Allow Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines?

That's one of the GOP's big selling points of their healthcare 'plan'.

Problem is, it's already allowed.

The Federal government does not prohibit it. Some states do.


Selling health insurance across state lines is a favorite GOP 'reform.' Here's why it makes no sense

"Selling insurance across state lines is a vacuous idea, encrusted with myths.

The most important myths are that it’s illegal today, and that it’s an alternative to the Affordable Care Act.

The truth is that it actually is legal today and specifically enabled by the Affordable Care Act. The fact that Republicans don’t seem to know this should tell you something about their understanding of healthcare policy. The fact that it hasn’t happened despite its enablement under the ACA should tell you more about about why it’s no solution to anything."

The ACA allows for the sale of insurance across state lines already.
Did you read your own link?

The very first sentence: "Insurance firms in each state are protected from interstate competition by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945), which grants states the right to regulate health plans within their borders."

The ACA does not allow any insurance company to sell their insurance in any state they wish. Whoever is telling you people this is lying out of their ass.
That's one of the GOP's big selling points of their healthcare 'plan'.

Problem is, it's already allowed.

The Federal government does not prohibit it. Some states do.


Selling health insurance across state lines is a favorite GOP 'reform.' Here's why it makes no sense

"Selling insurance across state lines is a vacuous idea, encrusted with myths.

The most important myths are that it’s illegal today, and that it’s an alternative to the Affordable Care Act.

The truth is that it actually is legal today and specifically enabled by the Affordable Care Act. The fact that Republicans don’t seem to know this should tell you something about their understanding of healthcare policy. The fact that it hasn’t happened despite its enablement under the ACA should tell you more about about why it’s no solution to anything."
Hey dumbshit. I can pick up my phone and call any AUTO or HOME or LIFE insurance company in the county and buy insurance from them.

However, I CANNOT call any HEALTH insurance company in the country I wish and buy health insurance from them. The ACA has NOT fixed that problem.

Got it all straight now?
We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, home, and life insurance. But we can't, because of the federal government.

I can get a credit card from any credit card company. I can get every kind of insurance, EXCEPT health insurance, from any insurance company.

The federal government is the biggest player in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors. THAT is why you can't buy health insurance from any seller of health insurance. The government has tied the hands of the private sector, and the idiot retard dumb fuck liberals think the problem is NOT ENOUGH government in health care!

Jesus H. Christ.
You need to ask yourselves why the federal government doesn't allow you to buy health insurance from any health insurance company, and yet allows you to buy auto, home, or life insurance from any company.

The answer is because it is a massive scam ripping off the American people. It is a labor union boondoggle which began three quarters of a century ago, and which we are still stuck with.
My career was as a health insurance and HMO executive. my title was VP of Underwriting and Compliance.

Health insurance and HMO's are governed by State Law. I had to file policies and rates with state health insurance Commissioners. The only time I ever had to deal with the Feds was regarding our policy issued to cover their employees. Each state has their own statues about what must be covered. For example, Nevada requires that acupuncture be covered. Most states don't. In order to be approved in each state, we had to file state amendments, with their particular deviations. I worked in one of the largest insurance companies in America, and all it took to be in compliance with all the states was one Director of Compliance and one administrative assistant. In short, if I were able to file one policy for approval for all states, instead of 50 policy amendments, I would have been able to save the HM0 about $120,000 per year. Divided by 230,000 insureds, that comes to a savings of half of one cent per insured per year.
That's one of the GOP's big selling points of their healthcare 'plan'.

Problem is, it's already allowed.

The Federal government does not prohibit it. Some states do.


Selling health insurance across state lines is a favorite GOP 'reform.' Here's why it makes no sense

"Selling insurance across state lines is a vacuous idea, encrusted with myths.

The most important myths are that it’s illegal today, and that it’s an alternative to the Affordable Care Act.

The truth is that it actually is legal today and specifically enabled by the Affordable Care Act. The fact that Republicans don’t seem to know this should tell you something about their understanding of healthcare policy. The fact that it hasn’t happened despite its enablement under the ACA should tell you more about about why it’s no solution to anything."
Competition ALMOST ALWAYS drives down prices. Stick your big fat head full of marbles back in the dirt.

Learn to read you old fossil.
These figures however aren't.List of countries by total health expenditure per capita - Wikipedia
Ours is roughly half as expensive as your system.
List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia
We live on average 2 years longer.

Somehow you left out the TAXES paid by the 11 million citizens of Belgium. That's about the size of the great state of Ohio.

Here are the income taxes. Right now the Euro is about the same value as a Euro.

Then there are these ADDITIONAL TAXES:

Employment income is also subject to social security contributions. Employee contributions are 13.07% and are deducted by the employer. In addition, the employer contributes about 35% of employees wage.[3] No ceiling for contributions apply on contributions for either employee and employer.[4]

Value-Added Tax (VAT) applies to most sales of goods and services. The standard rate of value-added tax is 21%.[5] A lower rate of 12% applies to social housing, meals and margarine. Another reduced rate of 6%[6] applies to foods, drinks, hotels and medicine. Certain goods and services are exempted from VAT by law, this includes exports, and financial services. The Belgian VAT is part of the European Union value added tax system. Smaller businesses with a turnover lower than €25000 are exempt as of 01/01/2016.

Corporate tax applies at a standard rate of 33.99%.[7]

WOW! What do you have left for a movie?

You are just as ignorant, if not more so about life expectancy. Care to try again?
Insurance firms in each state are protected from interstate competition by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945), which grants states the right to regulate health plans within their borders.


That explains perfectly WHY selling across state lines will drastically reduce prices for health insurance.

I bet you don't even have a clue as to why either, do you.
That's one of the GOP's big selling points of their healthcare 'plan'.

Problem is, it's already allowed.

The Federal government does not prohibit it. Some states do.


Selling health insurance across state lines is a favorite GOP 'reform.' Here's why it makes no sense

"Selling insurance across state lines is a vacuous idea, encrusted with myths.

The most important myths are that it’s illegal today, and that it’s an alternative to the Affordable Care Act.

The truth is that it actually is legal today and specifically enabled by the Affordable Care Act. The fact that Republicans don’t seem to know this should tell you something about their understanding of healthcare policy. The fact that it hasn’t happened despite its enablement under the ACA should tell you more about about why it’s no solution to anything."

The ACA allows for the sale of insurance across state lines already.
Did you read your own link?

The very first sentence: "Insurance firms in each state are protected from interstate competition by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945), which grants states the right to regulate health plans within their borders."

The ACA does not allow any insurance company to sell their insurance in any state they wish. Whoever is telling you people this is lying out of their ass.

I never said "in any state they wished", I said "across state lines" From my link I read:

Federal Health Reform Legislation and Actions
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), Section 1333 permits states to form health care choice inter-state compacts to allow insurers to sell policies in any state participating in the compact. Two or more states may enter into compacts under which one or more insurance plans may be offered in the such states, subject to the laws and regulations of the state in which it was written.
But as we all know the far left hates giving anyone real choices..

No, no, no!

Progressives LOVE choices!

BUT! Since the public is incapable of making GOOD decisions, the government will help by making the decisions FOR YOU!

What a deal!
That's one of the GOP's big selling points of their healthcare 'plan'.

Problem is, it's already allowed.

The Federal government does not prohibit it. Some states do.


Selling health insurance across state lines is a favorite GOP 'reform.' Here's why it makes no sense

"Selling insurance across state lines is a vacuous idea, encrusted with myths.

The most important myths are that it’s illegal today, and that it’s an alternative to the Affordable Care Act.

The truth is that it actually is legal today and specifically enabled by the Affordable Care Act. The fact that Republicans don’t seem to know this should tell you something about their understanding of healthcare policy. The fact that it hasn’t happened despite its enablement under the ACA should tell you more about about why it’s no solution to anything."

The ACA allows for the sale of insurance across state lines already.
Did you read your own link?

The very first sentence: "Insurance firms in each state are protected from interstate competition by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945), which grants states the right to regulate health plans within their borders."

The ACA does not allow any insurance company to sell their insurance in any state they wish. Whoever is telling you people this is lying out of their ass.

I never said "in any state they wished", I said "across state lines"
Which is a HUGE difference you fools are deliberately ignoring.
That's one of the GOP's big selling points of their healthcare 'plan'.

Problem is, it's already allowed.

The Federal government does not prohibit it. Some states do.


Selling health insurance across state lines is a favorite GOP 'reform.' Here's why it makes no sense

"Selling insurance across state lines is a vacuous idea, encrusted with myths.

The most important myths are that it’s illegal today, and that it’s an alternative to the Affordable Care Act.

The truth is that it actually is legal today and specifically enabled by the Affordable Care Act. The fact that Republicans don’t seem to know this should tell you something about their understanding of healthcare policy. The fact that it hasn’t happened despite its enablement under the ACA should tell you more about about why it’s no solution to anything."

The ACA allows for the sale of insurance across state lines already.
Did you read your own link?

The very first sentence: "Insurance firms in each state are protected from interstate competition by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945), which grants states the right to regulate health plans within their borders."

The ACA does not allow any insurance company to sell their insurance in any state they wish. Whoever is telling you people this is lying out of their ass.

I never said "in any state they wished", I said "across state lines"
Which is a HUGE difference you fools are deliberately ignoring.

Who is ignoring it? The title of the thread is:

Allow Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines?

The ACA allows it.
That's one of the GOP's big selling points of their healthcare 'plan'.

Problem is, it's already allowed.

The Federal government does not prohibit it. Some states do.


Selling health insurance across state lines is a favorite GOP 'reform.' Here's why it makes no sense

"Selling insurance across state lines is a vacuous idea, encrusted with myths.

The most important myths are that it’s illegal today, and that it’s an alternative to the Affordable Care Act.

The truth is that it actually is legal today and specifically enabled by the Affordable Care Act. The fact that Republicans don’t seem to know this should tell you something about their understanding of healthcare policy. The fact that it hasn’t happened despite its enablement under the ACA should tell you more about about why it’s no solution to anything."

The ACA allows for the sale of insurance across state lines already.
Did you read your own link?

The very first sentence: "Insurance firms in each state are protected from interstate competition by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945), which grants states the right to regulate health plans within their borders."

The ACA does not allow any insurance company to sell their insurance in any state they wish. Whoever is telling you people this is lying out of their ass.

I never said "in any state they wished", I said "across state lines"
Which is a HUGE difference you fools are deliberately ignoring.

Who is ignoring it? The title of the thread is:

Allow Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines?

The ACA allows it.
Again, there is a HUGE difference. Allowing across state lines is NOT the same thing as being able to buy from any insurance company you choose. And until we have that choice, as we do with all other insurance, your little word games won't be fooling anyone but yourselves.
i don't understand?? remove what mandate? and what does a mandate have to do with wondering how selling insurance across state lines would work and how would that save money or reduce policy costs?

You're serious, aren't you?

Obamacare has mandates. These are specific items which are mandated by law to be covered by the health policy, regardless of who sells the policy. As Obamacare stands, insurance companies must cover certain annual exams for free. I believe there are 28 mandates including pregnancy, alcohol and drug rehab and other things.

If I'm a young, healthy person, I may want only catastrophic coverage. Much like I buy auto insurance. Coverage only for something catastrophic, a serious accident, cancer or other serious illness. That is why, prior to Obamacare, two adjoining states could have wildly different rates for the same person or family.

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