All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

A century after the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" was

proven to be a hoax, Arabic media continues to believe that they are true. All of these articles are from within the past month.

Egypt's popular Seventh Day news site celebrated the birthday of the first person to translate the Protocols into Arabic.

Iraq's Kitabat quotes them as an aside in an article on political money to prove the point that controlling the media and money is a decisive factor in politics.

An Amman news site says that one should not believe the "Pandora Papers" accusations against Jordan's King Abdullah because the media is under Zionist control, as the Protocols prove.

A Jordanian writer in Al Quds says, as an aside, that luxury items should be eschewed because the Protocols say that Jews use luxury items to control everyone else.

Last but not least, Dr. Ghazi Hussein - an elder Palestinian statesman whom we recently quoted - wrote an entire article in Al Majd filled with Jew-hatred based on the Protocols. Excerpts:

(full article online)

Not Reading Between the Lines Gives Only a Superficial Impression

The true focus of the Protocols is not the Jews, but democratic movements that threaten the hereditary ruling class. The spoiled, sheltered, and paranoiac birth-elitists can't very well openly show their contempt for their people's Unfortunate Sons, so they don't really criticize these movements with any rational objections; they just say that the Jews control them and will subjugate anyone who follows the movements out of belief in democratic ideals. The security of the ruling class through using boogeyman scare stories has always been the ulterior purpose of using the Jews as scapegoats. When the Jews get kicked out of so many countries, ask who is doing the kicking.
Not Reading Between the Lines Gives Only a Superficial Impression

The true focus of the Protocols is not the Jews, but democratic movements that threaten the hereditary ruling class. The spoiled, sheltered, and paranoiac birth-elitists can't very well openly show their contempt for their people's Unfortunate Sons, so they don't really criticize these movements with any rational objections; they just say that the Jews control them and will subjugate anyone who follows the movements out of belief in democratic ideals. The security of the ruling class through using boogeyman scare stories has always been the ulterior purpose of using the Jews as scapegoats. When the Jews get kicked out of so many countries, ask who is doing the kicking.
Someone kicked your brain to have so much toxic garbage, aka, lies come out of it.

You are a true Judeophobe, Antisemitic, Jew hater for whom the protocols were written by other Judeophobe, antisemitic, Jew haters.
Following communication from CAMERA’s Israel office, The Jerusalem Post amended certain elements of the article to better highlight the anti-Israel and violent nature of the game. Yet, the somewhat improved article still does not include comment from the game’s critics. Nor does it acknowledge that the game rejects Israel in any borders and that its missions include sabotage of the defensive Iron Dome, an act that means certain death for thousands of Israeli civilians, women, children and the elderly.

Screenshot of the original headings (CAMERA)

Changes in response to CAMERA’s concerns include the headline and subheadline, which originally stated: “New video game lets players ‘free Palestine’ and fight Israel: Titled Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the game is developed by Nidal Nijm and is slated for release in December.” The improved headlines states: “Anti-Israel video game has players ‘free Palestine’, fight IDF; A video game titled Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque lets users play as a ‘Palestinian freedom fighter’ who shoots IDF soldiers.”

( Some want to destroy Israel but many cannot live without it )

On Wednesday, the Gaza Chamber of Commerce announced that it received 10.447 applications from people wanting to obtain a work permit inside Israel and PA-ruled areas, after the organization announced Israel's offering more permits.

Israel offered 2600 additional permits, according to Gaza officials.

Times of Israel adds

An Israeli security official said authorities decided to allow in 7,000 workers in September but were only able to issue 4,500 permits. They are now taking applications for the remaining 2,500, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with regulations. The permits were for businesspeople, rather than day laborers.
Two points that the media is reluctant to make:

1. Ever since the new Naftali Bennett-led coalition, Israeli policy has been to help Arabs - within Israel and under Palestinian rule. No one is giving the government any of this credit.

2. If Israel was such an "apartheid state," why are Palestinians flocking to enter it?

His latest article says that while Israelis celebrate normalization with Arab countries, the reality is that they are not even close to full normalization. This makes him happy.

His proof is that Israelis cannot walk freely in Egypt's and Jordan's capitals. But he really means Jews.

The entity’s leaders have the right to be proud of normalization only when we see them walking in the streets of the popular neighborhoods in Cairo, and to sit untouched in the cafes of Al-Sayyida (Zaynab), Al-Hussein and Khan Al-Khalili neighborhoods, and to roam in the center of the Jordanian capital Amman, and visit its popular markets. When we see them there without people throwing their shoes at the visitors, we will say, “Normalization has won.”....and then our country will not be our country that we know and love.

Until then, the joy of the "entity leaders" with the current normalization will remain distorted and deceptive... despite all the "disturbances" it brings to the human spirit...

At least one of the Cairo neighborhoods he mentions appear to have been heavily Jewish before the Jews were expelled. Khan al-Khalili was where Jews owned jewelry shops and it as near the Jewish quarter. At least one building in the Sayyida Zaynab neighborhood features Hebrew inscriptions.

And how would Egyptians distinguish between Israeli and Jewish visitors to those neighborhoods, where the visitors would presumably be greeted with anger and shoes?

Jew-hatred is so ingrained in Palestinian culture that a prominent Palestinian is bragging that normalization cannot be considered successful as long as Arabs hate Jews, and he doesn't see that changing anytime soon.

Asfour is not too bright. He has argued that Israel assassinated Yasir Arafat because Arafat claimed that the First Temple was in Yemen.

He is still considered a respected analyst in the Arab world.

(full article online)

Iraq is a predominantly Arab country, where popular opinion is ripe for peace and normalization with Israel. Non-Arabs, such as most Kurds, who make up one quarter of the population, have been friends with Israel for decades. If given a chance without fear of repression, anti-Iran Shiites and many Sunnis can join the Kurds. The real number of Iraqis who call for peace with Israel will then be significant.

But until Iraqis can enjoy freedom of expression, many of them — even the most liberal — will run for the exits every time the word Israel is mentioned. Iraqis want peace with Israel, but are not willing to sacrifice their lives for it.

(full article online)

The nefarious intentions of the US-designated Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip with an iron Islamist fist since seizing control of the enclave in 2007, are well-documented. In accordance with its antisemitic founding charter, Hamas’ foremost goal is to “obliterate” the only Jewish state and “raise the banner of Allah over every inch of [British Mandatory] Palestine.”

The terror group’s notion of what a “Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea” would entail for Israel’s nearly seven million Jews was elucidated on September 30 at a convention dubbed, “The Promise of the Hereafter.” The gathering in Gaza was funded and attended by Hamas’ top brass, who discussed preparations for the future administration of what they called “post-liberation Palestine.”

The Associated Press (AP) on October 6 briefly mentioned the conference in an article ostensibly devoted to economic hardship that was titled, somewhat ironically, Tens of thousands in Gaza line up for Israeli work permits:

Hamas recently organized a workshop to discuss the management of natural resources in what is now Israel once the militant group ‘liberates’ historical Palestine. Critics saw the event as evidence of Hamas’ disconnection from the daily hardships endured by Palestinians in Gaza, where employment hovers around 50%.”
While the author of the piece notes Hamas’ intention to “liberate” all of present-day Israel, he stops short of elaborating on the part of the “workshop” that focused on murdering, expelling and prosecuting millions of Jewish Israelis; that is, except for the “educated Jews” who would essentially be enslaved.

(full article online)

( All the Palestinians Hamas does not seem to care for.
Where is the beef? I mean.....the jobs? With all the money that keeps coming from EU, Qatar, etc ? )

Someone kicked your brain to have so much toxic garbage, aka, lies come out of it.

You are a true Judeophobe, Antisemitic, Jew hater for whom the protocols were written by other Judeophobe, antisemitic, Jew haters.
I Touched a Nerve of a Preppylover, Making Him Go Goofy Godwin

You're an unAmerican peasant who loves the born rich and hates democracy. Go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where you belong and make sacred relics of the guillotined skulls of the Lords and Ladies you worship.
While showing solidarity with imprisoned Palestinian terrorists, demonstrators were led in various chants, including “With our souls and our blood, we will redeem the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and “There is only one solution — Intifada, revolution.”

Another chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” refers to a Palestinian state encompassing the entire Holy Land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean.

If there was any lingering doubt, another chant was “We don’t want two states — bring us back to ’48.”

(full article online)

While showing solidarity with imprisoned Palestinian terrorists, demonstrators were led in various chants, including “With our souls and our blood, we will redeem the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and “There is only one solution — Intifada, revolution.”

Another chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” refers to a Palestinian state encompassing the entire Holy Land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean.

If there was any lingering doubt, another chant was “We don’t want two states — bring us back to ’48.”

(full article online)

The UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Ahmed Shaheed, has issued his final report on antisemitism.

It is actually good.

The litmus test is whether the report admits that anti-Zionism is antisemitism, and it definitely does.


(full article online)

The truth is anti Semitic?

Interesting. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
The truth is anti Semitic?

Interesting. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Your distortions of the truth is antisemitic.
The ignorance about Jews and Israel you live and breath for is antisemitic.
Your obsession with putting an end to Israel is antisemitic.

Just a common Christian who cannot shake off his ignorance on Jews, which fuels his hatred for Jews and Israel, and move on with his life.

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