Allow Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines?

If someone in New York gets an insurance policy from Texas, are the birth control and abortion options guided by Texas law or New York law?

who cares?? it can be decided later. Most contracts of any kind cover this issue in the beginning so there are no surprises in the end.
So, you'd have Texas poliies that don't cover stuff NY says it's policies have to cover be sold in NY? There's states rights. Used to be a gop thing.
If someone in New York gets an insurance policy from Texas, are the birth control and abortion options guided by Texas law or New York law?

who cares?? it can be decided later. Most contracts of any kind cover this issue in the beginning so there are no surprises in the end.

What about the informed consumer? If you are an advocate of purchasing insurance across state lines, you should have an answer, since the reality could go either way. And if someone in New York is told the Texas insurance won't cover something because of Texas law. Which law takes precedence?
who cares?? it can be decided later. Most contracts of any kind cover this issue in the beginning so there are no surprises in the end.
So, you'd have Texas poliies that don't cover stuff NY says it's policies have to cover be sold in NY? There's states rights. Used to be a gop thing.

This could be a big issue. If suddenly Texas places new restrictions on what its insurers can cover. If you're in Texas you can vote the bastards out if you don't like the law. But in New York, you have no say in the matter.
who cares?? it can be decided later. Most contracts of any kind cover this issue in the beginning so there are no surprises in the end.
So, you'd have Texas poliies that don't cover stuff NY says it's policies have to cover be sold in NY? There's states rights. Used to be a gop thing.

This could be a big issue. If suddenly Texas places new restrictions on what its insurers can cover. If you're in Texas you can vote the bastards out if you don't like the law. But in New York, you have no say in the matter.
Well the point is that to actually create a healthcare system where individuals shop nationally, in markets where sellers actually have to disclose true costs and documented outcomes .... would take 60 senators. That's even if the gop was serious this time around. There were BIPARTISAN proposals for something like that with the gummitt setting up a support for every American to have some amount of assests to shot. The teaparty killed the gop, and the Obama admin found it more expedient to work with the Blue Cross folks.

The dems fell on their swords to enact Obamacare - which has increased coverage although it lacks cost controls of both true transparency and single payer. And the dems aren't going to help dismantle it. The gop could work to make some helpful changes in competition and funding, but they promised "repeal," and that won't happen.

And Trump who said HE'D LOCK BOTH SIDES IN A ROOM TILL THEY DID A DEAL has absolutely no intention of doing that. Can you imagine him like Carter or Clinton at Camp David, or Poppy on the phone putting together a coalition, or LBJ putting on the treatment individually, or to even be a Reagan and eventually agree to balanced budget legislation.


So we essentially have a game of chicken.
When you buy out of state auto insurance, their coverage is the same as in state insurance. Because states mandate minimum coverage, and don't bar insurance from paying certain types of claims. When it comes to medical coverage, some states may prohibit paying for a particular item, ex: RU486, or a particular procedure, ex: late term abortion, that would affect people in other states. And suddenly it becomes a federal issue.
who cares?? it can be decided later. Most contracts of any kind cover this issue in the beginning so there are no surprises in the end.
So, you'd have Texas poliies that don't cover stuff NY says it's policies have to cover be sold in NY? There's states rights. Used to be a gop thing.

This could be a big issue. If suddenly Texas places new restrictions on what its insurers can cover. If you're in Texas you can vote the bastards out if you don't like the law. But in New York, you have no say in the matter.
Well the point is that to actually create a healthcare system where individuals shop nationally, in markets where sellers actually have to disclose true costs and documented outcomes .... would take 60 senators. That's even if the gop was serious this time around. There were BIPARTISAN proposals for something like that with the gummitt setting up a support for every American to have some amount of assests to shot. The teaparty killed the gop, and the Obama admin found it more expedient to work with the Blue Cross folks.

The dems fell on their swords to enact Obamacare - which has increased coverage although it lacks cost controls of both true transparency and single payer. And the dems aren't going to help dismantle it. The gop could work to make some helpful changes in competition and funding, but they promised "repeal," and that won't happen.

And Trump who said HE'D LOCK BOTH SIDES IN A ROOM TILL THEY DID A DEAL has absolutely no intention of doing that. Can you imagine him like Carter or Clinton at Camp David, or Poppy on the phone putting together a coalition, or LBJ putting on the treatment individually, or to even be a Reagan and eventually agree to balanced budget legislation.


So we essentially have a game of chicken.
states get to regulate health care but not other products. This is why health care is so costly. Each state has its own product and little competition when we should have 3-4 national products emerge from a national competition like in all other industries. All we have to do is take away the restraint of trade exemptions stupidly granted to the states by liberal fools.
The dems fell on their swords to enact Obamacare - which has increased coverage although it lacks cost controls of both true transparency and single payer. And the dems aren't going to help dismantle it. The gop could work to make some helpful changes in competition and funding, but they promised "repeal," and that won't happen.

And Trump who said HE'D LOCK BOTH SIDES IN A ROOM TILL THEY DID A DEAL has absolutely no intention of doing that. Can you imagine him like Carter or Clinton at Camp David, or Poppy on the phone putting together a coalition, or LBJ putting on the treatment individually, or to even be a Reagan and eventually agree to balanced budget legislation.

So we essentially have a game of chicken.

Repeal and then replace, eventually, is not a viable option. Akin to knocking down the old bridge, before building a new one. Costs are out of control, but buying from out of state is not a quick and easy solution. A lot has to be worked out, as in whose laws apply when it comes to medical coverage.
states get to regulate health care but not other products. This is why health care is so costly. Each state has its own product and little competition when we should have 3-4 national products emerge from a national competition like in all other industries. All we have to do is take away the restraint of trade exemptions stupidly granted to the states by liberal fools.

When is somebody going to answer the question of which set of rules would out of state insurance play by? The state they're located in, or the state they offer coverage in? Especially if the two states have vastly different ideas of what should and shouldn't be covered.
In your system their is a for profit motive in most of your insurance system,.

we always have to start in kindergarten with you:

1) Most health care is for older folks who have Medicare Medicaid wherein insurance is not involved so we would not call that capitalism

2) in segment where insurance is important liberals made competition illegal in 1945 so we would not call that capitalism

can you graduate from kindergarten now??
I wonder why you do not address anything I say really? I have given you real life, first hand comparisons. You act like medicare and medicaid are the main means of insuring people. Sorry to tell you the facts say otherwise. 34 percent of the population fall under it according to this graph.Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population
And as I pointed out, these programs have the same fundamental problems that plague private healthcare. Mainly that people's health as a way to make profit is both morally wrong and creates a situation where profit supersedes patients best interests. Even if medicare and medicaid is publicly funded they still mainly need the same medicines and the same hospitals that people insured via their job use. So no the fact that they are funded in a different way doesn't make it any less a continuation of capitalism. Socialised healthcare as I have, takes the profit motive out of medicine and in cases where they have to avail themselves to for profit companies ( big pharma) the government strongly regulates what those companies can do, including price setting. This like I pointed out before makes for a cheaper and better healthcare system.
Your article notes that it is essentially illegal to sell across state lines in most of the states. You fail

So if Federal government allows it, it's irrelevant.

If the Federal government forces it, then one might think that conservatives would object to the federal government interfering with the states.

Try to keep up here. The OP's premise of a national free market insurance market being legal is a myth. There was obviously many other problems present in the law to make it unworkable. Simply saying it was okay to offer the plans, does little to make it reality. It is the federal government's interference that makes it a problem. Again it boils down to free markets and less government.

I agree. Competition brings prices down and if all insurance companies have to compete for you're dollar prices will go down.

Don't know bout you but I'm the cheapest bitch on the planet and I shop for the best I can get for the lowest price. So will everyone else. Insurance companies will have to lower prices to compete for you're dollar.

Are airfares going down? Got a lot of airlines out their "competing" for your business. Is auto insurance going down? There's a whole bunch of auto insurance companies competing for your business but their quotes/rates are basically the same. Drug prices dropping? There's a whole lot of pharmaceutical companies who make generic versions of the same drug and charge the same price.

Same will happen when Donald unleashes the health insurance companies back into pre-ACA mode: They will collude and the prices for health insurance are going to go through the roof with the added "benefit" of FEWER benefits, shit policies that will say, cover cancer surgery but won't cover chemotherapy. Will cover the treatment for back surgery but won't cover the hospital stay. Shit, shit, shit policies.

Thank you all you stupid fucking idiots that put this goon in the Oval Office. The only consolation I have is knowing that you're fucked, too.
Are airfares going down? Got a lot of airlines out their "competing" for your business. Is auto insurance going down? There's a whole bunch of auto insurance companies competing for your business but their quotes/rates are basically the same. Drug prices dropping? There's a whole lot of pharmaceutical companies who make generic versions of the same drug and charge the same price.

Same will happen when Donald unleashes the health insurance companies back into pre-ACA mode: They will collude and the prices for health insurance are going to go through the roof with the added "benefit" of FEWER benefits, shit policies that will say, cover cancer surgery but won't cover chemotherapy. Will cover the treatment for back surgery but won't cover the hospital stay. Shit, shit, shit policies.

Thank you all you stupid fucking idiots that put this goon in the Oval Office. The only consolation I have is knowing that you're fucked, too.

Are there new companies joining in the competition for those industries?

There's this thing called inflation, you may want to read about it.
The states are the ones prohibiting interstate purchasing, not the Federal government.

Is that really too hard for you to understand?
Liberals are known for attaching huge amounts of forbidden Federal authority to relatively simple Constitutional phrases such as "Congress shall have the power... to regulate Commerce... among the several states."

But here we see a liberal trying to pretend that phrase does NOT give Congress the power to regulate Commerce among the several states. It's OK, he says, for states to regulate the sale of health insurance across state lines, and even for the state to forbid the its own citizens to buy health insurance from a different state.

I have no doubt that many states are doing that. Many of them try to regulate firearms, too. Whether it's LEGAL for them to do those things, is another question.
[ Mainly that people's health as a way to make profit is both morally wrong and creates a situation where profit supersedes patients best interests.

always in pre kindergarten with you:

America has most health patents in world by far because people want to make a profit by doing good. Is it immoral to make a profit selling cars or health or curing disease? This is why we lead the world by a factor of 100 in new products and services. Do you have any idea at all what on earth you are talking about?
health as a way to make profit
this is exactly what we want in cars and health. If someone does it well they make a huge profit, others copy and compete with them, and the quality of cars and health gets better and better while those who do it poorly go bankrupt.
When you buy out of state auto insurance, their coverage is the same as in state insurance. Because states mandate minimum coverage, and don't bar insurance from paying certain types of claims. When it comes to medical coverage, some states may prohibit paying for a particular item, ex: RU486, or a particular procedure, ex: late term abortion, that would affect people in other states. And suddenly it becomes a federal issue.

Except you don't really buy out of state auto insurance, your insurance coverage is based on the laws of the state were you reside and your local address.

When is somebody going to answer the question of which set of rules would out of state insurance play by? The state they're located in, or the state they offer coverage in? Especially if the two states have vastly different ideas of what should and shouldn't be covered.

Same as auto insurance. The state where you reside is the state of the policy so it would be subject to the laws and rates applicable to your residence.

People that believe they live in Atlanta, GA and are going to pay the same rates as someone in rural Maine are fooling themselves.

So if Federal government allows it, it's irrelevant.

If the Federal government forces it, then one might think that conservatives would object to the federal government interfering with the states.

Try to keep up here. The OP's premise of a national free market insurance market being legal is a myth. There was obviously many other problems present in the law to make it unworkable. Simply saying it was okay to offer the plans, does little to make it reality. It is the federal government's interference that makes it a problem. Again it boils down to free markets and less government.

I agree. Competition brings prices down and if all insurance companies have to compete for you're dollar prices will go down.

Don't know bout you but I'm the cheapest bitch on the planet and I shop for the best I can get for the lowest price. So will everyone else. Insurance companies will have to lower prices to compete for you're dollar.
The problem with the US health care system isn't government. It's the whole idea that people's health is a tradable commodity. I'm European and I pay way less for at least comparable, if not better healthcare. Our system is government controlled and it's more efficient and cheaper. My wife is American so I can make these claims both by personal experience and researchable facts.

Cough!.............What percentage of the European income goes to taxes? Europe doesn't even have the capacity to defend itself. They rely on the USA. Then consider the USA is far more complex than say Switzerland. Europe is broke.

I agree. Most still have armies but how many of those armies have ever been in combat?? Not since WWII have any of those armies ever fought a war.

They depend on us to come to their aid if they ever have to fight again.

Do you think it was only the U.S. that fought and are still fighting in the Middle East. Have you ever heard of NATO troops and what NATO means?
Try to keep up here. The OP's premise of a national free market insurance market being legal is a myth. There was obviously many other problems present in the law to make it unworkable. Simply saying it was okay to offer the plans, does little to make it reality. It is the federal government's interference that makes it a problem. Again it boils down to free markets and less government.

I agree. Competition brings prices down and if all insurance companies have to compete for you're dollar prices will go down.

Don't know bout you but I'm the cheapest bitch on the planet and I shop for the best I can get for the lowest price. So will everyone else. Insurance companies will have to lower prices to compete for you're dollar.
The problem with the US health care system isn't government. It's the whole idea that people's health is a tradable commodity. I'm European and I pay way less for at least comparable, if not better healthcare. Our system is government controlled and it's more efficient and cheaper. My wife is American so I can make these claims both by personal experience and researchable facts.

Cough!.............What percentage of the European income goes to taxes? Europe doesn't even have the capacity to defend itself. They rely on the USA. Then consider the USA is far more complex than say Switzerland. Europe is broke.

I agree. Most still have armies but how many of those armies have ever been in combat?? Not since WWII have any of those armies ever fought a war.

They depend on us to come to their aid if they ever have to fight again.

Do you think it was only the U.S. that fought and are still fighting in the Middle East. Have you ever heard of NATO troops and what NATO means?

Sadly it is only USA that fights and dies these day!!

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