'Allah ordered' child beheading, nanny says in Moscow court

As soon as the followers start carrying these sort of things out all around the world, then get the stories posted and we can discuss them.
Ah, you plan to wait for heads to roll? Sure thing, we'll get right on that but tell me, which one is being more faithful, the one who does as his faith commands, or the one who doesn't?
why do we care? Beheading a child is not right in our world today. wow, it's amazing how you all can live in yesteryear.
Okay, try it this way.

The Bible says, Do "A", and you do "B".
The Koran says, Do "A", and they do "A".

Why are they in the wrong? And, is the Bible wrong if "A" is wrong?
because they are in the now and not in the biblical times that's why. What is it you all like to say, the world matured and we don't have to do things of the past. So, still not getting the current from ya.
So, the Bible was right, but now it's wrong. Got it.
when was it given? why do you all always make things so complicated for yourselves. I swear to god.

fk, they made a movie of it and yet you can't figure it out.
Well, we have killing before then, and killing after then so, how do you explain that? Slaughters before and slaughters after. Do tell?
yep, there were kings and queens and dictators and all that. yep, still not current. please continue with your stupid.
Seems you don't know whether one should obey the Ten Commandments or not? Or able to denounce Christian who slaughtered people? Jews and Muslims are allowed to do that by the way. God even helps, according to their Holy book.
I told a true story about an incident that happened when I was confronted with a rapist when I was younger on this board years ago. You may be able to still find it if you want to take the time to search it out. The gun was in my hand and within inches of his head as I ponder that question through my mind, "Thou shalt not kill". I was faced with a decision should I shoot him or not and that Thou shalt not kill went through over and over in my mind. I determined it would be his choice as I warned him one more time to remove himself or be blown away. Those shalt not murder would be the more correct version. God is not denying a person a measure of self defense. For the young man he was removed from me so I did not have to make that final decision to pull the trigger. I was grateful then and still am today that I literally did not have his blood all over me.
This is why I always say guns are not a defense for rape. And do tell, where did Jesus say you were allowed to kill to defend yourself? People tried to defend him and he told them to stop eh?
No dumbass something pulled him off of me. There is nothing in the Bible that says a person cannot defend themselves. You are trying to justify something within your own mind not knowing the difference between the carnal being and the spiritual being.
As soon as the followers start carrying these sort of things out all around the world, then get the stories posted and we can discuss them.
Ah, you plan to wait for heads to roll? Sure thing, we'll get right on that but tell me, which one is being more faithful, the one who does as his faith commands, or the one who doesn't?
why do we care? Beheading a child is not right in our world today. wow, it's amazing how you all can live in yesteryear.
Okay, try it this way.

The Bible says, Do "A", and you do "B".
The Koran says, Do "A", and they do "A".

Why are they in the wrong? And, is the Bible wrong if "A" is wrong?
because they are in the now and not in the biblical times that's why. What is it you all like to say, the world matured and we don't have to do things of the past. So, still not getting the current from ya.
So, the Bible was right, but now it's wrong. Got it.
when did I say that? I see you have a hard time with posting what someone actually posted. You have that odd breach of integrity.
Well, we have killing before then, and killing after then so, how do you explain that? Slaughters before and slaughters after. Do tell?
yep, there were kings and queens and dictators and all that. yep, still not current. please continue with your stupid.
Seems you don't know whether one should obey the Ten Commandments or not? Or able to denounce Christian who slaughtered people? Jews and Muslims are allowed to do that by the way. God even helps, according to their Holy book.
I told a true story about an incident that happened when I was confronted with a rapist when I was younger on this board years ago. You may be able to still find it if you want to take the time to search it out. The gun was in my hand and within inches of his head as I ponder that question through my mind, "Thou shalt not kill". I was faced with a decision should I shoot him or not and that Thou shalt not kill went through over and over in my mind. I determined it would be his choice as I warned him one more time to remove himself or be blown away. Those shalt not murder would be the more correct version. God is not denying a person a measure of self defense. For the young man he was removed from me so I did not have to make that final decision to pull the trigger. I was grateful then and still am today that I literally did not have his blood all over me.
This is why I always say guns are not a defense for rape. And do tell, where did Jesus say you were allowed to kill to defend yourself? People tried to defend him and he told them to stop eh?
I thought you read the bible from front to back, you tell us whether or not it's there or not.
It's not. To have the faith of Jesus means you would die like a martyr, as Jesus and the Disciples did.
yep, there were kings and queens and dictators and all that. yep, still not current. please continue with your stupid.
Seems you don't know whether one should obey the Ten Commandments or not? Or able to denounce Christian who slaughtered people? Jews and Muslims are allowed to do that by the way. God even helps, according to their Holy book.
I told a true story about an incident that happened when I was confronted with a rapist when I was younger on this board years ago. You may be able to still find it if you want to take the time to search it out. The gun was in my hand and within inches of his head as I ponder that question through my mind, "Thou shalt not kill". I was faced with a decision should I shoot him or not and that Thou shalt not kill went through over and over in my mind. I determined it would be his choice as I warned him one more time to remove himself or be blown away. Those shalt not murder would be the more correct version. God is not denying a person a measure of self defense. For the young man he was removed from me so I did not have to make that final decision to pull the trigger. I was grateful then and still am today that I literally did not have his blood all over me.
This is why I always say guns are not a defense for rape. And do tell, where did Jesus say you were allowed to kill to defend yourself? People tried to defend him and he told them to stop eh?
I thought you read the bible from front to back, you tell us whether or not it's there or not.
It's not. To have the faith of Jesus means you would die like a martyr, as Jesus and the Disciples did.
that isn't what the bible says at all, now I'm wondering if you did read it from front to back.

Post that writing.
Well, we have killing before then, and killing after then so, how do you explain that? Slaughters before and slaughters after. Do tell?
yep, there were kings and queens and dictators and all that. yep, still not current. please continue with your stupid.
Seems you don't know whether one should obey the Ten Commandments or not? Or able to denounce Christian who slaughtered people? Jews and Muslims are allowed to do that by the way. God even helps, according to their Holy book.
I told a true story about an incident that happened when I was confronted with a rapist when I was younger on this board years ago. You may be able to still find it if you want to take the time to search it out. The gun was in my hand and within inches of his head as I ponder that question through my mind, "Thou shalt not kill". I was faced with a decision should I shoot him or not and that Thou shalt not kill went through over and over in my mind. I determined it would be his choice as I warned him one more time to remove himself or be blown away. Those shalt not murder would be the more correct version. God is not denying a person a measure of self defense. For the young man he was removed from me so I did not have to make that final decision to pull the trigger. I was grateful then and still am today that I literally did not have his blood all over me.
This is why I always say guns are not a defense for rape. And do tell, where did Jesus say you were allowed to kill to defend yourself? People tried to defend him and he told them to stop eh?
No dumbass something pulled him off of me. There is nothing in the Bible that says a person cannot defend themselves. You are trying to justify something within your own mind not knowing the difference between the carnal being and the spiritual being.
You had the option to shoot, and did not. And there's no teaching of Jesus that says self-defense is allowed. When faced with it, he did not defend himself, or let others do so...
The difference? Well, this particular woman who you are attempting to defend, beheaded a baby in the name of Allah, then paraded the head in the streets of Moscow.
That help, short-dick?

And Andrea Yates drowned five kids in the name of Jesus. Probably because her husband kept knocking her up for Jesus after her doctors explicitly warned his dumb bible-thumping ass that she was suffering severe post partum depression.

But you keep pretending their magic sky fairy is worse than your magic sky fairy.

This is true. This instance is certainly born more out of mental illness than religious fanaticism.
She is clearly and horribly insane...I do wonder how the parents did not recognize it. Not that they would dream of this happening, but usually you can pick up on crazy people. They are not that hard to pick out when they are THIS nuts.

Nice to see some people have a sense of perspective.

Her husband "knocked her up for Jesus," bigot boi?

Comrade Stalin, you may be dumb as a rock, but you make up for it by lying incessantly. :thup:
Seems you don't know whether one should obey the Ten Commandments or not? Or able to denounce Christian who slaughtered people? Jews and Muslims are allowed to do that by the way. God even helps, according to their Holy book.
I told a true story about an incident that happened when I was confronted with a rapist when I was younger on this board years ago. You may be able to still find it if you want to take the time to search it out. The gun was in my hand and within inches of his head as I ponder that question through my mind, "Thou shalt not kill". I was faced with a decision should I shoot him or not and that Thou shalt not kill went through over and over in my mind. I determined it would be his choice as I warned him one more time to remove himself or be blown away. Those shalt not murder would be the more correct version. God is not denying a person a measure of self defense. For the young man he was removed from me so I did not have to make that final decision to pull the trigger. I was grateful then and still am today that I literally did not have his blood all over me.
This is why I always say guns are not a defense for rape. And do tell, where did Jesus say you were allowed to kill to defend yourself? People tried to defend him and he told them to stop eh?
I thought you read the bible from front to back, you tell us whether or not it's there or not.
It's not. To have the faith of Jesus means you would die like a martyr, as Jesus and the Disciples did.
that isn't what the bible says at all, now I'm wondering if you did read it from front to back.

Post that writing.
Point it out, one who admits to not knowing his own Holy book...
that isn't what the bible says at all, now I'm wondering if you did read it from front to back.

Post that writing.

He read it from back to front, reciting the verses backwards.

I'm not saying he was sacrificing cats and goats as he did so, but anything is possible...
Ah, you plan to wait for heads to roll? Sure thing, we'll get right on that but tell me, which one is being more faithful, the one who does as his faith commands, or the one who doesn't?
why do we care? Beheading a child is not right in our world today. wow, it's amazing how you all can live in yesteryear.
Okay, try it this way.

The Bible says, Do "A", and you do "B".
The Koran says, Do "A", and they do "A".

Why are they in the wrong? And, is the Bible wrong if "A" is wrong?
because they are in the now and not in the biblical times that's why. What is it you all like to say, the world matured and we don't have to do things of the past. So, still not getting the current from ya.
So, the Bible was right, but now it's wrong. Got it.
when did I say that? I see you have a hard time with posting what someone actually posted. You have that odd breach of integrity.
We'll try again. Muslims obeying their Holy Book is wrong, we don't live back then, but Christians ignoring their holy book is right, we don't live back then? That work for you?
yep, there were kings and queens and dictators and all that. yep, still not current. please continue with your stupid.
Seems you don't know whether one should obey the Ten Commandments or not? Or able to denounce Christian who slaughtered people? Jews and Muslims are allowed to do that by the way. God even helps, according to their Holy book.
I told a true story about an incident that happened when I was confronted with a rapist when I was younger on this board years ago. You may be able to still find it if you want to take the time to search it out. The gun was in my hand and within inches of his head as I ponder that question through my mind, "Thou shalt not kill". I was faced with a decision should I shoot him or not and that Thou shalt not kill went through over and over in my mind. I determined it would be his choice as I warned him one more time to remove himself or be blown away. Those shalt not murder would be the more correct version. God is not denying a person a measure of self defense. For the young man he was removed from me so I did not have to make that final decision to pull the trigger. I was grateful then and still am today that I literally did not have his blood all over me.
This is why I always say guns are not a defense for rape. And do tell, where did Jesus say you were allowed to kill to defend yourself? People tried to defend him and he told them to stop eh?
No dumbass something pulled him off of me. There is nothing in the Bible that says a person cannot defend themselves. You are trying to justify something within your own mind not knowing the difference between the carnal being and the spiritual being.
You had the option to shoot, and did not. And there's no teaching of Jesus that says self-defense is allowed. When faced with it, he did not defend himself, or let others do so...
Like I said you do not know the difference between the carnal being and the spiritual one. And again that choice was removed from me so I did not have to make it. Today if an intruder came in to do harm I'd let the dog take care of it. If that intruder came beyond the dog then I may be faced with taking other measures. I would not call that murder and the actual "Thou shalt not kill" is thou shalt not murder. Meaning an innocent person should not be killed. If you cannot understand the simplicity of that its to bad.
Seems you don't know whether one should obey the Ten Commandments or not? Or able to denounce Christian who slaughtered people? Jews and Muslims are allowed to do that by the way. God even helps, according to their Holy book.
I told a true story about an incident that happened when I was confronted with a rapist when I was younger on this board years ago. You may be able to still find it if you want to take the time to search it out. The gun was in my hand and within inches of his head as I ponder that question through my mind, "Thou shalt not kill". I was faced with a decision should I shoot him or not and that Thou shalt not kill went through over and over in my mind. I determined it would be his choice as I warned him one more time to remove himself or be blown away. Those shalt not murder would be the more correct version. God is not denying a person a measure of self defense. For the young man he was removed from me so I did not have to make that final decision to pull the trigger. I was grateful then and still am today that I literally did not have his blood all over me.
This is why I always say guns are not a defense for rape. And do tell, where did Jesus say you were allowed to kill to defend yourself? People tried to defend him and he told them to stop eh?
No dumbass something pulled him off of me. There is nothing in the Bible that says a person cannot defend themselves. You are trying to justify something within your own mind not knowing the difference between the carnal being and the spiritual being.
You had the option to shoot, and did not. And there's no teaching of Jesus that says self-defense is allowed. When faced with it, he did not defend himself, or let others do so...
Like I said you do not know the difference between the carnal being and the spiritual one. And again that choice was removed from me so I did not have to make it. Today if an intruder came in to do harm I'd let the dog take care of it. If that intruder came beyond the dog then I may be faced with taking other measures. I would not call that murder and the actual "Thou shalt not kill" is thou shalt not murder. Meaning an innocent person should not be killed. If you cannot understand the simplicity of that its to bad.
Could a Christian murder Hitler? And you were being raped, not murdered. If the rapist had said I will only rape you, not kill you, and you killed him would that have been allowed in Christianity?
I told a true story about an incident that happened when I was confronted with a rapist when I was younger on this board years ago. You may be able to still find it if you want to take the time to search it out. The gun was in my hand and within inches of his head as I ponder that question through my mind, "Thou shalt not kill". I was faced with a decision should I shoot him or not and that Thou shalt not kill went through over and over in my mind. I determined it would be his choice as I warned him one more time to remove himself or be blown away. Those shalt not murder would be the more correct version. God is not denying a person a measure of self defense. For the young man he was removed from me so I did not have to make that final decision to pull the trigger. I was grateful then and still am today that I literally did not have his blood all over me.
This is why I always say guns are not a defense for rape. And do tell, where did Jesus say you were allowed to kill to defend yourself? People tried to defend him and he told them to stop eh?
No dumbass something pulled him off of me. There is nothing in the Bible that says a person cannot defend themselves. You are trying to justify something within your own mind not knowing the difference between the carnal being and the spiritual being.
You had the option to shoot, and did not. And there's no teaching of Jesus that says self-defense is allowed. When faced with it, he did not defend himself, or let others do so...
Like I said you do not know the difference between the carnal being and the spiritual one. And again that choice was removed from me so I did not have to make it. Today if an intruder came in to do harm I'd let the dog take care of it. If that intruder came beyond the dog then I may be faced with taking other measures. I would not call that murder and the actual "Thou shalt not kill" is thou shalt not murder. Meaning an innocent person should not be killed. If you cannot understand the simplicity of that its to bad.
Could a Christian murder Hitler? And you were being raped, not murdered. If the rapist had said I will only rape you, not kill you, and you killed him would that have been allowed?
A Christian could lock him up and have him tried in accordance with the law. If he drew a gun to shoot them as that progressed yes they could shoot him. Yes I could have shot him and the Lord would have been my judge for it.

edit: PS the sheriff had previously instructed me to shoot anyone who entered into our home threatening myself or my children.
Thank goodness that God never ordered children to be murdered in the Bible.
He didn't but when you are blind, deaf and ignorant you won't understand the absolute commands including "Thou shall not kill".

Was that commandment given before or after the slaughter of the Amalekites down to children and infants in their cribs? Or the slaughter of 'every living thing' in Jericho?
If you have an Amalekite within in you then you are the one responsible to slay it. If that portion of Jericho within you has anything alive within it you are also responsible to slay it.

So if God orders you kill a child, its legit?

Where have I heard that argument before......don't tell me, it will come to me.
I just told you. If you have one in you then it is up to you to deal with it. That is a spiritual matter within you. You being poor, dumb, ignorant, blind and deaf cannot hear it.

Or......I don't see killing kids just because 'God' told me to to be a rational or moral justification for anything.
He didn't but when you are blind, deaf and ignorant you won't understand the absolute commands including "Thou shall not kill".

Was that commandment given before or after the slaughter of the Amalekites down to children and infants in their cribs? Or the slaughter of 'every living thing' in Jericho?
If you have an Amalekite within in you then you are the one responsible to slay it. If that portion of Jericho within you has anything alive within it you are also responsible to slay it.

So if God orders you kill a child, its legit?

Where have I heard that argument before......don't tell me, it will come to me.
I just told you. If you have one in you then it is up to you to deal with it. That is a spiritual matter within you. You being poor, dumb, ignorant, blind and deaf cannot hear it.

Or......I don't see killing kids just because 'God' told me to to be a rational or moral justification for anything.
Again, it is that portion within you but again you can't get there because you are to dense to get that.
This is why I always say guns are not a defense for rape. And do tell, where did Jesus say you were allowed to kill to defend yourself? People tried to defend him and he told them to stop eh?
No dumbass something pulled him off of me. There is nothing in the Bible that says a person cannot defend themselves. You are trying to justify something within your own mind not knowing the difference between the carnal being and the spiritual being.
You had the option to shoot, and did not. And there's no teaching of Jesus that says self-defense is allowed. When faced with it, he did not defend himself, or let others do so...
Like I said you do not know the difference between the carnal being and the spiritual one. And again that choice was removed from me so I did not have to make it. Today if an intruder came in to do harm I'd let the dog take care of it. If that intruder came beyond the dog then I may be faced with taking other measures. I would not call that murder and the actual "Thou shalt not kill" is thou shalt not murder. Meaning an innocent person should not be killed. If you cannot understand the simplicity of that its to bad.
Could a Christian murder Hitler? And you were being raped, not murdered. If the rapist had said I will only rape you, not kill you, and you killed him would that have been allowed?
A Christian could lock him up and have him tried in accordance with the law. If he drew a gun to shoot them as that progressed yes they could shoot him. Yes I could have shot him and the Lord would have been my judge for it.

edit: PS the sheriff had previously instructed me to shoot anyone who entered into our home threatening myself or my children.
And yet, you didn't shoot. That's okay, Jesus didn't fight back either.

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