All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Part 5


Instead of an agreement that is not possible in the foreseeable future, we should strive for an arrangement, even without an agreement, which includes both Israeli security control and Palestinian autonomy, which will be almost a state. Such an arrangement should allow Palestinians autonomy in most areas of life, including planning and building, over at least 70 per cent of areas in the West Bank (including neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem, as proposed by the ‘Save Jewish Jerusalem Movement’ or on the basis of the offer of Commanders for Israel’s Security. When a strategic change will take place, such as the weakening of political Islam (including Hamas), or a regime change in Iran, it may be possible, to move from a unilateral arrangement to a bilateral one. Inshallah.

EVERY so called "peace agreements" require the Palestinians to surrender, cede territory, to give up Jerusalem, and to give up the right to return.
A Jordanian parliamentarian arrested by Israeli authorities last month for attempting to smuggle over 200 firearms into the West Bank was released on Sunday to face trial back home.

The Shin Bet security agency said MP Imad al-Adwan, detained at the Allenby Bridge border crossing on April 22, was handed over to Jordanian authorities for “further investigation and prosecution.”

Al-Adwan was caught with 194 handguns and 12 assault rifles at the Allenby crossing as he was heading into the West Bank by car.

(full article online)

Palestinian and Egyptian media are reporting:

The President of the Palestinian National Council, Ruhi Fattouh, said that the organization of extremist Talmudic Jewish groups organizing biblical lessons and vigils near the Bab al-Rahma chapel, at the eastern entrance to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, comes in the context of the occupation’s plans to control it and turn it into a Jewish temple, which is a prelude to changing the features of Al-Aqsa Mosque and its Islamic identity in favor of a false narrative,in flagrant violation of all international resolutions that protect the city of Jerusalem with its historical and cultural heritage.

In a statement issued today, Sunday, Fattouh called on the international community and its organizations to intervene to stop these extremist actions, which will plunge the region into a religious conflict that will ignite it.

He warned the fascist government of extremists against continuing Judaizing policies and aggressive measures against the Holy City and its mosque, stressing that the Palestinian people will not allow its desecration or division, and will remain an exclusively Palestinian Arab Islamic site forever.

The people giving tours on the Temple Mount speak about the Temple through the entire tour, which naturally includes the area of Shaar Harachamim which the Muslims call Bab al-Rahma. This entire charge is made up to make it sound like Jews have broken the status quo - and to attempt to say that not only is Jewish prayer illegal, but any Jewish presence whatsoever.

Denying that the Temples existed there is antisemitism, plain and simple.

[ How many more lives are the Arabs/Muslims willing to waste, of their own? ]

JPost reports:

The IDF killed two terrorists in a raid in the West Bank town of Tulkarm on Saturday morning when an attempt to arrest them led to an exchange of gunfire, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit announced.

The terrorists were identified as 22-year-olds Samar Salah al-Shafei and Hamza Jamil Haroush who had carried out the shooting terror attack in Avnei Hefetz on Tuesday. The IDF said the two terrorists were planning further attacks.

The terrorists shot at three vehicles on Tuesday. One was hit and the driver was moderately injured from glass shards.

NowFatah is claiming that Hamza Haroush wasn't a failure at his attempt to murder Jews, but in fact he participated in several successful attacks, and on Tuesday he killed two - and this is being hushed up by the Israelis:
Our martyrs carried out a qualitative operation on the Avnei Hefetz road when the lion of the battalion dismounted and fired at three cars that were carrying settlers. He made sure at that time that there were at least two dead, and the occupation concealed this, as usual.
This is Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah trying not only to claim credit for an attack, but to make things up to appear more successful at murdering Jews than they were.

This is Israel's '"peace partner."
[ The 40 thieves are at it again ]

There has been some media attention paid to the coronation oil that King Charles was anointed with on Saturday. It was prepared in Jerusalem according to a centuries-old recipe.

As the royal website quoted the Archbishop of Canterbury:(archived):

Since beginning the planning for the Coronation, my desire has been for a new Coronation Oil to be produced using olive oil from the Mount of Olives. This demonstrates the deep historic link between the Coronation, the Bible and the Holy Land.From ancient kings through to the present day, monarchs have been anointed with oil from this sacred place. As we prepare to anoint The King and The Queen Consort, I pray that they would be guided and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
As he indicates, the idea of anointing kings with holy oil comes from the Hebrew Scriptures as the kings of Israel were anointed with consecrated olive oil. This custom was taken up by the Holy Roman Emperors and the monarchs of France and England.

Of course, the Palestinians want the world to think that this is "Palestinian" olive oil.
Palestinian-British academic Dr. Makram Khoury-Machool writes in the Palestinian Raya site about the "secret of the Palestinian olive oil." Khoury-Machool then makes a fairly startling admission for a supposedly impartial academic:

Whether we are supporters or opponents of the monarchy in principle, or supporters of Britain's foreign policy policies, or critics, we must look at the media picture in its larger and broader framework, and not out of factional personal interest. We, as Arabs and Palestinians, must link our Palestinian cause on every occasion in order to pressure in favor of our cause and deepen awareness in order to win over the broad masses among all peoples to form a public opinion that pressures political decision-makers.
He is saying out loud what Palestinians have been doing for years - hijacking any and every cause in order to place themselves at the center and to demonize Israel.

We've documented this many times. The only reason Palestinians join international forums is to bash Israel. We've seen it with UNESCO, refugee conferences, conferences on children, Human Rights Day, and conferences on women, climate conferences and conferences dedicated to saving the world's oceans.
The Palestinian Authority has signed many international conventions with no intention to adhere to them - they only joined so they could join the International Criminal Court and then use that against Israel.

Palestinians try to hijack American "progressive" causes like Black Lives Matter, native American issues and the Women's March, even though they couldn't care less about those causes.

Thanks to Dr. Khoury-Machoul, we see that not only admit that they do this intentionally - they urge each other to hijack every possible issue.


[ Organizations refusing to work for peace, but only for the destruction of Israel ]​

Delegitimization of Israel and accusations of “Judaization”

Who Profits’s focus on business activity in the Negev, as well as the language and comparisons in its report – particularly regarding the country’s establishment and Zionism – underscore its rejection of the legitimacy of Israel as a Jewish state.

According to Who Profits, its campaign “demonstrates how, when it comes to Israel, infrastructure, and development projects in the Naqab as well as in the rest of Palestine, serve as part of the ongoing dispossession and forced displacement of Palestinians.” Who Profits further claimed that “The concept of modernization and ‘making the desert bloom’ is a central pillar of the ideological underpinnings of the Israeli settler-colonial project in Palestine” (emphases added). In other words, Who Profits views Israeli development in the Negev as inherently illegitimate and necessarily adversarial.

Furthermore, in discussing Israeli hi-tech companies, the NGO decries that they are “aggressively incentivized to establish operational facilities in the southern city of Beer al’Saba (Be’er Sheva)…In an age of economic neoliberal Zionism, tech workers mirror the Zionist movement’s early pioneers, implanted in the Naqab to set up Kibbutzim and agricultural farms.”

Such framing reveals the NGO’s portrayal of any Israeli presence in the Negev as foreign.

The Negev is “Occupied”

Who Profits’ position that Israel has no right to Negev is furthered in its November 2022 report targeting insurance and pensions companies for supporting firms and projects that the NGO deems “violate[] Palestinian rights,” and who “enable and directly profit from…the violation of the rights of Palestinians and Syrian communities.”

Exemplifying their view of the Negev as “occupied,” the authors write that clusters of solar panels are “for the benefit of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and the western and eastern Naqab.” Likewise, they describe solar projects in the West Bank, Negev, and the Golan, in a single paragraph, implying that business activity in all three areas constitutes illegitimate “settlement” activity.

(full article online)

[ How many more lives are the Arabs/Muslims willing to waste, of their own? ]

JPost reports:

The terrorists shot at three vehicles on Tuesday. One was hit and the driver was moderately injured from glass shards.

NowFatah is claiming that Hamza Haroush wasn't a failure at his attempt to murder Jews, but in fact he participated in several successful attacks, and on Tuesday he killed two - and this is being hushed up by the Israelis:

This is Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah trying not only to claim credit for an attack, but to make things up to appear more successful at murdering Jews than they were.

This is Israel's '"peace partner."
Give me liberty or give me death. ~ Patrick Henry
Wafa reports:

Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh called on the "UNESCO" organization to intervene to prevent the Israeli occupation authorities from establishing a settlement site adjacent to the village of Sebastia, whose establishment would cause severe damage to the historical site in the village.
I don't know if this is true, or specifically where such a settlement would be built. ("Sebastia" is a Roman renaming of Shomron - which is Samaria.)

However, Shtayyeh's appeal to UNESCO implies that any people moving to the area would cause great damage to the historic value of the area, which includes finds from the Israelite, Greek and Roman periods.

Yet if you look at photos of the region, you see Palestinian villages and buildings built haphazardly all over the supposedly sacrosanct historic area.

Zooming in on the area of the Roman amphitheater shows it is surrounded by newer buildings only meters away:

There must be a gene that Jews have that ensure that Jewish building destroys historic archaeological sites, while Palestinian Arabs don't cause any damage whatsoever.

How else can we explain that Shtayyeh thinks that only Jewish settlement is a danger to archaeological sites? He couldn't be a bigot, could he?

The Israel Defense and Security Forum released a poll of Israeli attitudes towards Judea and Samaria. It showed that a majority of Israelis feel a historic, emotional or religious connection to the territories.

70% of the Jews surveyed feel a historical connection to Judea and Samaria, 63% an emotional connection, and 48% a religious connection.

In comparison, only 37% of Israeli Arabs feel a historical connection to the West Bank, 33% an emotional connection and 32% a religious connection.

Keep in mind that the Maarat HaMachpela in Hebron is considered to be the Ibrahimi Mosque by Muslims, and even Rachel's Tomb and Joseph's Tomb have been turned into Islamic shrines. And Jews are on the whole far less religious than Muslims are. Even so, Israeli Jews are twice as likely to say they feel a connection to the territories than Arabs are.

[ More wasted life. Because of the insistence in hating Jews and not giving Jews the rights of any other humans ]

[ In reality, Christianity's influence on Islam's antisemitism has been going on from the 7th Century on, as Islam appropriated a lot of the Christian thinking about the Jews ]

The impression I always has was that while Muslims have had antipathy for Jews since the time of Mohammed, they didn't frame that in terms of real hate until the late 19th or early 20th centuries. And I believe that this came primarily from Christian Arabs.

If you do a search for "Jews" in arabic in Google Books for the 19rh century, a large proportion of the books that result are written by Christians. Certainly Arabic translations of the Old and New Testaments are featured prominently, but also some doctrinal works of antisemitism seem to have been eagerly translated to Arabic by the Arab Christians.

One example I found was an Arabic translation of works by 19th century German Catholic theologian August Rohling, a true Christian antisemite, who wrote a number of books mistranslating the Talmud into German to stoke Jew-hatred. It seems that his works were relatively popular in Arabic translation by Youssef Nasrallah, with a number of editions and reprints.(Nasrallah is a popular Muslim and Christian surname.)

This is the Protocols before the Protocols.

I'm not as familiar with this topic as I should be - I believe Bernard Lewis covers this - but I wonder how much Christian influence there was on today's doctrinal Muslim antisemitism.


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