All Those Who Are TRULY Tire Of The Uber-Partisanship In Politics


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Haven't you had enough of the "them vs. us" nonsense?

Where has it gotten us a country in the last decade? The last 20 years? 30?

And are you willing to work TOGETHER to solve the most pressing issues of our time and the future generation? Or just be a party hack.

What say you?
CG, I do.

And I'm quite surprised you're the first to post in here.

I'm willing to work TOGETHER with those who TRULY mean it.

I've been thinking lately, especially in listening to and watching the summit today...not everyone is good, not everyone is evil...on BOTH sides.

There is room to work together, to compromise to the good of the country. I believe thats what the founding fathers intended.
Ummm............."bipartisanship" is nothing but a phrase used by the media.

Anybody who truly believes in bipartisanship is a fcukking mental case, has the IQ of a small soap dish or both!!!
What kind of nincompoop...?!?!???

WHO said anything about "bi-partisanship?"

What kind of nincompoop...?!?!???

WHO said anything about "bi-partisanship?"

*SMH*'re in waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over your head in this forum. Id suggest taking a gandor on over to or something and try and up the political IQ a smidge before posting over here.:lol:
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Haven't you had enough of the "them vs. us" nonsense?

Where has it gotten us a country in the last decade? The last 20 years? 30?

And are you willing to work TOGETHER to solve the most pressing issues of our time and the future generation? Or just be a party hack.

What say you?

I am not an 'us', I am a 'me'. I have no loyalty to any party - despite certain posters insistence that I am a die-hard Republican. I wouldn't vote for the Republicans any more than I would vote for the Democrats.

Personally, and I have said this before, I would like to shut DC down - no money in and no money out - until we have cured the virus of corruption and self serving partisans that are there. Kick 'em all out.
CG, I've seen you on numerous occasions on more than one website express your contempt for a certain party and how you enjoy not ever doing anything ever to support a single one of them.

Realistically speaking, there are only 2 parties in this country and with that current view of yours it only promotes uber-partisanship.

With that said, I'll choose to talk your word that you're SICK and TIRED of I am.
Say "aye"

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Haven't you had enough of the "them vs. us" nonsense?

Where has it gotten us a country in the last decade? The last 20 years? 30?

And are you willing to work TOGETHER to solve the most pressing issues of our time and the future generation? Or just be a party hack.

What say you?

I am not an 'us', I am a 'me'. I have no loyalty to any party - despite certain posters insistence that I am a die-hard Republican. I wouldn't vote for the Republicans any more than I would vote for the Democrats.

Personally, and I have said this before, I would like to shut DC down - no money in and no money out - until we have cured the virus of corruption and self serving partisans that are there. Kick 'em all out.


at the same time however, having the Marxists out the Congress and the White House is indeed the definition of choosing "suck" vs "suckiest".
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Summits are a huge waste of time, not even remotely entertaining :blahblah:


Oh yeah

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Say "aye"

Or just type something in this thread.

Haven't you had enough of the "them vs. us" nonsense?

Where has it gotten us a country in the last decade? The last 20 years? 30?

And are you willing to work TOGETHER to solve the most pressing issues of our time and the future generation? Or just be a party hack.

What say you?

I quit the Democratic party in 2008. So I'm just a hack.

Your premise is that the trouble is with the parties. Wrong. It's ideological. Ideological purists will never compromise.

Who votes? There's the problem.
Say "aye"

Or just type something in this thread.

Haven't you had enough of the "them vs. us" nonsense?

Where has it gotten us a country in the last decade? The last 20 years? 30?

And are you willing to work TOGETHER to solve the most pressing issues of our time and the future generation? Or just be a party hack.

What say you?

I say bullshit. If a Republican were in the wh your sorry azz would not be asking this question. so stfu.

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