All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

How can you attack Jews in a Muslim religious site?

It is not an attack when you appropriate holy sites with mosques,
or Arab supremacists don't know how to use those mosques
to attack Jews and others?

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Jordan’s failure to promote interfaith relations between Muslims and Jews has once again witnessed rioting on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
More than 400 Arabs were arrested and more than 150 wounded by Israeli police – reacting to lethal rocks and other objects being stockpiled inside the Mosque and stones being thrown at Jews worshipping below at Judaism’s holiest site – the Western Wall.
Jordan and Israel committed to undertake the following obligations under the terms of article 9 of their 1994 Peace Treaty:


Abdullah was awarded the prestigious 2018 Templeton Prize for doing:

“more to seek religious harmony within Islam and between Islam and other religions than any other living political leader”.

Abdullah apparently overlooked promoting Muslim-Jewish interfaith relations as promised in the Peace Treaty during these important overseas trips.

A Common Word explains why Jews have been excluded from Jordan’s interfaith program:

“Jewish scriptures are invoked repeatedly and respectfully in the document. It is quite normal for documents to be bilateral without implying the exclusion of others. Moreover, this is a Theological document and the problems between Jews and Muslims are essentially political and thus religious de facto and not Theological de jure, with both religions having essentially the same understanding of the Unity of the One God — as we see it at least. Also, Jewish Scholars and Rabbis have participated in the Common Word Conferences in Yale and Cambridge.”

Abdullah has been remiss in not promoting this message out of respect for his father King Hussein’s memory.
.28 years later – with relations between Jews and Muslims improving following the Abraham Accords - Jordan and Israel need to promote interfaith relations between Jews and Muslims in Jerusalem – sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims - more than ever before.

(full article online)

For several weeks, Israel has tried to work with relevant authorities to prevent violence at this holy time and despite the rioting, ensured that 60,000 Palestinian-Arabs could pray at Al Aqsa after the morning riots.

The NCCM eblast continued by claiming the same occurred last year: “This has happened before. Just last year in Ramadan 2021, Israeli forces came into Al Aqsa Mosque in clear violation of international human rights law. Then came the devastating war that followed.”

In 2021, during the Hamas-led war against Israel, the Al Aqsa Mosque was used by Palestinian extremists as a staging ground for violent attacks against Jewish worshipers at the Western Wall. This is not a matter of opinion, and it is not up for dispute. It is a matter of public record, supported by significant amount of photographic proof from inside the Al Aqsa Mosque, showing rocks and fireworks being kept inside the holy site by Palestinian extremists.

As such, the Palestinians injured during last year’s riots, just like the 150 estimated to be injured recently, are the fault entirely of Palestinian-Arab rioters, not of Israel.

The NCCM campaign, which encouraged readers and followers to write to Canada’s Foreign Minister, Melanie Joly, demanding a condemnation of Israel, is not only outright disinformation, but in our view, is egregious incitement.

Rather than correctly pointing the finger at the violent Palestinian rioters who are turning a revered Islamic holy site into a place of violence, the NCCM has decided to perversely engage in victim blaming. By making this argument, the NCCM, in our view, is engaging in incitement against Israel, accusing it of violating the religious rights of Muslims. This is an extraordinarily serious claim, and given that it is utter fiction, it is remarkably irresponsible and dangerous on the part of NCCM, in our eyes, to give a platform to this conspiracy theory.

During last year’s war between Hamas and Israel, Jews were randomly targeted for hate crimes by pro-Palestinian activists around the world, including in Canada. And by continuing to beat this drum of disinformation, the NCCM, in our estimation, is actively throwing gasoline on the fire of antisemitism.

(full article online)

Iyad Doudi is the Facebook name of Iyad Al Dajani, a conspiracy theorist and anti-Israel pundit. Iyad Al Dajani frequently uses slurs "apartheid" "terrorist" "racist" "Nazi" " fascist" to describe Israeli policies such as ticketing illegally parked cars.

He has declared that the Israelis have elected "racist fascist" people to their Parliment and that they are implementing "Nazi laws" in Israel. No, he isn't referring to the 17 Arab members of the Knesset.

What makes Iyad Al Dajani any different from the mass of Internet trolls we see online? Iyad AL Dajani is a professional.

Check out his linked in profile

(Dr.Phil.) Iyad AlDajani is the director of the doctoral school for Reconciliation, Conflict Transformation, and Peacebuilding Studies at the University of Jena. He the executive director for the Academic Alliance for Reconciliation in the Middle East and North Africa. He is a very innovative and creative researcher in the field of overcoming violence, religious peacemaking, and reconciliation through applied Internet communication technologies applied to Scientific Computing and Digital Research. He researches how to conduct digital scientific research with all its innovative methods and techniques in mostly concerned with applied Ethics in Digital Humanities. He has also become one of the essential activists working on that field.

The director of the doctoral school for Reconciliation, Conflict Transformation, and Peacebuilding Studies at the University of Jena is a vile hatemongering internet troll. The lying, ignorant dealer in antisemitic tropes markets himself as an "innovative and creative researcher in the field of overcoming violence, religious peacemaking".

Is there any wonder there is no peace?

(full article online)

JNS reported:
A senior rabbi in the United Arab Emirates has revealed plans to develop the Gulf Cooperation Council’s (GCC) first fully-functioning Jewish neighborhood as the population there continues to grow.

“We will be seeing more houses of worship, schools—from nurseries to higher education—a dedicated place for the mikvah, more kosher food establishments, a community center,” described Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie as reported in The Jerusalem Post. “What we need is a Jewish neighborhood, and I have been speaking with a few real estate developers about this.”

He added that “we would like a neighborhood with a synagogue, private homes, condominiums, hotels, shopping centers.”

Let the conspiracy theories begin!

Al Akhbar is very upset at this plan:

The Emirates will add, to its many features, a Jewish neighborhood, which it apparently claims to be a symbol of tolerance, but in reality it is an attempt to integrate security with Israel, which is required to protect the Abu Dhabi regime, with the decline of the American guarantee for it and other Gulf regimes. As for the goal for Israel, it is the settlement of the Arabian Peninsula, where this neighborhood will represent the first Israeli settlement outside the “land of milk and honey”, to be spread in one way or another later on to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the Sultanate of Oman
I'm not certain how seven million Jews will occupy the lands of 100,000,000 people, but those Jews are smart, so they'll find a way.

[ Criticizing is one thing. Now, how can one teach someone like him the truth? How does not get the right information through to them to make a difference? ]

Estephan Salameh, who is the advisor to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas for aid coordination, says that no foreign countries have paid a red cent so far this year of their pledges to help the Palestinian budget.

He said, “We expect to receive 200 to 300 million dollars in international financial support for the Palestinian government treasury this year, but so far none of those financial pledges have arrived."

Speaking to Voice of Palestine Radio, Salameh said that in 2021, the PAlestinian Authority only received 10% of the amount it had gotten in 2013 and 2014. That was when the EU and Arab governments didn't care about accountability or transparency.

Humanitarian and development support towards NGOs have not been affected much at all, he said.

A donors' conference, scheduled to be held on May 5 in Brussels, will attempt to garner international support for the Palestinian treasury, and the Palestinians hope to convince attendees to pressure Israel to stop reducing tax revenues in the amount that the Abbas regime uses to pay terrorists and their families, which is a significant portion of the PA budget. In 2021, the PA paid some $270 million as rewards to terrorists.

Obliquely alluding to the well known corruption in the PA that has prompted the huge drop in aid, Salameh added, ""We are implementing a comprehensive reform plan, especially in the financial and economic sectors."

Which they have said for many years.

Turkish news service TRTWorld tweeted a video where the announcer completely contradicts what the video is showing:

You can clearly see the fireworks being shot from inside the mosque, and not a hint of Israeli police. Yet the announcer says that the Palestinians are taking shelter to avoid "Israeli fire."

The police did fire flash bombs and people did run into the mosque - after this scene.

I've seen deceptive captions on photos before to tell people they are looking at something other than what they are seeing, but this is exceptionally egregious.

In a similar vein, here's a video of Jews visiting the Temple Mount this morning, the last day they will be allowed to do so this month. Palestinians are trying to intimidate the Jews by chanting slogans at them, and the Jews good-naturedly clap along, wave and even dance to the attempts at intimidation.

The caption at Al Qastal:

"Colonial Israeli settlers perform Talmudic prayers to provoke Palestinians during the storming of Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque"

See? Jews smiling and laughing at attempts to intimidate them is a provocation against the sensitive feelings of Palestinians!

(vide videos online)


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