All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

[ Islamic learned hatred of Jews ]

  • ust last week, the head of [Fatah], Mahmoud Abbas, received a phone call from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who reportedly promised to put pressure on Israel to halt its "unilateral measures." Needless to say, Blinken did not complain to Abbas about Fatah's incitement or the celebration of terror attacks by many Palestinians.
  • What makes a human being say intentionally crushing an infant beneath the wheels of a car makes the perpetrator a "hero"? What makes them call the car-ramming murder of 8- and 6-year-old brothers a "heroic commando operation"?
  • This is the result of decades of anti-Israel incitement and brainwashing by Palestinian leaders, which their funders have never told them to stop. As far as most Palestinians are concerned: 1) All Jews are "settlers," and 2) Israel is one big settlement that must be eliminated.
  • Furthermore, finding humor in a cartoon of a terror attack victim's head on a platter about to be eaten as part of a traditional Palestinian feast is hard to comprehend. Why do we keep hearing Palestinians claim that terror and glorification of the murder of innocent civilians is a "natural response"?
  • There is nothing "natural" about murdering Jewish children waiting at a bus stop. There is nothing "natural" about murdering unarmed civilians outside a synagogue. There is nothing "natural" about dancing and handing out candy to celebrate terrorism and the murder of Jews, or of anyone.
  • The EU, the US, and other international funders of the Palestinians continue to finance a government that refuses not only to condemn terror, but that actually grows it like a lucrative slave-farm for terrorists. For some Palestinians, such as the leaders of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, that even includes sending women and children to blow themselves up and using babies as human shields. The leaders do not, of course, send out members of their own families for this "achievement."
  • Sadly, these funders do not even ask the Palestinian leaders, as a condition of their funding, to stop calling for violence and to stop rewarding murder. One has to ask: Why not? If you go to a bank and request a mortgage, the bank will stipulate conditions. That is "natural."
  • Considering the undisguised vitriol of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority in support of terrorism -- with both words and money -- how could Israel seriously be expected to engage in any fruitful peace talks with the Palestinians?

(full article online)

Peter Beinart is at it again.

In his latest guest opinion piece (read: political screed) for The New York Times, Beinart uses the ongoing domestic Israeli debate over judicial reforms as a platform from which to dive into his favorite activity: Manipulating facts and spouting intellectually dishonest arguments in order to demonize the Jewish state and its Jewish citizens.

Here are the top ten issues (out of many) with Beinart’s portrayal of Israeli democracy, political leadership and history:

1. Israeli Demography​

In an effort to undermine Israel’s claim to being a democracy, Beinart writes that “Democracy means government by the people. Jewish statehood means government by Jews. In a country where Jews comprise only half of the people between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, the second imperative devours the first.”

This is a misleading statement since Beinart is including the population statisticsfor Gaza (where Hamas is in control) and the West Bank (where the majority of Palestinians are under the control of the Palestinian Authority).

In Israel, the vast majority (74%) of citizens are Jewish, with a sizable minority (21%) of Arab citizens and those classified as “other” (5%).

2. Peter Beinart vs Yair Lapid​

Beinart portrays former Israeli prime minister Yair Lapid as illiberal and undemocratic by pointing to an essay by Lapid that discusses Israeli democracy but fails to make any mention of the Palestinians.

However, Beinart’s analysis is misleading since the essay is not a defense of democracy but rather a pointed critique of a political opponent (i.e. the Netanyahu government).

Thus, it is not surprising that Lapid did not mention the Palestinians because democracy and equality were not the focus of his essay.

3. Peter Beinart vs Benny Gantz​

Another Israeli politician whose democratic credentials Beinart seeks to undermine is Benny Gantz.

Beinart questions how Gantz can be considered a defender of democracy when, as Israel’s minister of defense, he designated six Palestinian human rights organizations as terror groups in 2021 and subsequently shut them down.

As Beinart seeks to portray this as another case of Israeli hard-handedness toward the Palestinians, he fails to inform his readers that these organizations’ deep ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine have been well-documented by a number of organizations, including HonestReporting.

(full article online)

From the UN's OCHA:
The number of exit permits for [Gaza] workers and traders issued by Israeli authorities increased from just over 10,000 in January 2022 to more than 18,000 in November 2022. This has allowed more exits of people compared with any time since the early 2000s. At the same time, the Egyptian authorities allowed more exits than any time since 2014.
This is an understatement. The number of Gazans allowed to cross into and Israel and back more than doubled between 2021 and 2022, and it was by far the most since Hamas took over Gaza.

Less authorized goods were brought in through Israel and more were imported through Egypt. Goods exiting through either border increased and, for the first time, exceeded the pre-blockade annual figures.
There are more Gaza exports than there were before the Hamas takeover of Gaza!

These are the exports (ignore the caption, this is for both Erez and Rafah crossings):

Israel is clearly trying to help the Gaza economy.

When Israel acts the opposite of the narrative (which says they are starving Gazans in their open-air prison), suddenly the news media loses all interest in reporting about movement and exports from Gaza.

Remember when the UN said Gaza was going to be uninhabitable by...2020?

Israel’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday announced that Oman would open its airspace to Israeli planes for the first time in the latest step towards normalization between Israel and the Arab states.

“This is a historic decision that will shorten the flying time to Asia, lower costs for Israeli citizens and help Israeli airlines to be more competitive,” Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said in a statement. “I thank the Sultan of Oman, Haitham bin Tarik, and our American friends for their substantial help in the success of the move.”

(full article online)

In response to the Nablus operation last week that left 10 Palestinians dead, 7 of them terrorists killed by the IDF and the other three possibly killed by wildly firing Palestinian gunmen, Palestinian groups called for a "day of rage" on Friday.

It turns out that the "day of rage" had already been declared before the events in Nablus. Palestinian prisoner solidarity organizations had already called for "day of rage" protests for Friday because of Israeli actions against cushy prisoner benefits, like unlimited hot water for showersand the ability to bake their own bread.

The National newspaper (UAE) went to Jerusalem to cover these planned protests. They found - nothing.

A Day of Rage planned by Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem passed largely without incident on Friday.

The response to an Israeli military raid that killed 11 Palestinians a few days earlier was expected to flare up after Friday prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

But hundreds streamed out of Bab Al Silsilah, one of the compound’s main entrances, in the same quiet manner that they entered about an hour earlier.

In half an hour, just one worshipper remonstrated briefly with Israeli guards directly outside the entrance to the compound, perhaps the most historically contested site in the decades-long conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

An owner of a nearby cafe told The National he still expected protests, “maybe in half an hour, maybe in a couple of days. We don’t know”.
The PFLP-linked Samidoun NGO managed to get one small protest going - in Berlin. It doesn't look like it attracted more than a 15 people. As of this writing, even the video of the protest has only been watched a couple dozen times.

You can see that Berlin residents pass right behind them without even a glance of curiosity. (Notice also that they routinely write their signs in English.)

Yet even this tiny demonstration seems to have been larger than anything the Palestinians themselves managed to put together.

As with the right-wing "day of hate" on Saturday that does not seem to have materialized, these events are, more often than not, duds.

They get more publicity from the announcements than from the actual protests.

(vide video online)

Not banned but certainly prosecuted. The Holy Land Islamic terrorist front group was taken apart morevthanba decade ago.

They celebrate killing. It's what they do.

Two Israelis Murdered in Terror Attack, Palestinian Kids Rejoice​

University students demonstrate in Gaza City on February 26, 2023, in support of the West Bank and against the Aqaba summit between Israel and Palestinians. (Photo by Mahmud HAMS / AFP) (Photo by MAHMUD HAMS/AFP via Getty Images)

Last summer, the US government and media spent a great deal of time covering the death of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh.

It wasn't because she was a journalist. 53 journalists were killed in 2022, and none of them received even one percent of the coverage that Abu Akleh did.

But at the time, those who obsessed over Abu Akleh claimed they did so because she was an American citizen.

That isn't true either. And we can know that by predicting the future.

On Monday, Elan Ganeles - a dual US-Israeli citizen - wasshot and killed in an ambush while driving his car. He was not voluntarily covering a war zone. He was simply driving to visit the Dead Sea while visiting Israel for a wedding.

Here's what won't happen in the coming weeks and months:

There will be no multi-reporter investigation into his death by the New York Times. And not by AP. And not by the Washington Post or any independent forensics organizations.

There will be no 5-10,000 word articles in US media about his death, looking for eyewitnesses, digging up security camera footage, trying to do open-source forensics. No one gathering thousands of photos and videos from the scene, putting together computer models and diagrams for the trajectory of the bullets, in the name of "justice" for the death of an American citizen.

And certainly no articles tracking down the people who celebrated Elan's death by handing out sweets.

There will be no insistence that Palestinians investigate the death impartially and to share their results with the US.

There will be no calls for an FBI investigation to track down the murderers. For Ganeles' murder, Israel's own investigation - not trusted last year - will be considered fine.

There will be no insistence that Palestinians take responsibility for the crime. And no insistence that Palestinians apologize. Indeed, there will be no apology by the Palestinian Authority.

No one will investigate whether Iranian funding indirectly helped fund the murder of an American citizen. No teams of accountants from the media will trace down the money trail, or even point out that the large number of new armed groups in the West Bank coincides with the de facto loosening of Iran sanctions enforcement by the Biden administration.

Major US officials like Secretary of State Blinken will not host heavily promoted visits by Ganeles' family in Washington, and the family will not have a free forum in major media to insist that justice be pursued for the death of a US citizen. They will not be on TV as anything other than a grieving family - they will not politicize their grief to pressure the US to respond to them, taking multiple trips to Washington and hiring PR experts. There will be no anguished articles a hundred days from now demanding "accountability."

None of this will happen - because Palestinian Arabs are expected to kill innocent Jewish civilians and instead of the media being outraged, it will try to recognize their pain that prompted them to riddle any cars with Israeli license plates with bullets.

Shireen Abu Akleh didn't dominate coverage because she was American and not because she was a journalist and not because she was a woman. She dominated coverage because blaming Jews for a murder is a good way to get ratings, to sell newspapers, to get awards and to strengthen the "narrative" of an Israeli "occupation" that is the source of all evil..

Researching Palestinians killing Jews and publicly pressuring the PA would do none of those things.


Former Palestinian prime minister and Oslo negotiator Ahmed Qurei, known as "Abu Alaa'", died last week in Ramallah.

He is being praised as a brilliant negotiator and peacemaker.

Mr. Qurei’s Israeli and American interlocutors remembered him as a trustworthy, creative, shrewd and often humorous negotiator.

“Together we’ve tried to bring peace to our peoples in an understanding that it’s our responsibility to make a better future to our children,” Tzipi Livni, a former Israeli minister and peace negotiator, wrote on Twitter after Mr. Qurei’s death.

Dennis Ross, a Middle East envoy and the chief peace negotiator in the administrations of presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, recalled Mr. Qurei as “someone who was engaging and often brilliant as a negotiator.”

“He knew how to acknowledge Israeli concerns about security to gain acceptance of Palestinian needs,” Mr. Ross wrote in an email.
There is no doubt that, compared to Palestinians in general, Qurei was a moderate. He spoke out against the second intifada's terror attacks (although not against the intifada altogether.)
Yet even his comparative moderation proves how immoral Palestinian leaders are.

If you read his words carefully, he - along with all other "moderate" Palestinian leaders - never objected to suicide bombings or blowing up pizza shops on moral grounds, even when he claimed he was.

This is from his quarterly report on his government's activity to the Palestinian Legislative Council on March 31, 2004:

We believe that the blood of [Hamas leader] Sheikh Yassin was not spilled in vain… The struggle against the crimes of the occupation was harmed because of the operations against Israeli civilians. These [operations] served as a pretext for the continuation of the [Israeli] aggression. We have condemned them [i.e., the operations], and we must oppose them morally. We stress again our opposition to these [operations] from this platform, because they harm the image of the [Palestinian] national struggle and create confusion and misunderstanding in the international community. These operations damage us economically and serve as a cover for the Israeli government to continue the settlements and the construction of the fence.
The opposition to operations [against Israeli civilians] comes not only because they contradict the road map option, but also because they contribute to the accumulated hatred, enmity, and lack of trust … and weaken the peace camp.

Even though he says "we must oppose them morally," in context even that means that they must oppose them for political and tactical reasons. Terrorism makes Palestinians look bad to the international community, it hurts their cause, it damages them economically, it weakens the Israeli peace camp. But he doesn't express the least bit of anger or horror at actually blowing up Israeli civilians.

And when it comes to his own Fatah faction slaughtering Israelis, he was an enthusiastic fan. Look how animated he is in this video, as he praises one of the comrades of Dalal Mughrabi and participant in her murder of 38 Israelis including 13 children, to great applause from the entire Fatah leadership at the 2009 Fatah Convention.

We have with us today the hero Khaled Abu Asba’, the hero from the [1978] operation of the martyr Dalal A-Mughrabi. We salute and welcome him, and [we say] to the martyred heroine Dalal: All glory to you, all glory to you. All our sisters here are the sister of Dalal.
Abu Alaa 'certainly had no moral qualms about that terror attack. He vigorously praised it.
This is the story that the Western media simply doesn't want the world to know. Just this past week we've witnessed this whitewashing of history in articles and obituaries about Jimmy Carter, James Abourezk and now Ahmed Qurei. (Not in the same league but equally antisemitic was the late Yossi Gurvitz.)

If they had said something explicitly racist, their obituaries would at least mention it; but when they have histories of antisemitism or support for terror against Jews - nothing.

For all the talk about how awful antisemitism is, the media sure works hard to sweep it under the rug when it comes from anyone who isn't politically on the Right.


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