All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Commentators preferred to cast Abbas’ visit not as a fact-finding mission as the PA did. Rather, it has been perceived as an effort by the Palestinian Authority to burnish its image and placate the ire of Jenin residents furious about the way Palestinian security forces melt away when Israeli forces storm their homes.

Neither Netanyahu and Gallant, nor Abbas and his PA allies seem to understand, nor are willing to understand this historical shift in political discourses, cultures and language.​

Tensions have escalated, in recent months, between Israel and the Hezbollah movement on Lebanon's southern border over Tel Aviv's full occupation and annexation of the northern part of the village of Ghajar in the Golan Heights, Anadolu Agency reports.

Hezbollah leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, spoke Wednesday, saying that Lebanon would not give up the village to Israel.

In a televised speech to commemorate the 17th anniversary of the 34-day war between Lebanon and Israel in 2006, he said that "liberating Ghajar is the responsibility of the Lebanese people, state and resistance."

He added that Israel had finished building a wall incorporating the northern part of Ghajar and turned it into a tourist area.

The Lebanese Foreign Ministry, warning in a statement on 4 July, that Israel was seeking to expand the occupation zone in clear violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which banned entry to the northern part of Ghajar.

The European Parliament stressed that it is "unacceptable" that the PA has not held elections for more than 16 years and reiterated supporting Palestinian calls for renewed and inclusive political representation.

Therefore, it strongly urged the Palestinian political leadership to provide the necessary conditions to hold free, credible, inclusive, transparent and fair parliamentary and presidential elections without any further delay; promote the participation of youth, women and minorities in this process and underline the importance of an independent judiciary and respect for freedom of expression.

The parliament also demanded that Israel respect its obligations to allow these elections to take place in East Jerusalem.
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