All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Qatari cash pays for weapons and explosives used in terror attacks against Israeli citizens; Qatari money has financed the construction of an extensively elaborate underground network of terror tunnels that rival some of the most efficient subway systems in the world; money that was supposed to be used for concrete and steel which should have been earmarked for homes and hospitals was diverted to build a subterranean city to move terrorists and store weapons.

And, of course, Qatari money has bought missiles – thousands of them – that have been fired at Israel’s population centers indiscriminately killing scores of men, women and children.

Qatar is Palestinian terror’s financial sugar daddy. Without the Gulf state’s money, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad would be bankrupt.

QATAR HAS a long history of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups. In testimony to the 9/11 Commission and Congress, Jamal al-Fadl, Osama bin Laden’s former business aide who defected to the US in 1996, confirmed that the Qatar Charitable Society was one of al-Qaeda’s major sources of funding.

(full article online)


Palestinian Official Dr. Nasser Al-Qaram Extols Martyrdom In Friday Sermon Following IDF Killing Of 3 Fatah Terrorists: Israelis Are The Enemies Of Allah; They Terrorize, Commit Crimes Against Our People​

#9369 | 02:45

Extolling the ''virtues of martyrdom'' is a common theme used by pal terrorist promoters to urge the Islamic faithful toward killing Jews. Murder / suicide is simply given a label that appeals to the sociopaths created in pally'dom.. Israel, the country most threatened by Islamist-powered terrorism, doesn’t suffer mass carnage from gee-had as they once did. Its people are armed and ready.
The Israeli Navy on Thursday wrapped up its participation in the US Navy’s massive IMX exercise, in which dozens of countries took part, including several with which Israel does not have formal ties.

This was Israel’s first time participating in the International Maritime Exercise, as it increasingly cooperates with the US military’s Central Command and its 5th Fleet, which operates in the waterways around the Middle East.

“The participation of the Navy in the American exercise demonstrates the strengthening connection between our fleets, based on power, mutual learning, and strategic partnership. We are coordinated and working together with our American partners to prevent terror in the maritime arena and to strengthen the security of the region’s waters,” Israeli Navy chief David Salama said in a statement.

(full article online)

Now she has written about her experiences during her short trip to Israel for Al-Hurra. It was virtually all positive.

The one slight discomfort that she felt came not from Israelis - but from Palestinians.

Ever since the Abraham Accords, Palestinian Muslims on the Temple Mount have been harassing and intimidating any Muslim with a Gulf accent who wants to visit Al Aqsa Mosque.

Here is how Najat describes her visit to Jerusalem and the third holiest site in Islam:

My impression before my visit to Jerusalem was that it is a small and religious city, but I was surprised that it is larger than I expected, and it is not only a religious city, but also a contemporary city. I saw the religious side of the city I saw when I visited the Old City of Jerusalem with the wonderful tour guide, Shaked Berry, who coordinated with Sharaka (an NGO that supports peace between Israel and Gulf stets) and I saw a true incarnation of the three major Abrahamic religions: the Temple Mount and the Western Wall for Judaism, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for Christianity, the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque for Muslims. The Old City is divided into the Muslim Quarter, the Christian Quarter and the Jewish Quarter.

The confusion I found on my trip like many Muslims is that we always imagine the Dome of the Rock, a holy Islamic shrine, to be the Al-Aqsa Mosque....

Therefore, the moment I stood in front of the Al-Aqsa Mosque was solemn, because I saw myself in front of a long history, and the truly touching moment was when I heard the call to prayer for the Maghrib prayer while I saw people of different faiths walking in the square. But what struck me was that I could not go inside the mosque because of security warnings, especially after there were several incidents against Gulf Arabic-speaking visitors, especially when the visitor knows that they are from the Gulf countries, so I preferred not to speak in Arabic and go immediately to the Christian neighborhood and then the Jewish one.

Palestinian antisemitism is so entrenched that they not only try to discriminate against Jews, but also against Muslims who have the audacity be be friends with Jews.

(full article online)

On July 22, 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council appointed the members of a “Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel,” including “all underlying root causes…systematic discrimination and repression based on national, ethnic, racial or religious identity.”

The process for selecting members of the COI is entirely secret. It is unknown how COI members are nominated, how many candidates were considered, what selection criteria is applied, and who has ultimate authority to appoint these individuals. This secrecy is a blatant violation of UN rules and international fact-finding standards.

This review highlights the chosen panel members’ conflicts of interest and prejudicial backgrounds, including long histories of anti-Israel activism and highly inflammatory rhetoric. Many of their statements and associations directly relate to topics under the COI mandate, suggesting that the Commission members have already formed their conclusions, prior to any investigation. These appointments demonstrate that the goal of the COI is not to conduct an impartial and objective investigation, but rather, to manufacture evidence, recycle allegations of apartheid, and demonize Zionism and Jewish self-determination. In fact, it appears these individuals were chosen specifically for their prejudicial stances. Such extreme bias, a violation of international and UN fact-finding requirements (p. 19), is typical of UN inquiries into Israel, and countries should refuse to cooperate with this panel and to provide it funding.

(full article online)

Unrwa’s mission made no reference to refugee resettlement, and its definition of a Palestinian refugee included future generations without any time limit.

Meanwhile, some 20 million non-Palestinian refugees are under the auspices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), whose mandate is limited to actual refugees, whose aim is to resettle as many as possible in countries where they can find safety and opportunity, and whose workforce is smaller than Unrwa’s. This triggers the question of why Unrwa operates on its own, rather than under the UNHCR structure, and how long its open-ended mandate will continue.

Finally, it should be noted that there were also some 850,000 Jewish refugees as a result of persecution and violence in Arab lands, beginning largely in the 1940s. No special U.N. agency was set up for them. They eventually found new homes in Israel, Europe and North and South America, and their trauma has largely been ignored by history.

(full article online)

On July 22, 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council appointed the members of a “Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel,” including “all underlying root causes…systematic discrimination and repression based on national, ethnic, racial or religious identity.”

The process for selecting members of the COI is entirely secret. It is unknown how COI members are nominated, how many candidates were considered, what selection criteria is applied, and who has ultimate authority to appoint these individuals. This secrecy is a blatant violation of UN rules and international fact-finding standards.

This review highlights the chosen panel members’ conflicts of interest and prejudicial backgrounds, including long histories of anti-Israel activism and highly inflammatory rhetoric. Many of their statements and associations directly relate to topics under the COI mandate, suggesting that the Commission members have already formed their conclusions, prior to any investigation. These appointments demonstrate that the goal of the COI is not to conduct an impartial and objective investigation, but rather, to manufacture evidence, recycle allegations of apartheid, and demonize Zionism and Jewish self-determination. In fact, it appears these individuals were chosen specifically for their prejudicial stances. Such extreme bias, a violation of international and UN fact-finding requirements (p. 19), is typical of UN inquiries into Israel, and countries should refuse to cooperate with this panel and to provide it funding.

(full article online)

Many of their statements and associations directly relate to topics under the COI mandate, suggesting that the Commission members have already formed their conclusions, prior to any investigation.
Why do they need to investigate what is going on in front of their face?
Unrwa’s mission made no reference to refugee resettlement, and its definition of a Palestinian refugee included future generations without any time limit.

Meanwhile, some 20 million non-Palestinian refugees are under the auspices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), whose mandate is limited to actual refugees, whose aim is to resettle as many as possible in countries where they can find safety and opportunity, and whose workforce is smaller than Unrwa’s. This triggers the question of why Unrwa operates on its own, rather than under the UNHCR structure, and how long its open-ended mandate will continue.

Finally, it should be noted that there were also some 850,000 Jewish refugees as a result of persecution and violence in Arab lands, beginning largely in the 1940s. No special U.N. agency was set up for them. They eventually found new homes in Israel, Europe and North and South America, and their trauma has largely been ignored by history.

(full article online)

Unrwa’s mission made no reference to refugee resettlement,
Resettlement is outside UNRWA's mandate. They have no authority to do that.
( The Christian Russians, who in 1903 gave the world the forgery of Protocols, and then went to help create the Palestinian identity in 1963-64, are now "Not" recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital because Israel Dared to not be on Russia's side during Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Once Russians, always Russians. Once Jew haters, always Jew haters )

Polyanskiy spoke just hours after Israel broke its neutrality on the conflict, as it gave a nod in support of Ukraine.

He also indirectly took issue in his comments with Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, including west Jerusalem.

In 2017, Moscow said it recognized west Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. But Polyanskiy appeared on Wednesday to ignore that recognition of Israel’s government, using Tel Aviv as a synonym for Israel’s government.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has taken a “strategic decision to deepen ties with Israel,” a report in Globes has said in recent days.

The report said Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is “striving to deepen economic and commercial ties,” adding, “This new approach can be attributed, among other things, to the major success of the Abraham Accords, which have helped promote economic deals signed between the Israel and Egypt themselves, and private companies from the two countries.”

A second factor listed by the report is Egypt’s need for Israeli assistance with the US administration, “which is pressing Cairo on human rights.”

Meanwhile, the energy sector has been over the past decade “one of the areas in which deals between Israel and Egypt have flourished,” said the report, stating that pipelines “have been laid and sales agreements signed and also implemented. Now, as part of the new approach that Al-Sisi has adopted, these deals have been expanded to include Jordan.”

(full article online)

Alhurra’s corrected version, published Feb. 8, 2022, commendably replaced all references to “settlers,” including both in the headline and the body of the article, with accurate accurate terminology citing “Israelis.” Editors also changed “1967 war” to “1981” and removed the inaccurate demographic description.

Additionally, the following Feb. 8 note alerting readers to the changes appears prominently at the top of the article: “This report was corrected due to a few inaccurate dates and terms appearing in its first published version.”

(full article online)

The French Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin is calling for the dissolution of two hate organizations in France, the "Palestine Vaincra" collective and of the "Palestine Action Committee."

According to the Ministry of the Interior, the Palestine Action Committee is supposed to defend the rights of the Palestinians, but in fact relays press releases from Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah, and reports on their actions, according to the authorities. The Ministry calls for its dissolution for incitement to hatred, violence, or discrimination and provocation to terrorist acts.

Similarly, Palestine Vaincra explicitly supports terror attacks on Israeli Jews. Here's an autotranslated screenshot of one of their articles that actually celebrates Palestinian support for shooting rockets at Jewish civilians:
We've seen this sort of argument before, that advocating for killing Jews is a human right. It only makes sense if the "human rights activists" do not regard Jews as being human and deserving of rights to begin with.

Incitement is not free speech. These Palestinian groups are not defending Palestinian human rights but call for Palestinians to have the "right" to target and murder Jews.

In a normal universe, major human rights organizations would denounce how their cause is being hijacked by people who clearly oppose human rights and celebrate terrorists and murderers. But we live in a universe where "human rights" organizations like Amnesty and Human Rights Watch show their full support and partnership with groups like Samidoun, Palestine Vaincra and the Palestine Action Committee.

(full article online)

Two months ago British media outlets including the BBC and the Times produced reports relating to a much criticised Christmas season op-edwritten by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and the Anglican Archbishop of Jerusalem Hosam Naoum concerning ‘Christians being driven from the Holy Land’.





One topic conspicuously absent from both the original op-ed and the related media coverage was that of attacks on Christians perpetrated by Palestinian Muslims, despite the fact that references to such attacks appear in a report provided to CAMERA UK by the office of the Archbishop of Canterbury in response to a query concerning the data cited.

As we noted at the time in relation to a radio report by the BBC Jerusalem bureau’s Tom Bateman:

“Notably, listeners were not told anything at all about “the plight of Christians elsewhere in the Middle East” – not least those in Palestinian Authority and Hamas-ruled territories.”

Just over a month after that op-ed was published, a member of the clergy at the Greek Orthodox church of Jacob’s Well in Nablus (Schem) was assaulted. The Palestinian NGO ‘Sabeeldescribed the perpetrators as “a group of lawless Palestinians” and it was later reported that the Palestinian Authority security forces had made a number of related arrests.

(full article online)

Throughout the Forensics Architecture video, and the Al Haq report, not once is it mentioned that terrorist groups were ever in those areas. Not once do they even consider that the IDF was aiming at military targets. The words "rocket" or "Qassam" or "militant" or "resistance" are not mentioned once, and neither was "Hamas" mentioned in the report's body (one footnote referred to a story with Hamas in the title.) And not once do they mention that Hamas is knowingly destroying priceless archaeological treasures- which has happened many times, not just here.

This is not just bias. This is purposeful whitewashing of the truth.

Because for all the high tech, 3D models that Forensics Architecture generates, truth is the last thing it is interested in. The report and video are intended from the outset to be pure anti-Israel propaganda.

If they would even briefly mention that, sure, there are "resistance sites" in those areas - legitimate military targets - then their entire thesis of Israel violating international law disappears. It is obvious that Israel would prefer to target weapons caches, command and control centers and rocket launch sites over wasting expensive missiles on old Roman ruins at or near a beach.

There is literally no evidence that Israel targets these areas to erase Palestinian culture and plenty of evidence that there were valid military targets there. And even more evidence that Hamas doesn't care at all about Palestinian "cultural heritage." By not mentioning that, this proves that these two NGOs also don't care about cultural heritage, except as a weapon to attack Israel.

This is the state of anti-Israel bigotry. Package up half-truths, give only one possible explanation no matter how farfetched it is, and know that the audience will lap it up.

(full article online)

Many people are saying that this is proof that Israel is as contemptuous of international law as Russia. Others are trying to create their own bizarre analogies.

I tweeted a response for these idiots, not that it matters. A slightly updated version:

For the idiots comparing Russian invasion of Ukraine to Israel's occasional forays into Gaza:

1) Israel has no territorial designs on Gaza.
2) Hamas starts every war.
3) Hamas attacks Israeli civilians.
4) ...And brags about it.
5) Israel never targets civilians. And it spends millions of dollars to minimize their deaths or injuries. Because it has nothing to gain by attacking civilians.
6) Although not often reported, Israel adheres to international law of armed conflict.
7) Israel warns civilians to get out before bombing a military target embedded with the innocents.
8) Israel has lots of legal checkpoints before choosing a legal target.
9) Israel is defending itself.
10) Israel doesn't want war.
11) Israel wants to see Gaza prosper and when there aren't rockets, it helps Gaza's economy.
12) Hamas explicitly wants to see Israel destroyed.

I know people who read mainstream media don't believe half of this, but it is all true.

Oh, and as of this writing, the political sites of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have not commented on the Ukraine invasion at all. Which is a tacit approval of the action. (Israel denounced the invasion.)

(full article online)


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