All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

The Roths are urging the US to demand that Jordan honours its extradition treaty with Washington and releases Tamimi into American custody – or for the US to explain publicly why that cannot be done. Roth, who grew up in Melbourne before making aliyah, has also tried to get Canberra to intervene but has had no success in persuading either former PM Malcolm Turnbull or incumbent Scott Morrison to act. He is also trying to persuade the Israeli government to put pressure on Jordan.

“The absence of progress in bringing Tamimi to trial is especially striking, given that she is one of 25 individuals named as FBI Most Wanted Terrorists. In addition, she was recently named one of the top 20 most dangerous extremists around the world by the Counter Extremism Project.”

Roth said Tamimi and the leader of Al Qaeda are the only individuals on both lists.

Suggesting the US has leverage over Jordan, the Roths added, “Jordan has for years been among the three largest annual recipients of US foreign aid. It’s currently ranked number two.”

Roth said Tamimi’s spouse Nizar was recently declared persona non grata in Jordan and has moved to Qatar, but Tamimi has so far not followed him out of the country.

(full article online)

There is no gainsaying that the Middle East is undergoing a profound transformation that reflects the broader and more far-reaching changes in the current world order. The region is in a state of flux, and the vocabulary that has long prevailed, such as “the Israeli enemy,” is changing in some countries and has already changed in a significant part of the region.

The traditional Arab view associated with Israel for decades is gradually fading and being replaced by a more natural view, although not by complete acceptance. But things are moving in that direction. I am speaking here from the public opinion in several Arab countries. I am not generalizing.

(full article online)

With regard to the incident in Balata, readers have to reach paragraph nine before they are given any kind of information as to what the “16-year-old boy” was doing at the time of his death. [emphasis added]

“Sixteen-year-old Nader Haytham Rayan died after being shot in the head, chest and stomach by Israeli troops in Balata on Tuesday morning, the Palestinian health ministry said.

Another three people were wounded, one of them critically, and were being treated at a hospital in Nablus, it added.

Israel’s paramilitary Border Police said its troops entered Balata to arrest a wanted suspect and that they found an M16 assault rifle.

As the troops were leaving the camp, Palestinians threw stones and other objects at them, a statement said. A “terrorist” also arrived on a motorbike and shot at the troops, who returned fire and “neutralised” him, it added.”

The BBC’s description of the Border Police as “paramilitary” is clearly misleading to most readers. The portrayal of the incident does not adequately clarify that the person who got off the scooter to fire at the Israeli security forces with a pistol was Nader Rayan. The BBC’s account does not name the arrested suspect and does not make any mention of the photographs of Rayan with weapons circulating on social media. No mention is made of the appearance of Fatah gunmen at Rayan’s funeral even though the main photograph heading the article depicts that event.

The BBC did however consider it appropriate to promote a statement from the Palestinian Authority concerning the deaths of people attacking members of the security forces:

“The Palestinian foreign ministry condemned the incidents in the West Bank as extra-judicial killings that should be punished under international law.”

(full article online)

For his part, Jabarin described Israel in terms which can only be referred to as revisionist. “There is no due process in Israel, there is no protection of Palestinians before the judiciary. There is no fair judiciary system there,” Jabarin said. In sharp contrast, Israel is in fact a liberal democracy with an independent judiciary, where Israeli Arabs and Jews alike serve. Importantly, when there are cases of Israeli soldiers abusing or assaulting Palestinians, they are charged by the Israeli judiciary.

Israel is a society governed by the rule of law, and with equitable treatment for all. Contrast this system with life under Hamas’ dictatorship in Gaza, or the Palestinian Authority in Judea & Samaria/West Bank. There, civil liberties are few and far between, free expression is limited, and repression is widespread.

In response to HonestReporting Canada’s original complaint to MAC Montréal this past January about the Terror Contagion exhibit, the Museum’s Marketing and Communications Manager, Marine Godfroy, acknowledged the following in a January 19 email to HRC: “… The Extrajudicial Execution of Ahmad Erekat; that could appear to be fueling negative sentiment towards a particular country or community…” Importantly, Godfroy failed to identify that the “negative sentiment” was being directed solely towards Israel, the world’s only Jewish state and tacitly, to members of the Canadian Jewish community.

She then added in her email that the Museum would add a “trigger warning” to the exhibit, saying “it is not our intention to target a specific group” and committed to “engaging in discussions” and working “in a constructive and respectful manner,” and yet, two months later, the Museum doubled-down by producing a panel discussion featuring a speaker connected to banned Palestinian terrorist organizations and that was replete with the standard cavalcade of anti-Israel slurs and misinformation against the Jewish State.

(full article online)

In the latest example of bizarre magical thinking, Palestine Today - which is run by Islamic Jihad - has an article about this plan, claiming that it shows that Iron Dome doesn't work.

They interview an "expert" who says that the war last May proved that Iron Dome was ineffective, and Israel is forced to spend hundreds of millions to come up with a replacement.

Some 90% of the Gaza rockets that were headed towards populated areas were intercepted during the May war.

Iron Beam is designed to hit projectiles that Iron Dome is not good at - short range mortars and drones. It is not a replacement.

But the Palestinians need to find reasons to celebrate, and - like children - when their actions prompt any reaction from Israel, they are happy that they are not being ignored.

(full article online)


Claudine Aoun-Roukoz, who is the daughter and advisor of Lebanese President Michel Aoun, said in an interview that Lebanon is being “forced” to solve its border and water issues with Israel, and that once these issues are resolved, Lebanon should strive for peace with Israel.

While she makes dubious claims about “occupation” and says she has no sympathy for Israel, she recognizes that Arab countries must choose peace with Israel rather than “continuous war.”

(full article online)

Other factors that could affect life expectancy (and happiness) that elude the distinguished idiot professor is that a higher percentage of West Bank Palestinians smoke than in Israel (27% vs. 20%), Arabs tend to have more obesity and diabetes, and in recent years, the Palestinian Authority has banned its people from being treated in Israeli hospitals.

The biggest proof that Cole is an idiot comes from looking at the happiness index of other Arab countries that border Israel.

While the Palestinian ranking is 122, it is higher than that of Egypt (129), Jordan (134) and Lebanon(145.) (Syria isn't ranked, but it certainly would also be lower than that of the Palestinians as well.)

Why would those people be unhappier than the Palestinians? None of the factors that Cole lists applies to them - yet they are worse off than the Palestinians that Cole says are practically enslaved by Israel! Apparently, "occupation" actually enhances happiness compared to Israel's non-occupied neighbors!

Cole's hate for Israel colors everything he writes about. It is rarely as clear as it is here.

(full article online)


[The New York Times ,May 16, 1948]

According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from the period of the creation of the State of Israel through the 1970’s, 850,000 Jews were forced to become refugees and flee their homes in the Arab countries. While neither the Jews who survived the Holocaust nor those who fled the Muslim countries when Israel was established, were able to return to their homes, today the only Jewish refugees are those currently fleeing the war in the Ukraine.

While the number of the so-called Palestinian refugees continues to grow, UNRWA’s already limited finances will have to stretch even further. As PMW has already noted, UNRWA is not only a nursery for growing refugees and a bottomless pit for international money, it is also a prison for over 100,000 new refugees born every year.

In the same way as the Jewish refugees found refuge in Israel, the time has come for the Arab countries - the countries who have hosted the Palestinian refugees for the last 73 years - UNRWA, and the PA to stop using the refugees as pawns in their scheme to destroy Israel. It is time they accepted that Israel will never agree to commit national suicide and will never agree to let the millions of Palestinian “refugees” flood Israel.

(full article online)

Since the Zionists did (and still) control most of the media in the West they have worked to prevent mentioning the name of the Russian-Jewish Birobidzhan republic.
Of course, no one has been hiding the existence of the joke known as Birobidzhan. I've found articles about Birobidzhan in newspapers since the 1930s. A fawning 1934 article by Frederic J. Haskin that was widely published falsely claimed that the area was wholly Jewish, but in fact Jews were never more than a minority there.

This 1975 UPI article shows how even then, Russia was pushing Birobidzhan as if it was a real homeland for Jews.

(full article online)

Singapore will open an embassy in Tel Aviv, its foreign minister announced Monday, more than a half century after the two countries established diplomatic ties.

Singapore’s Vivian Balakrishnan notified Foreign Minister Yair Lapid of the decision during a meeting the two held in Jerusalem.

A statement from Singapore’s foreign ministry said the new embassy will “serve as a focal point and support Singapore companies seeking to expand their collaboration with potential Israeli partners.”

(full article online)

For his part, Jabarin described Israel in terms which can only be referred to as revisionist. “There is no due process in Israel, there is no protection of Palestinians before the judiciary. There is no fair judiciary system there,” Jabarin said. In sharp contrast, Israel is in fact a liberal democracy with an independent judiciary, where Israeli Arabs and Jews alike serve. Importantly, when there are cases of Israeli soldiers abusing or assaulting Palestinians, they are charged by the Israeli judiciary.

Israel is a society governed by the rule of law, and with equitable treatment for all. Contrast this system with life under Hamas’ dictatorship in Gaza, or the Palestinian Authority in Judea & Samaria/West Bank. There, civil liberties are few and far between, free expression is limited, and repression is widespread.

In response to HonestReporting Canada’s original complaint to MAC Montréal this past January about the Terror Contagion exhibit, the Museum’s Marketing and Communications Manager, Marine Godfroy, acknowledged the following in a January 19 email to HRC: “… The Extrajudicial Execution of Ahmad Erekat; that could appear to be fueling negative sentiment towards a particular country or community…” Importantly, Godfroy failed to identify that the “negative sentiment” was being directed solely towards Israel, the world’s only Jewish state and tacitly, to members of the Canadian Jewish community.

She then added in her email that the Museum would add a “trigger warning” to the exhibit, saying “it is not our intention to target a specific group” and committed to “engaging in discussions” and working “in a constructive and respectful manner,” and yet, two months later, the Museum doubled-down by producing a panel discussion featuring a speaker connected to banned Palestinian terrorist organizations and that was replete with the standard cavalcade of anti-Israel slurs and misinformation against the Jewish State.

(full article online)

Ooooo, terrorist. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bs1:

Part of Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

Spotlight on Al Haq & Israel's Declaration of War Against Palestinian Human Rights Defenders​


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