All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

⁜→. P f Tinmore, et al,
BLUF: You whine a lot. But where is your suggested path to peace?

[Media Cut]

Most Respectfully,

RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

⁜→. P f Tinmore, et al,
BLUF: You whine a lot. But where is your suggested path to peace?


Most Respectfully,

Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

Israel continues its violence after the ceasefire.

Amid Gaza Ceasefire, Israel Arrests Hundreds & Continues “Colonial Violence” in Occupied Palestine​

Israel continues its violence after the ceasefire.

Amid Gaza Ceasefire, Israel Arrests Hundreds & Continues “Colonial Violence” in Occupied Palestine​

Where does anyone find this ''occupied Pal'istan'' that seems to exist only in silly YouTube videos?
It is right under Israel's fat ass.
You make the mistake of assuming your politico-religious ideology which holds that all Iands conquered by the Moslem invaders is waqf and forever an islamist entitlement.

Does that hurt your feelings?
You make the mistake of assuming your politico-religious ideology which holds that all Iands conquered by the Moslem invaders is waqf and forever an islamist entitlement.

Does that hurt your feelings?
Not at all. Take any map of Israel and erase the fake border armistice lines and there is Palestine. (The armistice lines were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries.) Fake borders for a fake state.
Not at all. Take any map of Israel and erase the fake border armistice lines and there is Palestine. (The armistice lines were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries.) Fake borders for a fake state.
I see your feelings are hurt. Take any map of Israel with its defendable borders and you will see an angry islamist who believes his entitlement to conquered lands is an endowment by the religion's inventor.
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In June 2021, after months of student pressure, CUNY Law issued a statement in support of Nerdeen, stating: “the Law School supports the free speech rights of Nerdeen Kiswani, other Palestinian students, and their Jewish and non-Jewish allies, who have been vilified for their activism.”

Outspoken Palestinian women like Nerdeen often face the fiercest attacks in Zionist harassment campaigns – ones that are fueled by violence, misogyny and racism.

CUNY campuses also have a history of censoring criticism of Israel. Israel advocacy groups commonly make false accusations of antisemitism against students and faculty solely for speech in support of Palestinian rights, prompting investigations that have ultimately cleared Palestine advocates of wrongdoing.

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