All the Republican Rats....

All these people participated in an attempted Coup. The Biden DOJ needs to investigate each. An attempted Insurrection cannot go unpunished. To borrow a phrase from the FAILED trump campaign...


All these people participated in an attempted Coup. The Biden DOJ needs to investigate each. An attempted Insurrection cannot go unpunished. To borrow a phrase from the FAILED trump campaign...

You morons spend four years trying a coup and get pissed off after a couple weeks of wanting to make sure you fucktards didn’t cheat in an election. As if there’s any doubt. Fuck off.
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
Just because you lick's trump's fat ass doesn't mean other's partake in nasty fellatio (like you do).

Let's see; disagree with Trump - get fired and/or chastised. Talk about keeping a "list?" Your dumb brainwashed cult ass isn't capable of understanding how you contradict your own self.
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
Just because you lick's trump's fat ass doesn't mean other's partake in nasty fellatio (like you do).

Let's see; disagree with Trump - get fired and/or chastised. Talk about keeping a "list?" Your dumb brainwashed cult ass isn't capable of understanding how you contradict your own self.
That English second language class is failing you.
The Nazis used the same type of imagery to demean and villfy the Jews and we all know what that led to or most of us do. Think about that the next time one of you know nothing about history morons decides to compare another person or group to Hitler or the Nazis or use their language or imagery to attack those you don’t agree with.
Der ewige Jude
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All these people participated in an attempted Coup. The Biden DOJ needs to investigate each. An attempted Insurrection cannot go unpunished. To borrow a phrase from the FAILED trump campaign...


Listen up, Dork . . . you can't be victim of an insurrection unless you're already in power. Yes, fool, that means exactly what you think it does: Biden's election meddling does indeed constitute an insurrection. You people have diarrhea for brains.
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
A couple weeks ago, YOUR dear leader demanded the names of the 25 Republicans in Congress who acknowledged Biden had won the election. Last week he told all the House Republicans that he was going to be Very Interested in the names of those who signed (or didn't sign) the document in support of the Texas lawsuit that went to the Supreme Court.

You want to talk about actual lists and real threats of retaliation? It's already staring you in the face, from your President, not silly make believe drivel about
China. Wake up!
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
A couple weeks ago, YOUR dear leader demanded the names of the 25 Republicans in Congress who acknowledged Biden had won the election. Last week he told all the House Republicans that he was going to be Very Interested in the names of those who signed (or didn't sign) the document in support of the Texas lawsuit that went to the Supreme Court.

You want to talk about actual lists and real threats of retaliation? It's already staring you in the face, from your President, not silly make believe drivel about
China. Wake up!
No he didn't.

That was a lot of industrial grade lying..... all for nothing.

All these people participated in an attempted Coup. The Biden DOJ needs to investigate each. An attempted Insurrection cannot go unpunished. To borrow a phrase from the FAILED trump campaign...


Interesting question, but I don't think they actually did anything illegal just talked. Trump is a con man and bully. The problem is propaganda runs the GOP now along with the orange clown. The GOP has a imaginary planet for the ignoramuses who believe Rupert Murdoch over all respected journalism and law enforcement for crying out loud....

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