Already, Trump destroying info, intel and healthcare

I too hope he intensifies his fight against the MSM to all that criticism him, bringing the full weight of his office down on them, a steady flow of 3 am tweets, and more conspiracy theories, and of course more grab'em by the pussy videos to thrill his supporters.

It is the JOB of the media to question, criticize, and provide the public with information. To do less than this would be to shirk their job. Freedom of the press is enshrined in the Constitution. What you are saying, and what Trumpbots repeatedly say is that they don't want Trump to respect the Constitution.

No religious freedom for Muslims.

No freedom of assembly for liberals.

No freedom of the press.

No due process prior to deportation.

The only thing you asshats care about is keeping your precious guns.

Then why didn't they question, criticize and provide information on Obama or Clinton?

The rest of your post are dumbass lies.

They did. The difference is they didn't attack, belittle or demean the press. They patiently answered the questions asked of them. The treated the journalists respectfully, so you probably never noticed.

The rest of my post are the hard truths you Trumbots don't want to face/

Oh, the po witto babies. Trump belittled and demeaned them? How could he belittle and demean them anymore than they have already demeaned themselves. Your theory that press attacks Trump because he doesn't treat them well is utterly hilarious. You're like a prostitute that whines she isn't treated with the property respect.
:haha:I heard what he said. I didn't listen to a snippet on CNN taken out of context.

I heard what he said too. I watched the whole sorry thing. Trump had better start answering questions because his approval rating is getting so low that he'll be in George Bush's 2008 territory very shortly.

He didn't say he had a plan, nor did he say when he was going to repeal and replace. When he was running for office, he said he was going to repeal Obamacare on his first day in office, and deport all of the illegals. One is as likely to happen as the other, that is, not at all.

Republican lawmakers have already said they can't just repeal the ACA, and it's up to Congress and the Senate to do it, not Trump.
I think you're confusing what the dishonest press is saying about Trump with what he spells out at his press conferences. He said the moment his secretary is approved he will submit the forms to authorities to begin the process of replacing Obamacare with a more affordable and better working alternative. Your problem is you don't believe him. Trump intends on leaving in place just what is needed so he won't cause people to lose their insurance. How he does it is in the details and it would take too long to explain it in a 45 minute press conference. You want him to read the plan word for word cover to cover. Anything less wouldn't satisfy you.
I don't see how anyone can explain it since congress doesn't know what the alternative will be.

Apparently, Republicans are going for a reconciliation bill to be passed by the House today. The Senate will make some procedural changes that will allow the Senate to remove some existing parts of the law immune from a Democrat filibusterer but other would still be subject to filibusterer.

Through Executive Orders Trump after being nominated can remove:

  • Cost Sharing Subsidies
  • Contraception Coverage
The Senate will be able to remove the following parts of the law without interference of a Democrat filibusterer:
  • Medicaid Expansion that provides insurance for 10 million
  • Premium Subsidies/ tax credits 8 million
  • Individual Mandate
  • Employer Mandate
  • New Taxes

However key provisions of the law will not be immune to a Democrat filibusterer. These are:

  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Essential Health Benefits
  • Limit on Age Rating
  • Parents Policy till age 26
  • Ban of Setting Rates on Health Status

The problem of course is taking away the mandates to buy insurance while keeping the harder-to-change provisions, like the pre-existing conditions which would destabilize the insurance market. Easy to remove provisions such as premium subsidies and the Medicaid Expansion would cause nearly 20 million people to lose coverage. Harder to remove provisions such a preexisting conditions, age rating, and essential benefits add significant to cost.

I don't understand why Republicans decided on keeping the existing law and gutting it. This mean the Senate will have to negotiate parts of the law with Democrats. Why not a repeal that goes into effect when a replacement is passed by Republicans. That's what they promised in the election.
20 million people haven't signed up for Obamacare.
That's just campaign gibberish intended to fool the masses.

If Obamacare stays active employee offered plans will be dropped by businesses and then you'll have as many as 65% of the insured lose their coverage. It's all spelled out in the National Register. It was predicted way back in 2010.
As it is, Obamacare is causing millions of people on Medicare to lose part of their coverage because several procedures and tests will not be authorized and Medicare only pays up to a specific amount which is why they talk about the doughnut hole in Medicare.

You're just full of misinformation today.

The widespread predictions that employers would leap at the chance to drop coverage and send workers to fend for themselves has not happened and is not likely because:

  • Healthcare coverage is an important recruitment and retention tool, particular today.
  • Companies get a sizable federal tax break from providing the insurance. And if they dropped the coverage, many workers would expect the money in their paycheck to increase enough to pay for outside insurance.
  • The cost burden on employers has been grossly over estimated. Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare. Unlike individual plans, employer plans are not impacted by preexisting condition elimination. Over the last 3 years, employee healthcare plans have increased 3.5%, 3.0%, and 4% which is very close to the increased in healthcare costs. The projected cost of employee plans for 2017 is in alignment with previous year increases.
Exactly what tests and procedures are being dropped by Medicare? The ACA cut in Medicare were estimated at $716 billion, those cuts didn’t hurt Medicare at all, they improved it. The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. The money saved from those cuts has been being reinvested back into Medicare and ObamaCare to improve care for seniors. Improvements include closing the Medicare Part D “donut hole”, reducing overpayments to hospitals, and more. As of early 2015 8.2 million seniors had saved more than $11.5 billion on their prescription drugs since 2010 – an average of $1,407 per beneficiary.

ObamaCare Medicare: ObamaCare and Medicare

One shouldn't quote an Obama created source, it simply isn't credible in this and neither would a Reagan Source.

"Companies get a sizable federal tax break from providing the insurance"

They only get a % of the cost.

"The cost burden on employers has been grossly over estimated. Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare."

No, it is a primary expenditure and is usually the largest employer expenditure.

"Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare."


"Unlike individual plans, employer plans are not impacted by preexisting condition elimination. "

Yes and no. No it depends on whether or not one had prior credible coverage or not.Yes, if not depending on the plan there could be a 6 or 12 month waiver on the condition.

"The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. "

Aimed at but not achieved.

"improved it. The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. The money saved from those cuts has been being reinvested back into Medicare and ObamaCare to improve care for seniors. Improvements include closing the Medicare Part D “donut hole”, reducing overpayments to hospitals, and more. As of early 2015 8.2 million seniors had saved more than $11.5 billion on their prescription drugs since 2010 – an average of $1,407 per beneficiary."

Mostly propaganda. Think about it.....if you "cut" 716 Billion you cannot by definition be reinvesting it BACK into the program. Yes, the "doughnut hole" will be closed by 2020 meaning that they will have no more than a 25% co-payment for their drugs once they reach the threshold. Today they (the elderly) are STILL getting hammered by having to pay 50 to 75 % co-payments in the hole.
Stay away from pro Obama bullshit.

I too hope he intensifies his fight against the MSM to all that criticism him, bringing the full weight of his office down on them, a steady flow of 3 am tweets, and more conspiracy theories, and of course more grab'em by the pussy videos to thrill his supporters.

It is the JOB of the media to question, criticize, and provide the public with information. To do less than this would be to shirk their job. Freedom of the press is enshrined in the Constitution. What you are saying, and what Trumpbots repeatedly say is that they don't want Trump to respect the Constitution.

No religious freedom for Muslims.

No freedom of assembly for liberals.

No freedom of the press.

No due process prior to deportation.

The only thing you asshats care about is keeping your precious guns.

Where do you get this stuff? Do you just make it up as you go?

"No religious freedom for Muslims."

There are Mosques all over this Nation.

"No freedom of assembly for liberals"

Prove it....AND look what the Dems did for the 68 Convention ;)

"No due process prior to deportation"

If you are here illegally we give you a free ride home, that's all the "Due Process" required by the Constitution.

Trump has suggested banning Muslim immigration, and making Muslims currently in the US register with the government. He's also talked about shutting down mosques which he thinks are promoting anti-American values. All of which is enthusiastically cheered at his rallies.

How many posts have I seen in here just today saying Liberals should be deported, banned or driven out of the country? So much for freedom of assemply and the right of free speech. Other posters in this forum suggest killing liberals in their signature lines. Trump told his supporters to beat up protesters at his rallies, and offered to pay their legal fees if they were arrested for doing so. When violence erupted as a result, he blamed the protesters.

Incidents of attacks on Muslims, immigrants and non-white are up all across the nation.

And he hasn't even been sworn in yet.
It looks like Donald Trump will have the shortest honeymoon on record. Normally, newly elected presidents enjoy a wave of goodwill that allows them to fly high at least through their first 100 days. Trump has not yet been sworn in, and the honeymoon has already come and gone.

Trump’s own instincts and inclinations, a thirst for attention leads him to hyperactivity. His need to dominate every news cycle feeds an almost compulsive tweet habit. It has placed him just about continuously at the center of the national conversation, and not always to his benefit. Within a 100 days, most American are going to be so tired of listening to Bozo, the clown no one is going to be paying any attention to what he says. I have wonder what will Bozo do then to get attention. That's when we all have to start worrying.
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.
CNN has obviously already been shown to be the very definition of fake news. It's also incredibly funny to watch so called liberals suddenly fall in love with the intelligence apparatus. And Obamacare is shit. I believe that covers all three of your concerns.
Obama took liberal college professors sent them to spy school and placed them into the CIA under Brennen. Every single one of those Obama hand picked lefty wing nuts need to be sent home for good. That is Trumps first order of business.
I too hope he intensifies his fight against the MSM to all that criticism him, bringing the full weight of his office down on them, a steady flow of 3 am tweets, and more conspiracy theories, and of course more grab'em by the pussy videos to thrill his supporters.

It is the JOB of the media to question, criticize, and provide the public with information. To do less than this would be to shirk their job. Freedom of the press is enshrined in the Constitution. What you are saying, and what Trumpbots repeatedly say is that they don't want Trump to respect the Constitution.

No religious freedom for Muslims.

No freedom of assembly for liberals.

No freedom of the press.

No due process prior to deportation.

The only thing you asshats care about is keeping your precious guns.

Where do you get this stuff? Do you just make it up as you go?

"No religious freedom for Muslims."

There are Mosques all over this Nation.

"No freedom of assembly for liberals"

Prove it....AND look what the Dems did for the 68 Convention ;)

"No due process prior to deportation"

If you are here illegally we give you a free ride home, that's all the "Due Process" required by the Constitution.

Trump has suggested banning Muslim immigration, and making Muslims currently in the US register with the government. He's also talked about shutting down mosques which he thinks are promoting anti-American values. All of which is enthusiastically cheered at his rallies.

How many posts have I seen in here just today saying Liberals should be deported, banned or driven out of the country? So much for freedom of assemply and the right of free speech. Other posters in this forum suggest killing liberals in their signature lines. Trump told his supporters to beat up protesters at his rallies, and offered to pay their legal fees if they were arrested for doing so. When violence erupted as a result, he blamed the protesters.

Incidents of attacks on Muslims, immigrants and non-white are up all across the nation.

And he hasn't even been sworn in yet.
It looks like Donald Trump will have the shortest honeymoon on record. Normally, newly elected presidents enjoy a wave of goodwill that allows them to fly high at least through their first 100 days. Trump has not yet been sworn in, and the honeymoon has already come and gone.

Trump’s own instincts and inclinations, a thirst for attention leads him to hyperactivity. His need to dominate every news cycle feeds an almost compulsive tweet habit. It has placed him just about continuously at the center of the national conversation, and not always to his benefit. Within a 100 days, most American are going to be so tired of listening to Bozo, the clown no one is going to be paying any attention to what he says. I have wonder what will Bozo do then to get attention. That's when we all have to start worrying.
Of course he will not. Liberals are classless, childish, assholes.
Already, Trump destroying info, intel and healthcare

Weird, I just had a dentist appointment this afternoon. The building was still standing; the people were still working. I saw no destruction whatsoever. I had an x-ray, an exam, and a cleaning.
Probably not, I'm assuming it came from a political figure, probably Johnny Walnuts (McCain). I would hope that if the IC were going to leak damaging info they would have something a little stronger, unless this was a warning shot (doubtful).

It's pretty damned terrifying if true. Not the pee part (that shit's just funny) but the bribery by Russia, and the blackmail. That's as bad as it gets for a presidential scandal.

How can something that never happened be terrifying? You can't be that big of a snowflake.

Me: "It's pretty damned terrifying if true."

So you're illiterate? That's what you're saying?

If true? Yeah, little green men are terrifying, if true.


We get it, you're not concerned if Trump is selling our country down the river.
I'm most concerned about the fact that so many Americans are evidently so gullible that they now believe whatever they are told by their government. Or in this case: Whatever they're told by their political party.
I too hope he intensifies his fight against the MSM to all that criticism him, bringing the full weight of his office down on them, a steady flow of 3 am tweets, and more conspiracy theories, and of course more grab'em by the pussy videos to thrill his supporters.

It is the JOB of the media to question, criticize, and provide the public with information. To do less than this would be to shirk their job. Freedom of the press is enshrined in the Constitution. What you are saying, and what Trumpbots repeatedly say is that they don't want Trump to respect the Constitution.

No religious freedom for Muslims.

No freedom of assembly for liberals.

No freedom of the press.

No due process prior to deportation.

The only thing you asshats care about is keeping your precious guns.

Where do you get this stuff? Do you just make it up as you go?

"No religious freedom for Muslims."

There are Mosques all over this Nation.

"No freedom of assembly for liberals"

Prove it....AND look what the Dems did for the 68 Convention ;)

"No due process prior to deportation"

If you are here illegally we give you a free ride home, that's all the "Due Process" required by the Constitution.

Trump has suggested banning Muslim immigration, and making Muslims currently in the US register with the government. He's also talked about shutting down mosques which he thinks are promoting anti-American values. All of which is enthusiastically cheered at his rallies.

How many posts have I seen in here just today saying Liberals should be deported, banned or driven out of the country? So much for freedom of assemply and the right of free speech. Other posters in this forum suggest killing liberals in their signature lines. Trump told his supporters to beat up protesters at his rallies, and offered to pay their legal fees if they were arrested for doing so. When violence erupted as a result, he blamed the protesters.

Incidents of attacks on Muslims, immigrants and non-white are up all across the nation.

And he hasn't even been sworn in yet.
It looks like Donald Trump will have the shortest honeymoon on record. Normally, newly elected presidents enjoy a wave of goodwill that allows them to fly high at least through their first 100 days. Trump has not yet been sworn in, and the honeymoon has already come and gone.

Trump’s own instincts and inclinations, a thirst for attention leads him to hyperactivity. His need to dominate every news cycle feeds an almost compulsive tweet habit. It has placed him just about continuously at the center of the national conversation, and not always to his benefit. Within a 100 days, most American are going to be so tired of listening to Bozo, the clown no one is going to be paying any attention to what he says. I have wonder what will Bozo do then to get attention. That's when we all have to start worrying.
I know what you mean.....I grew tired of hearing Obozo talk in the first month.
Now he only has a few days left and he never seems to get the hint that most of America wants to see him gone. Even his supporters are breathing a sigh of relief.
Trump can be repetitious and not the greatest wordsmith, but he inspires people and his business sense is like a breath of fresh air compared to what we've had to put up with the last 8 years. Trump doesn't have to fake his love of America like Obama. You can tell he does.
Last edited:
I heard what he said too. I watched the whole sorry thing. Trump had better start answering questions because his approval rating is getting so low that he'll be in George Bush's 2008 territory very shortly.

He didn't say he had a plan, nor did he say when he was going to repeal and replace. When he was running for office, he said he was going to repeal Obamacare on his first day in office, and deport all of the illegals. One is as likely to happen as the other, that is, not at all.

Republican lawmakers have already said they can't just repeal the ACA, and it's up to Congress and the Senate to do it, not Trump.
I think you're confusing what the dishonest press is saying about Trump with what he spells out at his press conferences. He said the moment his secretary is approved he will submit the forms to authorities to begin the process of replacing Obamacare with a more affordable and better working alternative. Your problem is you don't believe him. Trump intends on leaving in place just what is needed so he won't cause people to lose their insurance. How he does it is in the details and it would take too long to explain it in a 45 minute press conference. You want him to read the plan word for word cover to cover. Anything less wouldn't satisfy you.
I don't see how anyone can explain it since congress doesn't know what the alternative will be.

Apparently, Republicans are going for a reconciliation bill to be passed by the House today. The Senate will make some procedural changes that will allow the Senate to remove some existing parts of the law immune from a Democrat filibusterer but other would still be subject to filibusterer.

Through Executive Orders Trump after being nominated can remove:

  • Cost Sharing Subsidies
  • Contraception Coverage
The Senate will be able to remove the following parts of the law without interference of a Democrat filibusterer:
  • Medicaid Expansion that provides insurance for 10 million
  • Premium Subsidies/ tax credits 8 million
  • Individual Mandate
  • Employer Mandate
  • New Taxes

However key provisions of the law will not be immune to a Democrat filibusterer. These are:

  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Essential Health Benefits
  • Limit on Age Rating
  • Parents Policy till age 26
  • Ban of Setting Rates on Health Status

The problem of course is taking away the mandates to buy insurance while keeping the harder-to-change provisions, like the pre-existing conditions which would destabilize the insurance market. Easy to remove provisions such as premium subsidies and the Medicaid Expansion would cause nearly 20 million people to lose coverage. Harder to remove provisions such a preexisting conditions, age rating, and essential benefits add significant to cost.

I don't understand why Republicans decided on keeping the existing law and gutting it. This mean the Senate will have to negotiate parts of the law with Democrats. Why not a repeal that goes into effect when a replacement is passed by Republicans. That's what they promised in the election.
20 million people haven't signed up for Obamacare.
That's just campaign gibberish intended to fool the masses.

If Obamacare stays active employee offered plans will be dropped by businesses and then you'll have as many as 65% of the insured lose their coverage. It's all spelled out in the National Register. It was predicted way back in 2010.
As it is, Obamacare is causing millions of people on Medicare to lose part of their coverage because several procedures and tests will not be authorized and Medicare only pays up to a specific amount which is why they talk about the doughnut hole in Medicare.

You're just full of misinformation today.

The widespread predictions that employers would leap at the chance to drop coverage and send workers to fend for themselves has not happened and is not likely because:

  • Healthcare coverage is an important recruitment and retention tool, particular today.
  • Companies get a sizable federal tax break from providing the insurance. And if they dropped the coverage, many workers would expect the money in their paycheck to increase enough to pay for outside insurance.
  • The cost burden on employers has been grossly over estimated. Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare. Unlike individual plans, employer plans are not impacted by preexisting condition elimination. Over the last 3 years, employee healthcare plans have increased 3.5%, 3.0%, and 4% which is very close to the increased in healthcare costs. The projected cost of employee plans for 2017 is in alignment with previous year increases.
Exactly what tests and procedures are being dropped by Medicare? The ACA cut in Medicare were estimated at $716 billion, those cuts didn’t hurt Medicare at all, they improved it. The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. The money saved from those cuts has been being reinvested back into Medicare and ObamaCare to improve care for seniors. Improvements include closing the Medicare Part D “donut hole”, reducing overpayments to hospitals, and more. As of early 2015 8.2 million seniors had saved more than $11.5 billion on their prescription drugs since 2010 – an average of $1,407 per beneficiary.

ObamaCare Medicare: ObamaCare and Medicare

One shouldn't quote an Obama created source, it simply isn't credible in this and neither would a Reagan Source.

"Companies get a sizable federal tax break from providing the insurance"

They only get a % of the cost.

"The cost burden on employers has been grossly over estimated. Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare."

No, it is a primary expenditure and is usually the largest employer expenditure.

"Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare."


"Unlike individual plans, employer plans are not impacted by preexisting condition elimination. "

Yes and no. No it depends on whether or not one had prior credible coverage or not.Yes, if not depending on the plan there could be a 6 or 12 month waiver on the condition.

"The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. "

Aimed at but not achieved.

"improved it. The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. The money saved from those cuts has been being reinvested back into Medicare and ObamaCare to improve care for seniors. Improvements include closing the Medicare Part D “donut hole”, reducing overpayments to hospitals, and more. As of early 2015 8.2 million seniors had saved more than $11.5 billion on their prescription drugs since 2010 – an average of $1,407 per beneficiary."

Mostly propaganda. Think about it.....if you "cut" 716 Billion you cannot by definition be reinvesting it BACK into the program. Yes, the "doughnut hole" will be closed by 2020 meaning that they will have no more than a 25% co-payment for their drugs once they reach the threshold. Today they (the elderly) are STILL getting hammered by having to pay 50 to 75 % co-payments in the hole.
Stay away from pro Obama bullshit.
I have always found it interesting that the opponents to any government program only believe the government statistics that support their view. The rest are just bull shit.

The fact is government statistics on it's programs are not collected to just to defend the program but to manage them. For example, the IRS has to handle Obamacare subsidies, they need the data as to who get's subsidies and how much is collected. Numbers of Medicaid enrolls must be collected so both the feds and states can determine their share of the costs. State Insurance Commission need to know statistics on what companies are selling in their state. The BLS, OBM, and CBO, require all kinds of statistics on the ACA for budget purposes, projections, and ad hoc requests from congress.
This site is the perfect example of what happens when you tap in to hysteria of the uneducated masses. Trump is preying on people who are frankly not that smart and haven't done much with their lives. He feeds them BS and they eat it up, all while not realizing that he will never do a thing he promises.....and they don't care. They're just not smart enough to realize they've been duped, even when he flat out tells them he lied.

How is that hope and change working for you

Or a transparent government oh wait Russia delivered that one and you all had a hissy fit
Instead of figuring out why they lost, Democrats keep insisting they didn't lose.

As long as they keep this up, they won't win again.

Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.

Your dear leader claims 20 million covered by the UACA, now you claim that not only will 30 million lose health care, but will be removed form the abode and thrown into the streets. So tell us master DRAMA QUEEN, how long before Trump lines up 100 million to be shot and placed in mass graves? A month, two? ROFLMFAO
And the real number recently reported by the Obama administration was 13.8 but providers say it is probably less than that even.
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.

Your dear leader claims 20 million covered by the UACA, now you claim that not only will 30 million lose health care, but will be removed form the abode and thrown into the streets. So tell us master DRAMA QUEEN, how long before Trump lines up 100 million to be shot and placed in mass graves? A month, two? ROFLMFAO
And the real number recently reported by the Obama administration was 13.8 but providers say it is probably less than that even.

That includes people on expanded medicade and schip.
I think you're confusing what the dishonest press is saying about Trump with what he spells out at his press conferences. He said the moment his secretary is approved he will submit the forms to authorities to begin the process of replacing Obamacare with a more affordable and better working alternative. Your problem is you don't believe him. Trump intends on leaving in place just what is needed so he won't cause people to lose their insurance. How he does it is in the details and it would take too long to explain it in a 45 minute press conference. You want him to read the plan word for word cover to cover. Anything less wouldn't satisfy you.
I don't see how anyone can explain it since congress doesn't know what the alternative will be.

Apparently, Republicans are going for a reconciliation bill to be passed by the House today. The Senate will make some procedural changes that will allow the Senate to remove some existing parts of the law immune from a Democrat filibusterer but other would still be subject to filibusterer.

Through Executive Orders Trump after being nominated can remove:

  • Cost Sharing Subsidies
  • Contraception Coverage
The Senate will be able to remove the following parts of the law without interference of a Democrat filibusterer:
  • Medicaid Expansion that provides insurance for 10 million
  • Premium Subsidies/ tax credits 8 million
  • Individual Mandate
  • Employer Mandate
  • New Taxes

However key provisions of the law will not be immune to a Democrat filibusterer. These are:

  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Essential Health Benefits
  • Limit on Age Rating
  • Parents Policy till age 26
  • Ban of Setting Rates on Health Status

The problem of course is taking away the mandates to buy insurance while keeping the harder-to-change provisions, like the pre-existing conditions which would destabilize the insurance market. Easy to remove provisions such as premium subsidies and the Medicaid Expansion would cause nearly 20 million people to lose coverage. Harder to remove provisions such a preexisting conditions, age rating, and essential benefits add significant to cost.

I don't understand why Republicans decided on keeping the existing law and gutting it. This mean the Senate will have to negotiate parts of the law with Democrats. Why not a repeal that goes into effect when a replacement is passed by Republicans. That's what they promised in the election.
20 million people haven't signed up for Obamacare.
That's just campaign gibberish intended to fool the masses.

If Obamacare stays active employee offered plans will be dropped by businesses and then you'll have as many as 65% of the insured lose their coverage. It's all spelled out in the National Register. It was predicted way back in 2010.
As it is, Obamacare is causing millions of people on Medicare to lose part of their coverage because several procedures and tests will not be authorized and Medicare only pays up to a specific amount which is why they talk about the doughnut hole in Medicare.

You're just full of misinformation today.

The widespread predictions that employers would leap at the chance to drop coverage and send workers to fend for themselves has not happened and is not likely because:

  • Healthcare coverage is an important recruitment and retention tool, particular today.
  • Companies get a sizable federal tax break from providing the insurance. And if they dropped the coverage, many workers would expect the money in their paycheck to increase enough to pay for outside insurance.
  • The cost burden on employers has been grossly over estimated. Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare. Unlike individual plans, employer plans are not impacted by preexisting condition elimination. Over the last 3 years, employee healthcare plans have increased 3.5%, 3.0%, and 4% which is very close to the increased in healthcare costs. The projected cost of employee plans for 2017 is in alignment with previous year increases.
Exactly what tests and procedures are being dropped by Medicare? The ACA cut in Medicare were estimated at $716 billion, those cuts didn’t hurt Medicare at all, they improved it. The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. The money saved from those cuts has been being reinvested back into Medicare and ObamaCare to improve care for seniors. Improvements include closing the Medicare Part D “donut hole”, reducing overpayments to hospitals, and more. As of early 2015 8.2 million seniors had saved more than $11.5 billion on their prescription drugs since 2010 – an average of $1,407 per beneficiary.

ObamaCare Medicare: ObamaCare and Medicare

One shouldn't quote an Obama created source, it simply isn't credible in this and neither would a Reagan Source.

"Companies get a sizable federal tax break from providing the insurance"

They only get a % of the cost.

"The cost burden on employers has been grossly over estimated. Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare."

No, it is a primary expenditure and is usually the largest employer expenditure.

"Over 90% of all employee healthcare plans include all the essential coverage in Obamacare."


"Unlike individual plans, employer plans are not impacted by preexisting condition elimination. "

Yes and no. No it depends on whether or not one had prior credible coverage or not.Yes, if not depending on the plan there could be a 6 or 12 month waiver on the condition.

"The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. "

Aimed at but not achieved.

"improved it. The Medicare cuts contained in the law were aimed at improving care by limiting fraud, waste, and abuse. The money saved from those cuts has been being reinvested back into Medicare and ObamaCare to improve care for seniors. Improvements include closing the Medicare Part D “donut hole”, reducing overpayments to hospitals, and more. As of early 2015 8.2 million seniors had saved more than $11.5 billion on their prescription drugs since 2010 – an average of $1,407 per beneficiary."

Mostly propaganda. Think about it.....if you "cut" 716 Billion you cannot by definition be reinvesting it BACK into the program. Yes, the "doughnut hole" will be closed by 2020 meaning that they will have no more than a 25% co-payment for their drugs once they reach the threshold. Today they (the elderly) are STILL getting hammered by having to pay 50 to 75 % co-payments in the hole.
Stay away from pro Obama bullshit.
I have always found it interesting that the opponents to any government program only believe the government statistics that support their view. The rest are just bull shit.

The fact is government statistics on it's programs are not collected to just to defend the program but to manage them. For example, the IRS has to handle Obamacare subsidies, they need the data as to who get's subsidies and how much is collected. Numbers of Medicaid enrolls must be collected so both the feds and states can determine their share of the costs. State Insurance Commission need to know statistics on what companies are selling in their state. The BLS, OBM, and CBO, require all kinds of statistics on the ACA for budget purposes, projections, and ad hoc requests from congress.
The problem with that is Obama's Administration is dishonest, when it comes to what caused Benghazi or Russian hacking. It's all lies. It's not much of a stretch to assume that every statistic that they produced is politically motivated and just as dishonest using fuzzy math.

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