Almost died for freedom of speech?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Fortunately the intended victim escaped the plan.....

Massachusetts man gets 28 years in plot to behead conservative blogger

Massachusetts man gets 28 years in plot to behead conservative blogger

Now, the question: Was the individual convicted really on some sort of Islamic mission - or just a liberal bent on killing not just a blogger but also The First Amendment (to the U.S. Constitution) and therefore Freedom of Speech?

Material in blue copied from the referenced link above.

BOSTON — A man convicted of leading an Islamic State-inspired plot to behead a conservative blogger who upset Muslims when she organized a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest was sentenced on Tuesday to 28 years in prison.

David Wright sobbed as he apologized to blogger Pamela Geller, law enforcement and his family and denounced the terror group, whose horrific acts he used to celebrate online.

“Nothing I can say can fix the hurt I caused,” the 28-year-old Wright said. “I sincerely hope that I can be given the opportunity to help others avoid the mistakes I made.”

Wright was convicted in October of conspiracy to provide material support to the Islamic State group, conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries and other crimes.

Prosecutors had sought a life sentence for Wright, arguing it would send a strong message to others considering terror attacks in the U.S. But Judge William G. Young said he was uncomfortable with sending Wright away for life, telling him: “You are not a monster, yet you embraced a monstrous evil.”

OK, the guilty party might have had only religious intent....but through the lenient sentence volumes are spoken about the liberal judge.

Now: This was put in "Current Events" because that's where, to me, it feels to belong. Let the whining begin and if some soft-hearted administrator decides to move it to some other forum.....have a ball.
“Nothing I can say can fix the hurt I caused,” the 28-year-old Wright said. “I sincerely hope that I can be given the opportunity to help others avoid the mistakes I made.”
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but considering the fact that his mission was never accomplished, what would he have said if it had been?

God bless you and his target always!!!


P.S. So when will 28 years be given to Madonna for wanting to blow up the White House?
Wright’s uncle Ussamah Rahim told Wright on a recorded phone call that he decided to go after “those boys in blue,” referring to police. Wright told his uncle that was “beautiful” and encouraged him to delete all the data from his computer before carrying out his attack.

Hours later, Rahim was fatally shot by authorities after he lunged at them with a knife when they approached him in Boston."

'Nuff said. Let him do that time.
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That's to be expected from these muslim entitled, arrogant, victim-mentality, baby tantrum, lying, perpetually offended sadistically violent, odious, mass-cousin-inbred, completely non-human, soulless walking infections. And since Islam has been continuously declaring war on the US since the 1780s Barbary Coast pirates, any liberal that wants to import America's most self-declared enemy is a traitor legally and morally.

Yes, liberals, I've spent 6 years studying Pisslam in detail and your favorite religion is the world's vilest bag of garbage that is so loathsome, so reprehensible, I'm 100% convinced that only a completely amoral psychopath could find that Islam sewage appealing. It is demonstrably more violent than all other religions put together and soaked in a giant list of human rights atrocities that no other religion is committing.

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