Alpha Omega. Bible Prophecy Reality


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
[ame=]Jerusalem to Become Egypt's Capital Under Mursi's Rule Says Islamic Cleric - YouTube[/ame]

Funny that's what they use to say about Obama

The Arab states have diverse ambitions.. and you have to remember that the last Caliphate was a real dud. Much of the ME became an illiterate backwater.

The only Arabs who want a new Caliphate are extreme radicals who want a monthly stipend from the oil producers.

MEMRI published anything that they can find that is extreme or crazy.

What does this have to do with Obama?
This has nothing to do with Obama, but much with GWB the anti-Christ.
[ame=]January 2014 Breaking News Bible prophecy current events Final Hour Last Days News Update - YouTube[/ame]

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