All the hate Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans has finally paid off

The republicans want to inflict violence on LGBT people and take our rights away.

It isn't right as we have rights just like everyone else.

Sounds like a lot of hatred to me for no reason.

What violence do they want to inflict on LGBT people? Be specific.

What I want to ask a right wing nut job is why all the outrage now and not Sandy Hook? I've never seen you all so worked up. And not after Gabby Gifford either. Now because it was a Republican politician now USMB Republicans say they've had enough. We see clearly who they worship.

This shooting is not an isolated incident. The left has been pitting people against each other to get these types of reactions. When you preach for the poor to hate the rich, for women to hate men, and for blacks to hate whites, what do you think will happen?


Just like you guys got Tiller the baby killer shot and Gabby Gifford shot.

This shooting is an isolated incident. When was the last liberal to go on a rampage? This guy was a lone wolf nut bag. Very rare in the liberal community.

And who is it that put the blacks getting shot by the cops every day in the news? Sometimes I think it was the corporate media who shoved that in our face all last year. Who did that news benefit? Trump won right? All the whites who were fed up with black lives matter are who elected Trump.

I'm willing to bet more right wing extremists did shootings last year than liberals. Of course you can't count black on black shootings. That's not political. Not like this guy

Roof also discussed his motives for murdering nine black people at the historically black church, reported Olgin. "We already are the second-class citizens" Roof said, referring to white people. "That's the problem."

Yes, this is one shooting. But the rage has been building as evidenced by the "protests", street blockages, etc. There is no comparison to how the conservatives acted after the election of Obama and how the left now acts after Trumps election.

No. Comparison.

Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice in Alexandria | Daily Mail Online

Now a gunman has decided to act out on the hatred Democrats have been whipping up towards Republicans.

You are guilty, just as if you did it yourselves.

Enacting Shakespeare plays showing Trump getting murdered.

Showing Trump with his head cut off, and holding it up on national TV.

This was bound to happen, and you Democrats caused it to happen.

You thoroughly disgust me, and if it were up to me, you'd all get arrested for what you've done.

Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them.
So, you're saying it's okay for Democrats to shoot Republicans, we have it coming?

Because that's what you're saying.

You should be arrested.

That isn't what he said at all.

When you foment hate and encourage the worst elements of the right to attack protesters, immigrants, non-whites, Jews and Muslims for a year and a half, and ignore over 300 separate reports of hate crimes since the election including the Portland killings, and countless other incidents and attacks, you can't lose your shit because one left winger commits a heinous act and blame the left for his actions.

Clean your own house before pointing fingers at the left. None of you are disavowing the extremes right elements because they helped you elect Trump.

Stop trying to use this tragedy to undermine your democracy because down this road lies Dictatorship.

First you discredit the media and tell people they aren't to be trusted or believed.

Next, begin a campaign of disinformation extolling your virtues and greatness telling the public that you and only you know what's best for the country and vilifying the opposition as "dangerous".

This is where we're at now.

There have been a handful of protests which turned ugly but involving, at most, a couple of hundred idiot.

Pinning the police shootings on BLM is part of that disinformation campaign, but the way the Trump media have jumped all over the Scalia shooting in a coordinated manner suggests that this is the moment they've been waiting for to try to claim that Democrats must be silenced.

Right wing media has been vilifying Democrats in unhealthy ways for years. Democrats are not "takers", they're not looking for free shit, they're not for open borders either. They want policies that benefit ALL citizens, not just the corporates and elites. They want to stop the flow of wealth to the top 5% that began under Reagan's tax code, and restore education and opportunity working and middle class Americans.

Your country is heading down the road to a dictatorship and those attacking the left can't wait to get there.

300 hate crimes since the election? If history is any indication, I assume 90% of them were false flag operations staged by the left.

The left will prove the right is hateful, even if they have to stage the incidents themselves.


Thank you for offering and admitting your biased opinion. Given the comments posted here by those on the Right, how can you not believe the Right IS HATEFUL?

Please explain.

When people are kicked, they kick back. It is the left that has been pitting one group against the other for decades. It is a natural inclination to defend oneself. Wrongfully accusing people of sexism, racism, etc., will provoke an angry response.

The republicans want to inflict violence on LGBT people and take our rights away.

It isn't right as we have rights just like everyone else.

Sounds like a lot of hatred to me for no reason.

What violence do they want to inflict on LGBT people? Be specific.

What I want to ask a right wing nut job is why all the outrage now and not Sandy Hook? I've never seen you all so worked up. And not after Gabby Gifford either. Now because it was a Republican politician now USMB Republicans say they've had enough. We see clearly who they worship.

This shooting is not an isolated incident. The left has been pitting people against each other to get these types of reactions. When you preach for the poor to hate the rich, for women to hate men, and for blacks to hate whites, what do you think will happen?


Just like you guys got Tiller the baby killer shot and Gabby Gifford shot.

This shooting is an isolated incident. When was the last liberal to go on a rampage? This guy was a lone wolf nut bag. Very rare in the liberal community.

And who is it that put the blacks getting shot by the cops every day in the news? Sometimes I think it was the corporate media who shoved that in our face all last year. Who did that news benefit? Trump won right? All the whites who were fed up with black lives matter are who elected Trump.

I'm willing to bet more right wing extremists did shootings last year than liberals. Of course you can't count black on black shootings. That's not political. Not like this guy

Roof also discussed his motives for murdering nine black people at the historically black church, reported Olgin. "We already are the second-class citizens" Roof said, referring to white people. "That's the problem."

Yes, this is one shooting. But the rage has been building as evidenced by the "protests", street blockages, etc. There is no comparison to how the conservatives acted after the election of Obama and how the left now acts after Trumps election.

No. Comparison.

That's because the GOP and Trump are pushing very bad policies. And it isn't us it's the FBI you need to worry about.

No you didn't protest like we do but that's because you all have jobs to go to. Give us jobs we won't have time to protest.
Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them.
So, you're saying it's okay for Democrats to shoot Republicans, we have it coming?

Because that's what you're saying.

You should be arrested.

That isn't what he said at all.

When you foment hate and encourage the worst elements of the right to attack protesters, immigrants, non-whites, Jews and Muslims for a year and a half, and ignore over 300 separate reports of hate crimes since the election including the Portland killings, and countless other incidents and attacks, you can't lose your shit because one left winger commits a heinous act and blame the left for his actions.

Clean your own house before pointing fingers at the left. None of you are disavowing the extremes right elements because they helped you elect Trump.

Stop trying to use this tragedy to undermine your democracy because down this road lies Dictatorship.

First you discredit the media and tell people they aren't to be trusted or believed.

Next, begin a campaign of disinformation extolling your virtues and greatness telling the public that you and only you know what's best for the country and vilifying the opposition as "dangerous".

This is where we're at now.

There have been a handful of protests which turned ugly but involving, at most, a couple of hundred idiot.

Pinning the police shootings on BLM is part of that disinformation campaign, but the way the Trump media have jumped all over the Scalia shooting in a coordinated manner suggests that this is the moment they've been waiting for to try to claim that Democrats must be silenced.

Right wing media has been vilifying Democrats in unhealthy ways for years. Democrats are not "takers", they're not looking for free shit, they're not for open borders either. They want policies that benefit ALL citizens, not just the corporates and elites. They want to stop the flow of wealth to the top 5% that began under Reagan's tax code, and restore education and opportunity working and middle class Americans.

Your country is heading down the road to a dictatorship and those attacking the left can't wait to get there.

300 hate crimes since the election? If history is any indication, I assume 90% of them were false flag operations staged by the left.

The left will prove the right is hateful, even if they have to stage the incidents themselves.


Thank you for offering and admitting your biased opinion. Given the comments posted here by those on the Right, how can you not believe the Right IS HATEFUL?

Please explain.

When people are kicked, they kick back. It is the left that has been pitting one group against the other for decades. It is a natural inclination to defend oneself. Wrongfully accusing people of sexism, racism, etc., will provoke an angry response.


The BIG LIE! ^^^; Who opposed?
  • The Civil Rights Amendment
  • The Equal Rights Amendment
  • Gay and Lesbian Marriage
  • Affirmative Action / Consent Decrees
  • Gay and Lesbian Military Service
  • A women's right to choose
  • VAWA (cutting funding for the Violence Against Women Act)
  • The Dream Act
  • Mocked Black Lives Matter
Is it wrong to call them what they are? Or is it dishonest to deny bigotry, racism, misogyny, etc. are as American as Apple Pie and Baseball?
Oh, so the attacks, that orange mf put out all last year, the violent rallies, the hate, the anti american rhetoric if your skin wasn't white....was just our imagination....bitch please The whore sowed the seeds, now you fuck nuts deal with it.
The right WANTS this violence. They are ecstatic that they have proof that all liberals are unhinged.

All liberals are not unhinged, nor are they blind to what is going on here.
The right WANTS this violence. They are ecstatic that they have proof that all liberals are unhinged.

All liberals are not unhinged, nor are they blind to what is going on here.
You have not been paying attention, apparently. This shooting is only the tip of a very big iceberg.
The right WANTS this violence. They are ecstatic that they have proof that all liberals are unhinged.

All liberals are not unhinged, nor are they blind to what is going on here.
You have not been paying attention, apparently. This shooting is only the tip of a very big iceberg.

Yep, it was only one of the one hundred and fifty third mass shootings in our country this year. 154 occurred a few hours later in SF at the UPS facility.
I think you are sweeping with a mighty broad brush.

Many Democrats have been as shocked by the antics of the left as has been many moderate GOP.

The Democrats have to police themselves better and remove the terrorists wannabes from their flock.
Democrats are part and parcel to left wing extremism. Dems advocate for left wing ideology therefore the party is culpable.
Culpable for what? A crazy guy takes a gun and shoots people. But isn't that why your kind defends the rights of crazies to own guns? So they have their 2nd Amendment right to do that?

Dylann Roof sentenced to death for killing 9 black church members in South Carolina
So you're defending Dylan Roof now?
This Scalese shooting is an act of democrat terrorism.
It was a follower of Bernie Sanders. Sanders isn't a Democrat.

But do Republicans support Dylann Roof? Probably. I assumed they do. He did get NINE.
Sanders is democrat. A socialist, a communist, a democrat.
Sanders who?
Because only a t@rd would call Bernie Sanders a Democrat. Everyone else knows he is not a Democrat.
The right WANTS this violence. They are ecstatic that they have proof that all liberals are unhinged.

All liberals are not unhinged, nor are they blind to what is going on here.
You have not been paying attention, apparently. This shooting is only the tip of a very big iceberg.

Yep, it was only one of the one hundred and fifty third mass shootings in our country this year. 154 occurred a few hours later in SF at the UPS facility.

Yet only one stands out...


Democrats are part and parcel to left wing extremism. Dems advocate for left wing ideology therefore the party is culpable.
Culpable for what? A crazy guy takes a gun and shoots people. But isn't that why your kind defends the rights of crazies to own guns? So they have their 2nd Amendment right to do that?

Dylann Roof sentenced to death for killing 9 black church members in South Carolina
So you're defending Dylan Roof now?
This Scalese shooting is an act of democrat terrorism.
It was a follower of Bernie Sanders. Sanders isn't a Democrat.

But do Republicans support Dylann Roof? Probably. I assumed they do. He did get NINE.
Sanders is democrat. A socialist, a communist, a democrat.
Sanders who?
Because only a t@rd would call Bernie Sanders a Democrat. Everyone else knows he is not a Democrat.
He's a democrat and I explained that in triplicate.

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