All the Progressive Plotters


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
All the Progressive Plotters

April 7, 2019 ~ By Victor Davis Hanson
Right after the 2016 election, Green Party candidate Jill Stein—cheered on by Hillary Clinton dead-enders—sued in three states to recount votes and thereby overturn Donald Trump’s victory in the Electoral College. Before the quixotic effort imploded, Stein was praised as an iconic progressive social justice warrior who might stop the hated Trump from even entering the White House.... When that did not work, B-list Hollywood celebrities mobilized, with television and radio commercials, to shame electors in Trump-won states into not voting for the president-elect during the official Electoral College balloting in December 2016. Their idea was that select morally superior electors should reject their constitutional directives and throw the election into the House of Representatives where even more morally superior NeverTrump Republicans might join with even much more morally superior Democrats to find the perfect morally superior NeverTrump alternative.
America over the last half century had been nursed on the dogma that the Left was the guarantor of civil liberties. That was the old message of the battles supposedly waged on our behalf by the ACLU, the free-speech areas on campuses, and the Earl Warren Court.... Not now. The left believes that almost any means necessary, extra-legal and anti-constitutional or not, are justified to achieve their noble ends. Progressive luminaries at CNN and the New York Times have lectured us that reporters need not be disinterested any more in the age of Trump—or that it might be a crime to shout “lock her up” at a Trump rally. Will those standards apply to coverage of future Democratic presidents?
The final irony? If the CIA, FBI, and DOJ have gone the banana republic way of Lois Lerner’s IRS and shredded the Constitution, they still failed to remove Donald Trump... Trump still stands. In Nietzschean fashion what did not kill him apparently only made him stronger.

Does anyone believe these agencies can redeem themselves in the eyes of 63 million Trumpets? Hmm...., Not without Stalinist purges that only Progressive Marxist Socialists want to see. Stalinist purges were about power. The purge we seek and require is about justice. Maintaining the integrity of the law and the political process. We need massive numbers of terminations and indictments and ultimately convictions. If not, the game is over.
To use the words of the venerable VDH, “when all of that did not work,” perhaps the hand of that One whom America’s Founders called, “Divine Providence,” intervened in the “affairs of men” and exposed the evil doings of vain, unprincipled and power-hungry men and women and saved the Republic from certain relegation to the “dust bin” of history—at least for the present.
VDH has presented a great summary of Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat perfidy and treachery. Now for phase II, where those involved are arrested, tried, convicted and punished. Otherwise the Obama/Clinton plan will become the template for the next coup attempt.
We may not need a purge of the Feds' FBI and DOJ, but we do need a redefinition of responsibilities regarding politics. The orders are do not discuss politics, do not spy on political parties, do not attempt to interfere in the election process.
We may not need a purge of the Feds' FBI and DOJ, but we do need a redefinition of responsibilities regarding politics. The orders are do not discuss politics, do not spy on political parties, do not attempt to interfere in the election process.

I like what Barr stated today at the Senate Committee meeting. He still holds the FBI in high esteem, but will investigate those in the hierarchy that involved themselves in the failed coup d'état and prosecute them if they had violated the law.

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