certain political ideas. Like equal pay for equal work and a women's rights and voting rights and all the stuff Republicans have moved passed. There is a reason Trump never talks about American values, rights and freedoms when Trump talks to foreign countries. Why he supports authoritarians. Republicans no longer believe that stuff. They believe in voter suppression and no minimum wage and racism and homophobia. That's why Trump said the House Healthcare Bill was mean. Even he saw it. But he would sign it knowing people will die.
They just don't care. They have become the party of mean and suffering. The examples are endless. It can't be denied.
I didn't hear forgiving or enabling the shooter. Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless.
Another sick bitch blaming the victim. Since you love "karma" so much - let's hope that if one day you are brutally raped, everyone tells you to your ugly face that you are "not blameless". I hope law enforcement tells you that. The courts. Your neighbors. Everyone.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? You bold "Wry has a point that the Right is not blameless" and you go off half cocked.
Yeah...I bolded it for everyone to see that YOU made that repulsive statement. The right - in this particular instance - is 100% blameless. They did nothing to deserve that shooting. Their great "crime" was winning an election in a nation made up of 28% Dumbocrat snowflakes who can't handle not having their way (like typical fascists).
What I've learned from this thread is that Democrats are not sorry this shooting happened. On the contrary, they think it was justified and want to see more shootings.

Time to start arresting people.
It's called civil war. Time to start fighting back.

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