All the presidents men must testify in the Senate trial

Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.
What about all the phony fucks bug eyed Schiff tried to protect? I want the dick suck whistleblower coward to come forward. One of the lowest weasels in history of United States. Nothing noble, dignified or brave about the scrawny pussy, child of academia, liberal Harvard campus pussy traitor.
I want Trump to come forward.

Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up the first.

Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.

What do the libs think these men will testify to? What if they testify they weren't on the line on the Zelensky-Trump phone call? Then there is nothing further to ask them, as they have no direct knowledge of the Perfect Call?

Here's the thing. When prosecutors call a witness , they know what they are going to say. Here, the prosecutors don't have a clue.

The Investigation is over, the House Managers are supposed to just present their case.
Lawrence O'Donnel can go sit in the corner with that hack Rachel Maddow.

Nothing these partisan hacks say can, or should, be taken seriously.
So, it didn't take long for the chicken shit pussies to come along and attack the messenger. Grow a pair and debate the message coward.

Fuck you, moron.

These are partisan hacks.

You want me to debate their propaganda?

Lol. You fall for their shit and take them seriously, that's on you, fool. My not being willing to lend them credibility by taking them seriously is no fault of mine.
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Bottom line Nancy Pelosi doesn’t run the Senate and the legal standing for impeachment is non-existent. Not one criminal charge has been brought against the constitutional, democratically, elected President of the United States of America.
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.
Not one criminal charge has been brought against the constitutionally, democratically, elected President of the United States of America. What the Democrats have done is disgraceful and dangerous to the future of our Republic. Lowest pieces of shit I have ever seen.
Maybe there should be a second impeachment inquiry starting now.
Impeachment is not a flippant partisan tool you ignorant asshole. It’s about a higher standard. Our Republic. You crybabies lost and election and are willing to put the country and all it stands for at risk because you have the maturity level of 10 year old spoiled children.
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.
president's men?
Come y
Lawrence O'Donnel can go sit in the corner with that hack Rachel Maddow.

Nothing these partisan hacks say can, or should, be taken seriously.
So, it didn't take long for the chicken shit pussies to come along and attack the messenger. Grow a pair and debate the message coward.

When the messenger is a Democrat operative, have at it.

As to the message? Already flattened.
That's not an argument. That's a chicken shit surrender from a pussy Trump supporter.

There is nothing there that has not already been argued. Your side lost.
Lost what? Trump has been impeached and the Senate is tempting the idea of not honoring their oath with no trial. The key witnesses have not presented their arguments in the first trial because they were gagged by Trump. So no, it was "not already there."
For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices,

Pelosi should start another impeachment inquiry and call these witnesses.
Why? The Democrats already tried and Trump blocked them.

They blocked themselves.
Really? Exactly how is that?

It's only been said on this very board 50,000 times since the impeachment vote, and I am loathe to repeat myself to a wall.
You are a by product of your own loathe who cant debate shit on this subject. You're a miserable troll with an appetite to talk shit and say nothing. Get the hell on. You're boring everyone with your stupidity.
Maybe there should be a second impeachment inquiry starting now.
Have all the impeachments you want. We do not believe any of this. And if it were true, so what? You have insulted and demeaned every voter for Trump and do not even know who they are. They are not like you when they vote.The false journalists, entertainers and corrupted politicians are your masters.You think voters who do not vote Prog every election are like you in that they vote for a Repub no matter what. You guys would vote for Charlie Manson if he had the message you liked and/or were told to.
That's a whole lotta projection there kiddo.

You might wanna get that looked at.
Maybe there should be a second impeachment inquiry starting now.
Impeachment is not a flippant partisan tool you ignorant asshole. It’s about a higher standard. Our Republic. You crybabies lost and election and are willing to put the country and all it stands for at risk because you have the maturity level of 10 year old spoiled children.
You are ignoring the crimes because you like the criminal.
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance.
Its not up to the senate to present a new case...if the case in the house fell short that's their problem....the senate is the jury...not the defense nor the prosecution....
That's the beauty of watching their own corruption. It will be hung over their heads as violators of their own oath for not doing what every American knows they have to do, but might not.
Senate holds the trial.
The house does the investigation and presents the Articles.

If the House had done it's job instead of being in a hurry, that's on the House.

No need for the Senate to re-investigate!

That's just the way it is.....
Directed verdict of not guilty. The prosecution failed to present a case
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance. they don’t. Stop getting your brain feed from an ignorant individual like O’Donnell. Republicans control the Senate. Democrats had their fun in the House. Fuck them. They deserve shit in the Senate. Anti-American motherfuckers. O’Donnell can jam that Marxist shit hole Boston up his ass too. He can use Matt Damons head as the tip of the dildo.
In the mean time, McConnell and his but boys will go down as the most corrupt in Senate history if they do not call on tho0se gagged witnesses Trump held back. If you think the country will be fooled by McConnell's corruption, think again.
So, it didn't take long for the chicken shit pussies to come along and attack the messenger. Grow a pair and debate the message coward.

When the messenger is a Democrat operative, have at it.

As to the message? Already flattened.
That's not an argument. That's a chicken shit surrender from a pussy Trump supporter.

There is nothing there that has not already been argued. Your side lost.
Lost what? Trump has been impeached and the Senate is tempting the idea of not honoring their oath with no trial. The key witnesses have not presented their arguments in the first trial because they were gagged by Trump. So no, it was "not already there."

The key witnesses have not presented their arguments in the first trial because they were gagged by Trump.

If Trump didn't want them to testify in the House, why would he want them to testify in the Senate?
I thought Trump was innocent? Maybe it's because their testimony is not good for Trump? Have you ever asked yourself why Trump didn't want them to testify? To ask such stupid questions, it's obvious you know he's guilty, but just don't care.
Lawrence: All the president's men must testify in Senate impeachment trial There simply is no other way, after we find out that the 84 day conspiracy to collude and abuse power by Trump and his butt boys must occur if the Republicans in the Senate are working for the American people.

We know the crime occured with Trump, and he was impeached for it. But now we need to confirm how many more were involved in the crime to attack the US in a US election, and what were the particulars of their possible assistance to the crime that may have involved their own personal footprint.

As we speak Mike Pompeo is heading to Ukraine to do what? Get involved in US politics as it relates to Joe Biden? State Dept. demurs on Pompeo-Zelenskiy meeting That's not Pompeo's job, yet, his spokesperson couldn't answer the question when pressed bout it. Even as Trump is impeached in real time, it is a very real possibility that Trump's butt boy Pompeo will discuss Biden and not Ukraines security, and is he going there for the sole purpose to campaign for Trump?

For McConnell and the Senate not to bring these witnesses in, would be the culmination of their own crimes as accomplices, and quite likely the party will take a huge hit nation wide from this treasonous act of malfeasance. they don’t. Stop getting your brain feed from an ignorant individual like O’Donnell. Republicans control the Senate. Democrats had their fun in the House. Fuck them. They deserve shit in the Senate. Anti-American motherfuckers. O’Donnell can jam that Marxist shit hole Boston up his ass too. He can use Matt Damons head as the tip of the dildo.
In the mean time, McConnell and his but boys will go down as the most corrupt in Senate history

Only among the Democrats, whose ignominious defeat will elicit nationwide howls of derision in an election year.

Happy New Year to ya. :auiqs.jpg:

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