All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Twitter, May 6, 2022 (Screenshot)

Twitter claims it shuts down accounts for inciting violence, but the social media giant has a major blind spot when it comes to genocidal hatemongers and antismemitism. For example, it has permitted Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to use the platform to promote the destruction of the Jewish state.

In fact, a Twitter representative stood in front of Israel’s Knesset and told them the company considers those tweets mere “foreign policy saber-rattling.”

Does praising axe murderers who target Jews also fail to violate the company’s policy?

One user identified by the Twitter handle, @Abotagoog tweeted: “Chop off their heads with your axe, shoot them with your gun, and do not fear them.”

The tweet included a graphic of the scene of the attack and a bloodied axe.

(full article online)

It’s the latest in a series of reports by human-rights groups that have grown progressively more extreme in their denunciations of the Jewish state. Republican senators are pushing a bill to cut funding for Amnesty, which has received more than $2.5 million in federal funding in the past two decades.

Sacks said he isn’t sure whether the outpouring of condemnation will cause Amnesty to moderate its position. He says: “Amnesty climbed up this tree. And they joined with the other malicious NGOs. The only thing new about this is that they’ve upped their rhetoric. Remember, Amnesty was involved in the initial Durban conference [in South Africa in 2001] where the Israel apartheid libel began, and they’ve never backed down from it. The most important thing, though, rather than wait for Amnesty to realize the error of its ways, is to constantly point out how nefarious and wrong the label is.”

The latest move follows a decision in January by the Dutch government to stop funding the Ramallah-based Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), one of six groups that Israel labeled in October as a terrorist entity. The Netherlands has been a major donor of pro-Palestinian NGOs and a leading donor of UAWC.

‘The Jews Don’t Count’​

Joseph Soesan, a blogger and podcaster who reports from Israel to Dutch-speaking audiences, applauded the government decision but says it doesn’t represent a major shift in Dutch sentiment and could easily be undone by the anti-Israel actions of a new government.

“The new minister of foreign affairs, Hoekstra, is more balanced than the last. The last minister of foreign affairs, Sigrid Kaag, subsidized a lot of Palestinian organizations, among them all six who were banned by Israel’s Defense Ministry,” said Soesan.

(full article online)

[ They did not want their own State in 1937 or 1947, not from 1948 to 1967. And we know why they say that they want ALL of Judea and Samaria for their State, now. But they do not ]

The Palestinians want all of Judea and Samaria to form their future state.

amadan as “relatively quiet,” and expressed the hope that the upcoming “Nakba day,” when Palestinians commemorate the “catastrophe” of the establishment of the State of Israel, and “Naksa day,” when they mourn the Arab defeat in the 1967 Six-Day War, will be similarly “quiet.”

The description is unfortunate not only because 19 Israelis were killed in a series of terrorist attacks across the country in the past month, but because it reflects the Eastern European shtetl mentality, in which Jews lived in fear that their gentile neighbors might “mark” their holidays by inciting pogroms.

Another often-heard statement is that the confrontations between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian rioters over the past month (and before) have strengthened Hamas, and have even turned the terrorist group into a leading force in the Palestinian arena.

But the reality on the ground is that while Hamas is trying to ride the wave of violence and gain strength from it, it is not responsible for it, nor does it control its intensity and severity. Hamas does not control the Palestinian street, and certainly not the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian arena, including the Arab Israeli public, is characterized by a lack of leadership, a lack of direction, and internal chaos.

No organization stood behind the past month’s terror attacks, and even the Temple Mount riots, in which several hundred Palestinians participated, failed to garner the support of the majority of the Palestinian public, who chose to stay on the sidelines.

At the end of the day, every Palestinian understands that Hamas is headed nowhere — one look at Gaza is sufficient to understand this. The terrorist organization is in charge of the Gaza Strip, and the situation of the local population has never been worse, with very little hope of it improving in the foreseeable future.

(full article online)


The top line says, "All glory to our land and life defenders," meaning the people who they claim defend Palestine.

This means the Palestinians who, according to Palestinian media, "defend" Al Aqsa and Palestine - by targeting and murdering Jews.

One of the sponsors, Falastiniyat, describes itself as "a grassroots collective of diasporic Palestinian feminists in Seattle living & organizing at the intersection of gender justice and anti-colonialism." The title is one that would mean little to most Westerners, who would assume it refers to people who hold meals at Sheikh Jarrah or similar, but its meaning and timing is clear to Palestinians: it is support for the current murderous terror wave of Palestinians targeting Israelis and Jews that started in March.

Even though it was created before the events in Elad, there is not a question that Palestinians consider the axe murderers to be "defenders" of Palestinians and Palestinian land.

And the other sponsors know this as well.

I already showed that British police in 1932 also engaged in crowd control to limit the number of people in the area and allowed in the church.

What about how things were under Jordanian control - the sacred "status quo" where 19 years of illegal annexation and ethnically cleansing Jews is supposed to be the model on how to deal with Jerusalem today?

I just found this footage from a 1960 Christian children's documentary about Jerusalem, that shows a very similar scene to what is shown above, with Jordanian police forming a cordon preventing crowds from entering the church.

(vide video)

The dangers are obvious, especially with the fire being transferred in areas packed with pilgrims.

But only when Israel tries to make things safe do people get upset.

If someone can point to a specific difference between Israeli police barricades and Jordanian police cordons and crowd control, by all means, enlighten us.

(full article online)

As sixteen more Jewish children are orphaned following the brutal axe murders in Elad, we see haters celebrate all over the world. The anti-Israel position is not a ‘human-rights’ movement, nor one that just seeks a Palestinian state. It is a death cult, a movement that denies truth, craves bloodshed, glorifies violence, and worships death. It is a cult that because of its own many shortcomings, satisfies itself through the murder of Jews.

The terrorism​

Three more Israelis were slaughtered by axe-wielding terrorists on Thursday night. Two of the victims were murdered as they enjoyed time in a local park. The third had given the two terrorists a lift into Elad – a town to which the terrorists often travelled for work.

The attack is the latest in a string of murderous attacks in Israel that has left eighteen Israelis dead:

  • May 5 – Elad – Boaz Gol, Yonatan Havakuk, Oren Ben Yitfah
  • April 29 – Ariel – Vyacheslav Golev
  • April 7 – Tel Aviv – Tomer Morad , Eytam Magini , Barak Lufan
  • March 29 – Bnei Brak – Amir Khoury, Ya’akov Shalom, Avishai Yehezkel , Victor Sorokopot, Dimitri Mitrik
  • March 27 – Hadera – Yezen Falah, Shirel Abukarat
  • And March 22 – Ber Sheva – Doris Yahbas, Laura Yitzhak, Rabbi Moshe Kravitzky, Menahem Yehezkel
A concentrated series of attacks hitting different towns, choosing random targets, with a varying array of weapons. Most nations would be left in semi-social paralysis as such a terror campaign unfolded, but Israel is not just ‘any nation’. Israelis have seen all this before and worse. And Israelis are under no illusions – they know the enemies are out there seeking opportunities to kill them. It is why Israel’s borders are heavily fortified, why ‘Iron Dome’ was invented, why the security fence was built, why the checkpoints were set up, and why Gaza faces strict sanctions. So when terrorists strike, most discussions are only about the security or intelligence failures that are perceived to have allowed some of the haters through the net.

Israelis live today only due to their strength, innovation, and resilience. They are the targets of an obsessive and brutal death cult.

The goal​

The anti-Israel movement may be wrapped up in soft-sounding keywords, but what it seeks is the total destruction of the Jewish state. It is not interested in freedom or democracy. At best it wants Jews back at the mercy of Islamist masters – at worst it wants the Jews gone. Having understood the way to manipulate western ‘human rights’ discourse, they embarked on an intense and well organised propaganda campaign. They set about to delegitimise Israel through a constant drumbeat of lies. But whatever terminology they use today, they always mean the same thing:

  • Free Palestine = destroy Israel
  • From the river to the sea = destroy Israel
  • right of return = destroy Israel
  • One democratic state = destroy Israel
  • No justice – no peace = destroy Israel
  • We don’t have a problem with Jews, just Zionists = destroy Israel
Half of the demonstrators at anti-Israel demonstrations today support despots such as Assad or hybrid oppressive regimes such as Pakistan or Iran. They only take to the streets when they can demonstrate their hatred of Israel. It is why at anti-Israel demonstrations you can see many homophobic, misogynistic, violence-supporting thugs holding placards claiming they support notions of human-rights. Yes, there are traditional leftists in the crowd, but that just makes a bad situation worse. You are left with do-gooders and virtue-signallers standing alongside Islamists and anti-Jewish racists – all crying out in unison for the destruction of the Jewish state.

The left ethically imploded when it adopted the Palestinian cause. They may as well have physically taken the left’s moral soul and injected it with pure cyanide.

The celebrations​

And when Jews lie brutally murdered in the street, we can see many of these toxic thugs actually celebrate their deaths. Like when sweets are handed out in the streets of Gaza:

Streets of Gaza, sweets

But it is not just those in Gaza or Nablus who celebrate. Social media swarms with hate.

When Israeli radio presenter Yossi Davidov posted a message of grief on Facebook following the Elad attack, the response was predictable. In saying the response was ‘predictable’ I open up a divide between what is normal for everyone else, and what is normal for Jews. When innocent civilians are slaughtered in city streets by terrorists, there is normally near universal grief. When Jews are killed, the laughter tends to drown out the measured sympathy of our allies. In 2021 there was a tragedy at Mount Meron which left 45 Israelis dead. Within six hours of posting about the event, Al Jazeera had received over 30,000 responses – over 10,000 of them were ‘laughing at’ or ‘loving’ the tragedy. The most ‘liked’ comments under the post were the most vicious.

In the end, Jews who post about their heartbreak tend to be swamped by people who are glad Jews have been killed. Only with Jewish suffering do Jews end up needing to limit who can respond to their posts (as Yossi Davidov had to). Such is the level of hate against Jews in the world.

(full article online)

  • The Israel-Jordan peace treaty of 1994 specifies that Israel “respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem.” Israel agreed that the day-to-day administration and organization of visiting and worshipping at the Al-Aqsa Mosque would continue to be the responsibility of the Jordanian Waqf, a branch of Jordan’s Ministry of Awqaf Islamic Affairs and Holy Places, subject to Israeli security supervision and presence.
  • The most recent Ramadan disturbances have given rise to a number of statements and actions by senior Jordanian personalities, expressing both support and encouragement for the continuing violence, as well as voicing threats against Israel and calls to change the present arrangements regarding the Temple Mount. Such enhanced Jordanian activism raises questions about Jordan’s commitments pursuant to the 1994 peace treaty with Israel.
  • The peace treaty distinctly referred to the situation, recognized and acknowledged by both parties, which existed at the time of its signature in 1994. It must be assumed that Jordan thereby acknowledged and committed itself to Israel’s overall authority, including security responsibility, over the Temple Mount compound, subject to Israel’s recognition and acknowledgment of the special role of Jordan.
  • Therefore, recent reports of a new Jordanian initiative to remove Israel’s control over the Temple Mount and to transfer security responsibility from Israel to the Waqf, as well as the authority to approve non-Muslim visits to the Temple Mount, would appear to be at stark variance with Jordan’s peace treaty obligations.
  • Moreover, statements by senior Jordanian personalities expressing support and encouragement for the Al-Aqsa rioters would appear to be at variance with the provisions of the peace treaty.
  • In Article 11 of the peace treaty, entitled “Mutual Understanding and Good Neighborly Relations,” the parties undertook to “seek to foster mutual understanding and tolerance based on shared historic values” and “to abstain from hostile or discriminatory propaganda against each other.”

(full article online)

The 6-year-old son of Yonatan Havakuk, one of three men killed in Elad last week, ran to tell security guards that his father was dead and that a terror attack was underway, the child’s uncle said Sunday.

Havakuk’s widow told Army Radio that her son said his father chose not to run away during the attack.

“My son saw the entire incident,” Limor Havakuk said. “He said his father could have run away, but decided to stay.”

The brother-in-law of a man who remained in critical condition on Sunday said the man’s children were traumatized after witnessing the attack.

“His four small children saw everything,” Netanel Yakovov, the brother-in-law of Shai Ben Shlomo, told Army Radio.

(full article online)

The independent non-governmental human rights group UN Watch is accusing outgoing UN investigator on Palestine Michael Lynk of violating UN neutrality rules by accepting an award yesterday from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and called on U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield and UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet to demand that Lynk return it.

“President Mahmoud Abbas has awarded the Order of the Star of Jerusalem to Professor Michael Lynk, presented by Foreign Minister Dr Riad Al Malki in Dublin,” tweeted the Palestinian embassy in Ireland, along with a photo.

Lynk only ended his term as Special Rapporteur on Palestine last week, after a 6-year term. He was appointed by the UN Human Rights Council in 2016, despite rare objections about his lack of impartiality by the Canadian government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“For the past six years, we documented how Lynk was acting not like an impartial UN investigator, but rather like an agent for the PLO,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch. “He turned a blind eye to Hamas and Fatah terrorism, and demonized Israel. Lynk insisted he was impartial, but now he isn’t even pretending any more.”

“It is repulsive that Lynk accepted this award from Mahmoud Abbas at a time when his Fatah group participated in and praised the latest spate of Palestinian terrorist attacks that have killed 19 people in Israel.”

Abba’s Fatah-linked Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades distributed sweets in Gaza the evening after Thursday’s terrorist attack in Elad that killed three Israeli fathers, orphaning 16 children.

UN Watch says that Lynk’s acceptance of an award from one of the parties in a dispute that he was judging for the UN until last week sets a dangerous precedent.

“The entire credibility of the UN’s system for country investigations is at stake. If the UN investigator of Palestine can get an award from Palestinian President Abbas, what is to stop the UN investigators on Iran, Belarus and North Korea from accepting awards from Ayatollah Khamenei, Lukashenko and Kim Jong-un?”

“The UN human rights system is turning into a laughingstock, and dictators like Abbas, now in the 18th year of his 4-year term, get to corrupt the system.”

(full article online )

Following communication with the BBC and based on material flagged up and translated by CAMERA Arabic, on May 4th the Jewish Chronicle prompted BBC Arabic to take action on several news items published between April 18th and April 22nd.

All the items – three video segments and one webpage – referred to Jews visiting Temple Mount during Passover as “settlers” who “intruded” into “al-Aqsa Mosque” (in one case: “al-Aqsa courtyard”). Two of the items did so even when they paraphrased Israeli sources.

The BBC made two of their YouTube videos private and consequently unavailable to the general public. BBC Arabic Jerusalem correspondent Muhannad Tutunji was instructed to remove a third video of him reporting for a BBC Arabic live broadcast which appeared on his own personal Facebook account.

The action taken regarding the webpage was less straightforward. Instead of following the model of other outlets and simply correcting the inaccurate terminology, BBC Arabic editors opted to delete all evidence that Jewish visitors were ever present on Temple Mount, thus changing the news items retroactively. Below is a detailed account of the edited parts (original version is available here, deleted text in red, amendments in green):


“Israeli settlers police forces intruded on the morning of April 21 the courtyards of al-Aqsa Mosque in the city of Jerusalem, amidst a close guard by the Israeli police with clashes between police and worshippers having occurred.
“The intrusion lasted about three and a half hours, punctuated by clashes between worshippers and the Israeli police, which spread in the al-Aqsa Mosque courtyards, prior to the police and the settlers departing al-Aqsa.
“The Islamic Waqf Department in the city of Jerusalem has said that the number of settlers who intruded into the Mosque has reached 762 settlers.

“Shortly before the settlers intruded, the police forced the worshippers to evacuate the Mosque’s courtyards, which caused the clashes to erupt.
“Palestinian media outlets have reported that the occupation Israeli forces shot gas grenades and rubber bullets to get the worshippers out of al-Qibli house of prayer [i.e. al-Aqsa Mosque, the southern building of the compound]”

(full article online)

That list of awful things tells you a great deal about Hezbollah, its supporters and those who vote for it in Lebanon.

Those who demand the disarmament of the resistance, they want to sell this position to the Americans and the West in order to obtain political and financial protection. This is not a popular demand, all opinion polls said that, however. I want to address them.

Suppose for the sake of argument that you have reached this conclusion. Do you expect that the American will be satisfied with that? Take the experiences of all the Arab countries surrounding us. After the issue of the resistance, they will tell you that Lebanon must recognize the State of Israel. They will ask you for Lebanon to officially recognize Israel in the Lebanese government and Parliament.

They will ask you not only for recognition. They will ask you for normalization with Israel.

They will ask you to settle the Palestinians in Lebanon. You advocate disarming the resistance. Do you support the settlement of Palestinians in Lebanon?

They will ask you and they will demand of you. There is something with the Americans called demands. There is no final limit. There is no limit. When you surrender to the first condition, the second, third, fourth and fifth conditions will come out. Well, suppose some say that if we hand over the weapons of the resistance, our living and economic crisis will be solved. Suppose we hand over the arms and recognize Israel and normalize with Israel and our Palestinian homeland and accept the settlement of the refugees or displaced Syrians, then? Will it solve our economic and living problem?

Note how Nasrallah uses anti-Palestinian racism to make his point. "Do you support the settlement of Palestinians in Lebanon? " It is a rhetorical question - the Lebanese hate their Palestinian "guests" even while they claim to be so supportive of them.

Nasrallah pretends to be a champion of Palestinians but he stokes anti-Palestinian hatred to get support. Hezbollah doesn't want them to become Lebanese citizens, even if they want to. Nasrallah wants to ethnically cleanse them by banishing them to Israel - and he claims it is for their own good!

As far as whether normalization with Israel would bring financial benefit to Lebanon - it absolutely would. Israelis would fall over themselves to invest in Lebanon. Western nations that are reluctant to lend money would free up funds if there was a chance that it would bring permanent peace to a border that the UN has spent so much money monitoring.

Nasrallah spent much of the speech claiming that Israel wants Lebanese territory, that if Hezbollah wouldn't exist then Israel would constantly attack and annex southern Lebanon. His worst case scenario is a peaceful Middle East where Israel and Lebanon cooperate, which also happens to be a Middle East where Hezbollah has no reason to exist. Peace is an existential threat to Hezbollah.

In reality, Hezbollah holds Lebanon hostage and it is the real threat to ordinary Lebanese people, not Israel. He knows that. Hezbollah is an arm of Iran, and to Iran, Lebanon is nothing more than a critical front for war on Israel whose people are nothing but pawns towards that goal.

(full article online)

Noor Dahri is a British-Pakistani writer and counter terrorism researcher. He is an executive director at Islamic Theology of Counter Terrorism (ITCT), which uses Islamic theology to counter Islamist extremism.

I do not know how influential the ITCT is. It does not have a strong social media presence, and looking at its team, it seems to be very light on experts on Islam whose views would sway Muslims.

Even so, any paper that shows how Islam does not approve of Palestinian terrorism is welcome, and any discussion on the topic in Islamic circles is welcome.

Dahri just released a new research paper, "The Month of Ramadan, Al-Aqsa Riots and Mischief: Islamic or Un-Islamic?" It examines the recent behavior of Palestinians on the Temple Mount from an Islamic perspective and determines that the stone throwing, arson and other attacks are forbidden according to Islam.

Dahri also says that Jews have the absolute right to live in Israel and Jerusalem according to the Koran.

The conclusion of the paper says:

Violence has no room in Islam whatsoever. One must understand that they cannot claim Islam is a religion of peace while committing a crime of violence and terrorism under the name of Islam. It is a great blasphemy to the religion and to the Lord when someone starts creating mischief on earth in their names. Israel is a land of prophets and the holy land on earth, which every religion accepts, yet some political and religious extremists commit acts of violence and terrorism in the blessed land which is mentioned several times in the holy Quran.

There is no doubt that the holy land of Israel including Jerusalem is sacred to all religions and the people of all three divine religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianity) can live, work, visit the holy land but cannot claim the ownership of it at all because the ownership has already been given to the people of Israel (Jews) by Allah thousands of years ago. There is not any Quranic verse or Prophetic Hadith where such ownership has been transferred from Jews to Muslims. Instead, Allah has commanded Jews to enter the land of Israel which is given to them.

“O my people! Enter the Holy Land which Allah has destined for you to enter. And do not turn back or else you will become losers.” (Quran 5:21)

Allah also decided to gather all Jewish people from all around the world in the holy land of Israel when the end time comes closer, which means, that Jewish people can live anywhere in the world but the time will come when they will travel across the world and will immigrate into Israel.
Allah says in the holy Quran: "And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, ‘scatter and live all over the world… and when the end of the world is near we will gather you again into the Promised Land” (Quran:17:104)

The above-cited Quranic verses show the source for the belief that this land was divinely given to the people of Israel, and Muslims have no religious or historical claim to possess this land. Those non-Jews who are living, working and visiting Israel have special privileges from the Jewish state to exercise political, domestic, social and religious rights all around the holy land but can never claim the ownership according to the Shariah (Islamic) law.

By holding politically motivated protests with violence, extremists not only break the commandments of Allah mentioned in the holy Quran but also go against the law of the land and those who commit such unlawful and un-Islamic activities should be prosecuted and punished according to the state’s law. The state of Israel has successfully given Muslims (Israeli Arabs) rights to live, educate, work, do business and practice their religion (Islam) without any prejudice and fear. There are more than 400 mosques run and paid for by the state of Israel. Therefore, Muslims have no political or religious justification to uprise against such a state. Aqsa Mosque is administrated by the Jordanian Waqf and security provided by Israel in order to maintain the peace and law and order situation. Millions of Muslims across the world are visiting Haram Sharif (Al-Aqsa) without any persecution, therefore it’s a Muslim’s duty to follow the law, keep order and maintain peace in the holy land and avoid committing acts that are violent or project terrorism. These actions can never please Allah, the Lord of the skies and earth, Muslims must think of these divine commandments before considering mischief in the holy land of Israel.
Dahri is part of a small but growing number of Muslim supporters of Israel, most of whom are regularly attacked - usually online, sometimes physically. Because the Muslim world's media is so heavily censored, officially and by massive peer pressure, there is no coverage of their support where it would make the biggest difference.

But with the Abraham Accords, there is a chance that such attitudes will spread and at least an honest debate about Israel and Palestinians can eventually occur in the Muslim world.


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