All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

The UN and global “human rights” NGOs continue to slander Israel with ugly charges of “ethnic cleansing,” “apartheid,” and sundry fictitious atrocities against the Palestinians.

Meanwhile, in the real world, this is what is happening: Israeli doctors continue to treat thousands of Arabs in Israeli hospitals and conduct world-class humanitarian medical work around the world.

It is sign of the hostile times that Israel gets little international credit for its manifold humanitarian medical activities, in Israel or abroad.

Israeli hospitals regularly take-in patients from countries across the Middle East, including Arab countries that have no diplomatic relations with Israel, and from the Palestinian-controlled areas. For example, no less than one-quarter of the patients in the Edmond & Lily Safra Children’s Hospital at the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer are Palestinian kids from Gaza with cancer or congenital heart ailments

Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem plays a similar role for West Bank Palestinians. “Save a Child’s Heart” at the Sylvan Adams Children’s Hospital at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon also treats many Palestinian patients, as well as children with heart defects from across the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe.

Palestinians receive treatment in Israel even though the Palestinian Authority takes only very partial, occasional financial responsibility for them and the patients themselves can’t afford to pay. The Peres Center for Peace and the hospitals themselves often end up covering or absorbing the costs.

Palestinian leaders and their family members, including Hamas chieftains, get the best medical care in Israel even though they constantly issue the most bloodcurdling libels about Israeli “apartheid” and they plot Israel’s demise.

(full article online)

Yom Hazikaron, which, with perfect symbolism, is followed immediately afterward by Yom Ha'atzmaut – Israel's Independence Day – is therefore not just a day of national mourning. It is a deeply personal experience, as well as one that reminds them of the price that has been paid for their country's survival. And so the idea of turning it into a joint expression of grief for all those who died in the war between Arabs and Jews over the Zionist idea in the last century is something that rubs many Israelis, in addition to Jewish families in the Diaspora who have lost loved ones, the wrong way.

That's understandable.

Treating those who died to save Israel and those who died trying to destroy it as merely two sides of the same coin is as egregious as it is immoral.

Even if this were solely a day for mourning civilians killed in conflicts, the case for treating Jewish and Arab victims as existing on the same moral plane doesn't work because Israeli military actions are not intended to kill civilians, though sadly, that is sometimes what happens. Palestinian terror groups routinely hide behind non-combatants and actively seek their deaths for political purposes. Unlike the Israelis, Palestinian terror groups deliberately seek to kill Israelis and rarely attack soldiers. There is simply no moral equivalence between Jewish and Arab casualties even if all such deaths are regrettable.

Looking beyond these obvious points, there is something particularly irritating about those who ask Israelis to share their Memorial Day while refusing to countenance the idea that the most sacred site in Judaism ought to be shared.

In recent weeks, as Muslims celebrated Ramadan after the Jewish observance of Passover, the dispute over Jerusalem's Temple Mount once again made its way into the news. It's the one place in Jerusalem where freedom of worship for all religions is not guaranteed. Despite it being the site of the two ancient biblical temples, Jewish entry to the sacred plateau is highly restricted and Jewish prayer there forbidden.

Throughout the last century, Palestinian Arab leaders have used the myth of a Jewish plan to blow up the mosques that were built over the place where the temples stood in order to foment violence. Muslims deny the historical Jewish origins of the site and treat even visits from Jews as an insult to Islam and a justification for more terror.

Recently, that meant that Arabs were allowed by the Muslim authorities to use the mosques to store rocks in order to stage riots and throw them at Jews praying at the Western Wall below the mount. When Israeli police were forced to enter the area to quell the violence, predictably, they were accused of being in the wrong.

The denial of Jewish rights to the area was enabled by a terrible mistake made by then-Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan in June 1967, who allowed the Muslim Waqf to retain control of the site after the Six-Day War. In recent years, growing numbers of Jews have sought to assert their right to visit the Temple Mount and have called for a reassessment of Dayan's blunder. However, fear of stirring up more Palestinian anger or of embarrassing the Jordanian government, which retains influence over the Mount, has led Israeli authorities to stick to the prayer ban and, as what happened recently, go so far as to prohibit Jewish visits altogether.

This preservation of the so-called "status quo" in Jerusalem, which is demanded by foreign governments like that of the United States, is considered more important than freedom of worship. As long as it is merely Jews who are being denied rights, exceptions to principles can always be found.

Leftists who seek to promote coexistence with the Palestinians have no problem with this discrimination against Jews. Indeed, they are quick to brand any Jew who seeks to pray or even visit the Temple Mount as a radical troublemaker who is no better than a terrorist. They regard the assertion of Jewish rights over the holy places or to live and build over the green line in Judea and Samaria as unacceptable.

What they fail to realize is that by going along with Arab denials of rights to Jews, they are actually encouraging intransigence and promoting endless war. Treating the Temple Mount as a "no-go zone" for Jews is granting an undeserved legitimacy to Palestinian bigotry that is rooted in a belief that Jews have no rights on the land. After all, it isn't just the mount that Palestinians wish to deny to the Jews but their state itself.

(full article online)

On Thursday evening, two axe-wielding terrorists murdered three Jewish men and wounded four more, two of them critically, in the central Israeli city of Elad.

Following the attack, Hillel Neuer, the director of UN Watch, tweeted: “We urged Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to speak out. But their chiefs @KenRoth and @AgnesCallamard were too busy condemning Israel as racist.”


On Thursday, the government of Kuwait said that Jews are the only people on Earth whose very existence violates international law - when they quietly walk on the Temple Mount.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the State of Kuwait's strong condemnation and denunciation of the Israeli occupation authority's allowing extremists to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the occupation forces.

The ministry warned in a statement today, Thursday, of the consequences of the continuation of such serious violations, which constitute a flagrant violation of the rules of international law and the Geneva Conventions and cause to stoke the spirit of violence and tension and a threat to international peace and security.

The ministry called on the Security Council to assume its responsibilities to curb these violations.

This statement is nothing less than a justification of ethnic cleansing of an entire people. After all, if Jews cannot exist in their holiest spot because it offends bigoted Muslims, they they cannot exist anywhere that offends bigoted Muslims - which includes all of Israel and possibly the entire Middle East. Hamas has famously declared, with no one arguing, that all of Palestine is holy Islamic waqf land - Jews existing in Israel is just as offensive as Jews existing on the Temple Mount.

Jews must know their place.

Jews, by existing, violate international law.

Jews, by existing, stoke violence.

Jews, by existing, are a threat to international peace and security.

What is left unsaid is that Jews, by existing, offend antisemitic Muslims who are therefore somehow compelled to act violently. Antisemitic Muslims who use Jews' very existence as an excuse to murder Jews.

This statement was released before the murders in Elad yesterday, but the murders are a direct result of this kind of officially sanctioned antisemitism and incitement that is still endemic in much of the Arab world.

According to the antisemites. killing Jews isn't against international law. Murder is a natural consequence of the offensiveness of Jews existing and living their lives in their historic homeland.

This statement does not only justify ethnic cleansing. It justifies genocide.

Such thoroughly offensive statements by a sovereign nation don't even elicit the tiniest of protests from the nations of the world, nor from the "human rights" community, nor from the people who claim to be against all forms of racism and hate.

It is so easy to dismiss this. Kuwait is not important, their rantings aren't worth getting upset over, they are playing to their citizens, they don't really mean it - there is no shortage of justifications for hate. But it should not be dismissed. It is part of the normalization of antisemitism in the international arena. It is part of the rewriting of international law specifically to limit Jewish rights - a process that starteddecades ago.

It means that Jew-haters are the ones who decide where and when Jews can exist, and they can also decide when and where Jews must be destroyed.

In an April 29, 2022 interview on Asharq TV (Saudi Arabia), UAE politician Ahmed Al-Jarwan, the president of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, praised normalization with Israel and condemned the Muslim Brotherhood, the Houthis, Hizbullah, and the IRGC. He said that the Muslim Brotherhood is a harmful extremist group, that the Houthis tarnish the name of Islam, that Hizbullah is hijacking Lebanon, and that the Arabs don't have a problem with the Shi'ites or Iran, but with the Iranian ruling system and the IRGC. In addition, he said that while in the past, Egypt was the only Arab country that could help the Palestinians negotiate with Israel, there are now five such countries who have normalized relations with Israel. He urged the Palestinians to "make good use" of these normalization initiatives, which can help establish a Palestinian state.

[ Nope, it is just some more Muslim, Arab brainwashing. They really believe, after a few generations, that Israel is a colonial force. After all, how can they be taught that Muslims invaded out of Arabia since the 7th century? Nope, always been there. :). ]

[ Exactly what Palestinians are being moved to give way to a Jewish settlement? Never mind 1929, 1948 and all the Jews really ethnically cleansed from their homes and homeland. Double standards come from historical ignorance ]


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