All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So….. If the Arabs won the 67 War they initiated they would have given the land back? Is that why Nasser bragged to the entire world he was “ going to destroy the Zionist entity?” Keep telling yourself that. Please tell us what you find “ objectionable “ in Olmert’s offer
Oh fuck you! You fuckers blame everybody but yourselves! They didn't start the war. And you can't use a little locker room chest thumping by Nassar as an excuse. And yes, if they had won land, they would have to give it back.
Oh fuck you! You fuckers blame everybody but yourselves! They didn't start the war. And you can't use a little locker room chest thumping by Nassar as an excuse. And yes, if they had won land, they would have to give it back.

!! Nasser started the War by closing the STRAITS OF TIRAN and sending the UN “ peacekeepers “ away!! You call that a “ little locker room chest thumping?” FUCK YOU !!
Is that a threat?

"The world"...blow off some ego...

Maybe you should better work on your arguments.
He doesn’t have any arguments. What can you say about a MORON who says Nasser didn’t block the Straits of TIRAN?
Is that a threat?

"The world"...blow off some ego...

Maybe you should better work on your arguments.
You are a pariah state. You have a fascist government and you treat the Palestinians like garbage. You are currently in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. The world is against you. Become a democracy and give the Pals the freedom they so richly deserve.
You are a pariah state. You have a fascist government and you treat the Palestinians like garbage. You are currently in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. The world is against you. Become a democracy and give the Pals the freedom they so richly deserve.

So it's not that you have an argument on any specific subject,
but a general character judgment based on popularity,
no wonder you reach the wrong conclusions.

Now explain, if the 100 UN resolutions were
about any real violation of international law,
why none have legally binding status?

Here's a clue - international law is NOT a popularity contest.
Neither a popularity contest will decide how Israel retaliates Arab imperialism.
Shit like this just turns the world against you people.


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