All the presidents men must testify in the Senate trial

Here's what has to happen in the Senate trial.

1. Pelosi needs to stop playing games and deliver the articles.

2. Whatever the fuck McConnell decides.

Dem's turn is over. Like it, don't like it. Who cares.
A senate trial is not an official trial without witnesses and documents. That's why they call them trials. Anything else besides doing that has no meaning. You either live up to the office you swore, or you don't. If they don't, fine. The country will judge the turtle and his butt platoon accordingly.

A senate trial is not an official trial without witnesses and documents.

Can't wait to see the whistleblower on the stand.
Did you promise the whistleblower witness protection from the millions of Trump deplorables who want to see his head on a plate for exposing the truth about your criminal imposter president?

Whistleblower rules don't promise anonymity.
Here's what has to happen in the Senate trial.

1. Pelosi needs to stop playing games and deliver the articles.

2. Whatever the fuck McConnell decides.

Dem's turn is over. Like it, don't like it. Who cares.
A senate trial is not an official trial without witnesses and documents. That's why they call them trials. Anything else besides doing that has no meaning. You either live up to the office you swore, or you don't. If they don't, fine. The country will judge the turtle and his butt platoon accordingly.

Boo hoo. The rules of the trial are set by the senate.

Neither you, or anyone else, including the pukes at MSNBC, can, or will, change that.

Tough shit. Cry on.
The only cry baby here is you. If the senate changes the rules to look partisan, that's on them. And since Turtle head stuck his foot in his mouth claiming cooperation to the WH, everyone in the country knows his corrupt intent. Even Kentucky's own newspaper is telling everyone he is turning his back on his oath. And you? You're just sour as hell because he's been made for the traitor he is, and you could give two shits about fairness, which makes you just as much a piece of shit as old Turtle head.

Riiight, dickface.

I'm going to quote the Constitution so you can just assume the fetal position and whine about how unfair it is or some shit.

"the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments…[but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3)"

You're welcome for the lesson.
"You're welcome?" For what I already knew? Lol! Well how could we have ever guessed you knew that? :auiqs.jpg:And the universe changes exactly how because of that? Answer, it doesn't. McConnell and his butt boys irrefutable of their own Fox and Friends slip of the tongue cooperating with the WH fuck up, kind of puts a Debbie Downer" in McConnell's plans a little bit, after his own newspaper took him out to the woodshed about shitting on his own oath of office. By publicly putting a corrupt face on this trial, that might put him in a box? Of course, being the monster Turtle man is, he probably doesn't give tow buckets of shit anyway. So we will see?
Here's what has to happen in the Senate trial.

1. Pelosi needs to stop playing games and deliver the articles.

2. Whatever the fuck McConnell decides.

Dem's turn is over. Like it, don't like it. Who cares.
A senate trial is not an official trial without witnesses and documents. That's why they call them trials. Anything else besides doing that has no meaning. You either live up to the office you swore, or you don't. If they don't, fine. The country will judge the turtle and his butt platoon accordingly.

A senate trial is not an official trial without witnesses and documents.

Can't wait to see the whistleblower on the stand.
Did you promise the whistleblower witness protection from the millions of Trump deplorables who want to see his head on a plate for exposing the truth about your criminal imposter president?

Whistleblower rules don't promise anonymity.
In other words, fuck the whistleblower for exposing the truth of this case. Got it.
Here's what has to happen in the Senate trial.

1. Pelosi needs to stop playing games and deliver the articles.

2. Whatever the fuck McConnell decides.

Dem's turn is over. Like it, don't like it. Who cares.
A senate trial is not an official trial without witnesses and documents. That's why they call them trials. Anything else besides doing that has no meaning. You either live up to the office you swore, or you don't. If they don't, fine. The country will judge the turtle and his butt platoon accordingly.

A senate trial is not an official trial without witnesses and documents.

Can't wait to see the whistleblower on the stand.
Did you promise the whistleblower witness protection from the millions of Trump deplorables who want to see his head on a plate for exposing the truth about your criminal imposter president?

Whistleblower rules don't promise anonymity.
In other words, fuck the whistleblower for exposing the truth of this case. Got it.

Why would testifying in an impeachment trial "fuck the whistleblower"?
Here's what has to happen in the Senate trial.

1. Pelosi needs to stop playing games and deliver the articles.

2. Whatever the fuck McConnell decides.

Dem's turn is over. Like it, don't like it. Who cares.
A senate trial is not an official trial without witnesses and documents. That's why they call them trials. Anything else besides doing that has no meaning. You either live up to the office you swore, or you don't. If they don't, fine. The country will judge the turtle and his butt platoon accordingly.

Boo hoo. The rules of the trial are set by the senate.

Neither you, or anyone else, including the pukes at MSNBC, can, or will, change that.

Tough shit. Cry on.
The only cry baby here is you. If the senate changes the rules to look partisan, that's on them. And since Turtle head stuck his foot in his mouth claiming cooperation to the WH, everyone in the country knows his corrupt intent. Even Kentucky's own newspaper is telling everyone he is turning his back on his oath. And you? You're just sour as hell because he's been made for the traitor he is, and you could give two shits about fairness, which makes you just as much a piece of shit as old Turtle head.

Riiight, dickface.

I'm going to quote the Constitution so you can just assume the fetal position and whine about how unfair it is or some shit.

"the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments…[but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3)"

You're welcome for the lesson.
"You're welcome?" For what I already knew? Lol! Well how could we have ever guessed you knew that? :auiqs.jpg:And the universe changes exactly how because of that? Answer, it doesn't. McConnell and his butt boys irrefutable of their own Fox and Friends slip of the tongue cooperating with the WH fuck up, kind of puts a Debbie Downer" in McConnell's plans a little bit, after his own newspaper took him out to the woodshed about shitting on his own oath of office. By publicly putting a corrupt face on this trial, that might put him in a box? Of course, being the monster Turtle man is, he probably doesn't give tow buckets of shit anyway. So we will see?

Right, in a thread about this moron O'Donnell, you're going to cry foul.


Keep on believing, dumbass.

Maybe you guys will prove Russian collusion yet lol.
Golden Showers! Collusion!

Holy fuck, how dumb are you not to see you are being led by the nose.

Good grief.
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.

Lawrence O’Donnell says that those men must now testify in the Senate impeachment trial in order for the proceedings to be fair.”

Oh, Lawrence O’Donnel says. I see. Who is he again?
Sorry but we kicked the ruling elites to the curb in 2016...that includes the unelected media corporations.
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.

Lawrence O’Donnell says that those men must now testify in the Senate impeachment trial in order for the proceedings to be fair.”

Oh, Lawrence O’Donnel says. I see. Who is he again?
Sorry but we kicked the ruling elites to the curb in 2016...that includes the unelected media corporations.
He's the one explaining to the dumb asses what a trial is.
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.

Lawrence O’Donnell says that those men must now testify in the Senate impeachment trial in order for the proceedings to be fair.”

Oh, Lawrence O’Donnel says. I see. Who is he again?
Sorry but we kicked the ruling elites to the curb in 2016...that includes the unelected media corporations.
He's the one explaining to the dumb asses what a trial is.

As I said...we are done with patronizing liberals in the media explaining anything.
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.

Lawrence O’Donnell says that those men must now testify in the Senate impeachment trial in order for the proceedings to be fair.”

Oh, Lawrence O’Donnel says. I see. Who is he again?
Sorry but we kicked the ruling elites to the curb in 2016...that includes the unelected media corporations.
He's the one explaining to the dumb asses what a trial is.

Maybe in Lawrence Land, but not in the Senate.

As much as the partisan pukes would love to re-write the rules, they already exist and do not mandate any of this.

He explains nothing but what he, as a partisan hack, wants, and you gobble it up like manna.

LOL. Dummy.
Last edited:
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.

Lawrence O’Donnell says that those men must now testify in the Senate impeachment trial in order for the proceedings to be fair.”

Oh, Lawrence O’Donnel says. I see. Who is he again?
Sorry but we kicked the ruling elites to the curb in 2016...that includes the unelected media corporations.
He's the one explaining to the dumb asses what a trial is.

This guy?
Lawrence O'Donnell: Even Donald Trump Knows He Is Going To Lose

that’s from Oct 2016.
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.

Lawrence O’Donnell says that those men must now testify in the Senate impeachment trial in order for the proceedings to be fair.”

Oh, Lawrence O’Donnel says. I see. Who is he again?
Sorry but we kicked the ruling elites to the curb in 2016...that includes the unelected media corporations.
He's the one explaining to the dumb asses what a trial is.

The same guy again same msnbc. Sane confident victory pre-lap. That’s who is explaining politics to you?

Scientist predicts 99% chance of Clinton win
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.

Lawrence O’Donnell says that those men must now testify in the Senate impeachment trial in order for the proceedings to be fair.”

Oh, Lawrence O’Donnel says. I see. Who is he again?
Sorry but we kicked the ruling elites to the curb in 2016...that includes the unelected media corporations.
He's the one explaining to the dumb asses what a trial is.

Are you sure he won’t be retracting that next week?
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.

Lawrence O’Donnell says that those men must now testify in the Senate impeachment trial in order for the proceedings to be fair.”

Oh, Lawrence O’Donnel says. I see. Who is he again?
Sorry but we kicked the ruling elites to the curb in 2016...that includes the unelected media corporations.
He's the one explaining to the dumb asses what a trial is.

Are you kidding me? This genius? The one who vomited this prediction below in 2016?
How embarrassing.

That is the kind ofthinking that is on the ballot tomorrow in the name of Donald J. Trump.

America has defeated that kind of thinking before, and it will again tomorrow. Chuck Schumer is up for re-election to the senate tomorrow. He won re-election six years ago with 66 percent of the vote
. He should get at least that much this time. Democrats have already decided that Chuck
Schumer will be the next democratic leader of the senate. The suspense tomorrow night is simply will Abe and Selma Schumer`s son become majority
or minority leader.

The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell, Transcript 11/7/2016
O`DONNELL: Bottom line, your analytical model has never been wrong, and it
now projects Hillary Clinton to win presidential election a week from
tonight. Mark Zandi, thank you very much for joining us tonight, really
appreciate it.”

The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell, Transcript 11/1/2016

What a genius to teach those “dumbasses “. Has he ever been right even once?
Got to love it. You have the Third Riech style trial in the House run by Herr Schiff and Herr Nader that refused to call witnesses, allow certain questions and limit questioners.
Then they expect to tell the Senate how to run their half.
The same exact party that were all atwitter and upset over a bipartisan impeachment of Clinton. Not one left idiot noticed that not only was there not a single bipartisan vote in the house some of the democratic members refused to go along with the party line.

They played impeachment for obstruction because Trump claimed executive privilege and did not allow some to testify. The same thing that 44 did many times yet the democrats applauded his actions. The Supreme Court has already decided on executive privilege and said that the president and his people must be allowed to speak openly and freely among themselves without fear of reprisal to do their jobs properly. So executive privilege is allowed to stand. They can rule on an individual basis but there is little doubt that they will allow executive privilege in all but the most extenuating circumstances.

The House started with quid pro quo. Decide that their base could not understand it so changed to bribery. They finally decided that the best they could hope for was abuse of office. But they have failed to make enough of a case that not even one vote from an independent was registered.
Lawrence O'Donnel can go sit in the corner with that hack Rachel Maddow.

Nothing these partisan hacks say can, or should, be taken seriously.
So, it didn't take long for the chicken shit pussies to come along and attack the messenger. Grow a pair and debate the message coward.

When the messenger is a Democrat operative, have at it.

As to the message? Already flattened.
That's not an argument. That's a chicken shit surrender from a pussy Trump supporter.
Are you 'on the rag'?
Blast through another bottle of cheap sherry and you'll feel better.
A senate trial is not an official trial without witnesses and documents. That's why they call them trials. Anything else besides doing that has no meaning. You either live up to the office you swore, or you don't. If they don't, fine. The country will judge the turtle and his butt platoon accordingly.

A senate trial is not an official trial without witnesses and documents.

Can't wait to see the whistleblower on the stand.
Did you promise the whistleblower witness protection from the millions of Trump deplorables who want to see his head on a plate for exposing the truth about your criminal imposter president?

Whistleblower rules don't promise anonymity.
In other words, fuck the whistleblower for exposing the truth of this case. Got it.

Why would testifying in an impeachment trial "fuck the whistleblower"?
Seriously? Do you know what is at stake if the whistleblower testifies? Trump and his goons will be tweeting death threats faster than you can say don't do it. You can't seriously be that stupid to ask that question right?

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