Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

A lot of people on my side still think they were cheated, and you just want them to shut up.

Your side didn't accept it, you spent 4 years trying to overturn it.

From bureaucrats leaking, to not doing their job, to the impeachment, to the 4 years of calling him the devil and his supporters demons.

Your side only thinks that because they can’t accept that they lost. Trump won’t accept it and neither will you. Feeling cheated is the only way to maintain your world view that Trump is always winning. If he isn’t winning, it’s someone else’s fault. It’s not a healthy state of mind.

We didn’t spend 4 years trying to overturn the election. We spent 4 years pushing back against him. Leaks don’t overturn elections. Bureaucrats not doing their job doesn’t overturn elections. Calling him names doesn’t overturn elections. Impeachment doesn’t overturn elections.

Trying to get Mike Pence to unilaterally toss out state appointed electors is overturning an election.

Keep saying it to yourself if it makes you feel better, you miserable sack of shit, but you are fucking lying.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.
Gore had a point. He wanted all ballots counted. As many as possible. He wasn’t asking Florida to throw out hundreds of thousands of ballot he didn’t like. He wasn’t telling Congress to disregard the results entirely.

He just wanted the ballots counted but ran out of time.

And in the end it was shown that he more than likely lost anyway.

Gore only wanted ballots re-counted in counties he knew he had an advantage.
That’s true. Gore should have requested a statewide recount which is what the Supreme Court of Florida ordered.

I remember vividly that the Republican stance at the time was that any recount is unnecessary because like it or not we have to go with the initial result.

And the most complete count, all counties and over and under votes resulted in a Gore win.

Gore conceded when he lost because he did it for the good of the country. He didn’t feel the need to pretend otherwise. Consider the outcome of the entire election hinged on a few hundred votes in a single state. Trump lost by tens of thousands over several states.

Got a link to those studies showing he won?
it’s well explained in the wiki page.

wikipedia is a useless source for debated materials, try harder.

Wikipedia is well sourced and highly accurate.

The studies are in the references.

See what I mean?
There’s no pleasing you because you only will accept one thing, bring right.

That’s why you claim to want an investigation but we both know that an investigation is useless since you’ll ignore it when it doesn’t say what you want.

Wikipedia is editable by pretty much anyone, and has a strong left wing bias. And referencing opinion pieces doesn't make them factual.

The references weren’t opinion pieces. They were the studies that you requested.

Opinion pieces.

But in your wibble mind just saying it makes it true, and the rest of us need to shut up and die.

You first.
The country is worse off when the other chunk doesn't care about proving to the other chunk they are wrong, and instead just want them to shut up.
But we have. Over and over and over again.

It doesn’t matter what we do because you have already stated you don’t trust us and don’t care what we have to say. You literally just said this.

You demand we prove you wrong.
You refuse to listen to us proving you wrong.

I’ll say it again. You don’t actually want to be proven wrong and you won’t allow it. You only want Trump to win no matter what.

Being this disconnected from reality is dangerous. Being unreachable by any means is dangerous.

Again you haven't "proven" anything. No deep dive has been done, most of the lawsuits were denied on standing.

Enjoy your probably ill gotten gains.
You don’t know what has been done since you won’t listen to anyone who doesn’t tell you what you want to hear.

Sorry a lot of your lawsuits were tossed on standing. That’s your side’s fault. Not my fault. Not the court’s fault. That’s the fault of lawyers who don’t know what their doing because the good lawyers don’t bring frivolous lawsuits.

You can’t make blanket statements about the court cases. The cases failed for a litany of reasons.

Some cases didn’t allege fraud, just complained about how the election process occurred. You can’t wait till you lose an election to complain about the process that’s been in place for (sometimes) years. Some cases claimed fraud but looking at the claims, they weren’t factual, they were opinions. Statistics can’t prove fraud, they only can raise suspicion, so a case claiming fraud based on opinions from statistical analysis are going to be rejected since it’s not actually claiming to know factually there was fraud. Some cases claimed fraud but the claims weren’t actually claiming fraud, they were saying they saw something they couldn’t explain so they assumed it was fraud.

There were basically no factual claims of actual fraud. But you know what? Trump supporters don’t know that. They don’t read the cases. They don’t follow the court decisions. They don’t listen to anyone who explains why their petitions failed.

They believe they weren’t heard when they were. They believe they were cheated when they weren’t.
Keep saying it to yourself if it makes you feel better, you miserable sack of shit, but you are fucking lying.
This is where you dissolve into anger because I point out that your world view is disconnected from reality.

It’s really upsetting when these two don’t line up so there’s a number of mechanisms to cope with it. You’re going with anger.
The country is worse off when the other chunk doesn't care about proving to the other chunk they are wrong, and instead just want them to shut up.
But we have. Over and over and over again.

It doesn’t matter what we do because you have already stated you don’t trust us and don’t care what we have to say. You literally just said this.

You demand we prove you wrong.
You refuse to listen to us proving you wrong.

I’ll say it again. You don’t actually want to be proven wrong and you won’t allow it. You only want Trump to win no matter what.

Being this disconnected from reality is dangerous. Being unreachable by any means is dangerous.

Again you haven't "proven" anything. No deep dive has been done, most of the lawsuits were denied on standing.

Enjoy your probably ill gotten gains.
You don’t know what has been done since you won’t listen to anyone who doesn’t tell you what you want to hear.

Sorry a lot of your lawsuits were tossed on standing. That’s your side’s fault. Not my fault. Not the court’s fault. That’s the fault of lawyers who don’t know what their doing because the good lawyers don’t bring frivolous lawsuits.

You can’t make blanket statements about the court cases. The cases failed for a litany of reasons.

Some cases didn’t allege fraud, just complained about how the election process occurred. You can’t wait till you lose an election to complain about the process that’s been in place for (sometimes) years. Some cases claimed fraud but looking at the claims, they weren’t factual, they were opinions. Statistics can’t prove fraud, they only can raise suspicion, so a case claiming fraud based on opinions from statistical analysis are going to be rejected since it’s not actually claiming to know factually there was fraud. Some cases claimed fraud but the claims weren’t actually claiming fraud, they were saying they saw something they couldn’t explain so they assumed it was fraud.

There were basically no factual claims of actual fraud. But you know what? Trump supporters don’t know that. They don’t read the cases. They don’t follow the court decisions. They don’t listen to anyone who explains why their petitions failed.

They believe they weren’t heard when they were. They believe they were cheated when they weren’t.

It was a way for the courts to punt and not have to make hard choices, also considering the time constraints, what do you expect?

A lot of the process complaints were due to changes made "due to COVID, nudge nudge" that made it easier for questionable votes to be admitted.

The believe the system is designed to fuck them over, and your side is now proving it.
it's called having an opinion, something your ilk want to stop if the opinion isn't "approved"

Kind of like saying a dude with a dick is a girl, and has to be called a girl "or else"?

You clearly do not understand the different between opinion and fact.

Opinion is acceptable in the absence of fact not in conflict with it.

Yelling, "it's my opinon" is the ignorant man's way of dealing with a fact they do not like.

As to the "dude with a dick is a girl" yada, yada, yada, it is nothing like that at all. This is yet another logical fallacy you make.
Keep saying it to yourself if it makes you feel better, you miserable sack of shit, but you are fucking lying.
This is where you dissolve into anger because I point out that your world view is disconnected from reality.

It’s really upsetting when these two don’t line up so there’s a number of mechanisms to cope with it. You’re going with anger.

Anger in the face of injustice and tyranny is no vice, playing nice with people that want to bury you in a hole is no virtue.
it's called having an opinion, something your ilk want to stop if the opinion isn't "approved"

Kind of like saying a dude with a dick is a girl, and has to be called a girl "or else"?

You clearly do not understand the different between opinion and fact.

Opinion is acceptable in the absence of fact not in conflict with it.

Yelling, "it's my opinon" is the ignorant man's way of dealing with a fact they do not like.

As to the "dude with a dick is a girl" yada, yada, yada, it is nothing like that at all. This is yet another logical fallacy you make.

Treating opinions as facts when they line up with your belief structure is all what being a progressive is about.

Water is H20 is a fact. "The election was clean" is an opinion.

And it's exactly that, you dishonest hack.
The country is worse off when the other chunk doesn't care about proving to the other chunk they are wrong, and instead just want them to shut up.
But we have. Over and over and over again.

It doesn’t matter what we do because you have already stated you don’t trust us and don’t care what we have to say. You literally just said this.

You demand we prove you wrong.
You refuse to listen to us proving you wrong.

I’ll say it again. You don’t actually want to be proven wrong and you won’t allow it. You only want Trump to win no matter what.

Being this disconnected from reality is dangerous. Being unreachable by any means is dangerous.

Again you haven't "proven" anything. No deep dive has been done, most of the lawsuits were denied on standing.

Enjoy your probably ill gotten gains.
You don’t know what has been done since you won’t listen to anyone who doesn’t tell you what you want to hear.

Sorry a lot of your lawsuits were tossed on standing. That’s your side’s fault. Not my fault. Not the court’s fault. That’s the fault of lawyers who don’t know what their doing because the good lawyers don’t bring frivolous lawsuits.

You can’t make blanket statements about the court cases. The cases failed for a litany of reasons.

Some cases didn’t allege fraud, just complained about how the election process occurred. You can’t wait till you lose an election to complain about the process that’s been in place for (sometimes) years. Some cases claimed fraud but looking at the claims, they weren’t factual, they were opinions. Statistics can’t prove fraud, they only can raise suspicion, so a case claiming fraud based on opinions from statistical analysis are going to be rejected since it’s not actually claiming to know factually there was fraud. Some cases claimed fraud but the claims weren’t actually claiming fraud, they were saying they saw something they couldn’t explain so they assumed it was fraud.

There were basically no factual claims of actual fraud. But you know what? Trump supporters don’t know that. They don’t read the cases. They don’t follow the court decisions. They don’t listen to anyone who explains why their petitions failed.

They believe they weren’t heard when they were. They believe they were cheated when they weren’t.

It was a way for the courts to punt and not have to make hard choices, also considering the time constraints, what do you expect?

A lot of the process complaints were due to changes made "due to COVID, nudge nudge" that made it easier for questionable votes to be admitted.

The believe the system is designed to fuck them over, and your side is now proving it.
If there isn’t standing, there isn’t standing. Courts aren’t going to break the rules for your benefit. They’re going to apply the rules just the same, which means if some shitty Trump loving lawyer files some stupid lawsuit, it’s going to get tossed because they’re being treated equally. But then again, you don’t care about that. You just want to win.

They believe the system is designed to fuck them over because they didn’t get what they want. This is not a mature, healthy mind that believes this. It’s someone disconnected from reality that will only accept one outcome.
Anger in the face of injustice and tyranny is no vice, playing nice with people that want to bury you in a hole is no virtue.
It’s not injustice. It’s losing.

I don’t want to “bury you in a hole” (although that’s basically what you have stated to me many times). I just want you to live in reality again. You’ll be much less angry if you do.
Anger in the face of injustice and tyranny is no vice, playing nice with people that want to bury you in a hole is no virtue.
It’s not injustice. It’s losing.

I don’t want to “bury you in a hole” (although that’s basically what you have stated to me many times). I just want you to live in reality again. You’ll be much less angry if you do.

I'd be much less angry if there weren't so many SJW liars like you out there.
Being this disconnected from reality is dangerous. Being unreachable by any means is dangerous.
You can always tell when a nutter knows (at least at some level) that they're defending the indefensible: They change the subject and attack you personally.

These deaths and injuries are a fucking disgrace, and the domestic terrorists (and those who willingly enable them) damn well know it.
I skimmed them, mostly lefty agitprop.
And this is why I say that you will never be happy unless you get what you want. You don’t want a process, you want an outcome.

And you want to silence anyone who disagrees with you, or worse let others do your dirty work for them.

You wanna be Stasi prick.
Nope. Just trying to show you what you don’t want to see. What you refuse to acknowledge.

Just trying to live in the same world.
Being this disconnected from reality is dangerous. Being unreachable by any means is dangerous.
You can always tell when a nutter knows (at least at some level) that they're defending the indefensible: They change the subject and attack you personally.

These deaths and injuries are a fucking disgrace, and the domestic terrorists (and those who willingly enable them) damn well know it.
It’s easy to call them all nutters and I do that too.

But it’s different than that. They’re not stupid. Some of these nutters are very successful and insightful.

I don’t get it myself but there’s something different going on here. Something much more insidious.
Being this disconnected from reality is dangerous. Being unreachable by any means is dangerous.
You can always tell when a nutter knows (at least at some level) that they're defending the indefensible: They change the subject and attack you personally.

These deaths and injuries are a fucking disgrace, and the domestic terrorists (and those who willingly enable them) damn well know it.
It’s easy to call them all nutters and I do that too.

But it’s different than that. They’re not stupid. Some of these nutters are very successful and insightful.

I don’t get it myself but there’s something different going on here. Something much more insidious.
Oh, I agree. Being captured by an ideology is not a function of intelligence or lack thereof.

I say it all the time: This is a a group pathology, and the world has seen it before.

Give Trump "credit": He knew exactly what to do, and exactly who to target.

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