All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

These videos all seem to be a single incident in July of 2010. The cisterns were destroyed because the Palestinians were stealing water from water authority.

So, since we were talking about apartheid, I have two questions for you:

1. Why should law not be applied to Palestinians?
2. Why should Palestinians get free water when everyone else has to pay for it?

These videos all seem to be a single incident in July of 2010. The cisterns were destroyed because the Palestinians were stealing water from water authority.

So, since we were talking about apartheid, I have two questions for you:

1. Why should law not be applied to Palestinians?
2. Why should Palestinians get free water when everyone else has to pay for it?
I'm sure you have a link to your accusation "the Palestinians were stealing water from water authority."
I have a cistern on my land for holding water, water that comes from a well I have a share in
A water line has been install by the Palestinian Authority from a nearby village; however, there is no water in the line. There is a large aquiver of water in the Hebron region, and Mekorot, the Israeli water company, has a well along the Israeli bypass road Route 60 in Al Beqa'a Valley which draws from this aquiver (in Area C, which is under full Israeli military control).Palestinian residents in Al Beqa'a Valley had made arrangements to purchase water from Mekorot. However, they never received as much water as they paid for.With the demolition of several rainwater cisterns in the valley in the past year, the Palestinian residents felt that they had no other option but to tap into the Mekorot water line at the well site.

The problem is serious and widespread:

The phenomenon, according to Israel Water Authority, has already reached the proportions of a serious issue. "The pumping fro these illegal drillings come to a massive quantity of 10 million cubic meters of water a year," said a senior water official. "The Palestinians are connecting illegally to the supply lines of Mekorot and are causing a shortage in Hebron, Kiryat Arba, Yatta, and the surrounding villages."

And you DO know that Israel's aquifers have to be protected from over use, don't you? Else they will end up like the Coastal Aquifer which is in dire danger of being permanently ruined.

So again, I ask: Why should Palestinians not be subject to law? Why should Palestinians be exempt from paying for water?

These videos all seem to be a single incident in July of 2010. The cisterns were destroyed because the Palestinians were stealing water from water authority.

So, since we were talking about apartheid, I have two questions for you:

1. Why should law not be applied to Palestinians?
2. Why should Palestinians get free water when everyone else has to pay for it?
1) The water is stolen from the Palestinians.
2) The water is stolen from the Palestinians.

These videos all seem to be a single incident in July of 2010. The cisterns were destroyed because the Palestinians were stealing water from water authority.

So, since we were talking about apartheid, I have two questions for you:

1. Why should law not be applied to Palestinians?
2. Why should Palestinians get free water when everyone else has to pay for it?
1) The water is stolen from the Palestinians.
2) The water is stolen from the Palestinians.

No one is stealing water from Palestinians. The water is being managed by the sovereign in the territory, as it MUST be because it is a scarce resource and in danger of permanently being destroyed.

You can't keep acting as though Palestinians have some sort of superior rights and laws don't apply to them. This whole idea that public resources under the sovereign of another nation are somehow privately owned by people based on their ethnicity is ridiculous.
A water line has been install by the Palestinian Authority from a nearby village; however, there is no water in the line. There is a large aquiver of water in the Hebron region, and Mekorot, the Israeli water company, has a well along the Israeli bypass road Route 60 in Al Beqa'a Valley which draws from this aquiver (in Area C, which is under full Israeli military control).Palestinian residents in Al Beqa'a Valley had made arrangements to purchase water from Mekorot. However, they never received as much water as they paid for.With the demolition of several rainwater cisterns in the valley in the past year, the Palestinian residents felt that they had no other option but to tap into the Mekorot water line at the well site.

The problem is serious and widespread:

The phenomenon, according to Israel Water Authority, has already reached the proportions of a serious issue. "The pumping fro these illegal drillings come to a massive quantity of 10 million cubic meters of water a year," said a senior water official. "The Palestinians are connecting illegally to the supply lines of Mekorot and are causing a shortage in Hebron, Kiryat Arba, Yatta, and the surrounding villages."

And you DO know that Israel's aquifers have to be protected from over use, don't you? Else they will end up like the Coastal Aquifer which is in dire danger of being permanently ruined.

So again, I ask: Why should Palestinians not be subject to law? Why should Palestinians be exempt from paying for water?
Palestinian residents in Al Beqa'a Valley had made arrangements to purchase water from Mekorot. However, they never received as much water as they paid for.With the demolition of several rainwater cisterns in the valley in the past year,the Palestinian residents felt that they had no other option but to tap into the Mekorot water line at the well site.
They got Jewed?
from Sashas link
"Rather than preventing Palestinians from taping into the well at the source, the Israeli authorities destroyed the irrigation pipes in the fields of several families. Each 200m roll of irrigation drip pipe costs about 370NIS (~100$US), and the connection piping costs about 2.5NIS for each inch. For each dunam of vegetables it takes about 2-3 days to put the irrigation drip piping in place. The cost of the materials and time that goes into growing produce is high. Rather than prevent the 'theft' of water (which is ironically from an aquiver under Palestine) earlier in the season, the Israeli authorities instead waited until crops were almost ready for market. Therefore this destruction is not meant to stop the 'theft' of water but to cause the highest impact on farmers in the region."
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Are you saying that she made all this stuff up?

I'm saying much the same thing I've been saying all freaking day long. Accusations. No information. With emotive language and a clear bias.

For example she said 200 people were shot at a "peaceful protest". Come on. You can smell the bullshit a million miles away. What protest? When? What does she mean by "shot"? With all the people here on USMB reporting the evils of Israel, why have none of heard of this?
Perhaps it is the way it is covered in the news.

Are you saying that she made all this stuff up?

I'm saying much the same thing I've been saying all freaking day long. Accusations. No information. With emotive language and a clear bias.

For example she said 200 people were shot at a "peaceful protest". Come on. You can smell the bullshit a million miles away. What protest? When? What does she mean by "shot"? With all the people here on USMB reporting the evils of Israel, why have none of heard of this?
Perhaps it is the way it is covered in the news.

I just want a date and a location so I can verify myself what the actual events were.
Are you saying that she made all this stuff up?

I'm saying much the same thing I've been saying all freaking day long. Accusations. No information. With emotive language and a clear bias.

For example she said 200 people were shot at a "peaceful protest". Come on. You can smell the bullshit a million miles away. What protest? When? What does she mean by "shot"? With all the people here on USMB reporting the evils of Israel, why have none of heard of this?
Perhaps it is the way it is covered in the news.

I just want a date and a location so I can verify myself what the actual events were.

The names and dates were referenced for most events. What are you asking for?
So Palestine can go back to being a backwater nation of subsistence farmers without water electricity and modern education and medicine?
Where do you get all this unsubstantiated shit?

Well. I'm trying to decide if you are actually interested in coming up with solutions to the problems we are confronted with or if you, like nearly everyone else here, just wants to paint Israel and Jews as evil and demonize them.

Because, frankly, if you are one of the latter, you are no better than any of the virulent antisemites in this board and Israel needs to stop considering the opinions of virulent and toxic antisemites.

The problem with the Bedouin people has nothing to do with Jews or Israel. It's a conflict between a traditional agriculture-based subsistence farming way of life and urban development.

If your response to that is simply, No way! Jews are evil! Then you have no capacity to discuss these issues, let alone provide some reasonable solutions to them.
I thought y'all ran out of anti Semite cards.
Are you saying that she made all this stuff up?

I'm saying much the same thing I've been saying all freaking day long. Accusations. No information. With emotive language and a clear bias.

For example she said 200 people were shot at a "peaceful protest". Come on. You can smell the bullshit a million miles away. What protest? When? What does she mean by "shot"? With all the people here on USMB reporting the evils of Israel, why have none of heard of this?
Perhaps it is the way it is covered in the news.

I just want a date and a location so I can verify myself what the actual events were.

Look up the Pallywood production on
Since 60s Fan started a propaganda thread where he posts links to Hasbara sites, I thought that there should be a thread that does the same thing from the opposite perspective. Articles from Electronic Intifada, Arab news sources, Muslim news sources are acceptable for this thread.

Here is one that is astonishing. Israeli soldiers in uniform are attacking American students in the U.S. This is unbelievable. Can you imagine any other country's soldiers going on an American university campus to harass Americnas?

Israeli soldiers harass students on US campus

What home did you escape from?
Since 60s Fan started a propaganda thread where he posts links to Hasbara sites, I thought that there should be a thread that does the same thing from the opposite perspective. Articles from Electronic Intifada, Arab news sources, Muslim news sources are acceptable for this thread.

Here is one that is astonishing. Israeli soldiers in uniform are attacking American students in the U.S. This is unbelievable. Can you imagine any other country's soldiers going on an American university campus to harass Americnas?

Israeli soldiers harass students on US campus

What home did you escape from?

More to the point, when did you graduate from the Hasbara University.
As many as 1 million Israelis have left for the U.S.

“Can Israel bring home its 1 million US Expats?” was the headline on an article in the Jerusalem Post 3 weeks ago; and it has gotten very little attention, though the article states bluntly that as many as 1 million Israelis are now living in the U.S.

As many as 1 million Israelis have left for the U.S.
Yeah? How many have left Canada, UK, Australia, France, Poland, Ireland, etc.

Actaully the number is highly exaggerated, but those that have moved travel back and forth a lot. Israel has a very high tax rate and they enforcement is very tough. That's why some of them move to the US.

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