Almost 18 MILLION AR-15 Rifles Now in American Hands

Just keep reading the newspaper or whatever. It a goddamned epidemic in this country

If you were smart enough to take your own advice, you'd come to an epiphany that nearly all the gun crime and gun violence you speak of occurs in your Blue state, liberal / Democrat areas. Yep...It's LEFTIST POLICIES that are behind nearly every incidence of gun violence.

No wonder you morons are so afraid of guns. You're killing EACH OTHER with them.

When I go to Wyoming, it never once occurred to me to be afraid of Newt Gingrich with a gun.
But I can list a slew of Democrat controlled areas where more people get shot than in many war zones annually.

THINK for once McFly !

Oh, don't actually give a fuck who gets killed by guns, it's just the agenda to disarm Americans so that your favorite tyrant/dictator can grab power......silly me.
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All I know for sure is that the day Americans roll over and allow the Left to disarm them is the same day the Left will openly show their true colors as malicious tyrants and power grabbers as well as human rights violators.

If allowed, it will be a day that begins tragedy on a scale that will make ALL mass shootings in history combined into one event..... look like a good day.
Just keep reading the newspaper or whatever. It a goddamned epidemic in this country

If you were smart enough to take your own advice, you'd come to an epiphany that nearly all the gun crime and gun violence you speak of occurs in your Blue state, liberal / Democrat areas. Yep...It's LEFTIST POLICIES that are behind nearly every incidence of gun violence.

No wonder you morons are so afraid of guns. You're killing EACH OTHER with them.

When I go to Wyoming, it never once occurred to me to be afraid of Newt Gingrich with a gun.
But I can list a slew of Democrat controlled areas where more people get shot than in many war zones annually.

THINK for once McFly !

Oh, don't actually give a fuck who gets killed by guns, it's just the agenda to disarm Americans so that your favorite tyrant/dictator can grab power......silly me.

Newt Gingrich would be ok to be around if he were armed. But watch out for Dick Cheney, especially when he's bird-hunting. :04:
That's a lot of tiny handed, big watch insecure boys.

Shut up Your ignorance is showing. You were picked on in High School I’m sure. Another sissy boy behind a computer. You should get together with Taz. You too would make a great couple. You can hide in your basements together

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422 million guns out there in America, 17,740,000 of which are AR-15 variants.

Of course, you probably want to take this story with a grain of salt. The number is more than likely higher, considering how many are being built from parts and kits.

"AR-15s and other similar rifles may remain a key target of anti-gun politicians and activists, but new firearms industry production numbers indicate that they're still incredibly popular among American gun owners.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation — the trade association for the firearms industry — put out a numbers report on Wednesday indicating that 17.74 million modern sporting rifles are currently privately owned in the United States. Furthermore, the report found that a 54 percent majority of all rifles produced in 2017 were modern sporting rifles.

The NSSF's website explains that the term "modern sporting rifle" refers to "today's very popular semiautomatic rifle designs, including the AR-15 and its offspring" which have been legally sold for civilian use since the 1960s..."

New numbers show that Americans own almost 18 million AR-15s and other modern sporting rifles

Well you can be SURE that some portion of these rifles will be responsible for the deaths of innocent people. Does this fact make you feel all warm and cozy ??

Wrong dickhead. More with handguns not rifles and that only happens in gun free zones run by Democrats with strict gun laws. So I will sleep fine tonight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
422 million guns out there in America, 17,740,000 of which are AR-15 variants.

Of course, you probably want to take this story with a grain of salt. The number is more than likely higher, considering how many are being built from parts and kits.

"AR-15s and other similar rifles may remain a key target of anti-gun politicians and activists, but new firearms industry production numbers indicate that they're still incredibly popular among American gun owners.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation — the trade association for the firearms industry — put out a numbers report on Wednesday indicating that 17.74 million modern sporting rifles are currently privately owned in the United States. Furthermore, the report found that a 54 percent majority of all rifles produced in 2017 were modern sporting rifles.

The NSSF's website explains that the term "modern sporting rifle" refers to "today's very popular semiautomatic rifle designs, including the AR-15 and its offspring" which have been legally sold for civilian use since the 1960s..."

New numbers show that Americans own almost 18 million AR-15s and other modern sporting rifles

Well you can be SURE that some portion of these rifles will be responsible for the deaths of innocent people. Does this fact make you feel all warm and cozy ??

Give us numbers boy.
422 million guns out there in America, 17,740,000 of which are AR-15 variants.

Of course, you probably want to take this story with a grain of salt. The number is more than likely higher, considering how many are being built from parts and kits.

"AR-15s and other similar rifles may remain a key target of anti-gun politicians and activists, but new firearms industry production numbers indicate that they're still incredibly popular among American gun owners.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation — the trade association for the firearms industry — put out a numbers report on Wednesday indicating that 17.74 million modern sporting rifles are currently privately owned in the United States. Furthermore, the report found that a 54 percent majority of all rifles produced in 2017 were modern sporting rifles.

The NSSF's website explains that the term "modern sporting rifle" refers to "today's very popular semiautomatic rifle designs, including the AR-15 and its offspring" which have been legally sold for civilian use since the 1960s..."

New numbers show that Americans own almost 18 million AR-15s and other modern sporting rifles

Well you can be SURE that some portion of these rifles will be responsible for the deaths of innocent people. Does this fact make you feel all warm and cozy ??

Give us numbers boy.
Just keep reading the newspaper or whatever. It a goddamned epidemic in this country

The epidemic is Assholes like you and the Democrats. Most of the shit happens in Democratic States with strict gun laws. Take your ignorant bullshit somewhere else. Snowflake.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
422 million guns out there in America, 17,740,000 of which are AR-15 variants.

Of course, you probably want to take this story with a grain of salt. The number is more than likely higher, considering how many are being built from parts and kits.

"AR-15s and other similar rifles may remain a key target of anti-gun politicians and activists, but new firearms industry production numbers indicate that they're still incredibly popular among American gun owners.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation — the trade association for the firearms industry — put out a numbers report on Wednesday indicating that 17.74 million modern sporting rifles are currently privately owned in the United States. Furthermore, the report found that a 54 percent majority of all rifles produced in 2017 were modern sporting rifles.

The NSSF's website explains that the term "modern sporting rifle" refers to "today's very popular semiautomatic rifle designs, including the AR-15 and its offspring" which have been legally sold for civilian use since the 1960s..."

New numbers show that Americans own almost 18 million AR-15s and other modern sporting rifles

Well you can be SURE that some portion of these rifles will be responsible for the deaths of innocent people. Does this fact make you feel all warm and cozy ??

Give us numbers boy.
422 million guns out there in America, 17,740,000 of which are AR-15 variants.

Of course, you probably want to take this story with a grain of salt. The number is more than likely higher, considering how many are being built from parts and kits.

"AR-15s and other similar rifles may remain a key target of anti-gun politicians and activists, but new firearms industry production numbers indicate that they're still incredibly popular among American gun owners.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation — the trade association for the firearms industry — put out a numbers report on Wednesday indicating that 17.74 million modern sporting rifles are currently privately owned in the United States. Furthermore, the report found that a 54 percent majority of all rifles produced in 2017 were modern sporting rifles.

The NSSF's website explains that the term "modern sporting rifle" refers to "today's very popular semiautomatic rifle designs, including the AR-15 and its offspring" which have been legally sold for civilian use since the 1960s..."

New numbers show that Americans own almost 18 million AR-15s and other modern sporting rifles

Well you can be SURE that some portion of these rifles will be responsible for the deaths of innocent people. Does this fact make you feel all warm and cozy ??

Give us numbers boy.
Just keep reading the newspaper or whatever. It a goddamned epidemic in this country

So you're telling me I need to read newspapers when sporting rifles account for a miniscule number of murders compared to handguns.
Seems you need to educate yourself far more than I do.

You are ignorant. Handguns are yours in 75% of shootings it’s probably higher. AR’s are hardly used. So shut the fuck up till you have a clue what you are talking about libtard.

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Lots of insecure hillbillies.
Lots of insecure liberals, who cant sleep at night, knowing that if they try to steal something from the rest of US, they will be shot, legally. Sorry dude, no free stuff for you.
Insecure and paranoid hillbillies. Sorry for the omission.

Tell me: Just how "insecure and paranoid" are you?

You know goddamned well that you can't do anything about the number of guns in this country. So you feel that attacking the owners of the guns is going to accomplish something?

Dumbass, you're not only insecure and paranoid, but also delusional. Do you really think 18 million people are going to lay their AR-15 rifles at your feet, because you slighted them with a slur?

Delusional you are. :21:
422 million guns out there in America, 17,740,000 of which are AR-15 variants.

Of course, you probably want to take this story with a grain of salt. The number is more than likely higher, considering how many are being built from parts and kits.

"AR-15s and other similar rifles may remain a key target of anti-gun politicians and activists, but new firearms industry production numbers indicate that they're still incredibly popular among American gun owners.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation — the trade association for the firearms industry — put out a numbers report on Wednesday indicating that 17.74 million modern sporting rifles are currently privately owned in the United States. Furthermore, the report found that a 54 percent majority of all rifles produced in 2017 were modern sporting rifles.

The NSSF's website explains that the term "modern sporting rifle" refers to "today's very popular semiautomatic rifle designs, including the AR-15 and its offspring" which have been legally sold for civilian use since the 1960s..."

New numbers show that Americans own almost 18 million AR-15s and other modern sporting rifles

Well you can be SURE that some portion of these rifles will be responsible for the deaths of innocent people. Does this fact make you feel all warm and cozy ??

A higher number of AR rifles will be used to deter crimes and save lives... and most of the time without actually being used.

Focus on the drug culture in America and you can prevent most gun related deaths across the board.

Drug culture, thug-life worship, violence, and the irresponsible use and handling of firearms, all nasty things brought to us by liberal Hollywood and the music industry. They seem to revel in how they can outdo each other.

Then they wonder why there's so damned much crime and violence.

If I thought anti-gunners were intelligent people, they would piss me off for not using their brains on this.

The moment a child begins to act out in school, we begin shoving Ritalin and Adderall down their mouths. Within a few years doctors have advanced to giving those children opioids and SSRIs. That culture leads kids to want to try illegal drugs. So, we create drug addicts by way of our culture.

In their 20s these drug addicts lose mommy's insurance and are now drug addicts that self medicate. Then, there are those young kids that are adversely affected by being raised by drug addicts OR in a one parent home. But, if we're honest, at the end of the day most shootings have a correlation to drugs. Mass shooters usually have emotional problems and are on SSRIs that were legally prescribed. How come you suppose nobody notices how the anti-gun people don't want to discuss the root of the problem?
Lots of insecure hillbillies.
Lots of insecure liberals, who cant sleep at night, knowing that if they try to steal something from the rest of US, they will be shot, legally. Sorry dude, no free stuff for you.
Insecure and paranoid hillbillies. Sorry for the omission.

Tell me: Just how "insecure and paranoid" are you?

You know goddamned well that you can't do anything about the number of guns in this country. So you feel that attacking the owners of the guns is going to accomplish something?

Dumbass, you're not only insecure and paranoid, but also delusional. Do you really think 18 million people are going to lay their AR-15 rifles at your feet, because you slighted them with a slur?

Delusional you are. :21:
I don't care how many guns there are. If it helps the insecure hillbillies feel better, I'm all for it. Maybe you should go buy another one, one to protect your double-wide and and one to protect your still.
Lots of insecure hillbillies.
Lots of insecure liberals, who cant sleep at night, knowing that if they try to steal something from the rest of US, they will be shot, legally. Sorry dude, no free stuff for you.
Insecure and paranoid hillbillies. Sorry for the omission.

Tell me: Just how "insecure and paranoid" are you?

You know goddamned well that you can't do anything about the number of guns in this country. So you feel that attacking the owners of the guns is going to accomplish something?

Dumbass, you're not only insecure and paranoid, but also delusional. Do you really think 18 million people are going to lay their AR-15 rifles at your feet, because you slighted them with a slur?

Delusional you are. :21:
I don't care how many guns there are. If it helps the insecure hillbillies feel better, I'm all for it. Maybe you should go buy another one, one to protect your double-wide and and one to protect your still.

I have no problem being called a "hillbilly", I'd wear that as a badge of honor. As for "insecure", my home is probably the most secure place you'd ever want to be, and I carry a little security tucked in a holster under my shirt, anywhere I go.

Now I probably would have been slighted if you'd called me "impotent", like the impotent little gun-grabber you are. Admit it: Nothing you can do or say is going to reduce the number of firearms in this country. You are impotent.

Hell, you limp-wienered bunch of gun-haters couldn't even get it up long enough to pass any gun legislation when Obama was president.
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Lots of insecure hillbillies.
Lots of insecure liberals, who cant sleep at night, knowing that if they try to steal something from the rest of US, they will be shot, legally. Sorry dude, no free stuff for you.
Insecure and paranoid hillbillies. Sorry for the omission.

Tell me: Just how "insecure and paranoid" are you?

You know goddamned well that you can't do anything about the number of guns in this country. So you feel that attacking the owners of the guns is going to accomplish something?

Dumbass, you're not only insecure and paranoid, but also delusional. Do you really think 18 million people are going to lay their AR-15 rifles at your feet, because you slighted them with a slur?

Delusional you are. :21:
I don't care how many guns there are. If it helps the insecure hillbillies feel better, I'm all for it. Maybe you should go buy another one, one to protect your double-wide and and one to protect your still.

Since it's obvious that you live according to stereotypes, one can't help wonder what stereotype you fit into.
Lots of insecure hillbillies.
Lots of insecure liberals, who cant sleep at night, knowing that if they try to steal something from the rest of US, they will be shot, legally. Sorry dude, no free stuff for you.
Insecure and paranoid hillbillies. Sorry for the omission.

Tell me: Just how "insecure and paranoid" are you?

You know goddamned well that you can't do anything about the number of guns in this country. So you feel that attacking the owners of the guns is going to accomplish something?

Dumbass, you're not only insecure and paranoid, but also delusional. Do you really think 18 million people are going to lay their AR-15 rifles at your feet, because you slighted them with a slur?

Delusional you are. :21:
I don't care how many guns there are. If it helps the insecure hillbillies feel better, I'm all for it. Maybe you should go buy another one, one to protect your double-wide and and one to protect your still.

I have no problem being called a "hillbilly", I'd wear that as a badge of honor. As for "insecure", my home is probably the most secure place you'd ever want to be, and I carry a little security tucked in a holster under my shirt, anywhere I go.

Now I probably would have been slighted if you'd called me "impotent", like the impotent little gun-grabber you are. Admit it: Nothing you can do or say is going to reduce the number of firearms in this country. You are impotent.

Hell, you limp-wienered bunch of gun-haters couldn't even get it up long enough to pass any gun legislation when Obama was president.

I looked up that term hillbilly. Here is what I get:
    an unsophisticated country person, associated originally with the remote regions of the Appalachians
  2. old-fashioned term for country music.
When I Googled sophiscated, I get this:

"having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture."

I live in one the biggest and most "sophiscated" places in metro Atlanta a mile from the most expensive department stores in the state, so that kind of negates a part of that description - EXCEPT that my father is from Hazard, Kentucky and my mother was born and raised in Sevierville, Tennessee. So, I'm associated with that general region.

I grew up on country music and still like a lot of the country music from the 1960s through early 1990s.

I am a real insecure person. I have insurance on my house and car. I have medical, dental, and eye insurance. I even buy extended warranties for appliances and electronics that cost me over $250. I also carry a firearm because the courts have ruled that the police can only protect society as a whole. Your individual safety is your responsibility. So, I wear eye protection when using the weed eater, gloves when handling branches and bushes, and carry a weapon - especially when the risk warrants it. Why do you suppose that guy uses the word hillbilly as a slur?
Lots of insecure hillbillies.
Lots of insecure liberals, who cant sleep at night, knowing that if they try to steal something from the rest of US, they will be shot, legally. Sorry dude, no free stuff for you.
Insecure and paranoid hillbillies. Sorry for the omission.

Tell me: Just how "insecure and paranoid" are you?

You know goddamned well that you can't do anything about the number of guns in this country. So you feel that attacking the owners of the guns is going to accomplish something?

Dumbass, you're not only insecure and paranoid, but also delusional. Do you really think 18 million people are going to lay their AR-15 rifles at your feet, because you slighted them with a slur?

Delusional you are. :21:
I don't care how many guns there are. If it helps the insecure hillbillies feel better, I'm all for it. Maybe you should go buy another one, one to protect your double-wide and and one to protect your still.

I have no problem being called a "hillbilly", I'd wear that as a badge of honor. As for "insecure", my home is probably the most secure place you'd ever want to be, and I carry a little security tucked in a holster under my shirt, anywhere I go.

Now I probably would have been slighted if you'd called me "impotent", like the impotent little gun-grabber you are. Admit it: Nothing you can do or say is going to reduce the number of firearms in this country. You are impotent.

Hell, you limp-wienered bunch of gun-haters couldn't even get it up long enough to pass any gun legislation when Obama was president.
I don't care how many guns there are and don't care if the number goes up. But the US is so safe that you need a lot of guns to protect yourself. Is America great yet?
Lots of insecure hillbillies.
Lots of insecure liberals, who cant sleep at night, knowing that if they try to steal something from the rest of US, they will be shot, legally. Sorry dude, no free stuff for you.
Insecure and paranoid hillbillies. Sorry for the omission.

Tell me: Just how "insecure and paranoid" are you?

You know goddamned well that you can't do anything about the number of guns in this country. So you feel that attacking the owners of the guns is going to accomplish something?

Dumbass, you're not only insecure and paranoid, but also delusional. Do you really think 18 million people are going to lay their AR-15 rifles at your feet, because you slighted them with a slur?

Delusional you are. :21:
I don't care how many guns there are. If it helps the insecure hillbillies feel better, I'm all for it. Maybe you should go buy another one, one to protect your double-wide and and one to protect your still.

Since it's obvious that you live according to stereotypes, one can't help wonder what stereotype you fit into.
I'm the typical Mensa stereotype. Now go look that up.

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