Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.

BS propaganda ------"injuries to brain"-----wats dat?

You wouldn’t want to know - Rosie ;)

I do know-----I have evaluated thousands of them
from acute lead poisoning to the brain to utter and
complete AMNESIA (usually enlisted men who somehow did not manage to get back to base on time)

You’ve “evaluated” thousands of tiny fictional characters living in your belly button :laugh:
In addition to the cop who died after having his skull crushed with a fire extinguisher, the injuries include brain, cracked ribs, smashed spinal discs, eye issues (one about to lose an eye) and one officer stabbed with a metal fence stake. To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad :confused:

If PIGLOSI and her Commie Party push We the People into totalitarianism you better expect we wont go quietly into the night.
Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
Nancy's castle guards will get over it....but the family of a dead woman killed by one of Nancy's guards will not.....
How come it’s ok when cops murder black men because they didn’t obey the cops verbal commands but it’s not ok to shoot people in a mob who are attacking the cops and not stopping when the cop said stop?
She was unarmed climbing through a window in a door...she wasn't being restrained and she posed no threat that warranted the taking of her life...should she have been there? she watched riots without consequences all summer long....I'm sure all of those people thought they would be arrested and released just like ANTIFA and BLM.....none of them expected to be gunned down by Nancy's palace guards.....fucking fat lazy rent a cops that couldn't get through a physical to become a real cop.....
Ashli Target Practice was a direct threat to lawmakers who were still hiding in in the House chamber just feet away. She was shot, leading the charge into that chamber, and she died a traitor to the country she once served.
Unarmed....not even a baseball bat in her little hands and the jack booted thug shot her dead...if she were Black wearing a BLM face mask the cop would be in jail awaiting trial...and you know it....
You lose as that cop did not have x-ray vision to know if she was carrying a concealed gun or not. His job was to protect the Congressmen/women hiding inside the House Chamber. She made a moronic threatening move attempting to climb over the barricade setup to keep those seditious insurrectionists out. It was a good shoot and the Capitol should charge her family for the mess she made that they had to clean up.

She died a traitor to this country.
Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
The cop that was killed? You mean the one that had a stroke.

I DID ask a communist.
Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
The cop that was killed? You mean the one that had a stroke.

I DID ask a communist.
A stroke from a blood clot. Head injuries can cause such blood clots and he was hit in the head.
Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
The cop that was killed? You mean the one that had a stroke.

I DID ask a communist.

Again Tipsyhag, as long as, the boys in blue are killed by right wing, conservative, racist that is fine.
To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad
Has Trump caused a fundamental political realignment similar to the one that occurred in 1860 when Lincoln brought forth the Republican Party?

Mike Davis seems to think so:

MR Online | ‘We’re witnessing a fundamental political realignment’: Mike Davis on the crisis in the United States

"A majority of Republicans in the House, moreover, voted against certifying the election. These Trump diehards now constitute a de facto third party.

"Since Trump thinks only of revenge, there is little chance of reconciling this group with the majority of Republicans in the Senate who voted in favor of accepting Biden’s election.

"The Republican Party is splitting in two even if both wings retain the same brand name.

"The Trump movement indeed has become a genuinely neo-fascist force organised around the myth of the 'stolen election' and tacitly condoning political violence.

"Their rage has become even more incandescent after Facebook and Twitter closed down Trump’s accounts."
It would be great if they deleted Trump's twitter account and he lost all those contacts he had.

Most were tossed on Standing.
I don’t know if it was most or not. But a lot were tossed on standing. That happens when you have shitty lawyers doing stupid things. That’s not the court’s fault.

But a lot of them weren’t. You said none of them were heard on merits. That’s a lie.

But it wasn’t just courts that did this. The media explained. Lawyers explained. The state’s officials explained.

Trump’s supporters were heard. It’s just that they were wrong and can’t accept it. The only thing they’d accept is Trump winning. Therefore any explanation that didn’t result in that outcome is not considered.

They were tossed because the courts don't want to deal with it, or don't care.

The people who had the most to benefit from it did all the "explaining".
The people who had the most knowledge did the most explaining.

The courts have to live in reality. They don’t rule on the fevered dreams and wild accusations of crazy Trump supporters. They rule on facts which were sorely missing from the lawsuits that were filed.

They were heard. It’s just that they didn’t like how it turned out. They don’t understand how the story that Trump gives them doesn’t line up with reality.

They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
Nancy's castle guards will get over it....but the family of a dead woman killed by one of Nancy's guards will not.....
How come it’s ok when cops murder black men because they didn’t obey the cops verbal commands but it’s not ok to shoot people in a mob who are attacking the cops and not stopping when the cop said stop?
She was unarmed climbing through a window in a door...she wasn't being restrained and she posed no threat that warranted the taking of her life...should she have been there? she watched riots without consequences all summer long....I'm sure all of those people thought they would be arrested and released just like ANTIFA and BLM.....none of them expected to be gunned down by Nancy's palace guards.....fucking fat lazy rent a cops that couldn't get through a physical to become a real cop.....
Ashli Target Practice was a direct threat to lawmakers who were still hiding in in the House chamber just feet away. She was shot, leading the charge into that chamber, and she died a traitor to the country she once served.
Unarmed....not even a baseball bat in her little hands and the jack booted thug shot her dead...if she were Black wearing a BLM face mask the cop would be in jail awaiting trial...and you know it....
You lose as that cop did not have x-ray vision to know if she was carrying a concealed gun or not. His job was to protect the Congressmen/women hiding inside the House Chamber. She made a moronic threatening move attempting to climb over the barricade setup to keep those seditious insurrectionists out. It was a good shoot and the Capitol should charge her family for the mess she made that they had to clean up.

She died a traitor to this country.
In Israel if a Palestinian terrorists does a suicide bomb the Israeli government will bomb the terrorists family's houses. Parents, uncles, grandparents. It makes other potential terrorists think twice before they suicide bomb. You aren't just killing yourself you're also killing your entire family.
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
We supported those rioters the same way you support nutjobs every time they shoot up a school.

You support the status quo which allows those nutjobs to obtain guns. No background checks, etc.

We don’t support the rioters we supported the protesters and blm movement.

Please show a post detailing a person supporting a guy shooting up a school, or remove the accusation you fucking pansy.

You gave the rioters a pass and make a big deal of ONE DAY OF UNREST because its being done by people you don't like.

Were the people who just marched to the capitol and didn't go in peaceful protesters?

Were the people who went into the capitol after the police stopped trying to stop people and just walked around peaceful?
You won't pass legislation to stop nuts from shooting up schools. You're guilty. You have blood on your hands.

You want to punish law abiding people who want to own firearms. It's like banning sober people from driving because of alcohol abusers.

Again, point out someone supporting a school shooter or shut the fuck up.
How about breathalizers in every car? Why do we have to wait for you to kill someone?

Because why should I have to take a test to start my vehicle if I don't drink and drive?
you only care because you hate trump and by proxy anyone who voted for him.
Only the people who don’t recognize what Trump has done to this country.

All on you, you pathetic political hacks.

"I'm colfax, I can't recognize other people's views because I'm a self centered SJW coward, and I suck cock"
I recognize other people’s views. But I also recognize when other people have become detached from reality.

That’s what’s harming our country.


Nah. Just look at the people who rioted at the Capitol. They’re delusional, but 100% committed to Trump.

It’s dangerous.

They are angry. and plenty did it peacefully, yet you want to arrest them all for political crimes.

What's dangerous is government that thinks it needs troops weeks after it occurred and people like you who support it.

You Stasi loving quisling fuck.
Because the intelligence community says you right wingers are still very much triggered over the stolen election and another kidnapping of a governor, riot or Oklahoma City Bombing is coming.

You patriots. LOL

The intelligence community is part of the deep state, of course they are going to bitch about people on the right and try to label them all terrorists.

Meanwhile anti-fa gets a pass.

Most were tossed on Standing.
I don’t know if it was most or not. But a lot were tossed on standing. That happens when you have shitty lawyers doing stupid things. That’s not the court’s fault.

But a lot of them weren’t. You said none of them were heard on merits. That’s a lie.

But it wasn’t just courts that did this. The media explained. Lawyers explained. The state’s officials explained.

Trump’s supporters were heard. It’s just that they were wrong and can’t accept it. The only thing they’d accept is Trump winning. Therefore any explanation that didn’t result in that outcome is not considered.

They were tossed because the courts don't want to deal with it, or don't care.

The people who had the most to benefit from it did all the "explaining".
The people who had the most knowledge did the most explaining.

The courts have to live in reality. They don’t rule on the fevered dreams and wild accusations of crazy Trump supporters. They rule on facts which were sorely missing from the lawsuits that were filed.

They were heard. It’s just that they didn’t like how it turned out. They don’t understand how the story that Trump gives them doesn’t line up with reality.
But this woman signed an afterdavid

View attachment 449743

You do realize that isn't a picture of who you are talking about, but of an SNL skit?

Is everything you post bullshit?

Most were tossed on Standing.
I don’t know if it was most or not. But a lot were tossed on standing. That happens when you have shitty lawyers doing stupid things. That’s not the court’s fault.

But a lot of them weren’t. You said none of them were heard on merits. That’s a lie.

But it wasn’t just courts that did this. The media explained. Lawyers explained. The state’s officials explained.

Trump’s supporters were heard. It’s just that they were wrong and can’t accept it. The only thing they’d accept is Trump winning. Therefore any explanation that didn’t result in that outcome is not considered.

They were tossed because the courts don't want to deal with it, or don't care.

The people who had the most to benefit from it did all the "explaining".
The people who had the most knowledge did the most explaining.

The courts have to live in reality. They don’t rule on the fevered dreams and wild accusations of crazy Trump supporters. They rule on facts which were sorely missing from the lawsuits that were filed.

They were heard. It’s just that they didn’t like how it turned out. They don’t understand how the story that Trump gives them doesn’t line up with reality.
But this woman signed an afterdavid

View attachment 449743

So help her Gob! :laugh:

More SNL agitprop instead of the real thing, typical lefty cuck.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
You sure?

Or are those just the errors we heard about because it fit the Trump narrative?
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
We supported those rioters the same way you support nutjobs every time they shoot up a school.

You support the status quo which allows those nutjobs to obtain guns. No background checks, etc.

We don’t support the rioters we supported the protesters and blm movement.

Please show a post detailing a person supporting a guy shooting up a school, or remove the accusation you fucking pansy.

You gave the rioters a pass and make a big deal of ONE DAY OF UNREST because its being done by people you don't like.

Were the people who just marched to the capitol and didn't go in peaceful protesters?

Were the people who went into the capitol after the police stopped trying to stop people and just walked around peaceful?
You won't pass legislation to stop nuts from shooting up schools. You're guilty. You have blood on your hands.

You want to punish law abiding people who want to own firearms. It's like banning sober people from driving because of alcohol abusers.

Again, point out someone supporting a school shooter or shut the fuck up.
How about breathalizers in every car? Why do we have to wait for you to kill someone?

Because why should I have to take a test to start my vehicle if I don't drink and drive?
So you say.
They didn't explain, they said "your views are bullshit, shut up"
They did explain but were trained not to accept anything other than what Trump and his media allies say.

Take Antrim county. There was an investigation into exactly what happened which revealed a user error. The ballot design was changed by the machines were not updated with the new design. The state disseminated the result of the election and was reported in the media but to the Trump crowd, Antrim county proves that Dominion steals votes.

It was explained but you can’t make people listen.

You’ll deny facts to preserve your false comfortable reality.

All these errors, and all in the favor of Democrats.
You sure?

Or are those just the errors we heard about because it fit the Trump narrative?

How can I be sure? I haven't seen a report, or a hard investigation, or even someone calling for those.

It's just "shut up and trust us" from the very people we are accusing of gaming the system.
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
We supported those rioters the same way you support nutjobs every time they shoot up a school.

You support the status quo which allows those nutjobs to obtain guns. No background checks, etc.

We don’t support the rioters we supported the protesters and blm movement.

Please show a post detailing a person supporting a guy shooting up a school, or remove the accusation you fucking pansy.

You gave the rioters a pass and make a big deal of ONE DAY OF UNREST because its being done by people you don't like.

Were the people who just marched to the capitol and didn't go in peaceful protesters?

Were the people who went into the capitol after the police stopped trying to stop people and just walked around peaceful?
You won't pass legislation to stop nuts from shooting up schools. You're guilty. You have blood on your hands.

You want to punish law abiding people who want to own firearms. It's like banning sober people from driving because of alcohol abusers.

Again, point out someone supporting a school shooter or shut the fuck up.
How about breathalizers in every car? Why do we have to wait for you to kill someone?

Because why should I have to take a test to start my vehicle if I don't drink and drive?
So you say.

It's just more punishing law abiding people because you don't think we deserve to own something or be able to use something without going through hoops.

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