All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

For over a hundred years, Palestinian Arabs have been making up the lie that JEws are plotting against Al Aqsa mosque.

Why? Because no matter how Jews react, Palestinians end up gaining more support.

Incidentally, the lie that "Al Aqsa is in danger" is an example of something that is definitely antisemitic under the EoZ definition of antisemitism (as a "malicious lie against Jews as a people/nation"), and not obviously under the IHRA Working Definition or the others.

Five years ago, Elkhoury formed a group of Israeli minorities – Muslims, Christians, Druze and Bedouin - who were interested in getting more involved in society, including serving in the Israel Defense Forces and other forms of national service. What he found was that while there were a number of Arab Israeli diplomats, there were few average Arab citizens speaking out about life in Israel. His efforts helped change that.

“Now we have so many that are just waiting to go and speak,” he told Walker.

When the group is on campuses they are often met with a combination or surprise and even animosity by anti-Israel activists, Elkhoury described. He said that many anti-Israel activists don’t recognize Israel’s basic right to exist and when minorities appear on their campuses defending the Jewish state, “it shakes their whole lives and beliefs… These people – we take the rug from under their feet.”

(full article and podcast online)

While Israeli Police are fighting continuous Palestinian Muslim violence in Jerusalem intended to prevent Jews from visiting or praying at the Temple Mount, a Palestinian imam led a prayer in a mosque that was broadcast on PA TV, calling for the extermination of Jews:

“Allah delight us with the extermination of the evil Jews”

In addition, he called for extermination of those he called “their hypocritical supporters who have evil and their hearts.”

Significantly, this imam presented the extermination of Jews in his Ramadan prayer in the Al-Ain Mosque in El-Bireh, near Ramallah, as something that will bring pleasure and “delight” to Palestinians.

Palestinian Media Watch has pointed out numerous times that the PA’s presenting the murder of Jews and Israelis as fulfillment of Islam is very potent incitement to murder. The Palestinian Muslim population is very religious and presenting the killing of Jews as something that Allah supports raises Palestinian murder of Israelis from a nationalistic act to an Islamic act of worship. Calling for this during the month of Ramadan is literally inviting murder.

PMW has notified the Israeli Police and hopes that it will act against this explicit incitement to murder.
PMW also called for the arrest of the head of PA TV, Khaled Sukkar, and the head of Palestinian Broadcast Corporation, Ahmad Assaf.

(full article online)

For a study that is ostensibly solely focused on the ancient cultural treasures that may one day cease to exist because of Israel, there seems to be an inordinate focus on other alleged Israeli “crimes.”

For example, Forensic Architecture deviates from its examination of threatened historical sites to include the false and widely debunked “apartheid” claim as well as castigate Israel for defending itself after Hamas initiated a war last May when it fired a salvo of rockets at Jerusalem.

Further to this point, there is not a single mention of Gaza’s terrorist rulers Hamas in the entire report, which is clearly an oversight given the group’s complete disregard for the kind of antiquities that Forensic Architecture professes to care so deeply about.

For instance, there is no reference to the Hamas-ordered ruin that occurred at Gaza’s earliest archaeological site — a 4,500-year-old Bronze Age settlement that was first excavated more than two decades ago. As reported in 2017, the group ordered bulldozers to flatten the site to make space for construction works and terrorist infrastructure.

In 2013, Hamas oversaw the demolition of other ancient treasures, including part of the UNESCO heritage site Anthedon Harbor, which dates back 3,000 years and which is the primary subject of the report, in order to build more bases for terror training.

Hamas’ war against other sites of great archaeological significance has been documented elsewhere in detail (see, for instance, here).

(full article online)

A thirty-two-year-old Beirut-born cleric, Nasrallah was chosen by Hezbollah’s twelve-member Shura Council, the group’s religious leadership, who recommended him to Iran’s then-president Hashemi Rafsanjani. For a time, Nasrallah was Musawi’s “star disciple,” Bergman notes. But the two would eventually have disagreements, with Nasrallah opposing close ties with the Syrian regime of Hafez al-Assad and believing that “the guerilla war against Israel should be prioritized” over attempts to take control of the government in Lebanon.

But with Nasrallah at the helm, Hezbollah would both prioritize the war against Israel and eventually take over the levers of power in Lebanon. Ironically, the group would also forge even closer ties with both Iran and Syria, including taking part in the Syrian civil war to prevent the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad, Hafez’s son and successor. Indeed, Bergman notes, “after the targeting killing” of Musawi, the “priorities shifted” and the IRGC “began to prefer Nasrallah’s approach.”

In early March 1992, Hezbollah carried out two attacks in Turkey, one aimed at an Istanbul synagogue and the other the car bombing of the chief security officer for the Israeli embassy, Ehud Sadan. And on March 17, Hezbollah used a car bomb outside the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The explosion murdered twenty-nine people and injured 242 others. Hezbollah had officially gone global in its attempts to murder and maim Jews. To be sure, Hezbollah had always been vociferously anti-Semitic, singling out Jewish passengers during its previous skyjackings. But March 1992 seemed to signal grander ambitions.

The sophistication behind the attacks, particularly the Buenos Aires bombing, showed that the group had planned them well in advance of Musawi’s assassination. A subsequent investigation by Israel and the CIA would determine that the bombing had been carried out by one of forty-five sleeper cells that Hezbollah had deployed all over the world. More attacks would follow.

In January 1993 and March 1994, Hezbollah attempted to carry out attacks in Turkey and Thailand, targeting the head of the Turkish Jewish community and the Israeli Embassy, respectively. And on July 18, 1994, Hezbollah perpetrated the bombing of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires, murdering eighty-five people and wounding more than 300. The AMIA bombing stood as the worst terrorist attack in the Western hemisphere until Sept. 11, 2001.

Hezbollah also advanced in Lebanon. Empowered by Nasrallah, Imad Mughniyeh increased attacks on the IDF. “From month to month and year to year, Hezbollah’s performance improved and its daring increased,” Bergman noted. The group “employed increasingly sophisticated electronic systems” to monitor IDF radio communications, stepped up its operational tempo, and used finely tuned propaganda aimed at encouraging Israel to withdraw from southern Lebanon—all to lamentable success. By 2000, Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon, handing Nasrallah’s Hezbollah a tremendous PR victory.

(full article online)’s-turning-point-came-1992-201599
Last week, we tweeted journalist Faten Elwan a simple question, based on a highly unlikely claim in her Guardian article (“Rebuilding Nablus: the brothers bringing life to ancient Palestinian streets”, April 15) published on the outlet’s Global Development page, which is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.



So, in response to our query concerning an unsourced and highly unlikely claim, which she published in a global media outlet, that her Palestinian protagonist served 15 years in an Israeli prison for merely “protesting the occupation”, the journalist spouted an unintelligible non-sequitur.

We then decided to looked into it ourselves, doing the fact-checking that Ms. Elwan should have done, and quickly confirmed, based on court documents(Hebrew), that Kittana was in fact convicted for acts of terror he perpetrated in 2002 – the height of the 2nd Intifada – which included firing at soldiers and throwing a grenade at them.

We’ll be complaining to Guardian editors, asking that the article be amended to note Kittana’s conviction for terror offences.

(full article online)


But his message in Arabic was much different in content and tone:

Reviving Aya Sofia is glad tidings regarding the return of the Al-Aqsa Mosque’s freedom.

Reviving Aya Sofia is a new beginning for Muslims all over the world on the way out from dark ages.

Reviving Aya Sofia does not only represent the return of hope for Muslims, but for all the wronged, oppressed, down-trodden, and exploited.

Reviving Aya Sofia is a greeting from the bottom of our hearts to all the cities that represent our civilization, starting with Bukhara, all the way to Andalusia.

Reopening the Aya Sofia – the will of Mehmed Fatih (Mehmed “the Conqueror”) – as a mosque, 70 years after the return of the call to prayer is a revival (resurrection) that was fulfilled belatedly.

This scene is the best answer to the disgusting attacks that target all our symbolic values all over the Islamic world.

Through all the steps that Turkey has taken lately, it affirms that it is active, not passive, in this time and place.

Allah willing, we will continue on this blessed path, without stopping, tirelessly and indefatigably, with all our resolve, sacrifice, and persistence, until we reach our goal.
And what goal might that be, if it includes Islamicizing Spain (Andalusia) and making the Temple Mount Judenrein again?

(full article online)

In none of the instances were the "red alert" air raid sirens sounded.

The rocket which fell in Beit Hanoun exploded next to an UNRWA facility which serves as a school operated by the agency. As a result of the launch, one Arab at the site was injured and evacuated to a local hospital.

(full article online )

70-years-ago??? WOW, systemic problem. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Islamists policy of treating minorities and using holy cites
as bases for attacks is indeed a systemic problem.

This is not only against Jews, they use holy sites
for fuel conflict also against Muslims.

Then lowlifes pretend to joke about it,
trying hard to ridicule, as if it's not
the outcome of their agenda.

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The goals of 'peaceful protests'....
and what 'globalize intifada' means in action.

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Rather, the status quo leaves Israel in charge of the Temple Mount’s security, so Israel remains within its rights to place metal detectors at the entrances to the sites, install security cameras and restrict access when security circumstances warrant — even at the risk of being the Grinch that steals Ramadan.

If Israeli leaders decide that direct administration of the Temple Mount is too risky, they should offer custodianship to someone else. The very idea, of course, is unpalatable because it goes against Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem and Judaism’s holiest site.

But the mere threat of this carrot being offered — let’s say, to Saudi Arabia to close out a peace agreement — might be enough for Jordan to take its prestigious “special role” more seriously.
King Abdullah enjoys the prestige of being the custodian, and the legitimacy of his monarchy in large part rests on the title.

But being a custodian isn’t a ceremonial position. It requires someone to rein in the rioting youth, the Mourabiton and firebrands like Raed Salah. Watching Ramadan violence from the sidelines and issuing annual statements denouncing Israel doesn’t work anymore.

If Jordan can’t or won’t use its influence to calm the Temple Mount year after year, there’s no point being the holy site’s custodian in the first place.

(full article online)‘Disaster’+on+Temple+Mount%3B+Omar+Shows+How+Much+She+Hates+America%3B+Vogue+Promotes+Supermodel’s+Anti-Israel+Posts&utm_campaign=20220424_m167578435_Bring+Anti-Israel+Violence+to+NY%3F+Israel+Prevents+‘Disaster’+on+Temple+Mount%3B+Omar+Shows+How+Much+She+Hates+America%3B+Vogue+Promotes+Supermodel’s+Anti-Israel+Posts&utm_term=_0D_0A_09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09Read+Now_0D_0A_09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09
Israel’s northern border has been mostly quiet since a 2006 war against Hezbollah guerrillas, who have sway in southern Lebanon and an arsenal of advanced rockets.

Small Palestinian factions in Lebanon have fired sporadically on Israel in the past.

(full article online)

No pushing or shoving. No raised voices. Nothing. (There was one minor incident of shoving when dome pilgrims decided to break through the barricade.)

But it is headline-worthy for Palestinians who want to create a story of Israeli evil, so the facts are secondary to the narrative.

Here's the really ironic part: Even if you claim that Israel is occupying Jerusalem, the security of the event is the responsibility of the occupying force!

Thousands of people want to jam into a tiny space to see this annual event, and it has been chaotic, dangerous and even deadly in the past, especially under Muslim rule. Here is the description from a AP dispatch datelined April 2, 1955:

Under international law, an occupier (and even more so a sovereign state) has a primary obligation to ensure public health and safety.

The 1907 Hague Regulations says that the occupier "shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety." This is a primary responsibility. If Israel wouldn't bring police to maintain order at an event that could easily get out of hand in occupied territory, it would be violating international law!

But doing basic, polite and unobtrusive crowd control is being blown up into a huge violation of human rights.

The only reason for the crowd control to begin with is that Israel does not want a repeat of the disaster that happened last year in Meron when 45 Jews were trampled to death.

Israel-haters, though, want to see bloodshed - that they can blame on Israel. And if Israel prevents the bloodshed, then they blame Israel for maintaining order.

The lies and hypocrisy are obvious to anyone who isn't already invested in hating Israel.

(full article online)

On Saturday, Palestinian prime minister Muhammad Shtayyeh spoke to the Palestinian Businessmen Association. In attendance were also government ministers.

His words make it pretty clear that the Palestinians have never accepted Israel's existence.

Shtayyeh said, "Israeli Prime Minister Bennett’s recent statements that Palestine is not an occupied land but a disputed land, and this statement was adopted by all previous Israeli governments. We responded to him that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and this occupied land will be liberated. The historical right is ours, Jerusalem is ours, and Palestine is ours."

He also compared Palestinian terrorism to Ukraine, saying, "The world uses double standards, as it sees in Ukraine heroism and Palestine as terrorism. "

Yeah, well, no one in Ukraine is attacking Russians sitting in coffee shops.


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