All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

An organisation which aims to promote greater understanding of the Jewish faith has opened an office in Abu Dhabi, its first in the Arab region.

The Sidney Lerner Centre for Arab-Jewish Understanding, in Abu Dhabi Global Market, will work to strengthen ties between Israel and Arab nations and build relations between Muslim and Jewish people.

The American Jewish Committee’s 13th global office opens after “decades of quiet engagement” between the group and Arab leaders across the region.

It is testament to the growth of UAE-Israeli ties since the signing of the landmark Abraham Accords in 2020, which normalised relations between the nations.

(full article online)

Arabs have been enfranchised to cast their ballots in Israel's elections since 1949. In fact, the parties that traditionally received the most votes usually were Communist. That Israel, even until today, tolerates Communist parties supported mainly by the Arab minority, as well as pan-Arab nationalist factions, is a testament to its vibrant democracy. Moreover, these parties are not so much "barred" as not invited to join due to their principled ideological position which is anti-Zionist. It is not a racist policy as Arabs, as well as Druze, have served in government as ministers and deputy-ministers when members of other parties. Members of these anti-Zionist parties have been member of the Knesset Presidium.

(full article online)

“The dominant inclination within the committee is to reject Hochstein’s proposal, seeing as it does not fully grant the possible Qana field to Lebanon and rather leaves a pocket under the Israeli enemy’s sovereignty, which would create a problem between the state and some domestic forces that totally reject any form of engagement in what they consider to be normalization platforms,” the sources added.

Gee, who could that be? Here's a hint:
Informed sources meanwhile warned that accepting the U.S. proposal would represent a “scandal.”

“It is like a maritime ambush aimed at preoccupying the Lebanese side with studying proposals whose unviability is known by the Americans,” the sources said.

Hezbollah has made clear that there is no choice at all. The terror group can veto anything and everything.

So instead of gaining millions of dollars of energy, Lebanon will get zilch but with the "honor" of knowing that they are choosing to starve their own people rather than agree to anything with Israel. It's a funny definition of honor, but hate does funny things to people.

(full article online)

Israel and Egypt have agreed to expand their aviation ties with a new direct route between Tel Aviv and the Red Sea resort of Sharm El-Sheikh expected to launch in April, Israel’s prime minister said on Wednesday.

“Cooperation between the two countries is expanding in many areas, and this contributes to both peoples and to the stability of the region,” the Israeli leader, Naftali Bennett, said in a statement.

(full article online)

He makes them sound like they are different from other people, that they ignore laws. Kind of like how today's self-appointed arbiters of morality falsely say that Israel is violating international law when defending itself.

He implies that these different people could conspire against the Kingdom.

Compare Haman's accusations against the Jews with this description in an 1826 newspaper (it was published in America but appears to have been republished from elsewhere, perhaps England.)

The king's courtiers are essentially the media of the day. They see something happening and - pretending to be only interested in transparency - try to stir things up so they have something to talk about and feel important. They tell Haman - at the equivalent of a press conference - hey, check out that Jew who is not bowing to you! What are you going to do about it?

Haman didn't notice it himself. He's the Grand Vizier, after all. But he cannot ignore an affront to his honor once it is pointed out. People will make fun of him. And, then as now, honor is supreme.

But Haman, like all antisemites in history, generalizes one Jew to the entire nation. He must wipe them all out. It is an obsession.

Haman knows how irrational it is. So when he presents his plan to the King, he cannot possibly say he hates Jews because of one Jew who doesn't bow. He needs to find an excuse where getting rid of the entire Jewish nation is the moral thing to do. It has no right to exist. And that bogus reason is treated as if it is truth, even though the actual hatred always precedes the justification given afterwards.

Haman makes up lies about the Jewish people. The king really doesn't care that much about Jewish lives. If Haman says there's smoke, there must be fire, and it is not worth the time to find out if there is another side to the story. After all, Haman is a respected member of the human rights community - he wouldn't lie.

And Jews cannot rely on others to protect them.

But Haman wants to make sure that the king is on his side, so he literally tries to bribe him. The king might not take the bribe but he is honored at the offer. Just as today's antisemites are honored as brave souls who speak truth to power - once they join that side, they cannot change their mind no matter what the facts are. They are tied to their original opinions and they are lauded for it.

Notice that Mordechai realizes the psychological power of the bribe offer as well in the next chapter.

Nothing changes.

(full article online)

(Muslim mentality since Israel was created. When was this do or die with the Crusaders or Ottoman Empire ? )

Propaganda designed to delegitimize Israel and even destroy her from within is a billion-dollar business. The BDS movement to organizations like “Breaking the Silence” and the New Israel Fund are just a few examples. Foreign organizations and governments have and are meddling in Israeli internal affairs in countless ways (If you don’t know about this please read Catch the Jew by Tuvia Tenenbaum and take a look at the Terrorists in Suitsreport).

Now, the eyes of the world are turned to Ukraine, and yet, in this war that has nothing to do with Israel or Jews, somehow Israel, Jews, and the Holocaust, are in the limelight. Why?

Russian and Ukrainian leadership have both invoked Holocaust comparisons to elicit sympathy for their cause and to prod Israel into supporting them. That’s propaganda.

Although Israel has already sent enormous amounts of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, we are told that we aren’t doing enough to help.

Although Israel has gone to extraordinary measures to rescue Jewish Ukrainians, non-Jewish Ukrainians who fall under the category of the “Right of Return” and embraced Ukrainians with no connection to anything Jewish or Israeli we are accused of heartlessness and told that we should open our doors to all Ukrainians, with no stipulations and no limits. The Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel has deemed our immigration policy unacceptable and has sued the Israeli court system in order to force our elected government to change policy.

That’s lawfare.

Israel is under attack and most people don’t even seem to notice.

You might ask, who is attacking Israel? Why? The real question is, why not? There are many individuals and institutions who are motivated to attack Israel and the war in Ukraine provides a perfect “let no crisis go to waste” opportunity.
The world is changing. It is again acceptable to openly express Jew-hate. There is a global trend towards socialism and collectivism, against individualism, free speech, and anything that reflects national pride. Israel is the last hold-out of Judeo-Christian values and independent thinking in a time when many are promoting dependency and victimhood. Many desire the destruction of Israel but it can’t be countered if people don’t even realize what is happening.

It is easy to tell you are under attack when the violence is physical. When morality propaganda is turned against you it is more difficult.

For Jews in particular, morality propaganda is like kryptonite, devastating in its effectiveness.

Suddenly, from every direction, we are told what is moral and that, to belong to the correct team, to be on “the right side of history” we must behave according to the definition proposed of what is moral. The arguments are designed to trigger emotions, not thinking, to push us into doing what feels right rather than what is in our best interest.

Morality propaganda appeals to the most basic human desires. We want to feel that we are good people. We want to belong to the right team.

Jewish empathy and the drive to make things better, to minimize suffering, is deeply ingrained in every fiber of our being. We know it is our job to be a “light unto the nations” and model what is good and right. On Passover, we are directed to “remember that once we were slaves in Egypt.” Jews have been banished from their homes so many times, over so many centuries that the displacement caused in WW2 is only a more recent horror among many. We know what it’s like to be refugees, with no home and no place to turn to. How can we not have sympathy for other refugees? Jewish empathy has driven Jews to participate in the US Civil Rights movement and in countless charities around the world, striving to make the world better for others.

Jews and especially Israelis are not cowed by violence. We know how to fight back in the legal arena. Being told that we are not kind enough, not supportive enough, that we must not allow what was done to us to be done to others knocks the air out of us.

We must be kind. We must act. We must remember. We must not allow what was done to us to be done to others. But is that what is happening?

The easiest way to determine where the truth ends and morality propaganda begins is to follow the money.

(full article online)

According to Italian journalist Massimiliano Coccia, authorities suspected ABSPP was part of “Hawala 2.0,” a larger informal scheme of payments to launder money through Palestinian charities.

A 2011 IDF report revealed that ABSPP was active in the Union of Good (UOG) in Italy, and had ties to the Hamas leadership in Damascus and the Gaza Strip. The UOG is chaired by Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, a radical Islamist cleric who has long been suspected of being a top leader in the Muslim Brotherhood organization. The Union of Good is a global alliance of Islamist charities that was designated in 2008 by the United States for conducting Hamas fundraising activities.

“The primary purpose of this activity is to strengthen Hamas’ political and military position in the West Bank and Gaza, including by diverting charitable donations to support Hamas members and the families of terrorist operatives and dispensing social welfare and other charitable services on behalf of Hamas,” said the US Treasury Department.

Several posts on Hannoun’s social media accounts illustrate his views, including a video of an ABSPP rally last May in Milan, in which the protesters called the State of Israel “illegitimate and terrorist.”

ABSPP’s initiatives, with the support of many leftist Italian politicians, have helped fuel radicalism in the Palestinian cause. The association invited extremist preachers such as Sheykh Riyad Al Bustanji and Muhammad Moussa Al-Sharif, known for their sermons against Jews and Christians and in favor of Palestinian child martyrs, to speak.

“I have brought my daughter to Gaza, so that she can learn from the women of Gaza how to bring up her children on jihad, martyrdom-seeking, and the love of Palestine, Allah willing,” Al Bustanji said in a 2012 television interview. Hannoun was also among the organizers of an infamous 2017 Milan sit-in against Israel. Protesters sang jihadist and antisemitic chants such as, “Khaybar, Khaybar, Oh Jews, Muhammad’s army will return.” In addition to invoking a slaughter of Jews by Mohammed’s army, the chant is a battle cry used by Hamas and Hezbollahwhen they attack Israelis.

According to a 2020 Parliamentary hearing, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) indirectly financed Palestinian terrorist groups with €4 million. The money went to Italian non-governmental organizations operating in the Palestinian territories, and that are partners of Al-Haq.

Italy has a solid financial framework to counter illegal transactions. But Palestinian networks will flourish as long as politicians remain silent.

(full article online)

Last year, Israeli agriculture and produce exporter Mehadrin struck an agreement with a Moroccan company to grow and market avocados in Morocco.

Now, the Algeria Press Service has described how terrible that is. Itreports on "agricultural normalization" in Morocco "that ignores the dire repercussions of such a project on the kingdom's water resources and on the lives of the local population."

He explained, in this regard, that "the avocado fruit is one of the fruits that consume the most water, as the need of one kilogram of this fruit ranges between 500 and 1,000 liters of water."

Israel is known for its technology to allow crops to grow with much less water than has been traditionally used.

So, are these critics (and the article had more of them) worried about water usage in Morocco, or about "normalization" with Israel?

(full article online)


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