All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Many Palestinian workers prefer to work in Israel rather than in the PA. Hoping to improve their income and living standards, Palestinians leave their local job market and come to Israel, mostly to work in the construction sector.

They make this decision due to the higher salaries in Israel, the more orderly conditions, and the benefits. Moreover, receiving salaries in the PA after the job has been done also proves difficult at times, as one Palestinian construction worker explained:

“Musa Suleiman, 49, from the town of Dir Balut west of Salfit has worked in the construction sector in the Palestinian [job] market. Three years ago, he decided to leave to work in the Israeli market.
Suleiman said: ‘I learned the trade from my father who was a builder, and slowly I mastered construction and became skilled… But the low salary here among us and the high [salary] in Israel caused me to leave to work there, with the hope that I will be able to improve my income… The salary here is low, and collecting it is liable to last months or years after the work has been completed, following foot-dragging and splitting into payments… Many workers work in the market of the occupation state (Israel) [parentheses in source]. Alsothe work hours are limited, the rights are clear, and there are payments to which we are eligible.’”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 16, 2022]

(full article online)

( Another wasted life, made victim of an endless education of hatred of Jews and ownership of a land they are not indigenous from. Someone save the children in Gaza and the PA )

Those of us raised in the halcyon days after the war believed that the Enlightenment had finally borne its fruit and that reason would characterize people’s lives and govern the conduct of nations. It would be the end of tribalism and the dawn of a new era. And we had every reason to believe so, with the creation of the European Union and the end of the Cold War.

It was a Utopian dream. And a beautiful and cherished one. But we forgot that “utopia” is Greek for “good place” and “no place,” meaning “nowhere.”

The surest sign of the health of the world and the stability of nations is its treatment of Jews. Whenever challenging times come, societies show the depth of their moral strength or lack of it by their tolerance and compassion. Too often the world has failed the test and inevitably everyone suffers.

The reason the Jews are the focus of attention is succinctly summarized by the Globe and Mail columnist Robyn Urback: “Jewish identity is so imprecise, it can be portrayed in all sorts of different ways. Light-skinned Jews aren’t white to Nazis and white supremacists but are to most in modern society. To the Soviets, Jews were “rootless cosmopolitans” but in America during the Cold War they were suspected of being communists. Today, Urback points out, the Left “sees Jews as powerful capitalists who control financial networks … while antisemites on the Right see Jews as a poisoning influence on a white ethnosphere.” These contradictions “make anti-Semitism the ultimate adaptable prejudice, which has allowed it to thrive across continents for centuries.”

(full article online )

An Israeli academic study of Zionism has been translated into Arabic and published in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in another sign of expanding ties following the Abraham Accords.

The book, “Zionism in Arab Discourse,” explores the relationship between certain Arab intellectuals and Zionism, positing that despite their hostility to the movement for Jewish self-determination, many also felt it had qualities that ought to be emulated. These include a focus on democracy, women’s rights, the revival of Hebrew, scientific achievement, and others.

(full article online)


Defense Ministry hands Sky Dew system over to air force after years of testing; sensors onboard aerostat are meant to identify incoming long-range munitions, drones​

(full article online)

Every time there is a terror attack, it is not just the dead, the injured, and their families that are damaged. It’s not just the children who are forced to grow up without their parents, parents who have to go on living when their children have been ripped from them. Everyone else who has survived something similar is thrown back into the abyss of their own experience.

They remember when they received the dread knock on the door.
When they raced from hospital to hospital searching for their child.
When they were told their son had a bullet shot through his head and IF he lives, he will never be the same again.
When they were stabbed. When they saw someone else stabbed to death in front of them.
When they saw pieces of people scattered across the sidewalk, people who moments before were standing next to them.
When they saw the video of their brother being murdered - BEFORE they were notified of his death.
They remember.
And for some, they re-experience their attack – the emotions, the sounds, and smells, rush back to drown them all over again.

And then we go back to work. Make supper and tuck the kids into bed.

Until the next time.

Israel is constantly ranked among the happiest nations on earth. Few note the burden we shoulder – the pain and grief that lives alongside the joy and accomplishments. We don’t play the victim game although, if we did, we could win. But who wants to win at a game that only losers would play? We are not victims. We are survivors. And we are stubborn. We will not give in. We will not give up. We will succeed against all odds – and we will be happy and GOOD, even when the world is cruel and heartless.

THAT is our victory.

(full article online)

Every time there is a terror attack, it is not just the dead, the injured, and their families that are damaged. It’s not just the children who are forced to grow up without their parents, parents who have to go on living when their children have been ripped from them. Everyone else who has survived something similar is thrown back into the abyss of their own experience.

They remember when they received the dread knock on the door.
When they raced from hospital to hospital searching for their child.
When they were told their son had a bullet shot through his head and IF he lives, he will never be the same again.
When they were stabbed. When they saw someone else stabbed to death in front of them.
When they saw pieces of people scattered across the sidewalk, people who moments before were standing next to them.
When they saw the video of their brother being murdered - BEFORE they were notified of his death.
They remember.
And for some, they re-experience their attack – the emotions, the sounds, and smells, rush back to drown them all over again.

And then we go back to work. Make supper and tuck the kids into bed.

Until the next time.

Israel is constantly ranked among the happiest nations on earth. Few note the burden we shoulder – the pain and grief that lives alongside the joy and accomplishments. We don’t play the victim game although, if we did, we could win. But who wants to win at a game that only losers would play? We are not victims. We are survivors. And we are stubborn. We will not give in. We will not give up. We will succeed against all odds – and we will be happy and GOOD, even when the world is cruel and heartless.

THAT is our victory.

(full article online)

Israel needs to stop its war.

Designated terrorist organizations

In October 2021, Israel designated six Palestinian NGOs as terrorist organizations over their ties to the internationally-designated terror group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Lynk claims that “The designation decisions were based on unsubstantiated links between these organizations and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, including alleged diversion of funds,” and that Israel has criminalized human rights and humanitarian work.

In January 2022, however, the Dutch government announced that it would cancel funding to the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), one of the designated entities. This followed an 18-month long independent investigation that confirmed NGO Monitor research and revealed at least 34 UAWC employees from 2007 to the present were also PFLP-linked. The Dutch government’s July 2020 decision to commission the external investigation was prompted by the arrest of two senior UAWC officials for allegedly orchestrating an August 2019 bombing that murdered an Israeli teenager, Rina Schnerb.

Likewise, in January, Al-Haq – a Palestinian NGO cited uncritically by Lynk, and one of those designated over its PFLP ties – revealed that the EU froze its funding in May 2021after reviewing information provided by the Israeli government linking the NGO to the PFLP.

Similarly, Israeli media reported in February that, following a meeting between Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, “the German and Israeli foreign ministries will jointly consider ways to continue funding projects in the territories without the money going to six Palestinian organizations that Israel outlawed as terrorist groups.”

Lynk cites two of the six – Addameer and Al-Haq – to “prove” that Israel is perpetrating “apartheid.”


Lynk excoriates Israel for its security measures surrounding Gaza, labeling it a “medieval military blockade.”

This is disingenuous and de-contextualized rhetoric. Firstly, Lynk ignores the terrorist organizations ruling and operating in Gaza, and the two decades of increasing rocket fire that they have directed at Israeli population centers – clear war crimes. No honest assessment of Israeli policy can whitewash the threat that Gaza-based terror groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad pose to Israeli citizens.

Secondly, Lynk appears to be unaware of the UN’s 2011 Palmer Report, which found that “Israel faces a real threat to its security from militant groups in Gaza. The naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea and its implementation complied with the requirements of international law.”

Lastly, Lynk makes only perfunctory note of the fact that Gaza shares a border with Egypt, meaning that Israel does not control all passage in and out of the territory.

(full article online)

“The establishment of new settlements will move residents from the center of the country south, [which will] strengthen the Negev economy and increase security throughout the region,” the official said.

Shaked praised the initiative, and explained it “has strategic and national importance in strengthening the settlement of the Negev,” according to The Jerusalem Post.

“Creating ten new communities is Zionism in all its glory,” she added.

Additionally, plans for the potential construction of five other towns along Israel’s Highway 25 will also be considered by the government on Sunday.

(full article online)

Buried deep in an article, titled “Blinken to visit Israel, West Bank, Morocco and Algeria,” Axios, a popular news site that offers quick takes on current events, claims that any outbreak of violence that may take place in Jerusalem over the next few days would merely be due to bad timing:

Blinken will arrive in Israel and the Palestinian Authority ahead of an unusual situation that happens once every 10 years, when Passover, Ramadan and Easter take place at the same time — heightening the potential for violence in Jerusalem.”
In the alternate reality presented by Axios, the annual spasm of unrest that roils Israel’s capital city following incessant incitement leading up to Ramadan — regardless of the timing of Passover and Easter — seemingly has no place.

The Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins this year on the evening of April 2. In preparation, and left unmentioned by Axios, the Palestinian leadership has already begun to incite violence against Israelis just as it did prior to last May’s conflict with Gaza-based terrorist groups headed by Hamas.

(full article online)

The United Arab Emirates will host a day-long Abraham Accords festival at the Expo 2020 Dubai next week, the Emirati and US ambassadors to Israel announced on Thursday.

The event — meant to be the first in a series hosted by Morocco, Bahrain and Israel over the coming months — will feature a soccer game between a combined Israeli, Emirati, Bahraini and Moroccan team and a squad made up of international soccer stars.

Israel national team players Tal Ben Haim, Salim Tuama and Maor Buzaglo will play on the “Abraham Accords Classics Team.”

(full article online)

[ Satire.....but true......for Palestinians in Lebanon ]

March 24 - An activist campaigning for economic, cultural, diplomatic, and other measures against a Levantine country for its structurally-discriminatory policies against a significant minority within its borders, a minority that has suffered displacement for decades, on top of which the country's government lies under effective control of a violent ideological group at the root of so much regional unrest and suffering, had an epiphany today during which he understood he must target Beirut and those who underwrite its dysfunction if he wishes to address the primary injustice he sees in the world.

Chico Howell, 25, of Midwood, Brooklyn, shared his realization Thursday with fellow activists, to some confusion and much anger. "They don't want to hear it," he discovered. "Like, our function as social justice advocates is to fight for the oppressed, and Palestinians in Lebanon face far more oppression from Hezbollah-run Lebanon than even their fellow 'refugees' under Israeli control - of which there are none under direct Israeli control, would you believe? I mean, I know lots of my colleagues like to define 'occupation' and 'control' flexibly, so that Zionists can be blamed whichever way you slice it, but have you seen the restrictions on employment and education that Lebanon places on Palestinian refugees, and has the temerity to call them 'guests' in the country?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm as anti-Zionist as the next random Black guy from Brooklyn," he insisted. "I'm of two minds about harassing Jews here over what goes on over there. I get it, not the same people, but really, everyone knows they're the same. Whatever. Violence isn't my thing, at least not directly. But if I want to support my fellow People of Color, my Palestinian brothers and sisters, and fight for their right to live free lives, I can't only fight for the ones in Israeli-controlled territory. I also just discovered that the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza even have their own elected government! Nobody tells us that! Now, I know they haven't actually held any elections in more than fifteen years, and I'm ok blaming Israel for that, I really am - but since when is a group with their own elected government under 'occupation'? Now get this - the 'refugee' camps in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the folks who live there, are not allowed to become Palestinian citizens under Palestinian law that the Palestinian government issued, because otherwise they might decide to just live wherever instead of specifically 'returning' to their ancestors' long-gone homes in Israel itself - the same as when Palestinian President Abbas refused to allow Palestinian refugees in Syria to escape the civil war there by letting them into his territory, lest he lose valuable anti-Israel leverage by reducing Palestinian suffering even a little."

"Now take that and apply it to Lebanon, where they don't even have representation in the government," he continued. "I think we have to rethink our approach, because if we're really about helping Palestinians, we have to- hey, where is everybody going? What is WRONG with you people?"


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