All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Israel demolishes West Bank nursery two days before school starts

Israeli military vehicles accompanied by ground personnel have demolished the nursery of the Jabal al-Baba community in the West Bank, confiscating all its contents.

On Monday morning, 21 August 2017, only two days before the new school year began, the Israeli Civil Administration reduced the community’s nursery to rubble - leaving trepidatious school children, and their parents, distraught over a lack of options for this academic year.

With the assistance of pro-Palestinian rights Israeli organisations, the residents of Jabal al-Baba have been embroiled in a legal battle over home demolitions that has ensued for years. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the community had until 3 September before any further demolitions took place; however, with the 2017/2018 academic year looming, the Israeli Civil Administration detained all the local Palestinians and proceeded to tear down their nursery with bulldozers - completely disregarding the flags atop the building donated by European countries in an effort to protect it.

Over the past 4 years, Israeli forces demolished more than 48 homes in Jabal al-Baba, according to Atallah Jahalin – head of the committee for defending Jabal al-Baba. He added that the goal behind taking over the land is connecting Ma’ale Adumim to the city of Jerusalem.

Israel demolishes West Bank nursery two days before school starts
Israel demolishes West Bank nursery two days before school starts

Israeli military vehicles accompanied by ground personnel have demolished the nursery of the Jabal al-Baba community in the West Bank, confiscating all its contents.

On Monday morning, 21 August 2017, only two days before the new school year began, the Israeli Civil Administration reduced the community’s nursery to rubble - leaving trepidatious school children, and their parents, distraught over a lack of options for this academic year.

With the assistance of pro-Palestinian rights Israeli organisations, the residents of Jabal al-Baba have been embroiled in a legal battle over home demolitions that has ensued for years. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the community had until 3 September before any further demolitions took place; however, with the 2017/2018 academic year looming, the Israeli Civil Administration detained all the local Palestinians and proceeded to tear down their nursery with bulldozers - completely disregarding the flags atop the building donated by European countries in an effort to protect it.

Over the past 4 years, Israeli forces demolished more than 48 homes in Jabal al-Baba, according to Atallah Jahalin – head of the committee for defending Jabal al-Baba. He added that the goal behind taking over the land is connecting Ma’ale Adumim to the city of Jerusalem.

Israel demolishes West Bank nursery two days before school starts

Its a tough problem. But its not really an Israeli/Arab problem so much as an agricultural way of life vs. urban development problem? What do you do when traditional subsistence farmers want to keep their way of life while urban centers creep closer and closer? How would you suggest solving that problem?

The village, as it is, does not have enough agricultural land for anything other than subsistence farming for the existing population. Any growth will make their way of life impossible. How do you solve that?
Israel demolishes West Bank nursery two days before school starts

Israeli military vehicles accompanied by ground personnel have demolished the nursery of the Jabal al-Baba community in the West Bank, confiscating all its contents.

On Monday morning, 21 August 2017, only two days before the new school year began, the Israeli Civil Administration reduced the community’s nursery to rubble - leaving trepidatious school children, and their parents, distraught over a lack of options for this academic year.

With the assistance of pro-Palestinian rights Israeli organisations, the residents of Jabal al-Baba have been embroiled in a legal battle over home demolitions that has ensued for years. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the community had until 3 September before any further demolitions took place; however, with the 2017/2018 academic year looming, the Israeli Civil Administration detained all the local Palestinians and proceeded to tear down their nursery with bulldozers - completely disregarding the flags atop the building donated by European countries in an effort to protect it.

Over the past 4 years, Israeli forces demolished more than 48 homes in Jabal al-Baba, according to Atallah Jahalin – head of the committee for defending Jabal al-Baba. He added that the goal behind taking over the land is connecting Ma’ale Adumim to the city of Jerusalem.

Israel demolishes West Bank nursery two days before school starts

Its a tough problem. But its not really an Israeli/Arab problem so much as an agricultural way of life vs. urban development problem? What do you do when traditional subsistence farmers want to keep their way of life while urban centers creep closer and closer? How would you suggest solving that problem?

The village, as it is, does not have enough agricultural land for anything other than subsistence farming for the existing population. Any growth will make their way of life impossible. How do you solve that?
What do you do when traditional subsistence farmers want to keep their way of life while urban centers creep closer and closer?
That's easy. Kick them out and steal their land.
Israel demolishes West Bank nursery two days before school starts

Israeli military vehicles accompanied by ground personnel have demolished the nursery of the Jabal al-Baba community in the West Bank, confiscating all its contents.

On Monday morning, 21 August 2017, only two days before the new school year began, the Israeli Civil Administration reduced the community’s nursery to rubble - leaving trepidatious school children, and their parents, distraught over a lack of options for this academic year.

With the assistance of pro-Palestinian rights Israeli organisations, the residents of Jabal al-Baba have been embroiled in a legal battle over home demolitions that has ensued for years. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the community had until 3 September before any further demolitions took place; however, with the 2017/2018 academic year looming, the Israeli Civil Administration detained all the local Palestinians and proceeded to tear down their nursery with bulldozers - completely disregarding the flags atop the building donated by European countries in an effort to protect it.

Over the past 4 years, Israeli forces demolished more than 48 homes in Jabal al-Baba, according to Atallah Jahalin – head of the committee for defending Jabal al-Baba. He added that the goal behind taking over the land is connecting Ma’ale Adumim to the city of Jerusalem.

Israel demolishes West Bank nursery two days before school starts

Its a tough problem. But its not really an Israeli/Arab problem so much as an agricultural way of life vs. urban development problem? What do you do when traditional subsistence farmers want to keep their way of life while urban centers creep closer and closer? How would you suggest solving that problem?

The village, as it is, does not have enough agricultural land for anything other than subsistence farming for the existing population. Any growth will make their way of life impossible. How do you solve that?
What do you do when traditional subsistence farmers want to keep their way of life while urban centers creep closer and closer?
That's easy. Kick them out and steal their land.

I'm asking you what you think should be done? What is the solution?
Israel demolishes West Bank nursery two days before school starts

Israeli military vehicles accompanied by ground personnel have demolished the nursery of the Jabal al-Baba community in the West Bank, confiscating all its contents.

On Monday morning, 21 August 2017, only two days before the new school year began, the Israeli Civil Administration reduced the community’s nursery to rubble - leaving trepidatious school children, and their parents, distraught over a lack of options for this academic year.

With the assistance of pro-Palestinian rights Israeli organisations, the residents of Jabal al-Baba have been embroiled in a legal battle over home demolitions that has ensued for years. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the community had until 3 September before any further demolitions took place; however, with the 2017/2018 academic year looming, the Israeli Civil Administration detained all the local Palestinians and proceeded to tear down their nursery with bulldozers - completely disregarding the flags atop the building donated by European countries in an effort to protect it.

Over the past 4 years, Israeli forces demolished more than 48 homes in Jabal al-Baba, according to Atallah Jahalin – head of the committee for defending Jabal al-Baba. He added that the goal behind taking over the land is connecting Ma’ale Adumim to the city of Jerusalem.

Israel demolishes West Bank nursery two days before school starts

Its a tough problem. But its not really an Israeli/Arab problem so much as an agricultural way of life vs. urban development problem? What do you do when traditional subsistence farmers want to keep their way of life while urban centers creep closer and closer? How would you suggest solving that problem?

The village, as it is, does not have enough agricultural land for anything other than subsistence farming for the existing population. Any growth will make their way of life impossible. How do you solve that?
What do you do when traditional subsistence farmers want to keep their way of life while urban centers creep closer and closer?
That's easy. Kick them out and steal their land.

I'm asking you what you think should be done? What is the solution?
Get Israel out of Palestine.
So Palestine can go back to being a backwater nation of subsistence farmers without water electricity and modern education and medicine?
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So Palestine can go back to being a backwater nation of subsistence farmers without water electricity and modern education and medicine?
Where do you get all this unsubstantiated shit?

Well. I'm trying to decide if you are actually interested in coming up with solutions to the problems we are confronted with or if you, like nearly everyone else here, just wants to paint Israel and Jews as evil and demonize them.

Because, frankly, if you are one of the latter, you are no better than any of the virulent antisemites in this board and Israel needs to stop considering the opinions of virulent and toxic antisemites.

The problem with the Bedouin people has nothing to do with Jews or Israel. It's a conflict between a traditional agriculture-based subsistence farming way of life and urban development.

If your response to that is simply, No way! Jews are evil! Then you have no capacity to discuss these issues, let alone provide some reasonable solutions to them.
Israel Demolishes Bedouin Village to Build Jewish-Only Town

Bullshit. Hiran is not a Jewish only town. And the Bedouin people in question have been invited to live there. They've even been given $$$$$ to live there. In fact, they have been given a number of different options.
Abby Martin Exposes Zionism & Israel on Joe Rogan Podcast (Strong Language)

Oh wow. So when ya'all are being chastised for wild accusations with no substance and no proof you bring THIS chick on board?!

Do better.

I couldn't stomach more than a few minutes of her toxicity.
So Palestine can go back to being a backwater nation of subsistence farmers without water electricity and modern education and medicine?
Where do you get all this unsubstantiated shit?

Well. I'm trying to decide if you are actually interested in coming up with solutions to the problems we are confronted with or if you, like nearly everyone else here, just wants to paint Israel and Jews as evil and demonize them.

Because, frankly, if you are one of the latter, you are no better than any of the virulent antisemites in this board and Israel needs to stop considering the opinions of virulent and toxic antisemites.

The problem with the Bedouin people has nothing to do with Jews or Israel. It's a conflict between a traditional agriculture-based subsistence farming way of life and urban development.

If your response to that is simply, No way! Jews are evil! Then you have no capacity to discuss these issues, let alone provide some reasonable solutions to them.
I saw in interview with a Bedouin and he said that he used to have a house, crops, trees and livestock. Israel came along now I live in a tent in the sand. In another video it showed where a Bedouin had acres of wheat. Israel flew over his field spraying poison that killed all of his crops. Israel destroys cisterns used to irrigate crop.

Israel does all of this just to steal their land. How can you defend that?
Israel does all of this just to steal their land. How can you defend that?

Defend what?! We haven't even got to the point where we can honestly discuss anything. You haven't even begun to hear my thoughts on the matter.

First you have to stop posting blanket accusations based on the assumed evil of Jews. And start posting reasoned, well researched, informative arguments to make your case.

Once THAT is done we can start discussing. But once again you fall back to laying out accusations in emotive language with no understanding of the facts let alone an actual presentation of the facts.

If you want to discuss the story of a particular Bedouin then pick one and present his story. Give names and dates and maps. Provide data. Present the nuances of the situation. Go deeper than "Jews are evil". Or "Israel must be disappeared". Or "If it wasn't for Israel".
Are you saying that she made all this stuff up?

I'm saying much the same thing I've been saying all freaking day long. Accusations. No information. With emotive language and a clear bias.

For example she said 200 people were shot at a "peaceful protest". Come on. You can smell the bullshit a million miles away. What protest? When? What does she mean by "shot"? With all the people here on USMB reporting the evils of Israel, why have none of heard of this?
Israel does all of this just to steal their land. How can you defend that?

Defend what?! We haven't even got to the point where we can honestly discuss anything. You haven't even begun to hear my thoughts on the matter.

First you have to stop posting blanket accusations based on the assumed evil of Jews. And start posting reasoned, well researched, informative arguments to make your case.

Once THAT is done we can start discussing. But once again you fall back to laying out accusations in emotive language with no understanding of the facts let alone an actual presentation of the facts.

If you want to discuss the story of a particular Bedouin then pick one and present his story. Give names and dates and maps. Provide data. Present the nuances of the situation. Go deeper than "Jews are evil". Or "Israel must be disappeared". Or "If it wasn't for Israel".

So Palestine can go back to being a backwater nation of subsistence farmers without water electricity and modern education and medicine?
Where do you get all this unsubstantiated shit?

Well. I'm trying to decide if you are actually interested in coming up with solutions to the problems we are confronted with or if you, like nearly everyone else here, just wants to paint Israel and Jews as evil and demonize them.

Because, frankly, if you are one of the latter, you are no better than any of the virulent antisemites in this board and Israel needs to stop considering the opinions of virulent and toxic antisemites.

The problem with the Bedouin people has nothing to do with Jews or Israel. It's a conflict between a traditional agriculture-based subsistence farming way of life and urban development.

If your response to that is simply, No way! Jews are evil! Then you have no capacity to discuss these issues, let alone provide some reasonable solutions to them.
I saw in interview with a Bedouin and he said that he used to have a house, crops, trees and livestock. Israel came along now I live in a tent in the sand. In another video it showed where a Bedouin had acres of wheat. Israel flew over his field spraying poison that killed all of his crops. Israel destroys cisterns used to irrigate crop.

Israel does all of this just to steal their land. How can you defend that?

I saw in interview that was not true.

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