All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Now the twitter of the Hamas "news network"
threatens Israelis against going to Carmel market,
in Tel-Aviv, or else...they're promised a "Gaza welcome"...

Mind the Hamas threats and "Gaza news" come - from Texas.

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We took note that the article erroneously claimed that: “Elyanna, whose full name is Elian Marjieh, was born and raised in Nazareth, a predominantly Palestinian city in northern Israel.”

Importantly, when the article was first published, the Star had accurately had reported that Elyanna “was born and raised in Nazareth, a predominantly Arab city in northern Israel.” However, this reference was edited shortly thereafter and was struck from the report and was replaced with the erroneous version above.

In an HonestReporting Canada complaint sent to the Toronto Star, we conveyed that the claim that Nazareth is a “predominantly Palestinian city” is patently false. Nazareth is an Israeli city comprised predominantly of Arabs and Arabs in Israel overwhelmingly identify as Arabs, not as Palestinians. In fact, only 7% of Israeli-Arabs, according to polls, regard themselves as Palestinian.

Introducing the story about “Palestinians” is misleading given that one of the two Arabs interviewed is an Israeli Arab citizen while the other happens to be a former spokesperson for the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority.

Clearly, there is a significant difference in how Arab citizens of Israel relate to the country and the demonstrations, as opposed to Palestinians living in the West Bank or Gaza who do not hold Israeli citizenship. However, this is not something that Estrin addresses.

He says: “Palestinian political activist Nour Odeh is following the protests from where she lives in the West Bank, where Israel maintains a military occupation, and there is no democracy.” [Emphasis added.]

Estrin fails to point out that the lack of democracy in the West Bank is primarily a symptom of the Palestinian Authority’s refusal to hold elections, the last of which took place for the parliament in 2006 and for the presidency in 2005.

But more seriously, Estrin claims (at 1 min 20):

Some Israeli Jewish protesters say they don’t want Arab citizens in the streets protesting with them.”
To back up this assertion, Estrin interviews one of the protesters:

ZOHAR DVIR: Let’s say, keep it clean…
ESTRIN: Zohar Dvir a retired deputy police commissioner.
DVIR: …Not, you know, to see Palestine flags.”
But did Zohar Dvir really say that he did not want Arab citizens protesting alongside him?

We tracked down Major General (ret.) Zohar Dvir, who happens to be a fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at Reichman University, Herzliya, and asked him to clarify what he had actually said to NPR some weeks prior to the publication of Estrin’s report.

He told us:

Having Israeli Arabs at the protests would be a wonderful thing and they are welcome to join. It’s only the Palestinian flags that are problematic as they are a distraction from the main purpose of the pro-democracy campaign.”

(full article online)


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Unfortunately, some of Israel’s arrows have also killed uninvolved civilians. The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, said yesterday that the civilian deaths in Gaza are “unacceptable” and called on Israel to “abide by its obligations under international humanitarian law”.

This amounts to a grave slur against the IDF which is known by all Western military commanders to be more effective than any other force in the world in preventing the deaths of civilians in enemy territory. Instead, Guterres should have held the Gaza terrorists directly responsible for the killing of their civilians, for it is they who have a deliberate policy of using human shields — a war crime. Not least, Islamic Jihad commanders keep their wives and children close to them as proper military commanders would wear their body armor and helmet.

Guterres’s comments — and their echoes in the media and among human rights groups — also play directly into the hands of terrorists whose prime operational objective, short of its destruction, is international vilification of Israel. The UN Human Rights Council’s condemnation of the IDF that will follow this conflict as night follows day, flowing from thinking such as the Secretary General’s, will help ensure that Islamic Jihad and terrorists everywhere continue to use human shields and will cost many more lives.

Knowing the IDF as I do I can be confident that they are closely adhering to — and going beyond — international laws of war in this conflict. But there is another question as well. Should they have been given political direction to conduct offensive operations in Gaza, knowing that innocent civilian lives would be lost? Some argue, following Guterres’s line that civilian deaths are unacceptable, that Israel’s shield is sufficient to blunt the rockets and protect its population without the accompanying arrows.

(full article online)


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