All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

t’s no secret that Al Jazeera isn’t exactly the most trustworthy source of information regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Qatar-owned broadcaster routinely depicts Palestinian suicide bombers as “self-sacrificing fighters,” has repeatedly been forced to take down false stories about the Jewish state, and stands accused of coordinating with the US-designated Hamas terrorist organization.

In 2011, a local Al Jazeera employee even admitted to being a senior operative in the Gaza Strip-based terror group.

Al Jazeera’s allegiance was further made explicit in the aftermath of the May 2021 Gaza war when Hamas leader Yahya Al-Sinwar praised the channel’s reporting. “Allow me to extend a special salutation to Al Jazeera… Al Jazeera has been the best pulpit to give accurate voice to our position. All hail to you, heroic fedayeen [of Al-Jazeera],” the terror chief stated at a press conference.

In 2010, the US ambassador to Doha explained that Al Jazeera is “heavily subsidized by the Qatari government and has [proven] itself a useful tool for the station’s political masters,” and a former bureau chief for the network once called Al Jazeera “a mouthpiece for Qatari intelligence.” Much like Russia Today and Iran’s Press TV, the network serves as the PR arm of a dictatorship that severely limits freedom of expression within its own borders.

Qatar, which does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and funds Hamas and the international boycott movement against the Jewish state, also has strong ties to the Iranian regime.

Needless to say, Al Jazeera’s lack of independence, coupled with its long history of bias, should disqualify it from ever being used as a primary source by bureau reporters. After all, as the NPR Ethics Handbook warns: “Too often, incorrect information is passed down from one news story to another because of the failure of the first outlet to get it right.”

However, an analysis by HonestReporting indicates that many mainstream media organizations nevertheless rely on Al Jazeera to supplement their reporting on events in the region, often without noting the network’s apparent ideological bent.

(full article online)


Ken Roth just created a new international law - as usual, just for Israel

Antisemite and supposed human rights expert Ken Roth made up a brand new rule of international humanitarian law today:

Hamas confirms that the Palestinian man who shot two Israeli brothers last month (& was just killed by Israeli forces) "had been a member of its military wing." That may transform what had been a common crime (not a human rights concern)into a war crime.
Notice how the Hamas terrorist merely "shot two Israeli brothers." Roth doesn't want to mention that they were killed, unlike the murderer himself that he says was killed by Israeli forces.

Beyond that, Roth claims, incredibly, that the execution style murder of Hallel and Yagel Yaniv as they were driving was not considered a war crime and was not even a "human rights concern" until yesterday, when Hamas proudly said that he was a member of that group.

Indeed, as far as I could tell, Roth never tweeted about their murder.

Human rights, by definition, is concerned with protecting the lives and welfare of humans. But when the human victims are Jews, then - according to Roth - we have an additional prerequisite for something to be a human rights concern: the attacker must belong to a known militant group. Otherwise, they don't care.

He apparently is assuming that until a group like Hamas takes responsibility, Israelis who are murdered by Arabs might just be victims of a drug deal gone bad, or a misfired bunch of shots at their heads and bodies.

Does this new international law work the other way around? Of course not. Jewish settler actions are definitely of concern to human rights activists even though they are not members of any organized groups or militias. In those cases, the fact that the attackers or alleged attackers are Jews is quite enough evidence for Roth and the human rights community.

But Arabs killing Jews? Those situations have to clear a much higher bar before "experts" and defenders of "human rights" will deign to give them any attention.

Part 1

Two popular books over the past year on the topic of antisemitism were "People Love Dead Jews" by Dara Horn, and "Jews Don't Count" by David Baddiel.

Judging from UN reports, we can combine them into "Dead Jews Don't Count, Either."

The UN issued a list of statements by various leaders concerning events in Israel and the territories during February.

The Table of Contents shows the bias there.

I. UN Human Rights High Commissioner calls for de-escalation
II. Palestinian Rights Committee Bureau rejects Israeli retaliation against PA
III. OIC condemns escalation of crimes in the OPT
IV. ICJ sets deadlines for submissions following request for Advisory Opinion
V. EU appalled by the attack in East Jerusalem
VI. Palestinian Rights Committee Chair participates in LAS Conference on Jerusalem
VII. Status of Jerusalem cannot be altered by unilateral actions, UN Secretary General tells LAS Conference
VIII. EU rejects Israeli government’s decision to “legalize” settlement outposts
IX. OIC condemns the Israeli decision to “legitimize” outposts, calls on the UN Security Council to assume responsibilities
X. UN Special Rapporteurs say Israel should be held accountable for acts of “domicide”
XI. Special Coordinator Wennesland, UNRWA Deputy Commissioner-General Stenseth brief Security Council
XII. Security Council expresses concern, dismay over Israeli settlement expansions, adopting presidential statement
XIII. Palestinian Rights Committee elects Bureau, adopts 2023 Programme of Work
XIV. Special Coordinator Wennesland appalled by the loss of civilian lives in Nablus
XV. EU High Representative Borrell deplores the death of civilians during Israeli military operation in Nablus
XVI. UN Human Rights Commissioner concerned by escalating violence in Israel and OPT
XVII. EU condemns Israel’s approval of more than 7,000 housing units in illegal settlements
XVIII. Palestinian Rights Committee Bureau condemns extreme violence by Israeli forces in Nablus, calls for Palestinians’ protection
XIX. OIC issues communiqué on escalation of aggression by Israel
XX. UN Special Coordinator Wennesland gravely concerned by violence in Huwwara, near Nablus
XXI. EU highly concerned by the latest wave of violence in oPt

Part 2

During February, there were three terror attacks that resulted in six Israeli fatalities. Only one of those attacks was the sole subject of one of the statements listed without also referring to killed Palestinians for "balance."

That statement, issued by the EU on February 10 after a Palestinian rammed his car into religious Jews at a bus stop, killing two children and a newlywed man, blames no one:

On 10 February, the Spokesperson for the European Union Delegation to the State of Israel issued the following statement.
The European Union is appalled by today’s terror attack in East Jerusalem, which killed a six year-old child and a young man and injured other people.

The EU strongly and unequivocally condemns terrorism in all its forms. We send our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wish those injured a speedy recovery.

They don't mention that the terrorist is Palestinian. They don't mention that the victims are Israeli. They say it happened in "East Jerusalem" which implies that (if the victims were Jews) they had no business being there to begin with.

The EU did mention the other two terror attacks later in the month - but it wrote more words about the death of a single Palestinian than the deaths of three Israelis in two separate attacks:

The European Union is highly concerned by the continuously spiraling violence in the occupied Palestinian territory. It condemns the terror attack in the West Bank on Sunday, in which two Israelis lost their lives, and yet another attack on Monday claiming the life of one more Israeli.
The EU condemns the outbreak of settlers’ violence, which resulted in the killing of one Palestinian, injuring of several hundreds of Palestinians and burning of houses and shops, causing the unacceptable destruction of Palestinian property

Notice that two Jews "lost their lives" and one's life was "claimed" by no one in particular. But the Palestinian was "killed" by "settlers' violence."

It is clear that the EU, and the UN, is trying to downplay murders of Jews and to highlight the deaths of Palestinians.


It turns out that Palestinians can become Egyptian citizens.

It costs a lot of money, but the amount has just been reduced.

Since March 2020, and up until now, any foreigner had a few expensive options to become an Egyptian citizen:

They could pay Egypt $250,000 of foreign currency. which would never be returned.
They could put a million dollars into the Central Bank of Egypt for 3 years, and then withdraw it after 3 years in Egyptian pounds with no interest. In the event the dollar has lost value against the pound, the depositor would get the lower amount.
They could do something similar with $750,000 for five years.
They could invest $400,000 in an official Egyptian investment project.
Or they could purchase Egyptian state-owned real estate worth $500,000.

Now, as Egypt desires more foreign currency reserves, they have loosened these price tags. The cash deposit of $250,000 still stands, but it can be paid in installments.

The real estate investment amount was reduced to $300,000 and the three year deposit was reduced from a million dollars to only $350,000. (It might have been a half million between 2020 and now.)

Egyptians are very upset, but not worried about lots of Palestinians coming.

They are worrying that Jews (and rich Gulf Arabs) will buy property in Egypt and take over the country that way!

There are a handful of Palestinians who attempt to become Egyptian citizens every month, but they usually claim to have had an Egyptian parent. Their applications are usually denied, based on them committing fraud. I am wondering if these new rules will prompt rich Palestinians to seek citizenship in Egypt, since many Palestinians want to become citizens of a real country.

In discussions about the decades-long Arab-Israeli conflict, one of the most heavily debated topics is that of the Palestinian refugees.

Even today, almost eight decades after the Palestinian exodus, the issue of the refugees continues to be examined at academic conferences, analyzed in scholarly texts and profiled by mainstream media organizations.

But despite the continued attention given to the Palestinian refugees, how much does the average person know about the complexities and controversies surrounding this issue?

In this piece, we will take a look at the origins of the Palestinian refugees, their continued exploitation for political purposes and their unique status vis-a-vis other refugee populations.

Who Are the Palestinian Refugees?​

The Palestinian refugees are Palestinian Arabs who were evacuated (either voluntarily or by force) in the British Mandate of Palestine / State of Israel between the end of 1947 and the beginning of 1949.

The Palestinian Arab exodus began following the UN vote in favor of partition on November 29, 1947, when the Jewish community accepted the two-state idea and the Arab world violently rejected it.

This first wave was composed primarily of wealthy Palestinians who left their homes in anticipation of a violent confrontation between the Jewish residents of the British Mandate and the Mandate’s Arab population as well as Arabs from surrounding nations. These Palestinian Arabs assumed that the Jews would be quickly overtaken and that they would be able to return following a swift Arab victory.

By January 1948, the number of Palestinian Arabs leaving for neighboring Arab countries was growing so rapidly that the Palestine Arab Higher Committee requested that these countries seal their borders in order to stem the tide of Palestinian emigrants.


What Caused the Palestinian Exodus?​

As opposed to what some might believe, there was no single cause for the Palestinian exodus between 1947 and 1949.

The following are some of the reasons that Palestinian Arabs left their homes during this period:

  • As mentioned earlier, some Palestinian Arabs initially left their homes in order to avoid the upcoming violent confrontation between the Palestinian Arab and Jewish communities.
  • Some Palestinian Arabs fled their villages during battles between Arab and Jewish / Israeli forces.
  • Some Palestinian Arabs fled due to rumors of Israeli atrocities (these rumors were spread separately by Arab propagandists as well as Israelis as a form of psychological warfare).
  • Some Palestinian Arabs fled at the behest of Arab military leaders who promised their return following a quick victory.
  • Some Palestinian Arabs fled for fear of being labeled traitors if they remained behind in the nascent Jewish state.
  • Some Palestinian Arabs were forced from their homes by Jewish / Israeli forces due to their location in militarily strategic areas.

How Many Palestinians Fled Between 1947 and 1949?​

Currently, there is no consensus as to how many Palestinian Arabs fled the region between 1947 and 1949.

The estimated number of initial Palestinian Arab refugees range from between 450,000 and 500,000 (according to a 1948 report by the United Nations and Israeli sources) to 750,000 (according to UNRWA), with some even claiming upwards of 1 million.

Part of the reason that the number of initial Palestinian refugees is not definitively known is that some Jordanian and Lebanese residents registered as Palestinian refugees, nomadic Bedouin Arabs registered as refugees and some refugees were registered more than once as they moved from one refugee camp to the next.

(full article online)

On Tuesday, March 7, South African lawmakers voted to downgrade the status of the South African embassy in Israel as a “gesture of solidarity” with the Palestinian people.

The National Freedom Party (NFP), which has just two seats in the country’s parliament, proposed the resolution and allied itself with the ruling African National Congress Party (ANC) to push it through.

And while the resolution was approved, it proved contentious, with only 52 percent voting in favor.

Announcing the result which merely formalizes a decision taken four years ago to give the embassy the status of liaison office, Ahmed Shaik Emam, the leader of the NFP, described the Jewish state as built on a foundation of “murder”:

This resolution demands accountability from Israel. The State of Israel was built through the displacement, murder, and maiming of Palestinians… This institution of apartheid by the State of Israel contravenes international law and is a violation of the human rights of Palestinians.”
In an earlier press release, Emam claimed that the late human rights icon Nelson Mandela would have “been proud of this decision” — a ludicrous suggestion considering Mandela’s memoir “Long Walk to Freedom” contained numerous positive comments about Israel.

Africa4Palestine, a pro-BDS campaign group with over 64k followers on Twitter, also welcomed the decision:

(full article online)

In discussions about the decades-long Arab-Israeli conflict, one of the most heavily debated topics is that of the Palestinian refugees.

Even today, almost eight decades after the Palestinian exodus, the issue of the refugees continues to be examined at academic conferences, analyzed in scholarly texts and profiled by mainstream media organizations.

But despite the continued attention given to the Palestinian refugees, how much does the average person know about the complexities and controversies surrounding this issue?

In this piece, we will take a look at the origins of the Palestinian refugees, their continued exploitation for political purposes and their unique status vis-a-vis other refugee populations.

Who Are the Palestinian Refugees?​

The Palestinian refugees are Palestinian Arabs who were evacuated (either voluntarily or by force) in the British Mandate of Palestine / State of Israel between the end of 1947 and the beginning of 1949.

The Palestinian Arab exodus began following the UN vote in favor of partition on November 29, 1947, when the Jewish community accepted the two-state idea and the Arab world violently rejected it.

This first wave was composed primarily of wealthy Palestinians who left their homes in anticipation of a violent confrontation between the Jewish residents of the British Mandate and the Mandate’s Arab population as well as Arabs from surrounding nations. These Palestinian Arabs assumed that the Jews would be quickly overtaken and that they would be able to return following a swift Arab victory.

By January 1948, the number of Palestinian Arabs leaving for neighboring Arab countries was growing so rapidly that the Palestine Arab Higher Committee requested that these countries seal their borders in order to stem the tide of Palestinian emigrants.


What Caused the Palestinian Exodus?​

As opposed to what some might believe, there was no single cause for the Palestinian exodus between 1947 and 1949.

The following are some of the reasons that Palestinian Arabs left their homes during this period:

  • As mentioned earlier, some Palestinian Arabs initially left their homes in order to avoid the upcoming violent confrontation between the Palestinian Arab and Jewish communities.
  • Some Palestinian Arabs fled their villages during battles between Arab and Jewish / Israeli forces.
  • Some Palestinian Arabs fled due to rumors of Israeli atrocities (these rumors were spread separately by Arab propagandists as well as Israelis as a form of psychological warfare).
  • Some Palestinian Arabs fled at the behest of Arab military leaders who promised their return following a quick victory.
  • Some Palestinian Arabs fled for fear of being labeled traitors if they remained behind in the nascent Jewish state.
  • Some Palestinian Arabs were forced from their homes by Jewish / Israeli forces due to their location in militarily strategic areas.

How Many Palestinians Fled Between 1947 and 1949?​

Currently, there is no consensus as to how many Palestinian Arabs fled the region between 1947 and 1949.

The estimated number of initial Palestinian Arab refugees range from between 450,000 and 500,000 (according to a 1948 report by the United Nations and Israeli sources) to 750,000 (according to UNRWA), with some even claiming upwards of 1 million.

Part of the reason that the number of initial Palestinian refugees is not definitively known is that some Jordanian and Lebanese residents registered as Palestinian refugees, nomadic Bedouin Arabs registered as refugees and some refugees were registered more than once as they moved from one refugee camp to the next.

(full article online)

A Palestian talks about the Nakba'​

Last month, Singaporean authorities announced the arrests of two youths who were radicalized by jihadist ideology emanating primarily from the Islamic State (IS). The youths, aged 15 and 16, were among the youngest IS-related detainees in the country. Both individuals were found to have been self-radicalized online, with the former harboring intentions of carrying out terror attacks in public spaces, including knife attacks, beheadings, and suicide bombings.

A striking detail in the latter case is that the 16-year-old was found to have joined IS-themed gaming platforms online, where he had interacted with other IS sympathizers. He was a frequent user of Roblox, an open-source gaming platform that offers various first-person shooter environments. He had joined IS-themed servers on the platform at the age of 14 and had played in virtual settings that mimicked the Marawi Siege in the Philippines and various IS battle zones in Syria. The youth considered himself a member of IS in the game, acting as “spokesperson” and “chief propagandist” of the group, mimicking real-life positions within the IS command structure. He had also used Roblox game footage to create three of his own IS-inspired propaganda videos, to which he added the group’s nasheed (religiously inspired songs) and images.

Not a New Phenomenon

The use of video games by jihadist groups as a means to link supporters together, spread their propaganda, and attract youth is not something new. In the early 2000s, the Lebanese group Hezbollah created their own video game titled “Special Force” in which the player took the role of a Hezbollah combatant fighting against the Israel Defense Forces. In 2006, al-Qaeda modified a first-person shooter game called “Quest for Saddam” into their own version called “Quest for Bush.” Players were prompted to kill soldiers who looked like U.S. President George Bush.

(full article online)

[ Peace partners? No. Muslim Supremacy? Yes. ]

  • Abbas’ advisor explains the stages plan for taking Israel's land:
    “The [Palestinian] rights are indivisible. Give me 60% or 70% of my rights, and tell me: ‘That’s it, that’s yours, take it.’ Perhaps temporarily, yes. [But] strategically, no! … Our rights are non-negotiable. They [Israel] want to negotiate over Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque – then by Allah, it is better [to be dead] in the belly of the earth than to be on its surface”

  • Abbas’ advisor: The Western Wall “is an exclusive permanent Islamic waqf according to Allah's decree”

During a televised Friday sermon, PA Chairman Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, stressed that the PA still adheres to the “stages plan” for taking Israel's land. According to this long-term strategy, which was coined by the PLO in 1974, all of Israel – which Palestinians refer to as historic “Palestine” - would be “liberated” in stages and Israel thereby destroyed. The “stages” meant that the “liberation” would happen gradually and that the PLO could enter agreements with Israel that would make Israel more vulnerable and which the PLO did not see as binding.

In this recent sermon, Abbas’ advisor, who also serves as PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge, focused on the nature of any compromise that the PA makes regarding Jerusalem and the Western Wall – as temporary:


PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash: Islam is truth that is indivisible… The rights are indivisible. Give me 60% or 70% of my rights, and tell me: ‘That’s it, that’s yours, take it.’ Perhaps temporarily, yes. [But] strategically, no! … Our rights are non-negotiable. They want to negotiate over Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque – then by Allah, it is better [to be dead] in the belly of the earth than to be on its surface... There is no negotiation on even one millimeter of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, including the Al-Buraq Wall (i.e., the Western Wall of the Temple Mount), which is an exclusive permanent Islamic waqf(i.e., an inalienable religious endowment in Islamic law; see note below) according to Allah's decree …This is our right, and whoever fights us over our right is an oppressor, and it is a duty to resist (i.e., fight) the oppressors.
[Official PA TV, Jan. 20, 2023]

(full article online)

Moreover, the civilians are running away before the IDF vehicle is shooting anything. (Look at the ones in the sunken plaza.) It appears they are running away from previous Palestinian gunshots, not Israeli.

The nature of open source forensics is that they are necessarily incomplete. We have no idea if there are any gunmen in the building behind the civilians, or on surrounding roofs, or across the street that may have shot the victims. The IDF did certainly fire in this video; we can see that some shots hit the pillar. But even if the IDF did shoot at the gunman and accidentally hit the victims, it is not a war crime. It is a split-second decision based on the information the soldiers had - they were being shot at, the gunman went for cover behind a stone pillar, and they were responding to the likelihood that the gunman would resume shooting at them as they passed the pillar. It is unclear that the soldiers even saw the civilians on the top of the stairs before the gunman ran to cover behind the pillar.

The entire life and death decision needed to be evaluated and made in fractions of a second.

Under the laws of armed conflict, while the existence of civilians is one factor to be weighed in such a decision, it is not the only factor. Troops are allowed and expected to defend themselves. A known gunman who runs for cover behind a pillar and who is about to be in line of sight is certainly a legitimate military target.

In peacetime, police are held to this higher standard of doing everything possible to avoid accidentally hitting civilians even if it means the gunman gets away. For armed conflicts, the laws are different. But the Washington Post doesn't say that - their entire article is geared towards the idea that the IDF had no right to target an armed man who was hiding among civilians. (And they know quite well that the civilians were not the intended targets.)

Isn't it interesting that the Post spent weeks and used four reporters with several experts consulted, and yet didn't even ask an international law expert whether Israel violated the laws of armed conflict?

And that brings up the other omission in the Washington Post's coverage: the armed man ran for shelter among civilians, making them into human shields. I mean this literally - he placed himself behind civilian bodies knowing that he was a target, possibly even shoving one person aside. And that really is a war crime!

Apparently, the reporters know quite well that the IDF didn't violate any laws. And that the Palestinian gunman did. Andthey don't want their readers to know that.

Remarkably, whenever the news media spends lots of time and money putting together elaborate 3D models of something involving Israel, it is always to say Israel is guilty. They try to replace honest investigations with razzle dazzle. And they are nearly always wrong.

When you put it all together, this article, like the others, is not meant to illuminate the truth, but to obfuscate it.

(full article online)

Reading the media any day of the week is like diving into a sewer of attacks on the Jewish State and on religious Jews. But no matter how bad it gets, occasionally an entry is particularly disgusting, despicable or vile.

Opinion: Right now, to love Israel is to denounce it – Los Angeles Times – Nadav Ziv
When my maternal grandmother was around 7 years old, she was nearly the victim of a pogrom… Last week, Jewish settlers conducted a pogrom of a Palestinian village named Hawara. They set fire to houses and cars. They threw stones. In one sickening video, the settlers pray with the village smoking in the background, as if their violence honors God rather than desecrating holy commandments and the rule of law alike.
I have never felt so ashamed to be Israeli. I have never felt as angry as I did watching these settlers pervert past Jewish victimhood into a right to harm innocent people, contorting Jewish practice into their colonial ambitions to create a carte blanche for abuses.
Love is hate is not very original.

“Colonial Ambitions”. Anyone who refers to Israel as colonial is really calling for its destruction, not feigning outrage over any particular incident. And referring to Jews as committing a pogrom is despicable.

Nadav Ziv fails to disclose that this was a response to the murder of two young men who were stuck in traffic in Hawara followed by celebrations in the Muslim village. One of a series of murders and assaults.

I’ll let Shmuel Sackett, an activist who lives in the area, tell the rest of the story. “1,600 Jewish families live in Har Bracha, Yitzhar, Itamar and Elon Moreh and their only way home, from the main Tapuach junction, is via this town. Every day, yes! – every single day – at least 20 Jewish cars get stoned while driving through Hawara. I highly doubt that this has ever happened to Rabbi Hauer… It’s important to note that “stoning cars” is not what you think. None of the violent Jew haters are throwing pebbles. They are throwing bricks and dropping cinder blocks from rooftops.”

Imagine a young mother with 3 children in her car, driving home from the supermarket. As she is driving, a brick comes crashing through her windshield. The shock of what happened is enough to give her a heart attack! The children start screaming, there is broken glass everywhere, but she cannot stop for help… because she’s in the middle of Hawara with a mob just waiting to finish the job.
This is not an exaggeration. This happens every day and the murder of Hillel and Yagel Yaniv was something that Hawara residents live for. After the brutal murder, candies and sweets were handed out, cake was distributed, and people were singing.
I’m going to be writing about Hawara elsewhere. Ziv’s ugly and dishonest op-ed is interesting for a whole other reason.

A LinkedIn with that name reveals that he appears to be an employee of 90 West: a strategic communications firm that are “committed to working with mission-driven organizations and individuals whose work aligns with the issues we believe are central to creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable future.”

What’s Ziv’s job at 90 West?

“I research and write op-eds with a focus on climate change, diversity, and taxes; conduct research on the clean energy transition with a focus on grid reliability and offshore wind; and help clients crystallize their research into coherent and engaging prose.”
Founded by an associate of former MA Governor Deval Patrick, the firm is currently tied to Squad member Rep. Ayanna Pressley. One of its missions is “assisting U.S. companies and organizations seeking to engage in Israel.”

The Los Angeles Times op-ed failed to disclose any of that. Instead, it just states that, “Nadav Ziv is a writer whose work includes essays about Judaism, antisemitism and Israel” While a chain of associations isn’t solid evidence, the failure to disclose that Ziv writes op-eds for a leftist strategic comms firm with a focus on Israel is a serious red flag.

Was the vile op-ed written for a 90 West client and planted in the LA Times to make it appear organic? If so which one? I’ve reached out to both Ziv and LA Times editorial page editors to get a response, but I suspect that there won’t be one.

Anti-Israel basis is systemic, but it’s also fed by a network of not only activist groups, but comms operations, many of which are disguised to appear Jewish or even pro-Israel, because that makes them more plausible. These operations are invisible to most people unless you do some digging. And when you do, what turns up is highly revealing. There are organic participants in an anti-Israel movement, but much of it is planted, bought and paid for with the complicity of the media which chooses not to reveal the machine behind the bias.


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