All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

I've read it. Its long on accusations and short on facts. It assumes apartheid and then goes about trying to force square pegs into that round hole. And it makes some fantastic claims (like "coded language" and "invisible racism"), which are emotive terms with no real meaning.

The people that know Apartheid best, disagree with you and fully agree with the report. You have cognitive dissonance syndrome.

Israel is an apartheid state like SA was

In the territories it occupies, Israel runs a sophisticated system of segregation. It has built more than 100 Jewish-only housing colonies on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank. The half-a-million Israelis who live there enjoy citizenship rights, Jewish-only roads and infrastructure, while the three million Palestinians live under military law. Palestinians are forced to pass through checkpoints, carry permits and face the indignity of a wall that turns the West Bank into an open prison.

In 2012, the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) found there were discriminatory laws on land issues which affected non-Jewish communities. It said there were two systems of education: “One in Hebrew and one in Arabic, which except in rare circumstances remain impermeable and inaccessible to the other community Such separation is an obstacle to uniform access to education and empowerment.” It also found separate municipalities.

Palestinians have suffered disenfranchisement and forced removal under Israeli policies, but there have been other populations, including Ethiopian or black Jews and Mizrahi Jews, hailing from Arab countries, who have endured discrimination. As a religious-colonial-settler state, this is a country that was built to the needs and whims of Jews of European descent, in much the same way Afrikaner Christian nationalism was used to shape apartheid South Africa. Israel is founded in racism and, like South Africa under apartheid, it is the narrative of fear that has kept its nation’s consciousness at bay.

Israel is an apartheid state like SA was | IOL News
For apartheid, you need to look at Muslim / Arab states. Israel has about two million Arab Muslim citizens with the same rights as the Jews.
There is no such thing as "Jewish-only housing colonies" in Israel. Such a thing would be illegal.
I've read it. Its long on accusations and short on facts. It assumes apartheid and then goes about trying to force square pegs into that round hole. And it makes some fantastic claims (like "coded language" and "invisible racism"), which are emotive terms with no real meaning.

The people that know Apartheid best, disagree with you and fully agree with the report. You have cognitive dissonance syndrome.

Israel is an apartheid state like SA was

In the territories it occupies, Israel runs a sophisticated system of segregation. It has built more than 100 Jewish-only housing colonies on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank. The half-a-million Israelis who live there enjoy citizenship rights, Jewish-only roads and infrastructure, while the three million Palestinians live under military law. Palestinians are forced to pass through checkpoints, carry permits and face the indignity of a wall that turns the West Bank into an open prison.

In 2012, the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) found there were discriminatory laws on land issues which affected non-Jewish communities. It said there were two systems of education: “One in Hebrew and one in Arabic, which except in rare circumstances remain impermeable and inaccessible to the other community Such separation is an obstacle to uniform access to education and empowerment.” It also found separate municipalities.

Palestinians have suffered disenfranchisement and forced removal under Israeli policies, but there have been other populations, including Ethiopian or black Jews and Mizrahi Jews, hailing from Arab countries, who have endured discrimination. As a religious-colonial-settler state, this is a country that was built to the needs and whims of Jews of European descent, in much the same way Afrikaner Christian nationalism was used to shape apartheid South Africa. Israel is founded in racism and, like South Africa under apartheid, it is the narrative of fear that has kept its nation’s consciousness at bay.

Israel is an apartheid state like SA was | IOL News

Oh look. More unsubstantiated accusations and no facts. More emotive terms with no meaning.

And in BIG letters, so it must be true!
I've read it. Its long on accusations and short on facts. It assumes apartheid and then goes about trying to force square pegs into that round hole. And it makes some fantastic claims (like "coded language" and "invisible racism"), which are emotive terms with no real meaning.

The people that know Apartheid best, disagree with you and fully agree with the report. You have cognitive dissonance syndrome.

Israel is an apartheid state like SA was

In the territories it occupies, Israel runs a sophisticated system of segregation. It has built more than 100 Jewish-only housing colonies on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank. The half-a-million Israelis who live there enjoy citizenship rights, Jewish-only roads and infrastructure, while the three million Palestinians live under military law. Palestinians are forced to pass through checkpoints, carry permits and face the indignity of a wall that turns the West Bank into an open prison.

In 2012, the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) found there were discriminatory laws on land issues which affected non-Jewish communities. It said there were two systems of education: “One in Hebrew and one in Arabic, which except in rare circumstances remain impermeable and inaccessible to the other community Such separation is an obstacle to uniform access to education and empowerment.” It also found separate municipalities.

Palestinians have suffered disenfranchisement and forced removal under Israeli policies, but there have been other populations, including Ethiopian or black Jews and Mizrahi Jews, hailing from Arab countries, who have endured discrimination. As a religious-colonial-settler state, this is a country that was built to the needs and whims of Jews of European descent, in much the same way Afrikaner Christian nationalism was used to shape apartheid South Africa. Israel is founded in racism and, like South Africa under apartheid, it is the narrative of fear that has kept its nation’s consciousness at bay.

Israel is an apartheid state like SA was | IOL News

Oh look. More unsubstantiated accusations and no facts. More emotive terms with no meaning.

And in BIG letters, so it must be true!
The big letters are trying to compensate for the small amount of facts when comparing Israel to South Africa.
In 2012, the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) found there were discriminatory laws ....

Well, well. Isn't that a fascinating little document. Aside from the fact that it condemns such countries as Canada and Italy, among others, I found this little gem:

the Committee urges the State party to give full effect to article 3 and to make every effort to eradicate all forms of segregation between Jewish and non-Jewish communities. (emphasis mine)

and this one:

The Committee draws the State party’s attention to its general recommendation No. 19 (1995) concerning the prevention, prohibition and eradication of all policies and practices of racial segregation and apartheid, and urges the State party to take immediate measures to prohibit and eradicate any such policies or practices which severely and disproportionately affect the Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and which violate the provisions of article 3 of the Convention. (emphasis mine)

which contrasts nicely with this one:

The Committee reiterates its view that the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are not only illegal under international law but are an obstacle to the enjoyment of human rights by the whole population, without distinction as to national or ethnic origin. Actions that change the demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the Occupied Syrian Golan are also of concern as violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. (emphasis mine)

So Israel is obligated, according to this, to end "racial" segregation in all of the territories under her control while AT THE SAME TIME being required to ensure that the demographic composition of the (so-called) OPT are not changed.

In other words, Israel is required to end segregation in Israel while supporting segregation in "Palestine". Israel is required to ensure full Palestinian participation in Israeli society while actively preventing full Jewish participation in Palestinian society.

Giant dose of double standards, anyone?

I've read it. Its long on accusations and short on facts. It assumes apartheid and then goes about trying to force square pegs into that round hole. And it makes some fantastic claims (like "coded language" and "invisible racism"), which are emotive terms with no real meaning.
I've read it. Its long on accusations and short on facts.
What are some of these accusations that are not supported by facts?
What are some of these accusations that are not supported by facts?

Well, let's take this sentence:

Empirically, this policy of domination is manifest by the provision of inferior social services,restrictive zoning laws, and limited budget allocations benefitting their communities, in formal and informal restrictions on jobs and professional opportunities, and in the segregated landscapes of their places of residence:Jewish and Palestinian citizens overwhelmingly live separately in their own respective cities and towns .... (page 48)

This is a discussion about Israeli Arabs. Plenty of accusations. No data.
What are some of these accusations that are not supported by facts?

Well, let's take this sentence:

Empirically, this policy of domination is manifest by the provision of inferior social services,restrictive zoning laws, and limited budget allocations benefitting their communities, in formal and informal restrictions on jobs and professional opportunities, and in the segregated landscapes of their places of residence:Jewish and Palestinian citizens overwhelmingly live separately in their own respective cities and towns .... (page 48)

This is a discussion about Israeli Arabs. Plenty of accusations. No data.
Those questions are addresses elsewhere. For example:

In Israel, an interplay of laws consolidates Jewish-national supremacy. For example, regarding the central question of land use, Basic Law: Israel Lands provides that real property held by the State of Israel, the Development Authority or the Keren Kayemet Le-Israel (JNF-Jewish National Fund) must serve “national” (that is, Jewish-national) interests and cannot be transferred to any other hands. It further establishes the Israeli Lands Authority (ILA) as administrator of such lands. The ILA (as successor of the Israeli Lands Administration) is charged with administering land in accordance with the JNF Covenant, which requires that land held by the JNF be held in perpetuity for the exclusive benefit of the Jewish people. The ILA also operates in accordance with the World Zionist Organization-Jewish Agency Status Law (1952), which sets forth the responsibility of those conjoined organizations for serving Jewish settlement and development. Thus, State land, which accounts for 93 per cent of land within the country’s internationally recognized borders, is managed through laws prohibiting its use by non-Jews.​

This limits where Palestinians can live but do not mention them by name.

Of course apartheid is not new. It has been mentioned since before Oslo. Here is another study independent of the UN.

Two million Muslims live in Israel as Israeli citizens with the same rights as the Jews. Muslim Gaza on the other hand, is ruled by Islamist terrorist thugs.
What are some of these accusations that are not supported by facts?

Well, let's take this sentence:

Empirically, this policy of domination is manifest by the provision of inferior social services,restrictive zoning laws, and limited budget allocations benefitting their communities, in formal and informal restrictions on jobs and professional opportunities, and in the segregated landscapes of their places of residence:Jewish and Palestinian citizens overwhelmingly live separately in their own respective cities and towns .... (page 48)

This is a discussion about Israeli Arabs. Plenty of accusations. No data.
Those questions are addresses elsewhere.

Then quote where those questions are addressed and the data that they use. The accusations are:

Israeli Arabs are provided with inferior social services
Israeli Arabs have restricted zoning laws
Israeli Arabs have limited budget allocations
Israeli Arabs have formal restrictions on jobs and professional opportunities
Israeli Arabs live in segregated landscapes (intended to ensure Jewish domination)
Thus, State land, which accounts for 93 per cent of land within the country’s internationally recognized borders, is managed through laws prohibiting its use by non-Jews.​

This is simply not true. It is a lie. There is absolutely no prohibition, in law or in practice, on the use of land by non-Jews, let alone the astonishing number of 93%.

It is a lie.

80% of the land in Israel is owned by the State and is leased without prejudice to both Arabs and Jews. 7% of the land is owned privately by both Arabs and Jews. 13% is privately owned by the JNF and is leased, in practice, to both Arabs and Jews.

But since we are talking about land use, did you want to take a look at the Palestinian law? It reads: The sale of land to occupiers -- Israeli occupying government, and its civil and military institutions, settlements and anyone under its authority -- is an act of high treason punishable according to criminal law. (Which was, until recently, the death penalty. Now its just lifetime enslavement in work camps.)​
Thus, State land, which accounts for 93 per cent of land within the country’s internationally recognized borders, is managed through laws prohibiting its use by non-Jews.​

This is simply not true. It is a lie. There is absolutely no prohibition, in law or in practice, on the use of land by non-Jews, let alone the astonishing number of 93%.

It is a lie.

80% of the land in Israel is owned by the State and is leased without prejudice to both Arabs and Jews. 7% of the land is owned privately by both Arabs and Jews. 13% is privately owned by the JNF and is leased, in practice, to both Arabs and Jews.

But since we are talking about land use, did you want to take a look at the Palestinian law? It reads: The sale of land to occupiers -- Israeli occupying government, and its civil and military institutions, settlements and anyone under its authority -- is an act of high treason punishable according to criminal law. (Which was, until recently, the death penalty. Now its just lifetime enslavement in work camps.)​

You are so full of crap, even the U.S. State Department, Israel's bitch, acknowledges that Israel prohibits the use of "redeemed" land by non-Jews. Regardless of the clever use of "acceptance committees" that stop non-Jews from owning land, the world knows what is going on.
You are so full of crap, even the U.S. State Department, Israel's bitch, acknowledges that Israel prohibits the use of "redeemed" land by non-Jews. Regardless of the clever use of "acceptance committees" that stop non-Jews from owning land, the world knows what is going on.

If its that obvious, why don't you provide some proof? The language of a discriminatory law, or a prohibition on leasing or selling land to people based on their ethnicity, or anything that supports your claim. Remember, the scope of this particular claim is what is referred to as "domain 1" in the ESCWA report -- Israeli Arabs.

And then you can address the Palestinian law, you so conveniently ignored from my last post.
You are so full of crap, even the U.S. State Department, Israel's bitch, acknowledges that Israel prohibits the use of "redeemed" land by non-Jews. Regardless of the clever use of "acceptance committees" that stop non-Jews from owning land, the world knows what is going on.

If its that obvious, why don't you provide some proof? The language of a discriminatory law, or a prohibition on leasing or selling land to people based on their ethnicity, or anything that supports your claim. Remember, the scope of this particular claim is what is referred to as "domain 1" in the ESCWA report -- Israeli Arabs.

And then you can address the Palestinian law, you so conveniently ignored from my last post.
It is their land and it is empty. Why can't they live there?

It is their land and it is empty. Why can't they live there?

Actually, it seems that there is wide Israeli support for them to live there, including more than half the members of the Knesset, and a number of successful court decisions. So, I would assume it is a legal issue where they are trying to determine who the proper claimants are and the extent of the privately owned land. But if you have more information about it, please share.
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It is their land and it is empty. Why can't they live there?

Actually, it seems that there is wide Israeli support for them to live there, including more than half the members of the Knesset, and a number of successful court decisions. So, I would assume it is a legal issue where they are trying to determine who the proper claimants are and the extent of the privately owned land. But if you have more information about it, please share.
Well actually I don't. However, they have mock ups of the village as it was so I would assume that the people know whose house is whose. Also they would have to reclaim any agricultural land.
Well actually I don't. However, they have mock ups of the village as it was so I would assume that the people know whose house is whose. Also they would have to reclaim any agricultural land.

I couldn't find anything up to date since 2015 on the village of Iqrit. They seem to have water, electricity, year round access to the church and burial yard, farms, etc. They have the support of court decisions and more than half of the Knesset.

As far as I'm concerned, as internally displaced Israeli citizens they should be able to reassert their claims on privately-owned land in Israel, or be compensated for it. (Though re-claiming non-owned agricultural land is a bit more difficult).

I think internally displaced persons, of all ethnic origins, should be the first refugees to be restored or compensated. And I think most Israelis would agree. There would be no reason not to, really.

It doesn't seem suggest "apartheid", though.

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