All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Here are Israeli citizens who are buying and renting properties in Palestinian territories.

No protests. No life imprisonment for the sellers. No talk about "Israeli settlers."

Because they aren't Jewish.

How much more evidence do you need to understand that Palestinians and their supporters are antisemitic? All their claims that they are merely against Israelis and not Jews are proven to be lies by their silence about Israeli Arabs buying, renting or opening businesses across the Green Line.

Moreover, the fact that Israeli Arabs live in the West Bank disproves the other absurd charge that Israel practices "apartheid" against Palestinians.

Let's pretend that one of these Israeli Arabs joins a riot and get arrested for throwing a firebomb. He would not get a trial in a military court but in an Israeli court - just like any other Israeli citizen. The laws that apply to him would be the laws of Israel.

Which proves that all the accusations of "racism" against Israel are lies.

This is why you don't hear much about the Israeli Arabs who have residences in Nablus, or in Ariel, or in French Hill or Beit Safafa - all across the Green Line. Because they destroy the narrative of Israel discriminating against Arabs. They disprove the claims that only Jews live in "settlements" or the lie that there are "Jewish-only roads."

(full article online)

At a multi-religious conference in Lebanon last week backed by the Christian Maronite patriarch, speakers pushed for the country to adopt a neutral foreign policy — and even broached the taboo subject of normalization with Israel.

The conference, titled “On Reclaiming Neutrality in Lebanon,” was held on Saturday in the central Lebanese town of Harissa under the auspices of Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Ra’i. The top cleric’s representative, like other participants, urged the country to leave the Iran-dominated regional axis and assume a more neutral foreign policy stance, which they insisted was essential to Lebanese identity.

“What is required now is not to introduce the idea of neutrality into the Lebanese system, but to restore the neutrality that the Lebanese have lost due to their increasing foreign affiliations,” said Samir Mazloum, the patriarch’s representative at the gathering.

(full article online)

This Sunday, socialists across the globe will be proudly waving red flags at May Day parades to mark International Workers’ Day.

Once widely celebrated by labor, social democratic and socialist parties worldwide (including extensively in Israel), today May Day is primarily associated with the regime-sponsored events in authoritarian socialist countries and with the familiar radical left demonstrations across the West and the Global South.

This year in cities from Johannesburg to Toronto, and from Dhaka to Athens, protesters will be advocating revolutionary change, a world liberated from the capitalist system “that puts profits before people.” Overwhelmingly, May Day 2022 marchers will also self-identify as staunch enemies of the Jewish state.


CONCURRENTLY, the left viewed the Arab states and the Palestinian leadership as reactionary. The former were traditionalist autocratic monarchies averse to progressive influence, the latter headed by Amin al-Husseini, an overt antisemite and Nazi collaborator, with Yugoslavia’s independent Communist leader Josip Broz Tito seeking Husseini’s extradition for direct involvement in Axis war crimes perpetrated on Yugoslav soil.

It is therefore unsurprising that Israel’s cause garnered massive support across the global left. Solidarity with the struggle of the long-persecuted Jews for national freedom was seen as an integral element in an anti-fascist, anti-colonialist, and anti-racist worldview.

This year’s May Day marchers may confidently profess their anti-Zionism, but logic dictates that their revolutionary indignation should not be channeled toward contemporary Israel. Instead, they should be castigating an entire generation of progressives who oversaw the defeat of fascism and the birth of anti-colonialism.

While serving as Israel’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, I wrote an article for the socialist Morning Star newspaper about Israel’s struggle for independence. The idea was to challenge hegemonic anti-Zionism across the British radical left, only to have my piece rejected. Unlike their paladin Karl Marx, the editors showed little interest in a serious discussion of history.

(full article online)

Most disturbingly, as shown in research by NGO Monitor, these campaigns are often financed by multiple European governments, including Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. Since 2014, 13 NGOs promoting the apartheid label have received $50 million through various European governmental programs, including six NGOs affiliated with Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine that Israel designated as terror fronts in late 2021.

Delegitimization, antisemitic rhetoric and terror are all tools that have long been a part of the anti-Israel arsenal. Yet, they have failed miserably. Israel in 2022 is a diverse, thriving and prosperous society. In practical terms, the BDS movement has failed to gain significant traction outside of fringe political movements. And in contrast to tired narratives of international isolation, Israel continues to form new alliances and important regional partnerships that were unimaginable only a few short years ago.

Perhaps it is time for HRW, Amnesty and their ilk to recalibrate. The future of Israel will not be shaped in offices in New York or London. Rather, it is being written in forums such as last month's Negev Summit with signatories to the Abraham Accords; the corridors of Tel Aviv startups; and the Knesset, which houses the country's most diverse government to date, with Jews and Arabs working together to make Israel a better society for all.

(full article online)

Al-Makassed has been Jerusalem's largest Arab hospital for many years. And in recent years, it has been under severe financial strain. Doctors went on strike last year after not being paid for months.

Now they are ready to do it again, and the hospital might not survive.

Most of its patients - about 70% - come from referrals by the Palestinian Authority, who are supposed to pay their medical expenses. But it hasn't been doing that. Doctors have not been paid at all during Ramadan.

Jerusalem Arabs can go to Israeli hospitals and generally prefer the Jewish-run hospitals, so the funding al-Makassed gets from Israeli HMOs is limited.

The hospital is described as in danger of collapse.

As of last year, the hospital had about $49 million in debts.

Now compare that to the "pay for slay" program of Palestinian Authority paying terrorists salaried and their families a stipend. That expense is well above $300 million a year.

If the PA would stop its immoral policy of paying murderers and their families. it could easily afford to pay its debts to al-Makassed.

But paying "martyrs" and their families is entrenched in a society that praises terrorists every day.

Actual hospitals might fail because the Palestinian Authority prioritizes the welfare of murderers and terrorists.

Think about that.

The official Palestinian Wafa news agency writes about today's holiday of Eid al-FItr in Jerusalem:

Eid in Jerusalem.. Insistence on making joy despite suffering
Jerusalemite activist Osama Barham told Wafa: "The occupation restrictions, the closure of streets and checkpoints, and the deprivation of our people from outside Jerusalem to come, added an aura of sadness, but the Jerusalemites insisted on creating joy and happiness.

It is noteworthy that more than 200,000 worshipers performed the Eid al-Fitr prayer, in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, where the takbeers were raised in its premises, amid large crowds of worshipers who exchanged congratulations, and others distributed sweets at its doors .

The agency bravely decided to show only a photo of the joy and not the suffering.

And here was the scene this morning when 200,000 Muslims somehow managed to evade oppressive Israeli restrictions and pray on Judaism's holiest site despite obvious Zionist/Jewish Islamophobia:

But, as every article emphasizes, this happiness is tempered by the extreme Israeli restrictions on who can enter the sacred site there isn't a square centimeter to spare.

What is the tool of oppression that the "Israeli Occupation Forces" use to restrict unlimited Muslim access to a limited space?

After much research, I found a photo of this torture tool:

Here's an exclusive photo of it being prepared to torture Muslims:

This vile instrument has been responsible for most of the complaints by Palestinian Arabs against Israel during Holy Saturday, Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.

(full article online)

There has been lots of justified criticism of the Anti-Defamation League under Jonathan Greenblatt, and how it has apparently embraced the woke ideology and de-emphasized leftist antisemitism. (One of the most pointed and trenchant critiques came from Seth Mandel in this Commentary piece last month - it is worth reading.)

Perhaps in response, Greenblatt gave a speech at the ADL Virtual National Leadership Summit yesterday. (Video here.) While it only partially addresses the critics, he was emphatic that anti-Zionism is antisemitism, and his arguments are as good as one can find. He did not pull any punches.

To those who still cling to the idea that antizionism is not antisemitism – let me clarify this for you as clearly as I can – antizionism is antisemitism.

I will repeat: antizionism is antisemitism.

Antizionism as an ideology is rooted in rage. It is predicated on one concept: the negation of another people, a concept as alien to the modern discourse as white supremacy. It requires a willful denial of even a superficial history of Judaism and the vast history of the Jewish people. And, when an idea is born out of such shocking intolerance, it leads to, well, shocking acts.

I’m sorry, but why would this surprise anyone?

Let me give you a recent example.

All of us held our breath in recent weeks as yet another wave of terror attacks rolled over Israel. Murderous terrorists in cities across the country targeted anyone within arm’s reach – police officers, children, teachers, etc.

And how did organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine (also known as SJP) or the Jewish Voice for Peace – this name is not intended be ironic – respond? With increasingly dangerous language.

Just this month, Georgetown SJP invited Mohammed El-Kurd to its campus, a man who alleged that Jewish Israelis and Zionists eat the organs of Palestinians and claimed that Zionism is inherently linked to “blood thirsty[sic] and violent” actions.

And in the face of recent violence against Israeli civilians, an SJP spinout, Within Our Lifetime, marched through Manhattan a few weeks ago. They carried signs and chanted slogans.

And what did they say?

Did they call to “stop the violence?”


Did they call to “give peace a chance?”


They called to “globalize the intifada.”

Let me say that one more time – their response to a surge in homicidal violence against civilians was literally a call for more homicidal violence against civilians. And this isn’t the first time SJP and students have called for this.

And this isn’t just SJP. Recently, JVP in NY promoted another rally using the hashtag #globalizetheintifada.

Now you might hear from some voices on the fringe that the word “intifada” is not about a call to violence, that it is about liberation.

That is a complete fiction. It is an utter lie.

(full speech online)

In reaction to the recent tension in Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Jordanian government leveled baseless allegations against Israel's "continuous steps to change the historical and legal status quo in Al-Aqsa Mosque" despite Israel's repeated reiterations of its commitment to protecting the freedom of worship for Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

On April 17, 2022, the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues a statement[1] saying that Israel's attempts to "impose the temporal and spatial division of Al-Aqsa Mosque" represent "a dangerous escalation and a condemned breach of the international law." The statement also noted that Israel bears "full responsibility for the dangerous repercussions of this escalation that undermines all efforts to maintain the comprehensive ceasefire and avoid more violence that threatens peace and security" and stressed that "Al Aqsa Mosque is a place of worship for Muslims alone and that the Jordan-run Jerusalem Awqaf and Aqsa Affairs Department has the exclusive authority to supervise the holy site's affairs and manage entries."

The statement by Jordan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs came a day after 76 members of the Jordanian parliament signed a petition[2] urging their government to cut diplomatic ties with Israel, shut down the Israeli Embassy, expel the Israeli ambassador, and suspend bilateral agreements with Israel. According to, the petition stressed that "Resorting to condemnation and disapproval of what is taking place in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque is an option that no longer matches the interest of Jordan or the aspirations and sentiments of the people of Jordan and most certainly does not match the sacrifices of those stationed at the front lines of Al-Quds [Jerusalem] and Al-Aqsa Mosque." The petition then saluted the people of Al-Quds "who have remained steadfast against the terrorist forces of the occupation and its actions..." the petition also urged the government to intervene at "a highest level to ensure the release of the imprisoned and kidnapped young men of Al-Quds [Jerusalem] who are taking part in Ribat [guard duty] and who are defending the dignity of the ummah [members of which were arrested] in Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Meanwhile, in an unusual article, Jordanian Senator Muhammad Hussein Al-Momani who is also former Jordanian minister of media affairs and former government spokesman, condemned[3] "the extremists" for promoting violence to score political points and push for military confrontation with Israel. In the article, which was titled "Temple Mount During Every Ramadan" and was published in the Jordanian daily Alghad, the writer condemned those who criticize Jordan's official position on the recent tension saying it is an "advanced position, highly truthful, strong and nationalist" and described those criticizing it as "unfair and ungrateful."

The following are translated excerpts from the article.

(full article online)

One of the agitators filmed the group throughout the event and uploaded the footage to social media app TikTok. In a video posted to the platform, one of the Arabs is heard saying, “It’s Saturday, the Jews are sleeping,” while filming the quiet streets of the kibbutz as the infiiltrators scream and play music at a high volume.

Later in the video, one of the horse-drawn carts driven by three of the men is seen careening wildly around a corner and striking a low wall as the group howls with laughter.

The men are seen encouraging their horses to gallop but appear to lose control of their vehicles momentarily at several points throughout the video.
Eventually, the Arabs were asked to leave by a kibbutz security guard. They responded by unleashing a string of expletives at the guard and making obscene gestures at him.

“Get out of here, this is none of your business,” one of the Arab men yells at the guard, along with a number of curses. “We’re not leaving. We’ll leave when we want.”

In an interview with Channel 12, Kfar Masaryk spokesman Avraham Eilat said that some of the men have previous criminal records.

The Arab men were arrested Saturday night after the rampage, but Eilat said he was skeptical that they would be given more than a slap on the wrist for their destructive and threatening behavior.

“The justice system and prosecutors’ office aren’t exactly strict,” Eilat said. “In a couple of days, [the Arab men] will be back to their usual routine.”

(full article online )


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