All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

RE: All the News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2​

SUBTOPIC: A view on the 'Electronic Intifada’ (alla David Collier)
※→ et al,

The ‘Electronic Intifada’ (EI) is not too dissimilar to the “Cold War” era propaganda. All propaganda is message system. What changes over time that it is (of course) the focus of the message in which one party attempts to transmit a certain to manipulate the receiver? (RHETORICAL) In the case of the EI, it supports the message is political and there is a directed and scripted thought supporting “Palestine” with a very, very soft hidden agenda (America is the necessary ally that without which Israel cannot survive) in the background. The messages were, in the beginning, delicate and precise communiques in the silhouetted against an ever-shifting political screen. The EI is ‘actually’ an American based media outlet that is aggressively targeting the allies of the Israelis, and there is no question as to where the EI sympathes to the plight of the Arab Palestinians. It amplifies the concept that the Israelis just marched in and took the territory.

The EI today concentrates its efforts on the issues of lawlessness as the occupation force, the appearance of ‘apartheid,’ refugee claims, and border demarcations. And while each of these issues appear sound and valid, they are actually bogus. Mistakes interpreted as facts and then spread through the social media as if each claim had been investigated and determined to be legitimate. This is very reminiscent vital role propaganda contributed towards ideology and culture during past wars.

The Arab Palestinians, largely through the grace of America, has been allowed to form a strategy of cultural infiltration, however, the motivation is often obscured. Some of it is a monetary advantage, some of it is for recognition, and some of it is for influence.

As a side issue, the EI has taken up the cause for the designated terrorist organizations.


Most Respectfully,
After severe flooding this winter season, Palestinians accused Hamas of diverting funds earmarked for much-needed infrastructure projects to the building of tunnels, often used to smuggle weapons and carry out terror attacks against Israel. This, even though Hamas reportedly has $500 million stashed away in a secret foreign investment portfolio.

Yet, even as Gazans are increasingly protesting against Hamas’ brutality, Australia’s SBS News recently published a piece titled, “Concern Australia’s Listing All of Hamas as a Terrorist Organisation Will Harm Ordinary Palestinians.” The publicly-funded broadcaster produced the piece in the aftermath of Canberra’s declared intention to designate all of Hamas as a terror organization.

Up until then, the Australian government had only proscribed Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades. As HonestReporting has noted, there is no meaningful distinction between Hamas’ “military” and “political” wings and the failure to make clear that they are two sides of the same coin has contributed to whitewashing the Palestinian group’s totalitarian and genocidal ideology — and its violent manifestations.

The Australian broadcaster, which is set to receive over 690 million USD in government funding between 2022 and 2025, in its piece also obscures the reality surrounding the joint Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip.

More than three years later, the great minds at Newsweek have apparently chosen a side in the alleged great “controversy and debate” concerning the history of Palestinian statehood. Unfortunately, the esteemed journalists did not choose the side of history.

In his Feb. 27 article, “Ukraine Resistance Like Palestinians Fighting Israel, Shaun King Suggests,” Scott McDonald makes the following ahistoric assertion:

The signing of the Oslo Accords, 1993, establishing Palestinian control of territory for the first time in history (Photo by Vince Musi / The White House / Wikipedia)

Until the Oslo Accords in the 1990s in which Palestinians gained control over parts of the West Bank, Palestinian Arabs never had any sovereignty over any land that they now claim. As Newsweekrightly noted in 2018 before its misguided “corrections,” at no point in history was there a Palestinian state.

Thus, in no way is it accurate to state that “much of their homeland [was] stripped from them following World War II.” From 1917 to 1948, the land that Palestinians claim was the British Mandate of Palestine, under full British control. Before the Mandate, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire.
In 2015, after MSNBC aired maps which graphically made the same false point that Palestinians were supposedly stripped from their homeland, the network commendably broadcasted the following on air correction:

(full article online)

Nakba denier.
Nakba denier.
Exactly. Because it never happened.
One cannot deny something that did not happen.

Losing a war to Jews is not a catastrophe . But Muslim mentality cannot stand losing wars to infidels and what they consider their servants.

Too bad.

Many Muslims have grown up. Now, just waiting for the rest of them to put an end to the Palestinian leaders abuse of their own people.
Exactly. Because it never happened.
One cannot deny something that did not happen.

Losing a war to Jews is not a catastrophe . But Muslim mentality cannot stand losing wars to infidels and what they consider their servants.

Too bad.

Many Muslims have grown up. Now, just waiting for the rest of them to put an end to the Palestinian leaders abuse of their own people.
When did the Palestinians ever lose a war?

Where is the surrender? When did the war end?


Of course not.
When did the Palestinians ever lose a war?

Where is the surrender? When did the war end?


Of course not.
Sad, sad sociopath.

Of course they won the war of 1948. They destroyed Israel, did they not?

Of course they won the war of 1967. Israel was destroyed.

Of course they won the war of 1973. Israel was destroyed.

Of course they are winning the BDS war on Israel.

Sad, sad sociopath.

Of course they won the war of 1948. They destroyed Israel, did they not?

Of course they won the war of 1967. Israel was destroyed.

Of course they won the war of 1973. Israel was destroyed.

Of course they are winning the BDS war on Israel.

They who? It wasn't the Palestinians.
They who? It wasn't the Palestinians.
Right. They did not call themselves Palestinians in 1948.
But many fought against the Jews in 1947 to 1949 to destroy Israel. They did not succeed and had to be expelled.


Losers really for having arrived in Palestine between
the late 1900s until 1948, only to end up being used as puppets in the Islamic war against the Jews.

And continue to be puppets of the Hamas and PA leaders to be used as murderers of Jews, whenever it is time to incite them to kill Jews.

What a destiny these poor people never even saw coming.
Right. They did not call themselves Palestinians in 1948.
But many fought against the Jews in 1947 to 1949 to destroy Israel. They did not succeed and had to be expelled.


Losers really for having arrived in Palestine between
the late 1900s until 1948, only to end up being used as puppets in the Islamic war against the Jews.

And continue to be puppets of the Hamas and PA leaders to be used as murderers of Jews, whenever it is time to incite them to kill Jews.

What a destiny these poor people never even saw coming.
Nice duck. :clap: :clap: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
After Glick posted his photo on social media, all hell broke loose.

The PLO Churches Committee issued a statement of condemnation, deploring Al Aiqa for doing something so amazingly awful as allowing a Jewish person who lives in a settlement to step foot in a Christian place:

Higher Presidential Committee for Churches Affairs in Palestine condemns and deplores the reception of the head of the Beit Al-Liqa Association in Beit Jala, Johnny Shahwan, of the Zionist extremist Yehuda Glick, the leader of the extremist organization “Haliba.”

This reception comes at a time when the Palestinian people are facing the violations of the occupation and its settlers for Christian and Islamic places of worship in Jerusalem.

The Committee affirms that, in cooperation with all the security services and legal authorities in the State of Palestine, it will take the necessary measures towards the institution.

Sending that they were in trouble, Bait al-Liqa issued a statement denying knowing who Glick was and this Christian institution insisted that they would never let a Zionist knowingly enter their hallowed location:

We were surprised today with the news circulating social media about a visit to an extremist settlement called Yehuda Glick to Bait al-Liqa, and we would like to clarify the following:
The Bait al-Liqa Foundation in the Hospitality House hosted a group of German guests, and part of their visit program was that Pastor Johnny Shehwan, Chairman of the Foundation, spoke about the activities of the Bait al-Liqa Foundation in serving the local Palestinian community. And at the end of Pastor Johnny's speech, suddenly, an unknown person entered, and we were only made aware today Wednesday through social media, that this person was the Zionist extremist "Yehuda Glick." At the end of the meeting, the leader of the German group asked for a group photo, this stranger came and stood next to Pastor Johnny and a brother with a "selfie" photo, the meeting ended and everyone left.
The institution confirms its lack of knowledge beforehand with the presence of this Zionist extremist, and was in no case part of the meeting program. Apparently this guy exploited his entrance to the meeting house for his suspicious goals, which we absolutely refuse.
And on top of that, we emphasize the following:
First: We strongly condemn all the actions and attitudes of the criminal settlers, especially the actions associated with this extremist, which we confirm that we do not know and have nothing to do with him neither far nor near.
Secondly: We emphasize our commitment as a Palestinian national Christian institution to all standards of civil society and its opposing normalization.
Third: We invite all members of the Palestinian community to their political, social and religious institutions, to kindly visit us at the House of Representatives Foundation, and listen to us before taking any stand.
Fourth: We held a large number of lectures and seminars against the Zionist thinking at the meeting house, and we hosted a book and scholars who released a book against Zionism and Zionist Christian thought.

In short, "We hate Israel! Please don't punish us!"
But the authorities decided that they need to investigate how such an awful thing could happen where a Jews with his tzitzit hanging out could possibly infiltrate this proud Palestinian space. Bait al-Liqa is being closed for a week, apparently by the Bethlehem Governate, to help this "investigation."

This is a marvelous trolling opportunity. Jews should show up at all events where Palestinian officials greet foreigners, take selfies, and then the entire Palestinian economy would be shut down as everyone scrambles to outdo the next in declaring how much they hate "settlers" and punishing the poor groups who allowed the Jew to enter.

(full article online)

When the 7th Emergency Special Session "reconvened" in 1982, US Ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick noted that this completely circumvented the normal rules of the UN, and bluntly gave the reason why as part of a great speech that exposed the UN's hypocrisy:

[W]ho among us sincerely believes that the exercise in which we are now engaged – this "resumed" emergency special session – will take us closer to that goal [of peace]?

Who among us believes that the cause of peace is served by still another round of bitter denunciations of Israel?

Who among us – I wonder – believes that peace is even the goal of this Assembly?

...[N]either this special session nor the draft resolution now circulating in the corridors is consistent with the purposes of the United Nations Charter. ...This special session is one more event in an ongoing process whose goals are to delegitimize a Member State – Israel – to deny it the right to self-defense, to secure borders, to survival.

This special session and its accompanying draft resolutions are one more clear example of a strategy whose goals and tactics are clear: use a United Nations body to make "official" demands incompatible with Israel's security and survival, so as then to be able to claim that non-compliance with these impossible demands "proves" Israel an international lawbreaker unworthy of membership in the international community of peace-loving States.
That is exactly the blueprint of the antisemites of the UN. And the proof can be seen in the 10th "Emergency Special Session," again against Israel, which has convened no less than sixteen times since 1997, the most recent being in 2018!

This means that the UN has convened not eleven but thirty meetings under the Emergency Special Session framework, and of those thirty, 24 have been dedicated to attacking Israel.

That's 80%.

As the UN meets now in its eleventh Emergency Special Session, two of the previous ones never ended. Both the seventh and tenth, against Israel, are only "temporarily adjourned."

UN condemnations of Russia become nearly meaningless when these simple facts show that the UN has been subverted a long time ago and proven to have no real interest in peace.

(full article online)

When the 7th Emergency Special Session "reconvened" in 1982, US Ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick noted that this completely circumvented the normal rules of the UN, and bluntly gave the reason why as part of a great speech that exposed the UN's hypocrisy:

That is exactly the blueprint of the antisemites of the UN. And the proof can be seen in the 10th "Emergency Special Session," again against Israel, which has convened no less than sixteen times since 1997, the most recent being in 2018!

This means that the UN has convened not eleven but thirty meetings under the Emergency Special Session framework, and of those thirty, 24 have been dedicated to attacking Israel.

That's 80%.

As the UN meets now in its eleventh Emergency Special Session, two of the previous ones never ended. Both the seventh and tenth, against Israel, are only "temporarily adjourned."

UN condemnations of Russia become nearly meaningless when these simple facts show that the UN has been subverted a long time ago and proven to have no real interest in peace.

(full article online)

Do people hate Israel because it is a Jewish state, or because of the killing, stealing, and lying?
Do people hate Israel because it is a Jewish state, or because of the killing, stealing, and lying?
Christians have a long history of hatred for Jews because of "killing Jesus" and not converting to Christianity and all the other lies they have invented about Jews since the creation of that ideology.

Muslims have the same issue.
It is the final "religion" and Jews failed to believe and accept Allah as their god. They had to pay for it since then.

So, Israel is not hated because it treats all its population well, including Christians and Muslims.

It is hated because it is the sovereign country of the Jews, who .....according to Christianity and Islam.......must stay under the protection and humiliation of both for all eternity and never attempt to be sovereign of any part of the world, much less only 20% of its ancient homeland.

You hate Israel because you cannot lie enough about Jews and succeed at destroying their sovereignty over their land which, as stated above.......they do not have the right.....under your Christian beliefs, to be free, sovereign and successful without depending on what the almighty Christians decide.

Tough toxic garbage to live by, Tinmore, but you do it everyday.
Good bullshit. Israel sits inside of Palestine's international borders.
Total Bulshit. Palestine is a region. Palestine is the name of the Mandate for the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation ON their own ancestral homeland .

No Palestine state or sovereign government EVER in its history before WWI.

You will never, ever, prove that there was a country called Palestine with its own government, currency, etc, etc.

Because there never, ever was one.

The only two countries on Palestine at the moment are Jordan, 1946 (from taking 78% of the Mandate thanks to the British ) and Israel, 1948

Until you find evidence which does not exist, keep hating Jews as well as you do.
Total Bulshit. Palestine is a region. Palestine is the name of the Mandate for the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation ON their own ancestral homeland .

No Palestine state or sovereign government EVER in its history before WWI.

You will never, ever, prove that there was a country called Palestine with its own government, currency, etc, etc.

Because there never, ever was one.

The only two countries on Palestine at the moment are Jordan, 1946 (from taking 78% of the Mandate thanks to the British ) and Israel, 1948

Until you find evidence which does not exist, keep hating Jews as well as you do.
More Israeli bullshit. Israel sits on unceded Palestine territory.
European Members of Parliaments from the Netherlands and Belgium have announced they will battle the European Union’s (EU) massive financing of the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) illegal takeover of Area C in Judea and Samaria.

Area C is under full Israeli control as per the Oslo Accords and has been subjected to a campaign conducted by the PA to gain control of the area, a campaign financed by the EU and almost uncontested by the Israeli government.

Samaria Council Chairman Yossi Dagan met with MEP Koen Metsu of Belgium and Dutch MEP Gidi Markuszower and agreed to establish the Judea and Samaria lobby and fight the EU’s financing of the PA’s campaign in area C.

Dugan presented them with data showing the EU’s funding of a half-billion dollars of the PA’s illegal construction in Area C, as well as funding for the “Settler Violence” incitement campaign against Israelis living in Judea and Samaria. The MEPs were shocked by the data presented to them and promised to act on the issue.

Markuszower said after the meeting with Dagan that the EU “funds terrorist organizations that steal territories and build illegal structures in Area C. This must stop, as this is the illegal theft of territories belonging to Israel. The Palestinian Authority is stealing territories, and this situation must stop. This illegal act is detrimental to peace.”

(full article online)


A map of the Middle East from the PA issued textbook “Geography and History of Palestine, Grade 10.” Photo Credit: IMPACT-se.
European Union lawmakers are urging the European Commission to consider reducing funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA) if it continues refusing to purge its K-12 curriculum of materials that “incite schoolchildren to hate Jews and emulate terrorists.”

“This situation is simply intolerable, even more so as the EU is paying the salaries of the school teachers using this hateful material,” 32 members of the European Parliament wrote in a letter to the commission’s president on Tuesday. “This is a glaring violation of the most basic EU values and contradicts our common goal of working toward peace and the creation of a democratic Palestinian state.”

(full article online)


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