Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.

You are saying he won Tennessee?
If PA, Ga,MI, WI and Az were rigged why not red state Tennessee?

Gore lost due to his gun control stance causing him to lose HIS HOME STATE.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
You sure?

Or are those just the errors we heard about because it fit the Trump narrative?

How can I be sure? I haven't seen a report, or a hard investigation, or even someone calling for those.

It's just "shut up and trust us" from the very people we are accusing of gaming the system.
You can’t be sure but it didn’t stop you from believing it anyway.

It was “believe it because it’s convenient”, the type of shitty logic that pervades the Trump faithful and results in their anger.

You can trust the people who know what they’re talking about or you can trust Trump and his shitty lawyers. You’ll trust the shitty lawyers because they tell you what you want to hear, not because it’s actually true.

Why should I trust people who got what they wanted and could care less if they got it via cheating?

I want a report, a commission, and full blown investigation.
You don’t know the first thing about who these people are or what they want but it doesn’t stop you from acting like you do.

This is yet again another way to rationalize what you want to believe. It’s not factual. Not reality based. Just a mental trick to preserve your false sense of reality.

When the investigation doesn’t show what you want, you want another investigation. Oh and an investigation of the investigation. Like Benghazi. Like Crossfire Hurricane.

You ignore the questions because it suits you. Again, you got what you wanted.
I don’t ignore the question, I point out that it is based on a baseless assumption. That’s not an honest question.

Tell me that Raffensperger got what he wanted by electing Biden. Is that what you want me to believe?
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.
Gore had a point. He wanted all ballots counted. As many as possible. He wasn’t asking Florida to throw out hundreds of thousands of ballot he didn’t like. He wasn’t telling Congress to disregard the results entirely.

He just wanted the ballots counted but ran out of time.

And in the end it was shown that he more than likely lost anyway.

Gore only wanted ballots re-counted in counties he knew he had an advantage.
That’s true. Gore should have requested a statewide recount which is what the Supreme Court of Florida ordered.

I remember vividly that the Republican stance at the time was that any recount is unnecessary because like it or not we have to go with the initial result.

And the most complete count, all counties and over and under votes resulted in a Gore win.

Gore conceded when he lost because he did it for the good of the country. He didn’t feel the need to pretend otherwise. Consider the outcome of the entire election hinged on a few hundred votes in a single state. Trump lost by tens of thousands over several states.

Got a link to those studies showing he won?
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
You sure?

Or are those just the errors we heard about because it fit the Trump narrative?

How can I be sure? I haven't seen a report, or a hard investigation, or even someone calling for those.

It's just "shut up and trust us" from the very people we are accusing of gaming the system.
You can’t be sure but it didn’t stop you from believing it anyway.

It was “believe it because it’s convenient”, the type of shitty logic that pervades the Trump faithful and results in their anger.

You can trust the people who know what they’re talking about or you can trust Trump and his shitty lawyers. You’ll trust the shitty lawyers because they tell you what you want to hear, not because it’s actually true.

Why should I trust people who got what they wanted and could care less if they got it via cheating?

I want a report, a commission, and full blown investigation.
You don’t know the first thing about who these people are or what they want but it doesn’t stop you from acting like you do.

This is yet again another way to rationalize what you want to believe. It’s not factual. Not reality based. Just a mental trick to preserve your false sense of reality.

When the investigation doesn’t show what you want, you want another investigation. Oh and an investigation of the investigation. Like Benghazi. Like Crossfire Hurricane.

You ignore the questions because it suits you. Again, you got what you wanted.
I don’t ignore the question, I point out that it is based on a baseless assumption. That’s not an honest question.

Tell me that Raffensperger got what he wanted by electing Biden. Is that what you want me to believe?

The people in the local districts where people point out concerns sure as hell wanted Biden elected, and like a good lemming, Raffensperger wouldn't upset the apple cart.
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
We supported those rioters the same way you support nutjobs every time they shoot up a school.

You support the status quo which allows those nutjobs to obtain guns. No background checks, etc.

We don’t support the rioters we supported the protesters and blm movement.

Please show a post detailing a person supporting a guy shooting up a school, or remove the accusation you fucking pansy.

You gave the rioters a pass and make a big deal of ONE DAY OF UNREST because its being done by people you don't like.

Were the people who just marched to the capitol and didn't go in peaceful protesters?

Were the people who went into the capitol after the police stopped trying to stop people and just walked around peaceful?
You won't pass legislation to stop nuts from shooting up schools. You're guilty. You have blood on your hands.

You want to punish law abiding people who want to own firearms. It's like banning sober people from driving because of alcohol abusers.

Again, point out someone supporting a school shooter or shut the fuck up.
How about breathalizers in every car? Why do we have to wait for you to kill someone?

Because why should I have to take a test to start my vehicle if I don't drink and drive?
So you say.

It's just more punishing law abiding people because you don't think we deserve to own something or be able to use something without going through hoops.
Rocko said he likes stop and frisk. Would you be ok with cops randomly coming up to you and frisking you?
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
You sure?

Or are those just the errors we heard about because it fit the Trump narrative?

How can I be sure? I haven't seen a report, or a hard investigation, or even someone calling for those.

It's just "shut up and trust us" from the very people we are accusing of gaming the system.
You can’t be sure but it didn’t stop you from believing it anyway.

It was “believe it because it’s convenient”, the type of shitty logic that pervades the Trump faithful and results in their anger.

You can trust the people who know what they’re talking about or you can trust Trump and his shitty lawyers. You’ll trust the shitty lawyers because they tell you what you want to hear, not because it’s actually true.

Why should I trust people who got what they wanted and could care less if they got it via cheating?

I want a report, a commission, and full blown investigation.
You don’t know the first thing about who these people are or what they want but it doesn’t stop you from acting like you do.

This is yet again another way to rationalize what you want to believe. It’s not factual. Not reality based. Just a mental trick to preserve your false sense of reality.

When the investigation doesn’t show what you want, you want another investigation. Oh and an investigation of the investigation. Like Benghazi. Like Crossfire Hurricane.

You ignore the questions because it suits you. Again, you got what you wanted.
I don’t ignore the question, I point out that it is based on a baseless assumption. That’s not an honest question.

Tell me that Raffensperger got what he wanted by electing Biden. Is that what you want me to believe?

The people in the local districts where people point out concerns sure as hell wanted Biden elected, and like a good lemming, Raffensperger wouldn't upset the apple cart.
Again, you don’t know anything about these “people” and just assign motive to them because that’s convenient. Same with Raffensperger.

When you allow yourself to base your reality on things that you want to be true rather than what is true, that’s when you become disconnected from reality. That’s exactly how Trump lives his life, his devout optimism about his own outcomes and that’s what happened here.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.
Gore had a point. He wanted all ballots counted. As many as possible. He wasn’t asking Florida to throw out hundreds of thousands of ballot he didn’t like. He wasn’t telling Congress to disregard the results entirely.

He just wanted the ballots counted but ran out of time.

And in the end it was shown that he more than likely lost anyway.

Gore only wanted ballots re-counted in counties he knew he had an advantage.
That’s true. Gore should have requested a statewide recount which is what the Supreme Court of Florida ordered.

I remember vividly that the Republican stance at the time was that any recount is unnecessary because like it or not we have to go with the initial result.

And the most complete count, all counties and over and under votes resulted in a Gore win.

Gore conceded when he lost because he did it for the good of the country. He didn’t feel the need to pretend otherwise. Consider the outcome of the entire election hinged on a few hundred votes in a single state. Trump lost by tens of thousands over several states.

Got a link to those studies showing he won?
it’s well explained in the wiki page.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.
Gore had a point. He wanted all ballots counted. As many as possible. He wasn’t asking Florida to throw out hundreds of thousands of ballot he didn’t like. He wasn’t telling Congress to disregard the results entirely.

He just wanted the ballots counted but ran out of time.

And in the end it was shown that he more than likely lost anyway.

Gore only wanted ballots re-counted in counties he knew he had an advantage.
That’s true. Gore should have requested a statewide recount which is what the Supreme Court of Florida ordered.

I remember vividly that the Republican stance at the time was that any recount is unnecessary because like it or not we have to go with the initial result.

And the most complete count, all counties and over and under votes resulted in a Gore win.

Gore conceded when he lost because he did it for the good of the country. He didn’t feel the need to pretend otherwise. Consider the outcome of the entire election hinged on a few hundred votes in a single state. Trump lost by tens of thousands over several states.

Got a link to those studies showing he won?
Fuck you. If you don’t know it’s because you don’t want to know.

And it’s funny that today you think what happened to gore happened to trump.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.

You are saying he won Tennessee?
If PA, Ga,MI, WI and Az were rigged why not red state Tennessee?

Gore lost due to his gun control stance causing him to lose HIS HOME STATE.

Nah, Gore lost because like Hillary - He was a crappy candidate.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
You sure?

Or are those just the errors we heard about because it fit the Trump narrative?

How can I be sure? I haven't seen a report, or a hard investigation, or even someone calling for those.

It's just "shut up and trust us" from the very people we are accusing of gaming the system.
You can’t be sure but it didn’t stop you from believing it anyway.

It was “believe it because it’s convenient”, the type of shitty logic that pervades the Trump faithful and results in their anger.

You can trust the people who know what they’re talking about or you can trust Trump and his shitty lawyers. You’ll trust the shitty lawyers because they tell you what you want to hear, not because it’s actually true.

Why should I trust people who got what they wanted and could care less if they got it via cheating?

I want a report, a commission, and full blown investigation.
You don’t know the first thing about who these people are or what they want but it doesn’t stop you from acting like you do.

This is yet again another way to rationalize what you want to believe. It’s not factual. Not reality based. Just a mental trick to preserve your false sense of reality.

When the investigation doesn’t show what you want, you want another investigation. Oh and an investigation of the investigation. Like Benghazi. Like Crossfire Hurricane.

You ignore the questions because it suits you. Again, you got what you wanted.
I don’t ignore the question, I point out that it is based on a baseless assumption. That’s not an honest question.

Tell me that Raffensperger got what he wanted by electing Biden. Is that what you want me to believe?

The people in the local districts where people point out concerns sure as hell wanted Biden elected, and like a good lemming, Raffensperger wouldn't upset the apple cart.
Again, you don’t know anything about these “people” and just assign motive to them because that’s convenient. Same with Raffensperger.

When you allow yourself to base your reality on things that you want to be true rather than what is true, that’s when you become disconnected from reality. That’s exactly how Trump lives his life, his devout optimism about his own outcomes and that’s what happened here.
And look at how fast they turn on republicans or Fox News when they said Biden won.

Both Trump and his backers were livid when Fox News called Arizona for Democratic rival Joe Biden, who would go on to win the election. Pro-Trump crowds even chanted “Fox News sucks!” as election workers counted ballots.
“When I defended the call for Biden in the Arizona election, I became a target of murderous rage from consumers who were furious at not having their views confirmed,” he wrote in a Los Angeles Times opinion piece.
The election denial that followed, he said, was “partly a cynical, knowing effort by political operators and their hype men in the media to steal an election or at least get rich trying.”
But it was also the result of cable news “indulging a consumer’s worst cravings” with the kind of content aired, especially the “self-affirming half-truths and even outright lies” that many viewers seek.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.
Gore had a point. He wanted all ballots counted. As many as possible. He wasn’t asking Florida to throw out hundreds of thousands of ballot he didn’t like. He wasn’t telling Congress to disregard the results entirely.

He just wanted the ballots counted but ran out of time.

And in the end it was shown that he more than likely lost anyway.

Gore only wanted ballots re-counted in counties he knew he had an advantage.
That’s true. Gore should have requested a statewide recount which is what the Supreme Court of Florida ordered.

I remember vividly that the Republican stance at the time was that any recount is unnecessary because like it or not we have to go with the initial result.

And the most complete count, all counties and over and under votes resulted in a Gore win.

Gore conceded when he lost because he did it for the good of the country. He didn’t feel the need to pretend otherwise. Consider the outcome of the entire election hinged on a few hundred votes in a single state. Trump lost by tens of thousands over several states.

Got a link to those studies showing he won?
Fuck you. If you don’t know it’s because you don’t want to know.

And it’s funny that today you think what happened to gore happened to trump.
They don’t want to know.

Just look how Marty behaves here.

First he just wants to be heard.
they were heard.
Then he wants an explanation.
there was an explanation.
The explanation came from Biden supporters.
Raffensperger is a Trump supporter.
The explanation needs to come from someone else.

They keep pretending like they want a process.
They don’t want a process. They want an outcome. They want Trump to win and anything that says he didn’t win doesn’t count for some reason. Any reason. They can come up with anything to deny it.

Watch Marty come up with a reason to deny the Florida recount studies and remember that the original statement was that the studies showed Biden losing.
In addition to the cop who died after having his skull crushed with a fire extinguisher, the injuries include brain, cracked ribs, smashed spinal discs, eye issues (one about to lose an eye) and one officer stabbed with a metal fence stake. To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad :confused:

First of all you list 7-8 serious injuries and claim 140 with one death? That seems very suspect. However behind the hype injuring those cops was both wrong and the action of people who feel their voice has been taken away. Just like the summer riots with all the violence and damage that went on in hundreds of them! Murder rates rose in those cities dramatically. The difference? Prominent dems allowed, enabled and incited those riots while refusing to stop them As long as they stayed in the hood but when they came to the mayor's burb suddenly the cops could be called. Not the gard with their guns though! Not until the elite's place of work was breeched. It's not about the riot , it's about WHOM is thretened by the riot! Trump incited nothing. There is no evidence vs tons on Twitter etc against the dems.

Anything you don't WANT to believe you consider "suspect". The information comes from the Officers Union Captain.

And yes, Rump incited the riots. Here's the evidence.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.
Gore had a point. He wanted all ballots counted. As many as possible. He wasn’t asking Florida to throw out hundreds of thousands of ballot he didn’t like. He wasn’t telling Congress to disregard the results entirely.

He just wanted the ballots counted but ran out of time.

And in the end it was shown that he more than likely lost anyway.

Gore only wanted ballots re-counted in counties he knew he had an advantage.
That’s true. Gore should have requested a statewide recount which is what the Supreme Court of Florida ordered.

I remember vividly that the Republican stance at the time was that any recount is unnecessary because like it or not we have to go with the initial result.

And the most complete count, all counties and over and under votes resulted in a Gore win.

Gore conceded when he lost because he did it for the good of the country. He didn’t feel the need to pretend otherwise. Consider the outcome of the entire election hinged on a few hundred votes in a single state. Trump lost by tens of thousands over several states.

Got a link to those studies showing he won?
Fuck you. If you don’t know it’s because you don’t want to know.

And it’s funny that today you think what happened to gore happened to trump.
They don’t want to know.

Just look how Marty behaves here.

First he just wants to be heard.
they were heard.
Then he wants an explanation.
there was an explanation.
The explanation came from Biden supporters.
Raffensperger is a Trump supporter.
The explanation needs to come from someone else.

They keep pretending like they want a process.
They don’t want a process. They want an outcome. They want Trump to win and anything that says he didn’t win doesn’t count for some reason. Any reason. They can come up with anything to deny it.

Watch Marty come up with a reason to deny the Florida recount studies and remember that the original statement was that the studies showed Biden losing.
I was watching court cases the other day. The lady kept saying to the judge, "show me the law". When he finally grabbed the law book to show her she didn't want to see it or hear it. LOL.
In addition to the cop who died after having his skull crushed with a fire extinguisher, the injuries include brain, cracked ribs, smashed spinal discs, eye issues (one about to lose an eye) and one officer stabbed with a metal fence stake. To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad :confused:

First of all you list 7-8 serious injuries and claim 140 with one death? That seems very suspect. However behind the hype injuring those cops was both wrong and the action of people who feel their voice has been taken away. Just like the summer riots with all the violence and damage that went on in hundreds of them! Murder rates rose in those cities dramatically. The difference? Prominent dems allowed, enabled and incited those riots while refusing to stop them As long as they stayed in the hood but when they came to the mayor's burb suddenly the cops could be called. Not the gard with their guns though! Not until the elite's place of work was breeched. It's not about the riot , it's about WHOM is thretened by the riot! Trump incited nothing. There is no evidence vs tons on Twitter etc against the dems.

Anything you don't WANT to believe you consider "suspect". The information comes from the Officers Union Captain.

And yes, Rump incited the riots. Here's the evidence.

Republicans love cops as long as those cops agree with them.

Yesterday one of them said the DC cops at the capitol were not real cops.
In addition to the cop who died after having his skull crushed with a fire extinguisher, the injuries include brain, cracked ribs, smashed spinal discs, eye issues (one about to lose an eye) and one officer stabbed with a metal fence stake. To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad :confused:

First of all you list 7-8 serious injuries and claim 140 with one death? That seems very suspect. However behind the hype injuring those cops was both wrong and the action of people who feel their voice has been taken away. Just like the summer riots with all the violence and damage that went on in hundreds of them! Murder rates rose in those cities dramatically. The difference? Prominent dems allowed, enabled and incited those riots while refusing to stop them As long as they stayed in the hood but when they came to the mayor's burb suddenly the cops could be called. Not the gard with their guns though! Not until the elite's place of work was breeched. It's not about the riot , it's about WHOM is thretened by the riot! Trump incited nothing. There is no evidence vs tons on Twitter etc against the dems.

Anything you don't WANT to believe you consider "suspect". The information comes from the Officers Union Captain.

And yes, Rump incited the riots. Here's the evidence.

Republicans love cops as long as those cops agree with them.

Yesterday one of them said the DC cops at the capitol were not real cops.

I think I saw that deplorable comment from one of our certified Deplorables. Something about fat rent-a-cops? :rolleyes-41:
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.

You are saying he won Tennessee?
If PA, Ga,MI, WI and Az were rigged why not red state Tennessee?

Gore lost due to his gun control stance causing him to lose HIS HOME STATE.
Gore lost because Jeb was governor of Florida. Butterfly ballots, hanging chads, rigged Diebold voting machines, riots to stop the recount, dead republicans voted, republicans voted twice and illegal Cuban immigrants voted for Bush
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
We supported those rioters the same way you support nutjobs every time they shoot up a school.

You support the status quo which allows those nutjobs to obtain guns. No background checks, etc.

We don’t support the rioters we supported the protesters and blm movement.

Please show a post detailing a person supporting a guy shooting up a school, or remove the accusation you fucking pansy.

You gave the rioters a pass and make a big deal of ONE DAY OF UNREST because its being done by people you don't like.

Were the people who just marched to the capitol and didn't go in peaceful protesters?

Were the people who went into the capitol after the police stopped trying to stop people and just walked around peaceful?
You won't pass legislation to stop nuts from shooting up schools. You're guilty. You have blood on your hands.

You want to punish law abiding people who want to own firearms. It's like banning sober people from driving because of alcohol abusers.

Again, point out someone supporting a school shooter or shut the fuck up.
How about breathalizers in every car? Why do we have to wait for you to kill someone?

Because why should I have to take a test to start my vehicle if I don't drink and drive?
So you say.

It's just more punishing law abiding people because you don't think we deserve to own something or be able to use something without going through hoops.
Rocko said he likes stop and frisk. Would you be ok with cops randomly coming up to you and frisking you?

It's not random, so stop lying about that.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
You sure?

Or are those just the errors we heard about because it fit the Trump narrative?

How can I be sure? I haven't seen a report, or a hard investigation, or even someone calling for those.

It's just "shut up and trust us" from the very people we are accusing of gaming the system.
You can’t be sure but it didn’t stop you from believing it anyway.

It was “believe it because it’s convenient”, the type of shitty logic that pervades the Trump faithful and results in their anger.

You can trust the people who know what they’re talking about or you can trust Trump and his shitty lawyers. You’ll trust the shitty lawyers because they tell you what you want to hear, not because it’s actually true.

Why should I trust people who got what they wanted and could care less if they got it via cheating?

I want a report, a commission, and full blown investigation.
You don’t know the first thing about who these people are or what they want but it doesn’t stop you from acting like you do.

This is yet again another way to rationalize what you want to believe. It’s not factual. Not reality based. Just a mental trick to preserve your false sense of reality.

When the investigation doesn’t show what you want, you want another investigation. Oh and an investigation of the investigation. Like Benghazi. Like Crossfire Hurricane.

You ignore the questions because it suits you. Again, you got what you wanted.
I don’t ignore the question, I point out that it is based on a baseless assumption. That’s not an honest question.

Tell me that Raffensperger got what he wanted by electing Biden. Is that what you want me to believe?

The people in the local districts where people point out concerns sure as hell wanted Biden elected, and like a good lemming, Raffensperger wouldn't upset the apple cart.
Again, you don’t know anything about these “people” and just assign motive to them because that’s convenient. Same with Raffensperger.

When you allow yourself to base your reality on things that you want to be true rather than what is true, that’s when you become disconnected from reality. That’s exactly how Trump lives his life, his devout optimism about his own outcomes and that’s what happened here.

it's called having an opinion, something your ilk want to stop if the opinion isn't "approved"

Kind of like saying a dude with a dick is a girl, and has to be called a girl "or else"?
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.
Gore had a point. He wanted all ballots counted. As many as possible. He wasn’t asking Florida to throw out hundreds of thousands of ballot he didn’t like. He wasn’t telling Congress to disregard the results entirely.

He just wanted the ballots counted but ran out of time.

And in the end it was shown that he more than likely lost anyway.

Gore only wanted ballots re-counted in counties he knew he had an advantage.
That’s true. Gore should have requested a statewide recount which is what the Supreme Court of Florida ordered.

I remember vividly that the Republican stance at the time was that any recount is unnecessary because like it or not we have to go with the initial result.

And the most complete count, all counties and over and under votes resulted in a Gore win.

Gore conceded when he lost because he did it for the good of the country. He didn’t feel the need to pretend otherwise. Consider the outcome of the entire election hinged on a few hundred votes in a single state. Trump lost by tens of thousands over several states.

Got a link to those studies showing he won?
it’s well explained in the wiki page.

wikipedia is a useless source for debated materials, try harder.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
Just like Florida 2000 all the errors favored Republicans.

At least in Florida they did hard recounts and investigated for months afterwards (And most of the those investigations showed Bush would have probably won anyway).

If you want to blame the 2000 election on anyone, blame it on Gore who couldn't even win his own home State.
Gore had a point. He wanted all ballots counted. As many as possible. He wasn’t asking Florida to throw out hundreds of thousands of ballot he didn’t like. He wasn’t telling Congress to disregard the results entirely.

He just wanted the ballots counted but ran out of time.

And in the end it was shown that he more than likely lost anyway.

Gore only wanted ballots re-counted in counties he knew he had an advantage.
That’s true. Gore should have requested a statewide recount which is what the Supreme Court of Florida ordered.

I remember vividly that the Republican stance at the time was that any recount is unnecessary because like it or not we have to go with the initial result.

And the most complete count, all counties and over and under votes resulted in a Gore win.

Gore conceded when he lost because he did it for the good of the country. He didn’t feel the need to pretend otherwise. Consider the outcome of the entire election hinged on a few hundred votes in a single state. Trump lost by tens of thousands over several states.

Got a link to those studies showing he won?
Fuck you. If you don’t know it’s because you don’t want to know.

And it’s funny that today you think what happened to gore happened to trump.

So your answer is no, you sniveling little SJW pajama boy cocksucker.

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