All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

This is how easy it is for Arab states to cheaply buy out of the Bhalestinian cause...

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The Times of Israel reported last week during the Jenin operation:

The Israel Defense Forces says troops located and destroyed at least 11 improvised explosive devices hidden along roads in the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank.

Operatives of terror groups ā€œare planting IEDs and bombs on the roads in the refugee camp and in the city, in a civilian environment. This poses a threat to the security forces who use the roads in counterterrorism activities and to innocent people who also use them,ā€ the IDF says in a statement.

The military says that during the last few hours, dozens of combat engineering vehicles have been combing the streets for such IEDs.

This is confirmed by the Washington Post:
One long street was plowed like a farm furrow where Israeli bulldozers had intentionally detonated explosives embedded in the pavement.
Embedded explosives in the ground are pretty much the definition of landmines. The Jenin terrorists are burying landmines in their own town, where their own people could be killed.

If the mines can be triggered by a person, they are considered illegal under the 1997 Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.

It sure looks like many of these IEDs can indeed be triggered by someone stepping on them. Here is a relatively small one being detonated by the IDF.

I have yet to see a condemnation by any NGO or state about Palestinians putting their own people at risk of being blown up by these IEDs.

Israel's clearing of the mines is considered a bigger crime than the mines themselves.

Which tells you a lot.

Between the start of this calendar year and the end of May, 20 civilians, among them both Israelis and tourists, and one border police officer had been killed in terror attacks in Israel. As part of efforts to hamper such attacks, earlier this week, the IDF conducted a counter-terror operation in Jenin. It was widely reported to have occurred in the Jenin refugee camp, though the area is a built-up neighborhood in the city, and the vast majority of its residents donā€™t fit the standard definition of ā€œrefugee.ā€ The Times of Israel reported that ā€œa senior [Israeli] government official said that ā€˜the goal of this extensive operation is to end Jeninā€™s role as a ā€œcity of refugeā€ for terrorā€¦.ā€™ā€

Yet, a Monday headline on the CBS News website read, ā€œPalestinians in occupied West Bank say Israel bombing ā€˜innocent peopleā€™ in raid on Jenin refugee camp.ā€ (July 3, 2023, by Haley Ott.)


The incendiary headline uncritically reflects the point of view of Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh, who is quoted in the penultimate paragraph of the article:

But Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh called the raid ā€œa new attempt to destroy the camp and displace its people,ā€ according to CBS Newsā€™ partner network BBC News. ā€œOur heroic people will confront this aggression that is taking place under the eyes of the international community, where innocent people are bombed by planes. Our people will not kneel and will not surrender, and we will remain in confrontation until this criminal occupation is over.ā€
(On the neutrality of ā€œCBS Newsā€™ partner network BBC News,ā€ see CAMERAā€™s article here.)

And the July 3 headline was followed up by ā€œPalestinians flee Israelā€™s raid on West Bank refugee camp as several hurt in Tel Aviv car attack,ā€ (July 4, by Haley Ott) and ā€œIsrael ends deadly raid in West Bank Palestinian refugee camp, but warns it wonā€™t be ā€˜a one-offā€™ā€ (July 5). Palestinians flee from Israelā€™s raid, but unspecified people are injured in an attack ā€¦ by a car? according to CBS editors. Israelā€™s raid is deadly, but the cause is unimportant.

The July 3 article itself does include some comments from Israeli officials, including Foreign Minister Eli Cohen. CBSā€™s headline easily could have said, ā€œIsraelis say raid targeted ā€˜proxies of Iran.ā€™ā€ The article also reports that Cohen said, ā€œdue to the terror organization and the funds they receive from Iran, the Jenin camp has become a center for terrorist activity.ā€ Yet, editors at CBS made the choice to go with ā€œPalestinians ā€¦ say Israel bombing ā€˜innocent people,ā€™ā€ essentially promoting the baseless libel that Israel intentionally targets civilians.

And even the comments from Israeli officials that were included failed to provide the type of concrete details, reported elsewhere, that would have properly put the Jenin raid into context. For example, the CBS article failed to report, as Times of Israel did, that in the week prior to the raid, ā€œPalestinians in the Jenin area attempted to launch two homemade rockets at Israeli towns.ā€

(full article online)

Kindly stop answering any of Billo's posts. He is here to provoke with his ignorance and anti Israel stance. It will get people nowhere. He has nothing to offer.
Youā€™re probably rightā€¦. I just find it amusing. Nasserā€™s blockage of the Titan Straits was ā€œ just chest thumping ā€œ according to him; the inference that he didnā€™t really mean it
Heā€™s too STUPID to know the definition of the word
ā€œ Conduct or expression marked by pompous or arrogant self expression ā€œ
Youā€™re probably rightā€¦. I just find it amusing. Nasserā€™s blockage of the Titan Straits was ā€œ just chest thumping ā€œ according to him; the inference that he didnā€™t really mean it
Heā€™s too STUPID to know the definition of the word
ā€œ Conduct or expression marked by pompous or arrogant self expression ā€œ
Some are too anti the existence of Israel, or steeped in the Palestinian narrative against Israel, that History and facts never matter. That is what he and many others always show when they post.
So it's not that you have an argument on any specific subject,
but a general character judgment based on popularity,
no wonder you reach the wrong conclusions.

Now explain, if the 100 UN resolutions were
about any real violation of international law,
why none have legally binding status?

Here's a clue - international law is NOT a popularity contest.
Neither a popularity contest will decide how Israel retaliates Arab imperialism.
That is a fucking lie! Why don't we talk about Israeli Imperialism? You got the balls to talk about that?
Some are too anti the existence of Israel, or steeped in the Palestinian narrative against Israel, that History and facts never matter. That is what he and many others always show when they post.
And there are others who think Israeli Foreign Policy is tantamount to tyranny.
That is a fucking lie! Why don't we talk about Israeli Imperialism? You got the balls to talk about that?

I don't have a problem to discuss anything.
After you explain, what is a lie?

That Israel is fighting Arab imperialism?
That international law is not a popularity contest?
That the UN resolution you cite are not legally binding?

I'd actually like if there's a rational counterargument to discuss.
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Shtayyeh, who was speaking during the weekly meeting of the PA cabinet in Ramallah, said: ā€œYesterday, the Israeli government came out with decisions concerning the Palestinian Authority on the pretext that they want to offer gestures to the Palestinians. On behalf of the Palestinian government, we say that what is required of Israel is to halt its aggression on our people, killings, settlements, and the piracy of our money.ā€

Shtayyeh and other Palestinian officials have denounced Israelā€™s policy of seizing funds it collects on behalf of the Palestinians as an act of ā€œpiracyā€ and ā€œtheft.ā€
That is a fucking lie! Why don't we talk about Israeli Imperialism? You got the balls to talk about that?
I think itā€™s great ! The Arabs initiated the 67 War and the Israelis won You see nothing wrong with Nasserā€™s chest thumping? You are obviously too STUPID to understand the above definition.
I don't have a problem to discuss anything.
After you explain, what is a lie?

That Israel is fighting Arab imperialism?
That international law is not a popularity contest?
That the UN resolution you cite are not legally binding?

I'd actually like if there's a rational counterargument to discuss.
Israel is the biggest military power in the ME. There are no rivals. And you mother-fuckers throw your weight around with impunity which I find disgusting!

If I was President, I would stop all weapons shipments to Israel; then I'd freeze all Israeli assets in US banks; then I'd submit a UN resolution to the UNSC, which is binding, telling Israel to get the fuck out of the OPT in 90 days, or the decision to leave, will no longer be theirs to make!

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