All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

[ It is Ramadan. Time for Muslims to attack Jews, instead of what they used to do, look internally. Or....some are looking internally and finding only hatred for Jews, especially on the eve of Passover. Remember Yom Kippur War? They attacked Israel while the Jews were celebrating that day fasting. ]

Thirty-four rockets were fired from southern Lebanon on Thursday afternoon, with 25 intercepted by the Iron Dome air defense system over northern Israel, the military said. At least three people were injured and several buildings were damaged.

In the evening several mortar shells impacted near the northern town of Metula, not causing any injuries or damage.

Israel blamed Lebanon-based Hamas forces for the afternoon attacks, with Israeli official sources saying it would not have been carried out without Hezbollah’s consent. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is currently in Lebanon.

(full article online)

[ Ramadan, anyone? ]

Sirens went off in Israel on Tuesday night—the night before Passover—as terrorists launched a total of 16 rockets from the Gaza Strip towards Israel.

Ten rockets were launched overnight and six in two separate barrages in the early morning hours on Wednesday.

One of the rockets hit a factory in the Sderot industrial area, causing damage. No casualties were reported. Seven rockets fell in open areas while eight more were intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system.

(full article online)

The guiding principles of the Agence France-Presse (AFP) wire service contain a clear ban on manipulating quotes, and instruct journalists to “report sources accurately, without modifying what was said or selectively using quotes that misrepresent the sense of the statement.”

But these editorial standards did not deter AFP from distorting a quote about Israel in a March 31, 2023 article. Reporting on a missive by the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, AFP cited “Gaza’s Islamist rulers” as issuing the following warning:

The seizure of land by the Israeli occupation and the colonial expansion of settlements are doomed to fail.”
Yet “Thousands commemorate Palestinian Land Day in Israel, Gaza,” which was reprinted by France24 and focused on Palestinian Land Day protests in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip, failed to inform readers what “occupation” and “settlements” mean exactly in Hamas’ dictionary.

This, even though the US-designated terror group is shockingly forthright about its intentions to annihilate the only Jewish state and seven million of its citizens. In fact, AFP appears to have gone out of its way to remove all references to Hamas’ explicit plans to murder and expel the world’s largest Jewish community, with the full statement in Arabic and English reading as follows:

We will not give up an inch of our historical Palestine [sic], from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, and reiterate that the seizure of land by the Israeli occupation and the colonial expansion of settlements are doomed to fail.” [emphasis added]
HonestReporting also discovered that AFP edited out the part where Hamas hailed “the steadfast Palestinian people” in what it dubbed “the territories occupied in 1948 [sic],” which, if included, would have dispelled the prevailing media narrative that Land Day somehow advocates peaceful coexistence with Israel.

Erasing Palestinian Land Day’s Violent Background​

Unfortunately, the erasure of Hamas’ genocidal antisemitism is just one example of how Agence France-Presse, which supplies news copy to thousands of organizations worldwide, misinformed media consumers about the true nature of Hamas and Palestinian Land Day.

Each year on March 30, members of Israel’s Arab minority, in addition to Palestinians across the West Bank and Gaza, stage protests as they mark Land Day, commemorating six Israeli Arabs who died in clashes that followed a 1976 proposal to appropriate land — including some owned by Arab farmers — in the Galilee. Many members of the security forces were also wounded in the March 1976 riots.

Notably, only around 30 percent of the land slated for expropriation was Arab-owned, and the Rabin government concurrently intended to expand the Arab town of Kafr Kanna.

Land Day rallies, which have often devolved into violent confrontations, primarily serve to legitimize the bogus Palestinian claim to a “Right of Return” to all of Israel that would — if ever actualized — destroy the country by weight of numbers.

In 2018, Land Day marked the beginning of the brutal, Hamas-orchestrated “Great March of Return,” that targeted the Gaza border fence, where some participants spoke openly about their wish to “rip a Jew’s head off.”

This year’s “protests” in the coastal enclave included young children in military fatigues posing with a map of “Palestine” that erased all trace of what is now Israel.

However, while AFP notes that “hundreds marched along the heavily guarded border” and “Israeli soldiers fired bullets and tear gas to disperse the crowd,” the violent background of Land Day is completely excised from the story.

(full article online)

CAMERA Arabic has prompted Reuters corrections in both the English and Arabic versions of an article about an Israeli military raid in Nablus which had given an erroneous breakdown of Palestinian fatalities (combatants versus civilians).

Entitled “Israelis, Palestinians pledge to curb violence at Jordan meeting,” the Feb. 27 English report had originally read:

In the latest violence, a Palestinian gunman killed two Jewish settlers in their car in the West Bank on Sunday, Israeli officials said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility.
Hamas said it was “a natural response to crimes conducted by the occupation, the last of which was the massacre in Nablus”’ where 11 Palestinians were killed – six gunmen and five civilians – in an Israeli raid on Feb. 23. (Emphasis added.)
Reuters’ practice of breaking down the casualties of any violent clash into the separate numbers of militants (“gunmen”) and civilians involved is, of course, commendable. However, in this particular case the correct breakdown of the death toll caused by the IDF’s Feb. 22 (not 23) operation in Nablus was seven militants and four civilians.

This more accurate number was evident from official press releases by Nablusian militia “Lions’ Den”. Thus, its Telegram channel issued two subsequent posts (dated Wednesday, Feb. 22 and Thursday, Feb. 23) listing the militants killed in the city that day:

(full article online)

Freedom House – the democracy, political freedom and human rights advocacy organisation – agrees, ranking it (year after year) as a fully “free” state. This doesn’t mean that Israel’s democracy is without flaws and potentially serious challenges. It only means that, by any objective criteria, it’s been, by vitue of its twenty-five consecutive free elections, an electoraldemocracy for 75 years, and, based on its overall human rights record, a liberal democracy. As Freedom House puts it: “Israel is a parliamentary democracy with a multiparty system and independent institutions that guarantee political rights and civil liberties for most of the population”.

Joshua Leifer disagrees. In a Guardian op-ed (“Israel hasn’t been a democracy for a long time. Now, Israelis need to face this fact”, March 30), the Jewish Currents editor comments on “protests against the Netanyahu government’s plan to strip the judiciary of its power”, and concludes thusly:

That the protesters are chanting “democracy” reflects both their blindness and the shred of opening that they represent: blindness, because they misrecognize Israel as democracy when it is, in fact, a liberal ethnocracy that has maintained a military dictatorship in the West Bank for more than half a century.
First, his charge that Israel has maintained a “military dictatorship” in the West Bank is factually inaccurate and ahistorical. The PA has, for nearly three decades, been in full military and civilian control of the major Palestinian population centers in the West bank (known as Area A). Also, by framing the political situation in Judea and Samaria as one which exclusively relates to Israeli control and Israeli actions, Leifer erases Palestinaindecisions which perpetuated Israel’s presence in the territories.

Thus, erased from the pages of history is the fact that PA leaders have, on three occasions, rejected Israeli peace offers that would have created a sovereign Palestinian state in over 90% of the West Bank, 100% of Gaza and a capital in east Jerusalem. Also erased is the toxic culture of incitement, terrorism and antisemitism nutured by Palestinains leaders – values inculcated into Palestinian society which are intrinsically at odds with peace and co-existence.

The anti-Zionist commentators who are continually promoted by the Guardian will hever accept the fundamental truism that Palestinians – like all people – possess moral agency, and that their leaders’ bad decisions will invariably lead to bad outcomes.

Moroever, it should be stressed that – based on his previous articles at Jewish Currents – Leifer opposes the legitmacy of a Jewish state within any borders. The “logic of a Jewish demographic majority”, he wrote in 2020, is instrinsically “racist”. So, it seems that the only way for the state to cease being a racist “liberal ethnocracy” would be to forfieit its Jewish character and to cease to be a safehaven for the world’s Jews. In other words: he supports a ‘one state solution’, where Jews would invariably become a minority ruled by a Palestinian majority.

One Jewish state in the world, for Leifer, is one Jewish state too many.

(full article online)

Just so predictable. The Islamic terrorists use their mosques as places to store weapons used to wage gee-had.

[ Ramadan, no peace for Jews while the land does not return to the conquering colonialist Muslims ]

Riots and clashes broke out Thursday night between Arab residents and police forces in Umm al-Fahm, Sakhnin, Nazareth, Baqa al-Gharbiyye, and Kafr Manda. The police arrested 17 on suspicion of disorderly conduct, throwing stones, and burning tires.

Efrat Mayor Oded Revivi wrote, “It is with great sadness that we received the update on a shocking attack in which terrorists shot at a vehicle containing a mother and her two daughters, residents of Efrat. The two daughters were murdered and the mother is in critical condition. The father of the family who was driving in another vehicle in front turned around and witnessed the efforts to care for his wife and daughters. The council, the welfare and education department accompany the family members, are in contact with the welfare personnel in the Jordan Valley who are near the father of the family and his children. Welfare teams from the Efrat Council are on their way to the hospital and the Valley. The head of the council is in contact with all the parties.”

Police spokesman Eli Levy told Khan 11: “There are scans in the area to find out if it was a terrorist cell. The IDF is leading the investigation.”

He then added: “We are in Ramadan season, with a lot of incitement to terrorism on social media.”

As if to say, Ramadan is just another season. You get rain in winter, in the summer it’s sunny, and in Ramadan Arabs murder Jews. It’s just the way it is, what can you do?

Perhaps if the IDF was more engaged in killing the enemies instead of being an agent for all kinds of social agendas, the security apparatus could find ways to deal with the seasonal onslaught of murders by Arabs. These things could be inoculated against, you know.

(full article online)

Time for the Islamic terrorists to bend and scrape before the Iranian mullicrats for more welfare money.

The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement today saying that the holiest site in Judaism must never have Jews.

The Ministry condemned the "storming of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque / Al-Haram Al-Sharif." which it says "constitutes a violation of the historical and legal status quo existing in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and a violation of the sanctity of the holy places."

The official spokesman for the ministry, Ambassador Sinan Al-Majali, stressed that Al-Aqsa Mosque, with its entire area of 144 dunums, is "a place of worship for Muslims only."

Majali added "the Israeli government bears responsibility for the escalation in Jerusalem and in all the occupied Palestinian territories, and for the deterioration that will worsen, if it does not stop these incursions into Al-Aqsa."

What are the boundaries of Al Aqsa? Well, they include the Kotel. The Jordanian government considers the Kotel to be a part of Al Aqsa Mosque, and therefore they are saying that Jews have no right to be there, either, except perhaps for very limited times that the Ottoman Empire allowed Jews to visit since 1852, which they consider the beginning of the "status quo."

EU High Representative Josep Borrell issued a press release about the latest escalations of violence in Israel:

The EU is deeply concerned by the grave escalation of violence in recent days in Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Lebanon.

Last night again, deadly terrorist attacks have occurred in Tel Aviv, one of them killing an Italian tourist. The EU expresses its total condemnation of these acts of violence. This must cease.

This upsurge in violence follows days of tension and clashes at the Holy Sites, including the intervention and the use of force by Israeli police inside the compound of the Al Aqsa mosque.

The EU condemns the violent incidents which have happened in the Holy Sites and reminds that the status quo of all the Holy Sites must be preserved.

We also condemn the indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza and the territory of Lebanon. We condemn unreservedly the terrorist attack which killed two Israelis and left one seriously injured.

Israel has the right to defend itself. At the same time, any response must be proportionate.

The EU calls for an immediate end to the ongoing violence. Everything must be done to prevent the conflict from spreading.

We urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint, to avoid further escalation and promote calm for the ongoing religious holidays.

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur for the "occupied Palestinian territories," tweeted a link to this statement but then added caveats on where and how Israel has the right to defend itself:
The loss of life in the oPt & Israel is devastating, especially at a time that should be of peace for all, Christians, Jews, Muslims. Israel has a right to defend itself, but can't claim it when it comes to the people it oppresses/whose lands it colonizes.
A later tweet makes it clear that her statement limiting Israel's right to defend itself refers to doing anything to defend Jews outside the 1949 armistice lines.

Which means that she considers Maya and Rina Dee, two sisters who were murdered while they were traveling with their mother, to have been legitimate targets of Palestinian terrorists, since they were killed by Palestinians - who have every right to massacre any Jews they can find.

It also means that even when Palestinian terrorists murder Jews in Israel, they are justified - and Israel has no right to defend itself in that case. This includes defending Jewish children.

This makes her statement that "Israel has the right to defend itself" meaningless - because as long as its attackers call themselves "oppressed" by Israel then that "right" goes out the window. Palestinian rockets from Gaza? Gazans are oppressed by Israel! Rockets from Lebanon and Syria? They are shot by Palestinians who are not allowed to "return" to Israel! Suicide bombs in Tel Aviv? Perfectly justified!

And Palestinians attacking Jewish targets outside Israel is likewise justified.

In short, Israel does not have the right to defend itself from terrorism, anywhere in the world.

According to Albanese, Jews worldwide must allow themselves to be slaughtered as long as their murderers define themselves as "oppressed."

It is a curious position for a supposed defender of human rights to take. But it makes perfect sense if she does not consider Jews to be human.

EU High Representative Josep Borrell issued a press release about the latest escalations of violence in Israel:

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur for the "occupied Palestinian territories," tweeted a link to this statement but then added caveats on where and how Israel has the right to defend itself:

A later tweet makes it clear that her statement limiting Israel's right to defend itself refers to doing anything to defend Jews outside the 1949 armistice lines.

Which means that she considers Maya and Rina Dee, two sisters who were murdered while they were traveling with their mother, to have been legitimate targets of Palestinian terrorists, since they were killed by Palestinians - who have every right to massacre any Jews they can find.

It also means that even when Palestinian terrorists murder Jews in Israel, they are justified - and Israel has no right to defend itself in that case. This includes defending Jewish children.

This makes her statement that "Israel has the right to defend itself" meaningless - because as long as its attackers call themselves "oppressed" by Israel then that "right" goes out the window. Palestinian rockets from Gaza? Gazans are oppressed by Israel! Rockets from Lebanon and Syria? They are shot by Palestinians who are not allowed to "return" to Israel! Suicide bombs in Tel Aviv? Perfectly justified!

And Palestinians attacking Jewish targets outside Israel is likewise justified.

In short, Israel does not have the right to defend itself from terrorism, anywhere in the world.

According to Albanese, Jews worldwide must allow themselves to be slaughtered as long as their murderers define themselves as "oppressed."

It is a curious position for a supposed defender of human rights to take. But it makes perfect sense if she does not consider Jews to be human.

That is not what she is saying.
The Iranian regime has instructed the country’s Jewish community to refrain from celebrating the day after Passover and instead participate in the annual anti-Israel Quds Day demonstration that calls for the destruction of Israel.

“There is a silent pressure and everyone knows their role in this regime and the regime won’t hurt you” if you demonstrate at the Quds Day march, Beni Sabti, an expert on Iran from the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

“If you don’t demonstrate, you will be harmed,” he added, saying it was a question of survival. He stressed the Iranian Jewish community has to show support for the al-Quds Day demonstration in order to “survive” in the totalitarian Islamic state. He noted that many Iranian Jews are being harmed and avoid greater danger by participating in the al-Quds demonstration.

The annual Quds Day protests call for the destruction of the State of Israel and are also held in Iraq, Lebanon and elsewhere, occurring on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

(Full article online)

CBC’s anchor erroneously said the following:

“More rockets, more confrontation for the second a narrow. Israeli police have raided the Al-Aqsa mosque. Hundreds have been arrested and the Red Crescent society says multiple people have been injured on both nights. Rockets have been fired into Israel from Hamas-controlled territory in occupied Gaza. As Margaret Evans reports, the growing conflict is drawing concern from countries in the region and around the World.”

Importantly, Israel does not occupy the Gaza Strip. In 2005, Israel disengaged and removed its combined armed forces, 8,000 settlers and uprooted 21 settlements in a unilateral effort to procure peace.

CBC has a longstanding practice to not describe Israel’s (and Egypt’s) blockade of Gaza – meant to prevent and thwart terror attacks – as constituting an “occupation”.

Accordingly, it was wrong for CBC Radio to make this statement. HonestReporting Canada engaged senior CBC executives to ensure that CBC broadcast an immediate on-air correction to set the record straight.

We are pleased to note that CBC promptly recognized its error and agreed to amend subsequent newscasts to reflect this information. As per the CBC’s policies, the following on-air correction was aired on April 6:

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“And a note, last night we made a reference to the Gaza Strip being ‘occupied’, the territory is not occupied, but rather has its borders controlled by Israel and Egypt.”

We thank the CBC for its cooperation and for taking corrective action.


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