allow me to re-introduce myself

I haven't been here long, so I don't know you. I just want to know one thing. Are you a liberal or a conservative?
I haven't been here long, so I don't know you. I just want to know one thing. Are you a liberal or a conservative?

he is a big fucking crybaby who had a major meltdown because he could not handle the women here....he left sobbing all the way to the exit....
^from what I recall of him, he comes across as quite conservative, which should make you happy. ;)
^from what I recall of him, he comes across as quite conservative, which should make you happy. ;)
Well, he said he's a libertarian, but some libertarians are liberals. I think most of us lean right, however.
^you could lean further left. There is a leftie inside of you just waiting to come out! ;)
I'll never lean as far left as the Democratic Party has become. They've moved so far to the left, they've LEFT the country.
^you could lean further left. There is a leftie inside of you just waiting to come out! ;)
I'll never lean as far left as the Democratic Party has become. They've moved so far to the left, they've LEFT the country.

Bit like me. I lean so far left that I can't find a political party that completely matches my views. Kind of annoying especially with an election coming up in September, and I have no one to vote for!

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