All the Republican Rats....

All these people participated in an attempted Coup. The Biden DOJ needs to investigate each. An attempted Insurrection cannot go unpunished. To borrow a phrase from the FAILED trump campaign...

Unfortunately, they will be perceived by Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right as ‘heroes’; most will be rewarded with reelection in 2022.
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
Participation of even endorsement of insurrection precludes holding elected office.

Kick them out.
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
A couple weeks ago, YOUR dear leader demanded the names of the 25 Republicans in Congress who acknowledged Biden had won the election. Last week he told all the House Republicans that he was going to be Very Interested in the names of those who signed (or didn't sign) the document in support of the Texas lawsuit that went to the Supreme Court.

You want to talk about actual lists and real threats of retaliation? It's already staring you in the face, from your President, not silly make believe drivel about
China. Wake up!

Yeah, cutting down that Christmas card list can be a bitch. LMAO

Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
Participation of even endorsement of insurrection precludes holding elected office.

Kick them out.

You stupid fuckers need to buy yourselves a damn dictionary.


  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government
The only violent fuckers this year has been you commies.


All these people participated in an attempted Coup. The Biden DOJ needs to investigate each. An attempted Insurrection cannot go unpunished. To borrow a phrase from the FAILED trump campaign...

Interesting ...have you always been a nazi?


Note to Repubs....Your Coup Attempt will not go unnoticed......

Your's didn't either.


No election in US history has been scrutinized more than this one. But trump and his fellow criminals have lost over and over in court. There was no massive fraud.....only a massive clown who is a whiny girl.

The bigger picture is what trump is doing for Putin. Putin's biggest wish is to delegitimize US elections. trump with the help of House republicans is doing just that. Amazingly Stupid!
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
Participation of even endorsement of insurrection precludes holding elected office.

Kick them out.

You stupid fuckers need to buy yourselves a damn dictionary.


  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government
The only violent fuckers this year has been you commies.

You need to learn to read. "endorsement of".

Please try not to be so stupid in the future.
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
Participation of even endorsement of insurrection precludes holding elected office.

Kick them out.

You stupid fuckers need to buy yourselves a damn dictionary.


  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government
The only violent fuckers this year has been you commies.

You need to learn to read. "endorsement of".

Please try not to be so stupid in the future.
None of them can be allowed to hold government office.

Section III of the 14th Amendment:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

They are all ineligible to serve.
I wonder how many Democrat trolls actually work for the ccp? The DNC and the CCP are 2 sides of the same coin.

Fang Fang... is that you posting this crap?
They aren’t two sides. They’re the same side of the same coin. No reason to pretend any longer.

People used to get executed for assisting Communists, today they get on the House Intel Committee
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
Participation of even endorsement of insurrection precludes holding elected office.

Kick them out.

So all the anti-fa losers can't hold office anymore?
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
Participation of even endorsement of insurrection precludes holding elected office.

Kick them out.

You stupid fuckers need to buy yourselves a damn dictionary.


  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government
The only violent fuckers this year has been you commies.

You need to learn to read. "endorsement of".

Please try not to be so stupid in the future.
None of them can be allowed to hold government office.

Section III of the 14th Amendment:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

They are all ineligible to serve.

Nope, nothing outside the legal process has been done by anyone contesting this election.
I wonder how many Democrat trolls actually work for the ccp? The DNC and the CCP are 2 sides of the same coin.

Fang Fang... is that you posting this crap?
They aren’t two sides. They’re the same side of the same coin. No reason to pretend any longer.

People used to get executed for assisting Communists, today they get on the House Intel Committee

The Biden DOJ needs to consider the attempts to topple the US electoral process as efforts to destroy the nation. trump had his days in court and lost over and over. That should be the limits of his effort to overturn the election. Anything beyond that is Insurrection and Treason.
The Biden DOJ needs to consider the attempts to topple the US electoral process as efforts to destroy the nation.

You mean like the "Russia! Russia! Russia!" and Ukraine phone call impeach coup attempts, TDS Lord? You're no less bat shit crazy than the "Biden stole the election!" crowd. The only difference is you nut jobs are running wild in different mental hospitals.
Wow. The communists keep lists of people that need to be punished or "re-educated". Nice work Chang.... you're a solid communist chink, and don't think it's going unnoticed.

Keep this up and Chairman Xi will let you lick his Dear Leader nutsack on special occasions.
A couple weeks ago, YOUR dear leader demanded the names of the 25 Republicans in Congress who acknowledged Biden had won the election. Last week he told all the House Republicans that he was going to be Very Interested in the names of those who signed (or didn't sign) the document in support of the Texas lawsuit that went to the Supreme Court.

You want to talk about actual lists and real threats of retaliation? It's already staring you in the face, from your President, not silly make believe drivel about
China. Wake up!
No he didn't.

That was a lot of industrial grade lying..... all for nothing.
So trump's last gift to Putin will be to cast doubt on our electoral system. Putin has used trump as an useful idiot for five years. This is his last cast a net of dispersion on the most scrutinized and fairest election in US history.

And you dedicated and stupid Trumpsters are willing to help in Putin's efforts. The GOP has become the Party of Putin.

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