Already, Trump destroying info, intel and healthcare

One shouldn't quote an Obama created source, it simply isn't credible in this and neither would a Reagan Source.

"Companies get a sizable federal tax break from providing the insurance"

They only get a % of the cost.

"The cost burden on employers has been grossly over estimated. Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare."

No, it is a primary expenditure and is usually the largest employer expenditure.

"Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare."


"Unlike individual plans, employer plans are not impacted by preexisting condition elimination. "

Yes and no. No it depends on whether or not one had prior credible coverage or not.Yes, if not depending on the plan there could be a 6 or 12 month waiver on the condition.

"The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. "

Aimed at but not achieved.

"improved it. The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. The money saved from those cuts has been being reinvested back into Medicare and ObamaCare to improve care for seniors. Improvements include closing the Medicare Part D “donut hole”, reducing overpayments to hospitals, and more. As of early 2015 8.2 million seniors had saved more than $11.5 billion on their prescription drugs since 2010 – an average of $1,407 per beneficiary."

Mostly propaganda. Think about it.....if you "cut" 716 Billion you cannot by definition be reinvesting it BACK into the program. Yes, the "doughnut hole" will be closed by 2020 meaning that they will have no more than a 25% co-payment for their drugs once they reach the threshold. Today they (the elderly) are STILL getting hammered by having to pay 50 to 75 % co-payments in the hole.
Stay away from pro Obama bullshit.
I have always found it interesting that the opponents to any government program only believe the government statistics that support their view. The rest are just bull shit.

The fact is government statistics on it's programs are not collected to just to defend the program but to manage them. For example, the IRS has to handle Obamacare subsidies, they need the data as to who get's subsidies and how much is collected. Numbers of Medicaid enrolls must be collected so both the feds and states can determine their share of the costs. State Insurance Commission need to know statistics on what companies are selling in their state. The BLS, OBM, and CBO, require all kinds of statistics on the ACA for budget purposes, projections, and ad hoc requests from congress.
The problem with that is Obama's Administration is dishonest, when it comes to what caused Benghazi or Russian hacking. It's all lies. It's not much of a stretch to assume that every statistic that they produced is politically motivated and just as dishonest using fuzzy math.
The numbers on Medicaid can be determined by using the state numbers, in fact that's where the fed gets the numbers from because the states administer the programs. Number of insurered comes from the US Census Bureau. I assume you think they are lying too so there is no need digging up those number or wasting time on conspiracy theories.

I'll ask you again. Do you really think that someone who NEEDS the subsidies just to buy a Bronze PLan that STILL exposes them to a 14200 out of pocket expense is truly helpful? Do you actually think that they are going to say : "Well at least my mammogram was free".
We're paying their subsidies and WE'RE paying that 14200 that they can't afford.
You seem to be snagged on the Medicaid portion of the law, why?
Do you understand WHY the Feds wanted the States to expand Medicaid? I'll help you with it. The The majority f the Medicaid expenditures come from the State. That way the Feds can keep those expenditures OFF of THEIR books, it shows as a State expenditure and makes the numbers LOOK better for the Feds.
That's it. It's all about which/who's dollars are being spent.
The average annual out of pocket is $6224, not $14,200. The services available at no cost go way beyond just mammograms. There are 63 free services which include a yearly office visit, free vaccinations, and dozens of free screenings and test for all members of the family. In addition, having a bronze plan or most any insurance plan means that you will be paying a contracted rate in the deductible phase if you see network providers which saves an average of 25% to 35% and that includes prescription drugs.

Keep in mind what we are discussing is individual plans which are where only 12% to 14% of the people get their insurance. People that buy these plans typically are not eligible for employer sponsored plans which have significantly lower premiums, lower deductibles, and better benefits. The main reason these plans are so expensive is many people that buy these plans have very significant healthcare problems and unlike employee plans they are not negotiated rates.

The federal government matches states on Medicaid expenses that is states pay 50%. Until 2016, the federal government paid 100% the cost of the expanded Medicaid which was part of Obamacare. After 2016, the federal government reduces the payments to 90%. However this all goes away with Obamacare. Those that are on expanded Medicaid in 31 states will lose their coverage unless the state picks up 100% of cost or Republicans include it in the replacement plan. Today there are 72 million people who get their healthcare coverage from Medicaid up from 54 million before Obamacare.

Medicaid Financing: How Does it Work and What are the Implications?
Preventive Services Covered Under the ACA

You aren't using up to ate info son, I suggest you try again.You also have no idea what an aggregate deductible is and that is what most Bronze plans are. In short, a family must pay two deductibles before the insurance company pays a dime. Like I said it is now and always has been Federal dollars vs. State Dollars.
You are over your head here. I'll say it again, when the "free stuff" is stacked against the pot of pocket nobody cares about the "free stuff".
Find the 2017 info and get back to me.
Already, Trump destroying info, intel and healthcare

Weird, I just had a dentist appointment this afternoon. The building was still standing; the people were still working. I saw no destruction whatsoever. I had an x-ray, an exam, and a cleaning.
So you're not one of the 30 million, aren't you special? What you gonna do when your karma catches you?

Since when does Obama care cover dental?

Pediatric Dental, that's it and it has a 2 year waiting period. These idiots are simply partisan stupid.
Pediatric Dental is covered by Medicaid more specifically, CHIP, Children's Health Insurance Program. Like Medicaid, CHIP was expanded by Obamacare to include an additional 4 million children.

Although there are guidelines in CHIP that states must follow, Pediatric Dental benefits and reimbursement rates are set by the states, not the federal goverment. Thus, in some states, pediatric dental services are harder to get than others due to limits set on benefits and reimbursement by the state legislature.

I have two grand kids on Medicaid. They see a pediatric demist and an orthodontist. With the exception of their braces which were delayed about 2 or 3 months, there have never been any delays in treatments. That is not the case in all states.

Adult dental coverage under Medicaid varies by state. Some stays cover practically nothing, a few cover most services at no cost and other offer coverage at a low rate.

State Children's Health Insurance Program - Wikipedia

We're, (you and I) are talking about the ACA plans Flopper, not Medicaid or chip. That is a sad deflection and an admission that you are trying to bullshit your way through this.

"Are there waiting periods for services other than orthodontia under the pediatric dental benefits? The only waiting period for pediatric dental is the 24-month waiting period for medically necessary orthodontic services. DentalEssentials (Individual coverage for those under age 65) also has benefits for coverage B services, which are subject to a six-month wait. Benefits for coverage C services are subject to a 12-month wait. "
This site is the perfect example of what happens when you tap in to hysteria of the uneducated masses. Trump is preying on people who are frankly not that smart and haven't done much with their lives. He feeds them BS and they eat it up, all while not realizing that he will never do a thing he promises.....and they don't care. They're just not smart enough to realize they've been duped, even when he flat out tells them he lied.

I'm listening to Price lie and avoid questions asked, so not tapping into hysteria. The cuts he plans for Medicare and Medicaid, let alone the ACA will cause hysteria.
I have always found it interesting that the opponents to any government program only believe the government statistics that support their view. The rest are just bull shit.

The fact is government statistics on it's programs are not collected to just to defend the program but to manage them. For example, the IRS has to handle Obamacare subsidies, they need the data as to who get's subsidies and how much is collected. Numbers of Medicaid enrolls must be collected so both the feds and states can determine their share of the costs. State Insurance Commission need to know statistics on what companies are selling in their state. The BLS, OBM, and CBO, require all kinds of statistics on the ACA for budget purposes, projections, and ad hoc requests from congress.
The problem with that is Obama's Administration is dishonest, when it comes to what caused Benghazi or Russian hacking. It's all lies. It's not much of a stretch to assume that every statistic that they produced is politically motivated and just as dishonest using fuzzy math.
The numbers on Medicaid can be determined by using the state numbers, in fact that's where the fed gets the numbers from because the states administer the programs. Number of insurered comes from the US Census Bureau. I assume you think they are lying too so there is no need digging up those number or wasting time on conspiracy theories.

I'll ask you again. Do you really think that someone who NEEDS the subsidies just to buy a Bronze PLan that STILL exposes them to a 14200 out of pocket expense is truly helpful? Do you actually think that they are going to say : "Well at least my mammogram was free".
We're paying their subsidies and WE'RE paying that 14200 that they can't afford.
You seem to be snagged on the Medicaid portion of the law, why?
Do you understand WHY the Feds wanted the States to expand Medicaid? I'll help you with it. The The majority f the Medicaid expenditures come from the State. That way the Feds can keep those expenditures OFF of THEIR books, it shows as a State expenditure and makes the numbers LOOK better for the Feds.
That's it. It's all about which/who's dollars are being spent.
The average annual out of pocket is $6224, not $14,200. The services available at no cost go way beyond just mammograms. There are 63 free services which include a yearly office visit, free vaccinations, and dozens of free screenings and test for all members of the family. In addition, having a bronze plan or most any insurance plan means that you will be paying a contracted rate in the deductible phase if you see network providers which saves an average of 25% to 35% and that includes prescription drugs.

Keep in mind what we are discussing is individual plans which are where only 12% to 14% of the people get their insurance. People that buy these plans typically are not eligible for employer sponsored plans which have significantly lower premiums, lower deductibles, and better benefits. The main reason these plans are so expensive is many people that buy these plans have very significant healthcare problems and unlike employee plans they are not negotiated rates.

The federal government matches states on Medicaid expenses that is states pay 50%. Until 2016, the federal government paid 100% the cost of the expanded Medicaid which was part of Obamacare. After 2016, the federal government reduces the payments to 90%. However this all goes away with Obamacare. Those that are on expanded Medicaid in 31 states will lose their coverage unless the state picks up 100% of cost or Republicans include it in the replacement plan. Today there are 72 million people who get their healthcare coverage from Medicaid up from 54 million before Obamacare.

Medicaid Financing: How Does it Work and What are the Implications?
Preventive Services Covered Under the ACA

You aren't using up to ate info son, I suggest you try again.You also have no idea what an aggregate deductible is and that is what most Bronze plans are. In short, a family must pay two deductibles before the insurance company pays a dime. Like I said it is now and always has been Federal dollars vs. State Dollars.
You are over your head here. I'll say it again, when the "free stuff" is stacked against the pot of pocket nobody cares about the "free stuff".
Find the 2017 info and get back to me.

Pick a more expensive plan, you cheapskate. Think about a silver or gold plan. Bronze plans are cheap and catastrophic. Isn't it wonderful to have a choice??
I sent this yesterday to both of our Senators and my Congress Critter.

I fully agree that the ACA is failing as a whole. We cannot however throw the baby out with the bath water. Too many people need the help. We cannot take away the pre-existing clause. We cannot take away the subsidies, and we cannot just throw people out on the street with no coverage. The dirty little truth is that the excuse given FOR the ACA was that we as Tax Payers were paying for the care that these folks were getting in the ER. True enough, but NOW we are paying their premiums, even with that help most folks end up in Bronze Plan with an aggregate deductible of 14200. Meaning that their out of pocket EVERY single year is at least 14200, and that is IF we no longer raise those limits. Nobody has been helped here, if they can't afford the insurance without the subsides they can't afford that out of pocket expense either . All we've done here is add to an already of control problem that is once again shifted to us the tax payers. I know that it seems that I am arguing both sides of the fence here but the truth we can and we MUST do better than this. The easiest solution is probably type of Medicare for all system, but that still leaves the funding issue.
The problem with that is Obama's Administration is dishonest, when it comes to what caused Benghazi or Russian hacking. It's all lies. It's not much of a stretch to assume that every statistic that they produced is politically motivated and just as dishonest using fuzzy math.
The numbers on Medicaid can be determined by using the state numbers, in fact that's where the fed gets the numbers from because the states administer the programs. Number of insurered comes from the US Census Bureau. I assume you think they are lying too so there is no need digging up those number or wasting time on conspiracy theories.

I'll ask you again. Do you really think that someone who NEEDS the subsidies just to buy a Bronze PLan that STILL exposes them to a 14200 out of pocket expense is truly helpful? Do you actually think that they are going to say : "Well at least my mammogram was free".
We're paying their subsidies and WE'RE paying that 14200 that they can't afford.
You seem to be snagged on the Medicaid portion of the law, why?
Do you understand WHY the Feds wanted the States to expand Medicaid? I'll help you with it. The The majority f the Medicaid expenditures come from the State. That way the Feds can keep those expenditures OFF of THEIR books, it shows as a State expenditure and makes the numbers LOOK better for the Feds.
That's it. It's all about which/who's dollars are being spent.
The average annual out of pocket is $6224, not $14,200. The services available at no cost go way beyond just mammograms. There are 63 free services which include a yearly office visit, free vaccinations, and dozens of free screenings and test for all members of the family. In addition, having a bronze plan or most any insurance plan means that you will be paying a contracted rate in the deductible phase if you see network providers which saves an average of 25% to 35% and that includes prescription drugs.

Keep in mind what we are discussing is individual plans which are where only 12% to 14% of the people get their insurance. People that buy these plans typically are not eligible for employer sponsored plans which have significantly lower premiums, lower deductibles, and better benefits. The main reason these plans are so expensive is many people that buy these plans have very significant healthcare problems and unlike employee plans they are not negotiated rates.

The federal government matches states on Medicaid expenses that is states pay 50%. Until 2016, the federal government paid 100% the cost of the expanded Medicaid which was part of Obamacare. After 2016, the federal government reduces the payments to 90%. However this all goes away with Obamacare. Those that are on expanded Medicaid in 31 states will lose their coverage unless the state picks up 100% of cost or Republicans include it in the replacement plan. Today there are 72 million people who get their healthcare coverage from Medicaid up from 54 million before Obamacare.

Medicaid Financing: How Does it Work and What are the Implications?
Preventive Services Covered Under the ACA

You aren't using up to ate info son, I suggest you try again.You also have no idea what an aggregate deductible is and that is what most Bronze plans are. In short, a family must pay two deductibles before the insurance company pays a dime. Like I said it is now and always has been Federal dollars vs. State Dollars.
You are over your head here. I'll say it again, when the "free stuff" is stacked against the pot of pocket nobody cares about the "free stuff".
Find the 2017 info and get back to me.

Pick a more expensive plan, you cheapskate. Think about a silver or gold plan. Bronze plans are cheap and catastrophic. Isn't it wonderful to have a choice??

You might want to read the thread and figure out what the conversation is about (assuming you aren't being facetious).
I have always found it interesting that the opponents to any government program only believe the government statistics that support their view. The rest are just bull shit.

The fact is government statistics on it's programs are not collected to just to defend the program but to manage them. For example, the IRS has to handle Obamacare subsidies, they need the data as to who get's subsidies and how much is collected. Numbers of Medicaid enrolls must be collected so both the feds and states can determine their share of the costs. State Insurance Commission need to know statistics on what companies are selling in their state. The BLS, OBM, and CBO, require all kinds of statistics on the ACA for budget purposes, projections, and ad hoc requests from congress.
The problem with that is Obama's Administration is dishonest, when it comes to what caused Benghazi or Russian hacking. It's all lies. It's not much of a stretch to assume that every statistic that they produced is politically motivated and just as dishonest using fuzzy math.
The numbers on Medicaid can be determined by using the state numbers, in fact that's where the fed gets the numbers from because the states administer the programs. Number of insurered comes from the US Census Bureau. I assume you think they are lying too so there is no need digging up those number or wasting time on conspiracy theories.

I'll ask you again. Do you really think that someone who NEEDS the subsidies just to buy a Bronze PLan that STILL exposes them to a 14200 out of pocket expense is truly helpful? Do you actually think that they are going to say : "Well at least my mammogram was free".
We're paying their subsidies and WE'RE paying that 14200 that they can't afford.
You seem to be snagged on the Medicaid portion of the law, why?
Do you understand WHY the Feds wanted the States to expand Medicaid? I'll help you with it. The The majority f the Medicaid expenditures come from the State. That way the Feds can keep those expenditures OFF of THEIR books, it shows as a State expenditure and makes the numbers LOOK better for the Feds.
That's it. It's all about which/who's dollars are being spent.
The average annual out of pocket is $6224, not $14,200. The services available at no cost go way beyond just mammograms. There are 63 free services which include a yearly office visit, free vaccinations, and dozens of free screenings and test for all members of the family. In addition, having a bronze plan or most any insurance plan means that you will be paying a contracted rate in the deductible phase if you see network providers which saves an average of 25% to 35% and that includes prescription drugs.

Keep in mind what we are discussing is individual plans which are where only 12% to 14% of the people get their insurance. People that buy these plans typically are not eligible for employer sponsored plans which have significantly lower premiums, lower deductibles, and better benefits. The main reason these plans are so expensive is many people that buy these plans have very significant healthcare problems and unlike employee plans they are not negotiated rates.

The federal government matches states on Medicaid expenses that is states pay 50%. Until 2016, the federal government paid 100% the cost of the expanded Medicaid which was part of Obamacare. After 2016, the federal government reduces the payments to 90%. However this all goes away with Obamacare. Those that are on expanded Medicaid in 31 states will lose their coverage unless the state picks up 100% of cost or Republicans include it in the replacement plan. Today there are 72 million people who get their healthcare coverage from Medicaid up from 54 million before Obamacare.

Medicaid Financing: How Does it Work and What are the Implications?
Preventive Services Covered Under the ACA

You aren't using up to ate info son, I suggest you try again.You also have no idea what an aggregate deductible is and that is what most Bronze plans are. In short, a family must pay two deductibles before the insurance company pays a dime. Like I said it is now and always has been Federal dollars vs. State Dollars.
You are over your head here. I'll say it again, when the "free stuff" is stacked against the pot of pocket nobody cares about the "free stuff".
Find the 2017 info and get back to me.
No, you do not have to meet two deductibles before the plan pays.
When a family member meets his or her individual deductible, the insurance company will begin paying his or her medical expenses according to the plan’s coverage.

The medical expenses paid by the family for each member counts toward the family deductible. Once the family deductible is met, all family members will have medical expenses paid according to the plan’s coverage, even if they have not met their own individual deductibles.
What You NEED to Know: Individual vs. Family Deductibles
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The problem with that is Obama's Administration is dishonest, when it comes to what caused Benghazi or Russian hacking. It's all lies. It's not much of a stretch to assume that every statistic that they produced is politically motivated and just as dishonest using fuzzy math.
The numbers on Medicaid can be determined by using the state numbers, in fact that's where the fed gets the numbers from because the states administer the programs. Number of insurered comes from the US Census Bureau. I assume you think they are lying too so there is no need digging up those number or wasting time on conspiracy theories.

I'll ask you again. Do you really think that someone who NEEDS the subsidies just to buy a Bronze PLan that STILL exposes them to a 14200 out of pocket expense is truly helpful? Do you actually think that they are going to say : "Well at least my mammogram was free".
We're paying their subsidies and WE'RE paying that 14200 that they can't afford.
You seem to be snagged on the Medicaid portion of the law, why?
Do you understand WHY the Feds wanted the States to expand Medicaid? I'll help you with it. The The majority f the Medicaid expenditures come from the State. That way the Feds can keep those expenditures OFF of THEIR books, it shows as a State expenditure and makes the numbers LOOK better for the Feds.
That's it. It's all about which/who's dollars are being spent.
The average annual out of pocket is $6224, not $14,200. The services available at no cost go way beyond just mammograms. There are 63 free services which include a yearly office visit, free vaccinations, and dozens of free screenings and test for all members of the family. In addition, having a bronze plan or most any insurance plan means that you will be paying a contracted rate in the deductible phase if you see network providers which saves an average of 25% to 35% and that includes prescription drugs.

Keep in mind what we are discussing is individual plans which are where only 12% to 14% of the people get their insurance. People that buy these plans typically are not eligible for employer sponsored plans which have significantly lower premiums, lower deductibles, and better benefits. The main reason these plans are so expensive is many people that buy these plans have very significant healthcare problems and unlike employee plans they are not negotiated rates.

The federal government matches states on Medicaid expenses that is states pay 50%. Until 2016, the federal government paid 100% the cost of the expanded Medicaid which was part of Obamacare. After 2016, the federal government reduces the payments to 90%. However this all goes away with Obamacare. Those that are on expanded Medicaid in 31 states will lose their coverage unless the state picks up 100% of cost or Republicans include it in the replacement plan. Today there are 72 million people who get their healthcare coverage from Medicaid up from 54 million before Obamacare.

Medicaid Financing: How Does it Work and What are the Implications?
Preventive Services Covered Under the ACA

You aren't using up to ate info son, I suggest you try again.You also have no idea what an aggregate deductible is and that is what most Bronze plans are. In short, a family must pay two deductibles before the insurance company pays a dime. Like I said it is now and always has been Federal dollars vs. State Dollars.
You are over your head here. I'll say it again, when the "free stuff" is stacked against the pot of pocket nobody cares about the "free stuff".
Find the 2017 info and get back to me.
No, you do not have to meet two deductibles before the plan pays.
When a family member meets his or her individual deductible, the insurance company will begin paying his or her medical expenses according to the plan’s coverage.

The medical expenses paid by the family for each member counts toward the family deductible. Once the family deductible is met, all family members will have medical expenses paid according to the plan’s coverage, even if they have not met their own individual deductibles.
What You NEED to Know: Individual vs. Family Deductibles

You need to actually read your source, do you know the difference between an idvidual ded vs a family ded?
Judging by what you think your source says I know you don't. A single ded is just that one ded for one individual. A family ded is typically two individual deds ;)

Here is an outline of coverage, the numers are a little off because it is a 2016 outline. The 207 out of pockets are $7100.

Below are the average out-of-pocket cost-sharing expenses for
medical services and prescription drugs found across bronze plans offered on

Cost-Sharing Category Average for a Bronze Plan

Deductible for an individual enrollee $5,731
Deductible for a family $11,601 "

Annual cap on
out-of-pocket costs for an individual $6,639
Annual cap on out-of-pocket costs for a family $13,292 "

Bronze Health Insurance Plans

As you can plainly see, you are simply incorrect.
The numbers on Medicaid can be determined by using the state numbers, in fact that's where the fed gets the numbers from because the states administer the programs. Number of insurered comes from the US Census Bureau. I assume you think they are lying too so there is no need digging up those number or wasting time on conspiracy theories.

I'll ask you again. Do you really think that someone who NEEDS the subsidies just to buy a Bronze PLan that STILL exposes them to a 14200 out of pocket expense is truly helpful? Do you actually think that they are going to say : "Well at least my mammogram was free".
We're paying their subsidies and WE'RE paying that 14200 that they can't afford.
You seem to be snagged on the Medicaid portion of the law, why?
Do you understand WHY the Feds wanted the States to expand Medicaid? I'll help you with it. The The majority f the Medicaid expenditures come from the State. That way the Feds can keep those expenditures OFF of THEIR books, it shows as a State expenditure and makes the numbers LOOK better for the Feds.
That's it. It's all about which/who's dollars are being spent.
The average annual out of pocket is $6224, not $14,200. The services available at no cost go way beyond just mammograms. There are 63 free services which include a yearly office visit, free vaccinations, and dozens of free screenings and test for all members of the family. In addition, having a bronze plan or most any insurance plan means that you will be paying a contracted rate in the deductible phase if you see network providers which saves an average of 25% to 35% and that includes prescription drugs.

Keep in mind what we are discussing is individual plans which are where only 12% to 14% of the people get their insurance. People that buy these plans typically are not eligible for employer sponsored plans which have significantly lower premiums, lower deductibles, and better benefits. The main reason these plans are so expensive is many people that buy these plans have very significant healthcare problems and unlike employee plans they are not negotiated rates.

The federal government matches states on Medicaid expenses that is states pay 50%. Until 2016, the federal government paid 100% the cost of the expanded Medicaid which was part of Obamacare. After 2016, the federal government reduces the payments to 90%. However this all goes away with Obamacare. Those that are on expanded Medicaid in 31 states will lose their coverage unless the state picks up 100% of cost or Republicans include it in the replacement plan. Today there are 72 million people who get their healthcare coverage from Medicaid up from 54 million before Obamacare.

Medicaid Financing: How Does it Work and What are the Implications?
Preventive Services Covered Under the ACA

You aren't using up to ate info son, I suggest you try again.You also have no idea what an aggregate deductible is and that is what most Bronze plans are. In short, a family must pay two deductibles before the insurance company pays a dime. Like I said it is now and always has been Federal dollars vs. State Dollars.
You are over your head here. I'll say it again, when the "free stuff" is stacked against the pot of pocket nobody cares about the "free stuff".
Find the 2017 info and get back to me.
No, you do not have to meet two deductibles before the plan pays.
When a family member meets his or her individual deductible, the insurance company will begin paying his or her medical expenses according to the plan’s coverage.

The medical expenses paid by the family for each member counts toward the family deductible. Once the family deductible is met, all family members will have medical expenses paid according to the plan’s coverage, even if they have not met their own individual deductibles.
What You NEED to Know: Individual vs. Family Deductibles

You need to actually read your source, do you know the difference between an idvidual ded vs a family ded?
Judging by what you think your source says I know you don't. A single ded is just that one ded for one individual. A family ded is typically two individual deds ;)

Here is an outline of coverage, the numers are a little off because it is a 2016 outline. The 207 out of pockets are $7100.

Below are the average out-of-pocket cost-sharing expenses for
medical services and prescription drugs found across bronze plans offered on

Cost-Sharing Category Average for a Bronze Plan

Deductible for an individual enrollee $5,731
Deductible for a family $11,601 "

Annual cap on out-of-pocket costs for an individual $6,639
Annual cap on out-of-pocket costs for a family $13,292 "

Bronze Health Insurance Plans

As you can plainly see, you are simply incorrect.
In the example you cite. assuming it's an embedded plan with an individual deductible of $5,731 and family deductible of $11,601, when the first member of the family meets their deductible 5731, medical expense are paid per the plan for this individual. When the total medical expenses of the family reaches 11,601, then the medical expenses of all members of the family are paid per the plan regardless of whether there are 2 or 20 members of the family.

Under the new rules that took effect in 2016, a health plan can't require any individual to pay a deductible that is higher than the federal limit for the out-of-pocket maximum for individual coverage, even if that person is covered under an aggregate family deductible.

If only one member of your family needs extensive medical care during the year, your out-of-pocket costs will be capped at no more than $6,850 in 2016, even if your plan has a family out of pocket maximum of $13,700.

When I compare health insurance plans in the exchange for our family, they all show total family deductibles. Does that mean we’d have to meet that full deductible even for just one person?
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