All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

If anyone had any doubts regarding the effectiveness of Israel’s Anti “Pay-for-Slay” law in putting economic pressure on the Palestinian Authority, none other than the PA's Prime Minister, Muhammad Shtayyeh, removed those doubts.

Referring to the alleged financial crisis that the PA is currently facing, the PA Prime Minister claimed that Israel’s Anti “Pay-for-Slay” law is the main reason for the PA's financial problems:

“The occupation is the primary cause of the financial crisis that we are facing, and the difficult situation that we are being subjected to is a result of Israel’s ongoing measures that steal our money and prevent us from being able to reach and take advantage of Area C (i.e., land under full Israeli administration according to the Oslo Accords), in addition to limitations that it is placing on the freedom of the movement of goods and people.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 1, 2022]
Shtayyeh's statement preceded an announcement by the PA Ministry of Finance, according to which, for the month of February, the PA will pay public service workers only 80% of their salary, provided that each employee receives at least 2,000 shekels:

“The [PA] Ministry of Finance announced that the February [2022] salaries of the [PA] public employees will be paid tomorrow, Monday [March 7, 2022] at a rate of 80% and at the very least 2,000 [Israeli] shekels instead of 1,650 shekels.”
[WAFA, official PA news agency, March 6, 2022]
Israel’s Anti “Pay-for-Slay” Law was enacted by Israel’s parliament in 2018 by a huge majority. The goal of the law is to penalize the PA for its payments to terrorists.

(full article online)

The head of Cyprus’s military touched down in Israel on Monday, kicking off his first official visit to the country, the Israel Defense Forces announced on Tuesday.

Lt. Gen. Demokritos Zervakis was received by an IDF honor guard, after which he participated in a “strategic-operational” meeting focusing on “shared security challenges in the Middle East,” according to the Israeli military.

IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi took part in the meeting, together with Maj. Gen. Tal Kelman, the head of the IDF’s Planning Directorate, Brig. Gen. Effie Defrin, the head of the IDF’s International Cooperation Division, and other senior officials.

(full article online)

Israel’s Minister of Health Nitzan Horowitz and Minister of Health of Bahrain Faeqa Saeed Al-Saleh signed an agreement for health care cooperation on Wednesday.

Horowitz is visiting the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain this week.

The agreement is a work plan dealing with epidemics and emergency management, education and research in the field of health, information sharing, digital health, medical innovation and genetic research.

(full article online)

Said Darmanin: “As detailed in the executive order I presented, it called for hatred, violence and discrimination.”

Both groups are militantly anti-Zionist, advocating the destruction of Israel as a democratic Jewish state and its replacement by a unitary state of Palestine.

A statement on the Palestine Collective’s website declared that the group “fights the State of Israel as a colonial and racist entity, an outpost of Western imperialism in the region. We denounce and fight France’s support for the Zionist entity.”

It also pledged to support the Palestinian “resistance … in all forms it deems necessary and legitimate, including armed struggle.” The group strongly supports the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an extreme left-wing terrorist organization.

(full article online)

Recently, PA Chairman Abbas stressed the successful and harmonious coexistence between Palestinian Christians and Muslims, stressing that “Christians and Muslims fight together against their enemy (i.e., Jews/Israelis), because we have been the owners of this land since this land’s existence.”

But the mutual love and understanding only go as far as Abbas allows. If you are a Christian and stray from the path of “fighting the enemy” Israel, you will be punished.

That is what happened to a Christian organization in Bethlehem a few days ago when it “dared to welcome” an “extremist settler” Jew. Following a visit by former Israeli MP Yehuda Glick who heads the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation and the HaLiba initiative – groups that advocate for Jewish rights to pray on the Temple Mount – the PA closed the Christian institution Beit Al-Liqa’ for a week and arrested the Christian head of the association while an “investigation” is being carried out:

(full article online)

Sometimes, the only place to find stories that completely contradict the narrative of a racist Israel hell-bent on subjugating and destroying Palestinians is in Palestinian media itself.

Ma'an reported this week that there has been a 55% in exports of textile products manufactured in the Gaza Strip.

They quote the Israeli liaison to Gaza saying that it is working to implement an expanded civil policy towards Gaza by facilitating and improving operations at the Kerem Shalom goods crossing.

Beyond that, Israel is introducing additional measures to support and strengthen the textile industry in the Strip. Israel recently agreed to introduce a large machine for manufacturing fabrics into the Gaza Strip.

Usually when Israel haters are confronted with facts like this that contradict their narratives, they say something like "but Israel is only doing this for its own benefit." Indeed, Israel has every reason to improve the Gaza economy and to give Gazans a way to live dignified lives and jobs. But Gazans benefit as well. What is wrong with a win-win scenario?

(full article online)

At yesterday's State Department press briefing, Al Quds media's Said Arikat and spokesperson Ned Price had this exchange:

ARIKAT: So here’s unqualified support for the Ukrainians to resist this Russian invasion and so on, and to – and for any occupied people to resist their occupier. Does that extend to other places, like for the Palestinians, and maybe the Iraqis, and other places? Do they have the right to resist a military occupation?
MR PRICE: Said, self-defense is a principle that belongs to all countries.
ARIKAT: Right, and so it does belong to people who are under military occupation, including –
MR PRICE: It belongs to –
ARIKAT: — including the Palestinians, right?
MR PRICE: — all countries. All countries have the right to self-defense.

A very similar question was asked by NPR correspondent Asma Khalid at the White House press briefing by Jen Psaki earlier this week:

Q Can I ask you one other question? In parts of southern Ukraine, it seems that Russia has shifted from a military takeover to, essentially, occupation.
MS. PSAKI: Yeah.
Q That it is now occupying parts — occupying towns. Does the White House support the Ukrainian people’s right to resist the occupation and, essentially, through any means necessary?
MS. PSAKI: Well, we certainly support the rights of the Ukrainian people to fight back. I would note that we have seen many Ukrainians; many, many members of the Ukrainian military; and certainly President Zelenskyy in leadership fight bravely, courageously over the course of the last 12 days.
I think it’s also true that the world needs to be prepared for a very long, difficult road ahead. While they are fighting bravely and we are standing with them and supporting them, the Russians are still intending to grind out military advances in the short term just by sheer manpower and firepower.
So, yes, we support their right to push back and to fight back against that.
Palestinians and their supporters are playing a game, mightily trying to compare Ukrainians defending their homes to "Palestinian resistance."
But "Palestinian resistance" has a completely different meaning. To Palestinians and their Israel-hating supporters, "resistance" means the right to murder Jewish civilians.

In Arabic, Palestinian terrorist groups like Islamic Jihad and Hamas are called "resistance factions." The Arabic "Palestinian resistance" page lists over 40 terror attacks against Israeli civilians as examples of "resistance" dating back to 1954. Gaza rockets aimed at Jewish population centers are called "resistance rockets." The word "resistance" is a dog-whistle for Israel haters to justify terrorism.

Asma Khalid's question used another dog-whistle that is crystal clear to Israel haters, by adding "through any means necessary" - a reformulation of how the modern antisemites describe murdering Jews as resistance "by all means and methods" or, in Hamas' formulation, "with all means possible." She was trying to get Psaki to say that Palestinian terrorism is admirable.

(full article online)


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