Allow Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines?

So if Federal government allows it, it's irrelevant.

If the Federal government forces it, then one might think that conservatives would object to the federal government interfering with the states.

Try to keep up here. The OP's premise of a national free market insurance market being legal is a myth. There was obviously many other problems present in the law to make it unworkable. Simply saying it was okay to offer the plans, does little to make it reality. It is the federal government's interference that makes it a problem. Again it boils down to free markets and less government.

I agree. Competition brings prices down and if all insurance companies have to compete for you're dollar prices will go down.

Don't know bout you but I'm the cheapest bitch on the planet and I shop for the best I can get for the lowest price. So will everyone else. Insurance companies will have to lower prices to compete for you're dollar.
The problem with the US health care system isn't government. It's the whole idea that people's health is a tradable commodity. I'm European and I pay way less for at least comparable, if not better healthcare. Our system is government controlled and it's more efficient and cheaper. My wife is American so I can make these claims both by personal experience and researchable facts.

Thanks for the info but I doubt you're country had 300 million citizens or a Govt. that turns everything into red tape, mountains of paperwork and log waits.

Glad it works for you but I seriously doubt it would work here in America.

BS talking point jibberish.

I know the truth hurts but you're a big boy. Pull up those big boy pants and carry on. LOL
The problem with the US health care system isn't government. It's the whole idea that people's health is a tradable commodity. I'm European and I pay way less for at least comparable, if not better healthcare. Our system is government controlled and it's more efficient and cheaper. My wife is American so I can make these claims both by personal experience and researchable facts.

I have heard that before, yet Canadians flock to the US for care. Shorter wait time for one thing.

I can attest to that.

I have a Canadian friend who came here for surgery for breast cancer.

She couldn't get treatment in Canada because of the long wait.

She came here, got the treatment she needed and is alive and well today. Hell. She'd probably still be waiting for treatment in Canada or she'd be dead.


Nah. Just you and you're thinking you know it all. Loads of folks come here from other countries for health care.

Bullshit to you too. LOL
I can attest to that.

I have a Canadian friend who came here for surgery for breast cancer.

She couldn't get treatment in Canada because of the long wait.

She came here, got the treatment she needed and is alive and well today. Hell. She'd probably still be waiting for treatment in Canada or she'd be dead.

Canada puts out a study each year showing the outrageous time they must wait for any specialist. Women with complicated pregnancies are sent to America for treatment. They don't have the facilities in Canada. Once illegal, their Supreme Court forced the legalization of private, cash-only practices. So in effect, they have two standards of healthcare. One for the commoners and another for the wealthy.

I agree and those private, cash only practices are becoming very popular in Canada. No wait and the treatment you need.
Yes and no, the ACA enables the possibility of selling across State lines, the reality however is that at this point it cannot be done. The ACA plans are PPO Plans and currently there are no National PPO's.

There are some states that already allow insurance sales across state lines.

Did you read your own link?

The very first sentence: "Insurance firms in each state are protected from interstate competition by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945), which grants states the right to regulate health plans within their borders."

The ACA does not allow any insurance company to sell their insurance in any state they wish. Whoever is telling you people this is lying out of their ass.

That statement describing the McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945) does not bar health insurance sales across state lines, it simply leaves the decision up to the individual states.

There is a difference between selling insurance across state lines and complying with state requirements in the states they sell and being able to "sell their insurance in any state they wish". States have to power to regulate the health insurance sales within their own borders, do you have an issue with State control of the products sold in their state?

The problem with the US health care system isn't government. It's the whole idea that people's health is a tradable commodity. I'm European and I pay way less for at least comparable, if not better healthcare. Our system is government controlled and it's more efficient and cheaper. My wife is American so I can make these claims both by personal experience and researchable facts.

I have heard that before, yet Canadians flock to the US for care. Shorter wait time for one thing.

Nope. Not true at all. Weak talking point.

In fact, lots of Americans come to Canada to try to get free health care - those with student visas or other access to Canadian health care.

The vast majority of Canadians who do seek health care in the US, are people who were travelling on vacation or business and became ill while in the US.
Hey dumbshit. I can pick up my phone and call any AUTO or HOME or LIFE insurance company in the county and buy insurance from them.

However, I CANNOT call any HEALTH insurance company in the country I wish and buy health insurance from them. The ACA has NOT fixed that problem.

Got it all straight now?

No, sorry. You are incorrect. You can't pick up the phone and call any AUTO or HOME or LIFE insurance company and get a policy from outside the state the does not comply with State laws and regulations. You must buy a policy that complies with that States regulations, you may be covered on trips outside the state (just like you are covered by health insurance for trips outside the state). But ultimately you must have a policy the confirms to your state of residence.

My daughter recently went through this when she moved from Virginia to Texas. During the transition period she maintained Virginia insurance (AUTO) but on getting her apartment in Texas she had to notify the insurance company and change her address. Her rates changed and they issued a new policy that conformed to Texas requirements.

So you may "think" you are buying any policy from any provider, in reality you are buying a policy that is governed by applicable state law.

You need to ask yourselves why the federal government doesn't allow you to buy health insurance from any health insurance company, and yet allows you to buy auto, home, or life insurance from any company.

There is not a federal restrictions pertaining to purchasing health insurance across state lines. There are states that already allow this.

The restrictions are State restrictions based on the States 10th Amendment power to regulate intrastate commerce.

Hey dumbshit. I can pick up my phone and call any AUTO or HOME or LIFE insurance company in the county and buy insurance from them.

However, I CANNOT call any HEALTH insurance company in the country I wish and buy health insurance from them. The ACA has NOT fixed that problem.

Got it all straight now?

No, sorry. You are incorrect. You can't pick up the phone and call any AUTO or HOME or LIFE insurance company and get a policy from outside the state the does not comply with State laws and regulations. You must buy a policy that complies with that States regulations, you may be covered on trips outside the state (just like you are covered by health insurance for trips outside the state). But ultimately you must have a policy the confirms to your state of residence.

My daughter recently went through this when she moved from Virginia to Texas. During the transition period she maintained Virginia insurance (AUTO) but on getting her apartment in Texas she had to notify the insurance company and change her address. Her rates changed and they issued a new policy that conformed to Texas requirements.

So you may "think" you are buying any policy from any provider, in reality you are buying a policy that is governed by applicable state law.


One does not have to relocate interstate to have a change of auto insurance rates. All he would have to do is move from a small town to a big city within the same same state and his rates would go up.
One does not have to relocate interstate to have a change of auto insurance rates. All he would have to do is move from a small town to a big city within the same same state and his rates would go up.

Very true.

The point though was that you can't have an AUTO policy based on Virginia law in Texas (or other state) as a permanent resident. You are covered for travel, but not residence.

The point still remains though, that auto and life insurance companies sell nationwide, which is not the case with health.
So if Federal government allows it, it's irrelevant.
If the Federal government forces it, then one might think that conservatives would object to the federal government interfering with the states.
You make an excellent point, and the answer is that sometimes the federal government has to entice the various states to do what is best for the common good by threatening to with hold highway funds, etc.

This is such a case and the Federalis need to encourage the states to do the right thing for America and not the health insurance corporations.
The point though was that you can't have an AUTO policy based on Virginia law in Texas (or other state) as a permanent resident. You are covered for travel, but not residence.
Not really a relevant point since the insurance company will settle your claims and adjust your rates to the state you reside in and where the accidents occurred, etc.

There is no rational purpose to restricting health insurance to ones state market except to enrich the health insurance corporations.
You need to ask yourselves why the federal government doesn't allow you to buy health insurance from any health insurance company, and yet allows you to buy auto, home, or life insurance from any company.

The answer is because it is a massive scam ripping off the American people. It is a labor union boondoggle which began three quarters of a century ago, and which we are still stuck with.

You're kind of screwed up there the federal govt doesn't tell you which health insurance to purchase. Suggest you quit reading Breitbart.
i don't understand?? remove what mandate? and what does a mandate have to do with wondering how selling insurance across state lines would work and how would that save money or reduce policy costs?

You're serious, aren't you?

Obamacare has mandates. These are specific items which are mandated by law to be covered by the health policy, regardless of who sells the policy. As Obamacare stands, insurance companies must cover certain annual exams for free. I believe there are 28 mandates including pregnancy, alcohol and drug rehab and other things.

If I'm a young, healthy person, I may want only catastrophic coverage. Much like I buy auto insurance. Coverage only for something catastrophic, a serious accident, cancer or other serious illness. That is why, prior to Obamacare, two adjoining states could have wildly different rates for the same person or family.

Removing obamacare mandates is not the problem selling across state lines, which can be done now. It is the state mandates and networks that makes it nearly impossible to sell across state lines. I believe your state has 52 mandates that have to be placed on a health insurance policy. How many mandates are we talking about across 50 states. Good luck with that.
You're kind of screwed up there the federal govt doesn't tell you which health insurance to purchase. Suggest you quit reading Breitbart.
As opposed to the "Stalin is a Humanitarian" New York Times or the Clinton News Network or the rest of the Commie Wack Job media?

Your article notes that it is essentially illegal to sell across state lines in most of the states. You fail

So if Federal government allows it, it's irrelevant.

If the Federal government forces it, then one might think that conservatives would object to the federal government interfering with the states.

Try to keep up here. The OP's premise of a national free market insurance market being legal is a myth. There was obviously many other problems present in the law to make it unworkable. Simply saying it was okay to offer the plans, does little to make it reality. It is the federal government's interference that makes it a problem. Again it boils down to free markets and less government.

I agree. Competition brings prices down and if all insurance companies have to compete for you're dollar prices will go down.

Don't know bout you but I'm the cheapest bitch on the planet and I shop for the best I can get for the lowest price. So will everyone else. Insurance companies will have to lower prices to compete for you're dollar.
The problem with the US health care system isn't government. It's the whole idea that people's health is a tradable commodity. I'm European and I pay way less for at least comparable, if not better healthcare. Our system is government controlled and it's more efficient and cheaper. My wife is American so I can make these claims both by personal experience and researchable facts.

Cough!.............What percentage of the European income goes to taxes? Europe doesn't even have the capacity to defend itself. They rely on the USA. Then consider the USA is far more complex than say Switzerland. Europe is broke.
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. If Europe both copies and buys the US isn't the only one paying. I think what you are trying to say is that the US is the main developer of new medicines. Even if that's true. Europe still as to buy those drugs, unless you are claiming that big pharma gives them away it would have no effect on health care costs.

not just drugs but everything: devices, procedures and basic research. America creates the word's health care and does all the research.Once I asked a women at Yale if she bothers to check to see if her research was being done in another country too. She said no it was all done here. She was from Italy. THe best in Europe come here. America created the world after WW2 so Europe could be lazy and socialist. Does Europe want to become capitalist so it has the spirit of invention too or does it just buy cheaply from us and enjoy its wine and cheese? We know what Europe is made of. Our drug companies charge all countries according to their ability to pay. America pays most of course.
Belgium: New breakthrough in Alzheimer’s research
Belgian breakthrough in cancer research
This is some of the research being done by a country, population 11 million that your Yale friend says doesn't happen.
This entire post actually puts forth assumptions that are demonstrably wrong. They point to a prejudiced and arrogant opinion, which coincidentally are 2 of the prejudices Europeans hold on Americans. Luckily I'm intelligent enough to realise that prejudices don't equate to truth. You are not indicative to all Americans any more then I'm indicative for all Belgians let alone all Europeans. But personally I leave my house at 5.45 AM, to come home around 5.30 PM on average, I'm 36 and have been unemployed for no more than 2 months throughout my working life of about 18 years, so unless you have some statistical way to proof that Europeans are lazy, I suggest you try to keep prejudice out of your posts, they don't become you, and I've seen you make some decent and subtill points so you should be able to distinguish between what you think and what you know.
Your article notes that it is essentially illegal to sell across state lines in most of the states. You fail

So if Federal government allows it, it's irrelevant.

If the Federal government forces it, then one might think that conservatives would object to the federal government interfering with the states.

Try to keep up here. The OP's premise of a national free market insurance market being legal is a myth. There was obviously many other problems present in the law to make it unworkable. Simply saying it was okay to offer the plans, does little to make it reality. It is the federal government's interference that makes it a problem. Again it boils down to free markets and less government.

I agree. Competition brings prices down and if all insurance companies have to compete for you're dollar prices will go down.

Don't know bout you but I'm the cheapest bitch on the planet and I shop for the best I can get for the lowest price. So will everyone else. Insurance companies will have to lower prices to compete for you're dollar.
The problem with the US health care system isn't government. It's the whole idea that people's health is a tradable commodity. I'm European and I pay way less for at least comparable, if not better healthcare. Our system is government controlled and it's more efficient and cheaper. My wife is American so I can make these claims both by personal experience and researchable facts.

Cough!.............What percentage of the European income goes to taxes? Europe doesn't even have the capacity to defend itself. They rely on the USA. Then consider the USA is far more complex than say Switzerland. Europe is broke.

I agree. Most still have armies but how many of those armies have ever been in combat?? Not since WWII have any of those armies ever fought a war.

They depend on us to come to their aid if they ever have to fight again.
. Capitalistic is the only way I can describe your health care system.

wow thats totally 100% misinformed!!!!! Medicaid VA Medicare Schip tricare clinics are all as far from capitalism as you can possibly get. No wonder why nothing you say makes sense!!! Where to begin with you???
You point to a fraction of your medical system to try to proof the entire system is not capitalistic as hell? You don't think that is a trifle dishonest? I'll give you some examples in my personal life. This is not hearsay, this happened to my wife's family. One of my brothers-in-law got hit by a car, it was a hit and run and he shattered his shoulder. This was the pre ACA times so he went to the ER where they stabilised the shoulder and put him on his merry way. He needed reconstructive surgery but had no insurance so he didn't get it done. So a healthy 30 year old male went on disability and stopped being a constructive member of society because he couldn't pay for a relatively easily corrected condition. This would not happen in Belgium.
My mother in law who was the head nurse in a ward for the criminally insane in a place in NY, was diagnosed with a pretty bad hernia in her middle fifties. She got surgery, but got addicted to morphine while in recovery. She was subsequently released home where she never fully finished her recovery process, she got bedridden was forced into early retirement and subsequently started to go in an out of hospitals, where her considerable savings including her house was used as funds to finance this. She had what Americans call full coverage but it still ended with her entire capital going into your "superior", health care system.
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